The Perfect Destiny

Chapter 72

Translator: StormFrost

Editor: TempestDemon, Misogi

I won't be an elder brother for many years [1]

"Sir, sir." There was a low voice calling Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo opened his eyes and found that he was sitting on a mahogany chair. He said softly, "Speak."

The voice continued, "The little miss has been found, on a construction site."

Chen Liguo's mind spun extremely quickly as his mouth responded. He asked, "Construction site?"

The voice seemed somewhat hesitant but still told Chen Liguo the truth. He said, "The little, the little miss….. seems to have fallen in love."

Chen Liguo closed his eyes again, "I know, you withdraw."

"Yes." The voice seemed to be full of reverence towards Chen Liguo. After hearing Chen Liguo telling him to withdraw, he rapidly stood up and walked out, softly and quietly closing the door behind him.

Once the person left and shut the door, Chen Liguo finally had a chance to figure out what his situation was. He got up from his chair and urged the system to inform him what the world was like as he headed towards the washroom.

Reflected on the mirror of the washroom was a beautiful man's face. However, this kind of beauty wasn't feminine at all. Especially when the pair of red phoenix eyes glanced to the side, giving people a chill down their back.

Chen Liguo soon learned about the state of affairs of this world and that he was called Shen Yucheng, a well-known underworld Godfather.

Shen Yucheng's father built up his family with a hacking knife. He became a big shot that was second to none after continuously making achievements since he was a little colt boy. It wasn't known if it was because he had killed and done too many evil deeds, but he had no child even at the age of 40. It wasn't until he was about 51 or 52 that he gained Shen Yucheng as his son.

As the only son, Shen Yucheng was especially determined to not fall short. He wasn't only clever but had ruthless means, which were completely suitable for this line of work.

Yet when all was said and done, his father unexpectedly didn't want to let his son walk onto such a path and began to clean the foundation he had created.

There was a saying in the underworld, 'when you want to withdraw, then it means you are old and aren't far from death.'

Father Shen's enemies were much too many and he was eventually murdered.

Thus Shen Yucheng, who was only seventeen, took over the Shen family which had become a mess after Father Shen's death.

At the time, everyone wanted to see Shen Yucheng make a fool of himself and see the Shen family get swallowed up by the outsiders who were eyeing the business. The seventeen-year-old Shen Yucheng, however, used thunderous means to suppress the parties that were beginning to stir.

He had a beautiful face, but he didn't like to smile. When his red phoenix eyes shot cold glances at people it softened the legs and feet of many who held their hacking knives ready to riot.

Shen Yucheng was both like and not like his father. He inherited Father Shen's cruelty, but also read more and knew more means than his father.

He took over the business and continued to wash the family white. Currently, it seemed like the operations were going smoothly……

This was Shen Yucheng's background, and his daughter, Shen Youling, was the one whose destiny needed to be changed, the daughter of fate of this world.

Shen Yucheng was different from his father who painstakingly worked and trembled with fear to only have a child after fifty. He had his own child at the age of fourteen. When that woman came to his door with Shen Yucheng's child in her arms, Father Shen was extremely happy and didn't have the normal reaction of a parent: 'Having a child at this age, this Laozi is going to beat you to death'. Rather, he jovially gave the woman a sum of money and took his granddaughter home, raising her like a treasure.

Shen Youling's fate was very rough. As Shen Yucheng's daughter, she should have grown up without a single worry, but against reason, she fell in love with someone she shouldn't have.

Shen Yucheng resolutely refused to make any concessions about his daughter's matters. When he found out that Shen Youling fell in love with an incompetent good-for-nothing, he directly had people beat that good-for-nothing up and locked Shen Youling up at home.

However, outside of Shen Yucheng's expectation, that good-for-nothing unexpectedly developed and planned to get rid of Shen Yucheng.

Thus, the original lover turned into an enemy. Shen Youling still cherished her love for the little bastard, but he was her father's enemy.

……This was simply something that only the most melodramatic vulgar drama writer could write. At the end of the script, Shen Youling and the good-for-nothing ended in mutual destruction. Before she died, she said, "I love you, but I hate you even more."

After receiving the memories, Chen Liguo shivered, "Feudalistic parents are intolerable ah."

The system ignored him.

Chen Liguo said, "This is your method of trying to prevent me from flying?"

The system said in a leisurely manner, "I looked into it a bit, and found that you weren't willing in the past few worlds."

Chen Liguo: "……" When did the system become so smart?

The system said, "So in this world, I decided to give you an infinite golden finger."

Shen Yucheng was surrounded by damned guards and thousands of younger brothers——it didn't believe that Chen Liguo could be forced by someone!

Chen Liguo was at a loss to respond to the system.

The system said, "Jiayou oh! "

Chen Liguo was shaken by this remark. He wondered how this trash system had become more and more clever, how could he take advantage of the loophole now ah?

