The Legend of Chu Qiao: Division 11's Princess Agent

Chapter 226

Chapter 226

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

He had forgotten how he had nodded, and could only remember how she happily supported her cheeks with her two hands. The moonlight illuminated the beautiful line that surrounded her face. Her voice was ever so gentle, like the endless waves hitting on sand on a beach, it pierced the peace in the night and entered his heart.

Once upon a time, I was yours, and you were mine.

Once upon a time, you left me to soar in the skies.

The world outside was colorful; The world outside was ruthless.

As you felt that the world outside was so interesting, I will be here praying for your blessings.

Whenever the sunsets, I will be here hoping for your return.

Even as the rain falls, I will be right here waiting for you.

Along with wind, the singing filled the courtyard along with floral fragrance. Turning around, Chu Qiao’s gaze was ever so clear. She stretched out her hand, and very carefully approached Zhuge Yue. It was unlike any other time, and it was almost like a girl falling in love for the first time, she was so nervous that even her fingertips were trembling. Little by little, she first touched the back of the man’s palm, before pinching his fingers. Her fingers were so cold, like the water from an icy lake.

Zhuge Yue looked at her, with his expression completely stunned. With the night wind blowing around them, the aroma of the flower buds wafted. For a moment, they seemed like two kids who were standing on the same step of a staircase, holding each other’s hands, neither of them speaking. They had always been on opposing sides, yet suddenly they were allies. At that moment, it all seemed confusing.

Zhuge Yue felt like laughing at the irony, yet he felt that laughing at this occasion would be rather inappropriate. Sternly, he frowned, and his expression was rather amusing. After leaving behind her mental burdens, Chu Qiao was now natural. Pulling on his hand, and with her eyes wide open, she asked, “Zhuge Yue, is Qinghai a good place?”

“Hmm?” The man hesitated before replying, “It was not bad.”

“Is it pretty there?”

A certain unromantic man bluntly replied, “There are some places that were not bad.”

“Is Qinghai cold?”

“Not cold in summer, but it will be cold in winter.”

Chu Qiao seemed to be brimming with hope. “The civilians there must be honest and simple.”

“You must be dumb. How could there be no evil people? Who would have no selfishness whatsoever?”

“Ah?” Chu Qiao frowned. “Even then, isn’t Qinghai pretty good?”

“Since when did I say it was a utopia?”

Chu Qiao was left speechless. She was pretty sure these were not supposed to be the words that a man would tell a woman before they eloped together.

“There was one thing that is pretty good there.”

Chu Qiao asked, “What?”

Zhuge Yue proudly smiled. “There, I am the law.” Zhuge Yue laughed a bit, but seeing how no one was amused, he stopped laughing miserably, before asking, “Xing’er, when did it start?”

Chu Qiao was a tad stunned, as she clarified, “What did you say?”

Zhuge Yue paused a moment, as though he was rather embarrassed. With his brows frowning, it took him a while to continue, “When did you stop hating me?”

“Who said I don’t anymore?” Chu Qiao pretended to be rather angry, as she waved her fist and pointed at her head. “I will always remember everything in here.”

Zhuge Yue glanced at her in disdain. “Lies”

The moon peacefully lighted up this entire scene. Actually, many a time, certain issues would only need a few sentences or a few actions. Yet, it may take many years before something could happen.

With the swaying of the trees, the man’s finger naturally reached over, pulling the woman’s finger into his palms. After so many years of hard work, holding onto such deep emotions, it was as though she was waiting for this one action. Turning his head back, at an angle that none could see, Zhuge Yue happily smiled.

By the next day, the bridge had finally been fixed. They exited Qiufeng City, and crossed the Muling River. As they reached Qiusha Province, they had to part. The day was sunny, as the sky extended into an unending blue. The two groups stopped in the tracks as Zhuge Yue and Chu Qiao stood at the front of the group.

Looking cool, Zhuge Yue looked to the north. He said, “I will be leaving.”

“Oh.” Chu Qiao nodded, “See you.”

“Don’t always fool around with Li Ce. Go back to your inn if you are bored.”

“Who was fooling around?” Chu Qiao frowned.


“Zhuge Yue, we are about to part, couldn’t you leave a better impression?”

Zhuge Yue stubbornly snorted. “I never had any good impression of you.”

Chu Qiao went up and pinched him. “Are you even a human? Who was the one who cried for me to go with you?”

Probably pained from Chu Qiao’s pinch, Zhuge Yue was rather enraged, and bellowed, “Chu Qiao! Since when did I come to you crying for you to follow me?”

Did he not? After thinking of it, it really did not seem like that had happened. But what he had done was essentially about the same as that, was it not? Why did he always act like he did not care after he achieved his goal? In the first place, he had not even completely gotten what he had wanted.

Glaring at him, she snapped, “Continue to act.”

They carried on glaring at each other, and the sadness of parting had suddenly vanished. After all, they were closer than before, right? At the very least, they could joke with each other.

“I am very serious.” Zhuge Yue solemnly started to talk, “Do not fool around so much with Li Ce. Do not interfere with the Tang Empire’s matters. I realized that you are really a busybody.”

Busybody? Chu Qiao stared at him, and unhappily countered, “I merely wanted to remind him.”

“What about now? Why are you heading there again?”

Chu Qiao bellowed, “Am I not leaving? I want to find him to bid my farewell.”

Leaving? Where to? Zhuge Yue’s mood was suddenly lifted. In a rather unnatural, manner, he cleared his throat and said, “In any case, you should be more careful. That assh*le, Li Ce, is not a good influence.”

