The Legend of Chu Qiao: Division 11's Princess Agent

Chapter 242

Chapter 242: Chapter 242

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Not really,” Chu Qiao honestly replied, “27 would not be considered old in my time. In my culture people generally marry very late.”

“Where is your hometown? The Tang Empire? The Xia Empire? Since you had such strong feelings for Yan Bei, could you be have actually been born in Yan Bei?” As he talked about it, Zhuge Yue’s face suddenly changed as he anxiously asked, “Could you be Yan Xun’s mother? Considering the timing, she should be older.”

Chu Qiao was lost as to what reaction she should have. She explained, “I am from a different world, and am not in the same space-time continuum as you. My world is in a parallel world. Not only we were initially separated by space, we are also separated by time. It would be impossible for us to go over. Do you understand?” She tried her best to explain to Zhuge Yue, and hoped that she was able to convey the meaning to him in a manner he could understand. As she tried to gesture, she wanted to give him a good analogy, but was unable to come up with a good one.

But she had underestimated Zhuge Yue’s comprehension ability. The man frowned lightly, and asked, “So it is like an apple tree; I am the leaves in spring, and you are the leaves in autumn?”

Chu Qiao was stunned. She had never thought that he would able to come with such an apt analogy, and quickly agreed, “You are half right. There is not just time, there is also space. Do you understand? That is…”

“Oh.” Zhuge Yue nodded, and casually said, “So I am apple leaves in spring, and you are oranges in autumn?”

Chu Qiao completely was stunned, as she stayed dumbfounded for a long time, and finally nodded, “Indeed.”

And then Zhuge Yue turned around and continued to look at the waves in river. The setting sun shone on his face, bathing him in a golden glow. Chu Qiao could not help but to feel a sense of amazement. Seeing how calm he could be even after hearing this story, she was utterly impressed by his mental fortitude and wisdom, remaining so firm. He did not seemed too interested and did not ask questions like “What do people in your world look like?”or “How many eyes your people have?” or “Do the people in your world look like beasts and grow hair all over their bodies?” as though only people of this world were worthy of being so beautiful, having a perfect face, while other world was comprised of beasts. This was true calmness; unwavering even when faced with a catastrophe…

“So, what do the people in your world look like?”


“How many eyes do your people have?”

After the silence, a certain man who was thought to be full of wisdom seemed ever so interested as he asked, “Could it be that you people are like beasts and are covered in fur? I have seen some people in the Southern border like that, could they be your distant relatives?”

Chu Qiao took in a deep breath and started to educate Zhuge Yue about the knowledge of her world.

The sun had already set. A round moon climbed to the top of the mountain, spraying the world in ripples of silver. In the gentle breeze of the lake, Chu Qiao suddenly felt like writing some poetry. She heaved a deep sigh and said, “As the moon rises from the sea, we share this moment no matter the distance between us.”

Zhuge Yue coldly retorted, “We are not on the sea, this is a river.”

Chu Qiao frowned. “Then, as the moon hangs over the river.”

Zhuge Yue frowned and asked, “Let me guess, that is not your own song. You merely reused the ones back from your world, right?”

Chu Qiao was completely lost for words and was completely embarrassed. As she expected, she shouldn’t have started this…

“Xing’er.” The duo fell into silence, Zhuge Yue suddenly called out her names, and just she acknowledged him, only to hear his say, “I don’t care who you were originally.”

Chu Qiao initially didn’t understand what he meant, and as she stopped a moment to think. As she smiled, she nodded, “I know, I will always be your Xing’er.”

Zhuge Yue shook as he lowered his head and looked at her with eyes of passion. After that, Chu Qiao immediately felt regret, as a tinge of redness crept up her face. Just as she was about to lower her face in embarrassment, Zhuge Yue stretched out two fingers and deftly lifted her chin while smiling, and said, “Say that again.”

Chu Qiao tried to dodge his eyes, and completely embarrassed she tried to avoid the topic. “What did I say?”

“The sentence you just said,” Zhuge Yue firmly ordered, two infernos in his eyes. He was not overwhelmingly passionate, but his gaze was warm.

“I am yours and you are mine.” Chu Qiao gathered her courage, and firmed stated, “In all my life, there are only two things that I cannot wager on no matter the circumstance. One is my faith and beliefs, the second is be my body and marriage. If you want all of me, you have to give me all of you too.”

Zhuge Yue flicked an eyebrow, and looked at her with a strange gaze while casually asking, “Everything?”

“Screw off.” Chu Qiao pushed him lightly and turned her head away. “Not serious at all.”

“Xing’er.” Zhuge Yue suddenly opened his arms and locked her into a tight embrace as his warmth enveloped her.

“I am happy.” He quietly said, “I am really happy.”

Chu Qiao leaned into his embrace, and felt a sense of peace that she had never felt in many years. Turning around, she embraced him and quietly replied, “We should never be separated again.”

Zhuge Yue asked, “Are you not afraid to follow me to Zhen Huang?”

“I am more scared that we will be separated. Each time we were separated, many things happened. I am worried that I will never see you again, just like this time around.”

