The Luckiest Dumb Doctor

Chapter 153 Read More Books 1

Chapter 153: Chapter 153 Read More Books 1

” I say your driver’s license must be fake, right? Who told you that I absolutely had to give way? That’s enough, stop yammering with me, let the patrol officer handle it.”

The woman waved her hand impatiently as if she had determined that it was all Greg Jensen’s fault, and she picked up her cell phone to dial the emergency number.

Seeing this, Greg Jensen sneered and stopped talking. He returned to his car and quietly waited for the patrol officer to come and deal with the situation.

After a while, the woman seemingly finished her call and came back to Greg Jensen’s car, nagging,

“Buying a broken-down H6 and you forget your own surname, huh? Zooming around on the road, do you think you can afford to hit a luxury car?”

Greg Jensen frowned, not bothering to stoop to this woman’s level.

But she mistook his silence for submission and grew even more smug, huffing, “This CC of mine cost three hundred thousand, you could buy three of your junky H6s with that, and you still expect me to yield to you?

That’s hilarious!

Poor jerks like you should just stay quietly at home, why come out and cause trouble? My brand-new car has been wrecked by you.

So, tell me, how are you going to compensate me?”

“I compensate you?”

Greg Jensen, amused by her anger, couldn’t help but laugh and said, “You should really go home and read more books. If your brain capacity isn’t enough, you need to read more.”

The girl was clearly taken aback and blankly asked, “Brain capacity isn’t enough? What does that mean?”

Several onlookers had already gathered around to watch, and at the girl’s question, someone immediately laughed and explained,

‘”Brain capacity isn’t enough’ means your brain isn’t working well, too dumb, you got it?”

At this, the girl’s face turned iron blue with rage as she furiously said, “Who the hell are you saying has inadequate brain capacity?”

Greg Jensen lit a cigarette, leaning on the car door with a smirk, and said to the girl, “Like I said, you should read more. Reading might not make you smarter, but it can make you more reasonable.

Once you’ve read enough, you’ll naturally understand why I said your brain capacity is lacking!”

The girl, screaming in anger, shot back, “You… you’re simply outrageous, hitting someone’s car and even daring to insult them, do you have any sense of right and wrong?”

“Miss, it’s not his fault, you know. You turned out without looking at the car behind; it’s your own fault if he hit you.”

“Exactly, you didn’t yield while turning, if you get hit, it’s on you.”

Greg Jensen gave a thumbs up to those two who had spoken and laughed, “You two brothers have got it right.”

The girl grew even angrier and said to those two, “Do you guys even have a driver’s license? Can you even drive? I’ve never heard of someone being in the right after hitting someone.”

“Heh, can’t help it, the guy’s really in the right.”

“Miss, did you buy your license or something?”

Hearing a similar accusation from someone else, directed at herself, the girl’s face turned even uglier.

She glared coldly at those two, then turned back to Greg Jensen and said, “Just wait, let’s see if you can still laugh when the patrol officer arrives.”

After saying that, she tilted her chin up and leaned against her car with an air of superiority.

As more bystanders gathered and found out that the girl had been hit for failing to yield while turning—and moreover, had berated the owner of the right-of- way vehicle—they cast unusual glances at her.

“A bunch of fucking losers!”

Feeling uncomfortable under their gazes, the girl huffed disdainfully and got into her car.

“Hey, who are you calling losers?”

“What’s the matter with you, girl? Don’t you have any manners?”

“Enough, this lady is obviously not someone who speaks reason!”

The crowd watching immediately became upset, voicing their disapproval.

With the girl’s face growing uglier, she simply rolled up her car window, adopting an “ignorance is bliss” approach.

“Just wait until the patrol comes; you bunch of stinking losers will learn your lesson!”

Even at this moment, the girl still believed she was not in the wrong.

She felt that since Greg Jensen came from behind and she turned out in front of him, Greg Jensen should have yielded to her.

It wasn’t long before a police car arrived, and two patrol officers got out, first going to Greg Jensen’s side to inquire about the situation.

Seeing this and fearing Greg Jensen would misrepresent the facts, Ella Milton hastily got out of her car and rushed over, saying, “Excuse me, officer, I’m the one who called the police.”

“Miss, please show me your driver’s license and vehicle registration.”


The girl quickly took the documents out of her bag and handed them over.

One of the patrol officers took them, looked them over carefully, and then looked up to ask, “Your name is Ella Milton, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Well, please briefly describe what happened at the time.”

Upon hearing this, Ella Milton immediately perked up and quickly recounted the incident.

During which, of course, she couldn’t help but embellish her story, painting herself as entirely innocent as if all the faults lay with Greg Jensen.

The patrol officer frowned, turned to Greg Jensen, and asked, “Mr. Jensen, do you agree with this young lady’s account?”

“I agree, there’s no problem.”

Greg Jensen glanced at Ella Milton and nodded indifferently, not caring about her exaggerated details.

With the truth laid bare, what good were exaggerations?

Did she really think it was like tattling to a teacher back in school?

As long as she made herself sound wronged and pushed all the blame onto the other party, everything would be fine?


Sure enough, the patrol officer said bluntly, “Miss Milton, because you were the vehicle turning and the other party was going straight.

According to traffic laws, the turning vehicle must yield to the vehicle going straight, so you have to take full responsibility for this accident.”

“What? I have to take full responsibility? Does this mean, not only is he not at fault, but I also have to compensate for his losses?”

“That’s correct.”

The patrol officer nodded and said, “But don’t worry, his car does not look too badly damaged.”

Ella Milton was stunned, then exploded with anger, “Why should I? He crashed into my car, and I have to take all the responsibility?

Do you, as a patrol officer, even understand the law? How come it ends up that the person who crashes gets to be right?”

The patrol officer’s face darkened, and he frowned, “This has nothing to do with who hit whom; according to traffic law regulations, as the turning vehicle, you must yield to the other party. Do you understand this principle?”

Ella Milton was taken aback, then awkwardly said, “This… this law isn’t fair, in similar situations before, other men would always yield to me.”

“Haha, got too used to being pampered, huh?”

“I was wondering where this lady’s confidence came from, turns out it was pampered into her.”

“Hahaha, laughable, the law is not fair?”

“Are you planning to change the law or what?”

The princesses today are really something else, expecting the law to change just for you?”

The onlookers laughed uncontrollably.

Even the patrol officer was taken aback and took a good while to recover before he tried to keep a straight face and said:

Well… Miss Milton, did you get your driver’s license on your own?”

“Uh, yes…”

Ella Milton’s expression was clearly unnatural, and a hint of panic flashed in her eyes.

Seeing this, the patrol officer said no more. Regardless of how Ella Milton got her license, as long as it was legitimate now, he couldn’t pursue it further.

All he could do was admonish her, “Try to read more when you’re free, to avoid similar situations in the future.”

“Haha, this guy’s right, should read more indeed.”


Laughter erupted once again from the crowd of onlookers.

Frustrated and unwilling to accept it when the patrol officer also suggested she should read more, Ella Milton argued:

“But… he was driving really hard when he came at me, doesn’t he have any responsibility?”

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