The Luckiest Dumb Doctor

Chapter 140 Not Obedient, Then Get Spankedi

Chapter 140: Chapter 140 Not Obedient, Then Get Spankedi

“Hey, isn’t that Gillian? I heard your nephew’s illness got better? As the only college student in the village, he’s sure to make good money in the future, right? He’ll definitely have to treat you well then, huh?”

“Alas, I’ve heard not only has Greg Jensen recovered from his illness, but he’s also lost his car?”

“Exactly, such a big car, looked really fancy, I bet it cost more than a hundred thousand.”

“Too bad, some people just can’t do the decent thing, making her nephew ignore her completely. Otherwise, she could’ve followed him and made big money.”

Gillian Lampe’s face turned a steely blue with anger. She originally couldn’t be bothered with these people, but hearing what came next, she couldn’t hold back any longer and turned around to fiercely retort:

“That car was bought for him by that cheap woman Lindsey Wolfe, a fool sucking on the teat, nothing to talk about, a disgrace to our Jensen family!”

Before her voice even faded, two young fellows suddenly ran over, each carrying a stick in their hand.

Once they reached them, one of them asked menacingly, “Who just said Greg Jensen was living off a woman?”

The other women all jumped in fright, quickly stepping back two paces, then in unison, pointed at Gillian Lampe saying, “She said it, it’s got nothing to do with us!”

Gillian Lampe’s face turned pale, but she still responded defiantly, “What I say about my own nephew is none of your business, is it?”

“Heh, I don’t care whose aunt you are. Greg Jensen is now our boss’s business partner…”

Mid-sentence, the man suddenly forgot his words and had to look to his companion for help.

The other guy rolled his eyes at him and continued towards Gillian Lampe, “Greg Jensen is now our boss’s business partner. If you dare slander him, you’re picking a fight with our boss.”

The first guy shouted, “Lie down, let us hit you a few times, to teach you a lesson!”

Gillian Lampe shivered with fear, her stance immediately softened as she said with an ingratiating smile, “I didn’t know he was your boss’s, uh, partner.

Rest assured, now I know, I won’t say it again next time.”

The guy laughed, “That’s good, I appreciate your realization.”

Feeling the man’s tone was no longer as harsh, Gillian Lampe felt a flicker of hope and tentatively asked, “So… does that mean you won’t hit me?”

“No way, our boss gave us orders, anyone who dares speak ill of Greg Jensen gets spanked!”

“What? Spanked!”

Gillian Lampe’s face turned red all of a sudden, embarrassed as she wished she could find a crack to crawl into.

“Quit your yapping, just ten hits and we’re done.”

One of them winked at his companion, who immediately pressed Gillian Lampe to the ground, then mounted her back.

“Hey, don’t hit me, you bloody…”

“Don’t worry, I won’t hit hard!”

The young guy didn’t care about that, swiping his stick and landing it on her bottom.


The blow wasn’t painful, but it was incredibly loud, like a slap in the face, dealt in front of everyone, squarely on Gillian Lampe’s dignity.

“Alth, I’m going to kill you lot!”

Gillian Lampe had a reputation for being mean-spirited, a famous shrew far and wide, and she normally didn’t give a damn about face.

But being spanked like a child in the middle of the street, in front of so many people in the village, was more than she could bear.

Thus, after that stick fell, she let out a shrill, agonized scream.

It wasn’t the pain, it was the shame!

The two young guys didn’t care if she felt embarrassed. Boss Liu paid them to make money for him, paid their wages, and they did whatever Boss Liu told them to do.

Why should someone else’s embarrassment matter to them?

Their sticks in hand fell like raindrops, pitter-pattering down relentlessly.

It didn’t take long, and the ten hits were administered.

They actually hadn’t dared to use too much force; causing serious harm would have been a big problem for them.

However, both young men had gotten up from Gillian Lampe, but she remained sprawled on the ground, motionless, as if dead.

This scared the daylights out of the two youngsters.

When they flipped Gillian Lampe over, they discovered she had actually fainted.

“Damn it, did you hit her too hard? How did you knock her out?”

“Bullshit, I didn’t even use my strength!”

The two youngsters were completely baffled; they hadn’t used much force, so how had Gillian Lampe passed out?

Just then, Gillian Lampe suddenly came to. She opened her eyes in confusion and was groggy for quite some time.

“Auntie from the Jensen Family, are you alright?”

“Hey, don’t run away…”

Watching Gillian Lampe fleeing in panic, one of them said, “She’s running so fast, she should be fine, right?”

“Uh, she should be fine.”

After that incident, the village gossip gradually dissipated.

At the same time, Greg Jensen was too busy to even bother with those rumors.

The first thing he did after returning to the village was to come clean to Lindsey Wolfe about his shares in the medicinal field.

Lindsey Wolfe was surprised to learn about his cooperation with Boss Liu. “How did you get mixed up in that?”

“Didn’t I go to the county town the other day? I happened to save Mr. Zhu, and then Mr. Zhu granted me a supply qualification. It just so happened that Boss Liu’s medicinal materials were hard to sell, so I bought a share.”

“Oh, that’s how it is. Then who bought you the car?”

Greg laughed, “Of course, Mr. Zhu bought it for me. Where would I get so much money?”

“Then you should really thank Mr. Zhu. He’s your benefactor.”


After dealing with the medicinal field, he used the excuse of going to the mountains to find medicinal materials for Mr. Zhu and spent several days by the Cold Pond.

This time, however, it wasn’t to practice his skills, but for the stones at the bottom of the Cold Pond.

It was said that stones eroded by cold air for a long time had better properties than ordinary stones, so before setting up the new Formation, Greg decided to experiment with these stones.

His underwater skills were good, and with True Qi to protect his body, it didn’t take long for him to dive to the bottom.

There were plenty of stones at the bottom of the Cold Pond. It didn’t take him long to collect what he needed, but then he was delayed when he discovered a hole in the center of the Cold Pond.

However, he always felt that within the deep, dark water cave there might have been something terrifying, so he never went inside.

For the next several days, he spent his time by the Cold Pond, practicing his techniques and carving the bases for the Formation.

It took him about three or four days to carve all the necessary bases for the Formation.

Meanwhile, the new medicinal base was also completed.

The newly contracted land was right next to the original medicinal field. The two fields were combined and fenced in with a wire fence once again.

One greenhouse after another rose from the ground, and the view was quite impressive.

On the other side of Peach Blossom Village was the vegetable base, where over a hundred greenhouses were also being constructed.

Greg took advantage of the night to set up two Big Array Methods, encompassing both the vegetable base and the medicinal base.

After several tests, he found that the effect of using stones from the Cold Pond was indeed much better than using ordinary stones.

With that, the medicinal base and vegetable base were completely finished, only waiting for planting and seedlings.

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