On that day, the situation in the Tang Empire was a complete mess. She had risked her all in that battle, and if she had been careless even in the slightest, she would have fallen into the hands of the enemies. During the period when Zhan Ziyu had exerted almost full control over the empire, there were many killings that resulted in a chaotic political situation. After she was appointed as empress, countless assassins attempted to enter the palace. Not only that, but she had to go through that final battle that involved hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Although she did not feel much about the entire incident back when she was engrossed in it, she suddenly felt aghast at the risk that she had taken.

Zhuge Yue held her in his embrace, and with a deep voice assured her, “You need not worry about this in the future.” Basking in the moonlight, the duo sat quietly for a long time.

After returning to his room, Zhuge Yue sat on the bed. Frowning, he entered a deep contemplation. He was thinking of a good time that they could fully hand over themselves over to each other. Yes, that idea would be good. Who knew what could happen if things kept dragging on. One must ensure that things were perfect and complete, and it was time to confess his feelings—completely…

In the middle of the night, he suddenly stood up. He felt that today would be a good time. Zhuge Yue had always been a rather meticulous person. Once he decided on something, he would patiently and firmly carry out his plan one step at a time. No matter what happened, he would not change his mind. As such, in the time that followed, he took a shower. After changing, he looked in the mirror. Looking at the mirror, he looked on in admiration at the handsomeness and righteousness of the person in the reflection. After basking in self-satisfaction, he felt a slight nervousness, and as such, he sat down and started to drink some tea. The tea was already cold, as the white porcelain cup was held in his long lanky fingers.

Leaning on the chair, he carefully deliberated the words he would say, and what actions he would take. He thought through every single word, and imagined all kinds of possible responses that could arise. He continued to think of how he should slowly create the mood, while retaining the control of the conversation as though everything was natural.

Alright. All is well.

After putting down the cup, he stood up and headed to the door. But alas, the moment he was about the push the door open, the door was pushed open by someone.

There stood Chu Qiao in her white dress. The orange light from the flames illuminated her petite face in a warm glow. She was holding on a bowl, with warm vapor emanating from the bowl. Looking up at him, her clear eyes observed him and she felt rather strange as she asked, “It is so late, where are you planning to go dressed like this?”

What kind of situation was this? Zhuge Yue was slightly taken aback. It seemed like this was completely beyond his expectations. Then again, Zhuge Yue’s brain was no slob. He quickly responded seriously, “I slept too much during the day, and now wish to head out for a stroll.”

“The closer we are to the North, the colder it will get. You are wearing so little, it would be best not to run outside too much,” Chu Qiao replied to him seriously as she entered the room and placed the bowl on the table while waving to him to come over. “I saw that you did not eat much earlier. Come, eat this porridge.”

Zhuge Yue walked over, and saw that it was a bowl of normal porridge. He looked over and said, “You are planning to impress me with such things?”

Chu Qiao glared at him. “Having something to eat would be good enough. Don’t be so picky.” After saying that, she walked over and patted his head as though he was a puppy, and with a serious face, she said, “After eating, don’t run around outside, and sleep early.” After saying that, she turned around and walked away.

Zhuge Yue was stunned. What had just happened? His plan had been disrupted, and yet his target had came up to him, yet he was about to let her go without any action? What porridge? He stood up and walked out of the door.

As this trip was supposed to be a secret, the ship was quite small. As a result, the corridors were rather small and could only allow one person to walk at a time. As the torches shone on his lanky figure, his white shirt seemed so pure and extraordinary under the weak light. He walked really slowly, as the ship rocked in the waves. It reminded him of how he stood on the pier by the river in the spring rain, watching as the ship sailed away. It was as though the entire heavens were being shaded, with only the small ember burning beside him, never being extinguished as it caught all his attention, since he had been young until now.

The sound of singing could be heard as his steps halted at her door. The door was not shut tight, and warm light could be seen coming out. Standing by the door, he could hear the sound of a woman singing and a baby’s voice making some form of noise. With two orange lights illuminating the entire scene, one could see that Chu Qiao’s white dress was now spread on the floor as she rolled up her sleeves and squatted beside a wooden pail as she was bathing the young son of Li Ce.

Rong’er was really plump, and even though he was rather young, his eyes seemed exactly like his dad’s. With his eyes curved slightly upwards, his fox-like eyes could hardly be seen as he laughed. At this moment, he sat in the wooden pail as he played with some bells in his hands, creating crisp sounds. The baby splashed water in accordance to the rhythm, splashing water onto Chu Qiao. Each time Chu Qiao tried to dodge the water, he would chuckle happily.

“Rong’er, be good. Be obedient.” Chu Qiao attempted to converse with the kid, yet the kid completely ignored her and started to wriggle in the bathtub. More than half the water splashed out like a tsunami.

“Do not be so naughty. Even your dad was not so annoying.” Chu Qiao’s upper half body was completely drenched. Rong’er lifted his head up as he continued to make noise. His plump hands grabbed onto Chu Qiao’s clothes and struggled to get out of the tub. His action clearly showed his distaste for bathing.

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