The Mech Touch

Chapter 6596 Demon Gu Container Design

Chapter 6596 Demon Gu Container Design

Veronica was under great time pressure.

Less than four days later, Ves and Ketis intended to initiate a Mission-clearing marathon at the same time.

That was a big deal. Ves not only intended to earn a large amount of AP, but also wanted to learn new stuff. This was a crucial opportunity for him to make a lot of advancements while practically no time had passed in reality.

In order to make the most out of this special occasion, Ves needed to come up with several initiatives that he could work on during the time he was spending inside the

System Space.

Given that the process of demon gu cultivation would likely take months if not years to complete and yield results, Ves already thought of using the System Space to let the demon gu containers do their work!

Once the marathon came to an end, Veronica would hopefully be able to withdraw the demon gu containers and hopefully bring out a couple of recently evolved Middle Demons worth several hundred Ascension Points.

This was why Veronica came under a lot of time pressure. She needed to complete all of the gu containers in less than 4 days.

The tight deadline made her feel as if she had entered a mech design contest again. Once Veronica adopted a familiar mindset, she became fully focused on completing the most essential requirements in as little time as possible. "This is no time to be meticulous."

She needed to work quickly in order to produce a handful of readily usable gu containers once it was time for Ves to meet his appointment with the premier swordmaster of the Larkinson Clan.

While Ves could always reschedule his appointment with Ketis, he did not think he had much time left in the Red Ocean to fool around.

The sooner he completed this marathon, the faster he could use his new gains into improving the strength of his clan!

Since speed was of the essence, Veronica ruthlessly shed any fanciful notions about his latest design project. She only wanted to design the bare minimum that was necessary in order to make his idea work.

Her paw began to trace a number of lines and contours on the projected design interface.

She initially formed the shape of a rather archaic-looking jar. It possessed a simple cylindrical shape that was slightly wider at the top. It even came with a large lid that could still be sealed shut with the help of modern mechanical scaling mechanisms.

What Veronica designed so far was a large-sized version of a jar that she imagined that ancient gu cultivators used to produce their deadly poisonous creatures. "This will be the base of my mech design." The Cyborg Cat determined.

She did not waste any time in perfecting the shape and dimensions of the jar. She instead began to design the frame of a mech around this object. "I am not designing a combat mech, so I can skip the arms. There is no reason to make it fly, so I can skip the flight system as well. As for legs, there is no need to invest too much in them as there is no reason to make it run fast. It should be able to remain stable and upright for extended periods of time, so it is better to add four legs instead of two. That will massively simplify the balancing problem."

The product he was designing only met the definition of a mech on a technical level.

In practice, it was probably one of the most useless mechs that mech designer could envision!

Anyone who thought that an awful mech like this had any value on the battlefield should be shot for treason!

If Veronica did not intend to impart it with the magical property of being able to promote the gu cultivation of Minor Demons, then I was truly an awful waste of resources!

Although the mech designer inside Veronica screamed that it was an abomination of a mech design that should be burned on the stake, she still forced herself to rush the mech design to completion!

Since Veronica was shameless enough to skip out on every non-essential part of the system that could be found in more conventional mechs, it did not take much time to complete the first iteration of the design.

The end result could charitably be described as a demimech that might be useful in a logistical center.

The starting premise was still the same. The demimech's main structure consisted of a large jar.

Four squat but curled legs extended from underneath that could provide basic locomotion.

However, the weak mech engine and rudimentary design of the legs meant that the demimech moved as slow as a snail!

In order to ensure this abomination of a demimech could still be categorized as a mech flat and compact cockpit to the bottom of one of at all, Veronica made sure to mount. the sides.

This technically made the demimech pilotable, but Veronica actually did not intend for any human mech pilot to waste his time on controlling the machine.

She integrated it with a rudimentary Al whose only job was to move to different locations on command.

In fact, the traversal speed of this demimech was so slow that it was better to rely on floater platforms and other solutions to move it around. "It's not important. It is fine as long as it meets the definition of a mech."

Veronica made an earnest enough effort to approach her latest work as a mech design, so she was able to exert considerable control over its E-technology.

She utilized the knowledge she gained about demons and tried to turn the demimech into a qualified demon gu container.

To be honest, Veronica did not fully understand what she was doing. She completely let herself go and relied mostly on her instincts, her rudimentary and flawed understanding of gu cultivation, her occasional bouts of madness and whatever scrap of science and technology that she deemed at least marginally relevant to this difficult problem.

The result quickly turned into a messy hodgepodge of improvised solutions that should hopefully yield the desired result.

It didn't matter if she had no idea whether it would work. The act of creating a living mech was to translate potential ideas into a living vessel.