Chu Qiao shook her head and exclaimed, “I guess when they were talking about burning bridges, they were referring to people like you.”

“What did you say?” Zhuge Yue was really about to erupt with rage. Lifting her hand, Chu Qiao signaled that she did not want to be angry like him, and innocently said, “Are you not leaving? The sky will be dark soon. If you are not leaving, I will leave.”

After fidgeting for a while, Zhuge Yue took out a jade bell from his clothes. It seemed normal, yet he raised it beside her mouth, and instructed, “Sing the song that you sang last night.”

A little taken aback, Chu Qiao asked, “Why?”

Zhuge Yue’s face turned red with embarrassment, and he looked adorable. Frowning, he declared, “Why do you have so many questions? Just sing.”

“Singing needs to fit my mood. My mood is bad, I don’t want to sing.”

Zhuge Yue used his killer gaze on her without averting his eyes. Slightly intimidated, Chu Qiao whispered, “There are so many people here. Once I sing, they will all listen to me. How could I live with such embarrassment?”

Zhuge Yue accepted this poor excuse of an excuse and instructed, “Then just say something.”

“What should I say?”

The man was on the verge of erupting. “Anything!”

Chu Qiao immediately shouted, “Zhuge Yue is a b*stard!” in such a loud voice that even many of the bodyguards could not help but to turn around and look at them.

Zhuge Yue was completely enraged and wanted to leave. Seeing how her joke was a bit overboard, Chu Qiao quickly chased after him and pulled on his hand. She said to the small bell, “Remember, I will be waiting for you.” With just one sentence, the man was no longer teeming with rage. In reality, he was really easy to please.

“What exactly is this?” Chu Qiao was confused, and found that it was like a rock, but it was not a rock. It was like a jade, but it was not a jade. With extremely intricate craftsmanship, it had the appearance of a bell, but the inside was filled with twists and turns, like a human ear.

Zhuge Yue did not bother to answer her, but merely said, “Leave. Do not be so slow.”

He still seems to be so entitled?

Walking to the head of the two convoys, as they were about to part, Chu Qiao could not help but give a serious blessing, “Take care.”

Zhuge Yue pretended to be very firm as he lightly waved his hand before calmly mounting his horse. He seemed so arrogant and cold, as though he was above all. He replied, “Remember what I’ve said.” Having said that, he left like a boss surrounded by his guards.

As the crowd gradually faded into the distance, Chu Qiao still stood rooted to the ground. Jingjing approached, rather dazed, and muttered, “Sister, the brother-in-law seems so ruthless.”

Chu Qiao’s face turned red, and she turned around and asked Mei Xiang, “Mei Xiang, do you know what was that thing?” She then described the bell’s shape.

Before Mei Xiang could reply, Pingan snatched the opportunity to talk, “Sister, if you did not see wrongly, that should be the Xiangzhi Bell from legend. I heard that it was one of the three treasures of the Windtalkers people. The Windtalkers were skilled with crafts, and were masters of the secret art of mechanics. This Xiangzhi Bell was made by the eighth chief of their tribe. As long as one talks loudly to the bell, the sound will be saved by the bell. When the wind blows onto it, the voice will eliminate from it in the exact same tone. The only issue was that the Windtalkers were hard to trace, and few have heard of their existence in recent years. Even that Xiangzhi Bell had been rumored to be lost. Where did Sister see that bell? Did you hear the bell talk?”

Chu Qiao was slightly taken aback. The sounds of the horse galloping had all but vanished, leaving behind only a trail of dust on the road.

“Xiangzhi Bell?”

Zhuge Yue had left his carriage and opted to ride on his horse. Right now, he was already near the Xia Border, and his men who were to meet him were close by. As such, the entourage need not carefully cover their traces any longer. The day was rather warm without a single trace of wind. Yet, while on the horse, there was still incoming headwind brushing against the bell hanging before his neck.

“Remember, I am waiting for you,” a lady’s voice gently resounded by his ear. It was crystal clear like an undisturbed lake, exuding serenity. His lips could not help but curl upwards. Yet, before he could even flash a complete smile, another piercing voice resounded, “Zhuge Yue is a b*stard!” The sound was so loud that all the guards were stunned. They stopped and looked at him. At that instance, Zhuge Yue’s face turned completely black.

On the path leading to the east, in a certain carriage, Chu Qiao was still trying her best to think while saying to herself, “Then would it not be similar to a recorder? Xiangzhi Bell? How is it made?”

“Sister? What is a recorder?” Jingjing approached and curiously inquired.

Hearing that, Chu Qiao helpfully explained, “The recorder is…” Sitting on the other side of the carriage, Mei Xiang looked at Chu Qiao who was explaining the concept of the recorder to Jingjing, and could not help but to smile.

Many times life was as such. When one was faced with a situation himself, he would be confused. Yet it was never so complicated in the eyes of the bystander, and one merely stubbornly refused to see the matter clearly due to something deep inside one’s heart. Even for the most ingenious of people, they could still be lost when something happened to them. Sometimes, one only needed to step out once, and the following incidents would change drastically.

“There is still much left to do. There may be other incidents happening. Are you scared?”

With the wind sweeping past, ripples appeared on the surface of the undisturbed waters. Leaning her head on his shoulders, there was a light fragrance. Her voice was almost inaudible, yet it pierced through all the remaining reservations he had left in his heart as he heard the short phrase, “I am not scared.”

Lightly smiling, he stretched out his hand and wrapped it around her waist. Sitting like that, they waited until dawn came.

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