The Luckiest Dumb Doctor

Chapter 142 Sharing Benefits_1

Chapter 142: Chapter 142 Sharing Benefits_1

During dinner that evening, Greg Jensen spoke about his desire to venture out to Jamae.

Lindsey Wolfe hesitated for a moment, then forced a smile and said, “If you want to go, then go. Peach Blossom Village will always be your home. Whenever you want to come back, home is here.”

Greg Jensen was stunned, then chuckled and said, “It’s not like I’m never coming back. I’m just going to open a restaurant. Once everything is in order, I’ll hand over the management to someone else.”

“You say you’ll come back?”

“Yeah, this is my home. Where else would I go? Besides, you’re still here. I can’t just abandon you.”

Upon hearing his words, Lindsey Wolfe was first taken aback, then burst into laughter.

This time, it was a smile that came from the heart, full of happiness and joy.

She knew Greg Jensen couldn’t possibly spend his whole life cooped up in the village and had been mentally prepared for this.

However, what she hadn’t expected was that Greg Jensen would say such things.

No matter what the future held, it was enough for Greg Jensen to keep her in mind.

The next morning, after breakfast, Greg Jensen drove back to Riverhaven County.

First, he visited the Reverie Inn, spent a moment in the office with Lois Abbott, and then headed to the Ware Family’s villa.

When he arrived, several well-known local tycoons were already seated in the living room, including Norman Holmes.

Although they were not on the same level as Chester Ware, they were among the top echelon in Riverhaven County.

However, when they saw Greg Jensen enter, everyone stood up and greeted him with smiles.

It wasn’t that they were afraid of Greg Jensen, but they respected his strength. Before Greg Jensen came to Riverhaven County, it wasn’t that no one dared to stand up to Kenny Walker, but, without exception, everyone who did disappear without a trace.

Even the current street boss Norman Holmes could only make minor moves and never touched on Kenny Walker’s core interests.

It was only Greg Jensen who, through Micah Brent, closed down Kenny

Walker’s biggest business—the Fragrance Night Club.

Afterward, he defeated Kenny Walker’s hired gun Hugh Simmons, foiling the assassination attempt.

Finally, in front of everyone, he rescued the kidnapped Lois Abbott and beat Kenny Walker to a pulp.

Last of all, Kenny Walker got exactly what he wanted—prison time.

Just three more days and it would be Kenny Walker’s day of sentencing.

This would signify that Kenny Walker’s era in Riverhaven County had come to an end.

Given all this, how could any of the rich magnates who wanted to continue thriving in Riverhaven County disrespect Greg Jensen?

Greg Jensen looked at the people standing before him, paused for a moment, then said with a smile, “Everyone, please sit down. You’re making me somewhat embarrassed staring at me like this.”

“Haha, thank you, Mr. Jensen.”

With Greg Jensen’s laughter, the atmosphere relaxed considerably, and the tycoons couldn’t help feeling a bit relieved, silently admiring him.

Greg Jensen’s character was indeed good, without any pretense at all, unlike Kenny Walker—who would dare to sit down before he did?

The guests settled back into their seats, and Greg Jensen took his place beside Chestor Ware.

Chestor Ware glanced at the group and said with a smile, “Today, since there are no outsiders, I’ll speak my mind.

Kenny Walker’s assets were brought down by Mr. Jensen alone, so he gets the first pick, and then we’ll discuss the rest. No objections, I hope?”

“No objections.”

“Mr. Jensen can take them all; we’d be satisfied just to buy some shares.”


The magnates laughed amicably, their demeanor not so much like they were negotiating as like they were there to offer money to Greg Jensen.

Greg Jensen had anticipated their attitude and wasn’t surprised.

After pondering for a moment, he said, “I’m not much interested in Kenny Walker’s assets, so my idea is to value these assets at seventy percent.

I’ll take thirty percent, Mr. Ware and Brother Evan each take twenty percent, and Mr. Ware will handle the disposal of all assets.”

I ve finished sharing my thoughts; does anyone have any comments?”

‘No objections here, a thirty percent discount is quite fair already. To complain further would just be ungrateful.”

“Haha, President Xu is absolutely right.”

Nobody had any objections to Greg Jensen’s plan.

These properties should, naturally, all go to Greg Jensen, and it’s only right and proper that he sells them off to others now.

What’s most important is that he’s offering a thirty percent discount, essentially giving up twenty percent of the profits.

Whoever buys these properties will make a thirty percent profit.

The total value of Kenny Walker’s assets is at least close to thirty million, so a thirty percent profit would be over six million.

Nine million is not a small amount for them either. Although it’s not as much when divided among each person, the fact that Greg Jensen could give away so much profit all at once still commanded their respect.

As for who will manage to buy it, that’s not something Greg Jensen can control.

Chestor Ware had been doing business for so many years; he should be able to handle this matter properly.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Chestor Ware then turned to Greg Jensen and said, “How about this? We take another ten percent from the remaining twenty percent and distribute it among those who didn’t get to buy anything. Everyone present will have a share.”

“Haha, sure, Elder Brother Zhu really thinks things through,” Greg Jensen agreed with a laugh.

According to Chestor Ware’s suggestion, even those who failed to acquire any properties would still get a share of the benefits.

Although the profits were distributed somewhat hastily, the people present were all top tycoons in Riverhaven County, deserving a piece of the action.

In other words, the other wealthy people in Riverhaven County didn’t even qualify to sit at this table.

With this, Greg Jensen had learned a strategy.

Profit sharing!

With this bond of fellowship in place, anyone wanting to cause trouble in Riverhaven County in the future would have to see if they agreed to it first.

“Haha, let’s leave it at this for today then.”

Chestor Ware burst into hearty laughter, “Someone gifted me a bottle of thirty-year-old Maotai a while back, and today is the perfect day to open it up.” “Haha, Elder Brother Zhu is so generous.”

“One bottle might be a bit little, right? I also have two bottles of aged liquor from the eighties in my car, I’ll bring them over,” someone chimed in.

Chestor Ware had thought today’s affairs would take a long time to discuss, but he didn’t expect things to be settled so quickly.

He had been ready to persuade Greg Jensen and if necessary, give up some profit, but Greg Jensen had taken the initiative and directly given away thirty percent profit.

Such generosity was truly rare!

Having been in business for so many years, Chestor Ware had seen all sorts of young people. There were those more capable than Greg Jensen, and those smarter than him as well.

But he had never seen anyone of Greg Jensen’s age with such a generous spirit and such boldness.

Even some who had been in the business world for many years did not have the breadth of spirit that Greg Jensen had.

They say being smart is second to being emotionally intelligent in business, but those who achieve great things must have the spirit to soar above the land.

Greg Jensen belonged to that category of people.

Watching Greg Jensen, who was sitting behind the tea table personally pouring tea for Norman Holmes, Augustus Wolfe, and others, the more Chestor Ware looked, the more he liked him.

It was a pity Greg Jensen already had a girlfriend; otherwise, to recruit him as a son-in-law would have been just perfect.

Or perhaps have Taylor Ware compete for him?

Thinking about his daughter’s tomboyish nature, a bitter smile emerged on Chestor Ware’s face.

Better not, lest the match not be made and they end up with enmity instead.

With Taylor Ware’s fiery temper, no telling what trouble she might start if things didn’t go well.

Inside the living room, after cleaning up, the housekeeper sat by the floor-to- ceiling windows reading a book when Taylor Ware rushed in, all hustle and bustle.

“Aunt Lan, what are we having for lunch? I’m starving.

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