That meant that once the living mech came to life, it became a product that was greater than the sum of its parts!

Life always found a way. As long as the demimech became alive, internalized its existing capabilities and perfected them over the course of its growth, it may be able to transform a defective experiment into a functional design application!

So long as it worked, Ves did not care about whether the mech design failed to meet any other requirements.

Since Veronica held herself back and tried to prune as many unnecessary elements from the demimech designs as possible, she managed to complete the design in less than a day.

The physical structure hardly took any time to design at all. All of the parts were made out of simple shaped alloy or very standard off-the-shelf parts that the fleet of the Oblivion Empire already had in stock.

She actually spent more time on designing the demon gu cultivation aspect. Due to time constraints, Veronica did not bother to design an Ultimate Module that could facilitate the gu cultivation process. She lacked enough empirical information about it to know what she needed to design to augment the formation of a Middle

Demon. "I should start with the most basic process and see how it goes before thinking about applying any advanced solutions."

Even without the inclusion of an Ultimate Model, the Cyborg Cat still considered her work to be a sixth generation living mech.

She had programmed the spiritual foundation of the demimech to perform a lot of actions to prevent any accidents and to make sure the trapped Minor Demons did not die prematurely.

Veronica chose to add two design spirits to the demimech.

She added Gaia for the purpose of regulating and potentially injecting life energy to keep the Minor Demons healthy and to strengthen them in other ways aside from mindlessly devouring their own kind.

Helena naturally also became the design spirit of this mech-shaped jar.

As promised, the eldest sister stopped by the design lab to assist with the design and control of additional solutions based on her formidable comprehension and affinity towards death energy. "The intertwining of life and death can produce many powerful miracles." Helena commented as she worked to augment the incomplete mech design with the help of Veronica's expertise. "Gu cultivation can be considered a ritual that combines the extremes of these two phenomena to produce a breakthrough under extreme circumstances. In order to produce the best possible outcome, only the unworthy must die. Another important rule that needed to be implemented was that all of the nutrients of the loser must be absorbed by the winner to the greatest possible degree."

Just like how poison gu cultivation was based on accumulating lots of poisonous substances into increasingly fewer creatures, the demimech needed to be able to promote the concentration of power between the murderous Minor Demons to the greatest possible extent.

With the help of the two design spirits, Veronica already became a lot more confident that her implementation would be able to yield successful results. However, the efficiency of the initial process likely had a lot of room for improvement.

Veronica could work on them slowly over time. She still needed to gather a lot of data and form useful conclusions before she could work on an improved demon gu container. Once she became assured that the basic demimech design looked viable enough to work in reality, the Cyborg Cat did not hesitate to fabricate the demimechs.

She skipped out on sleep and worked day and night with the workshops of the flagships of the Oblivion Empire to produce her works.

Normally, fabricating a complete mech by hand usually took multiple days, but Veronica was able to pump out 5 of them by the time the deadline had drawn close!

She was able to produce so many of them in a couple of days because she started early enough and because the demimech design was much smaller and simpler than other second-class mech designs.

After all, when it came down to it, the mech frame basically comprised of a large hollow jar with legs, a cockpit and other bare essentials.

Her formidable fabrication capabilities also contributed to the speed. With the help of the workshop facilities that the Oblivion Empire had recently brought to a higher standard, Veronica was able to add her own charm to her handmade products.

She tried to turn all of them into masterwork mechs, but it appeared that she was aiming too high this time.

The mech design was too rushed and poor in quality to produce such excellent works!

If Ves wanted to fabricate a masterwork, then she should at least start with a more proper mech design that had been meticulously refined and optimized over a span of at least half a year!

When Helena learned that Ves had completed his set in time, she inhabited her Helcat avatar once again and paid a visit to the workshop. "So these are your so-called 'demon gu containers. They look... as if you crudely attempted to fuse ancient mysticism with modern mech engineering" "Your description is quite apt. That is mostly what I have done, though you should replace ancient mysticism with my own ripoff version of gu cultivation. I have no idea how those weirdos did this in the past, so I just tried to monkey my own version together based on an awful amount of assumptions. I cannot guarantee whether it will actually work, but I have a good feeling about them. Even if they can produce a Middle Demon in the end, they should still be able to improve the strength and quality of Minor Demons.

The one that we produced at the start was still awfully weak and pathetic. If I am limited to using Minor Demons for my Demoncasting projects, then I at least want them to be as strong as possible so that they can produce more dramatic effects." "Let's see how well they can hold the Minor Demons that I have prepared. By the way, do these mechs have a name?" "Yes. They are called Demon Mixers."

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