The current stage that Chen Liguo was at was the time where he discovered that Shen Youling and that good-for-nothing had intermingled. If Chen Liguo hadn't transmigrated over, then he probably would have had people bring Shen Youling home and demand that she told him what in the world was going on.

The Shen Youling who got questioned intensely wouldn't tell the truth, which made Shen Yucheng hostile towards that man who had tempted his daughter. After he found out about the specific situation of that good-for-nothing, he sent people to beat him up ruthlessly——in fact, if it weren't for Shen Youling crying and threatening Shen Yucheng about committing suicide, that good-for-nothing would have been thrown into cement and sunk into the ocean.

"Sir." When the person waiting outside the door saw Chen Liguo coming out, they greeted him with reverence.

"Prepare the car." Chen Liguo's expression was indifferent. "Take me to the construction site to take a look."

"Yes." The man complied without delay.

The car was prepared quickly, and Chen Liguo sat in the back. It was at the height of summer right now. The sunshine was unpleasant to the eyes and the unceasing calls of the cicadas gave people migraines.

Soft music sounded in the car and Chen Liguo felt like he had perfectly integrated into his role.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Liguo's car stopped outside the construction site.

The construction workers were still working under the sun. Chen Liguo got out of the car and someone opened a black umbrella for him.

Chen Liguo ran his eyes over the construction site and saw that a good deal of workers seemed rather young and appeared to not be of age yet. Chen Liguo asked, "Whose project is this."

A younger brother answered softly, "The Li Family's."

Chen Liguo smiled spuriously and said, "Their family sure can save money." So many child laborers had been hired, were they not afraid of being found out.

Chen Liguo said, "Where is Youling."

The younger brother pointed to a small grove over yonder. Chen Liguo glanced at it and walked over.

Shen Youling was currently holding a bag of popsicles. She wiped away her sweat as she hummed a song. When she thought of the appearance of the man when he eats the popsicle, she couldn't help but smile.

The sun was so large that the light was somewhat harsh. Shen Youling, who was walking with her head lowered suddenly saw a dark shadow. She was stunned and when she looked up, her whole body froze.

"Dad." Seeing the man before her, Shen Youling wanted to smile but couldn't quite do so, therefore she could only pull out a very strange expression.

Chen Liguo looked at Shen Youling, then pulled out a handkerchief from a pocket in his jacket and gently wiped Shen Youling's sweat off. He asked, "Is it hot?"

Shen Youling quickly said, "It's still okay, it's still okay."

Chen Liguo said, "Your teacher called me again and said you skipped class again."

Shen Youling gave an embarrassed laugh. Her father doted on her since she was young but with the doting came an unswayable control. Every time she made a friend, they would be investigated thoroughly by her father——even though this put an end to many people who harbored malicious intentions, Shen Youling found things extremely boring.

Chen Liguo said, "The popsicle is going to melt."

Shen Youling was given a fright. She didn't know what she was thinking either, but she actually took one out from her bag and handed it over to Chen Liguo with a trembling hand. She said, "Dad, eat it?"

Chen Liguo looked at Shen Youling's fearful appearance and slowly reached out and under Shen Youling's staring eyes, took the popsicle and tore open the package.

This was Shen Youling's first time seeing her father eating a popsicle.

She watched Shen Yucheng eat the popsicle bit by bit, his snow-white teeth and red tongue disappear and reappear again, and felt that it was becoming hotter.

"There's still so much, who are you giving it to." Chen Liguo said.

"I, I came to do a good deed." Shen Youling told a lie that nobody believed. She stammered, "I….. am giving it to the workers on the construction site."

Chen Liguo said, "Go then."

Shen Youling's already wide-open eyes became even wider. She didn't expect that her father would be so calm after finding out that she skipped class and didn't plan on continuing to question her.

"If you still don't go then it'll melt." Chen Liguo said, "Go on."

Before her father changed her mind, Shen Youling nodded heavily and ran towards the crowd. However, this time, she didn't dare give Yi Huai any special treatment and obediently distributed the popsicles before obediently returning to Chen Liguo's side. Oh, it had been forgotten to be mentioned, but Yi Huai was that good-for-nothing she fell for.

"Done?" Chen Liguo's attitude was very calm.

"Done." Shen Youling nodded like she was pounding garlic, afraid that Chen Liguo would see what was wrong if he stayed here any longer. She said, "Father, it's too hot outside……. let's go back."

Chen Liguo glanced at Shen Youling and said, "Okay, go back."

The air conditioning in the car was ample, but there was still sweat on Shen Youling's face. Evidently, this young girl still hadn't relaxed at all and had been sweating cold sweat as she thought about how she could explain this.

Chen Liguo was silent the entire way home and it wasn't until they arrived that the stagnant atmosphere made Shen Youling feel stiffed. She said, "F-father, I was wrong, I shouldn't have skipped class."

Chen Liguo glanced at her and rubbed her head.

"I shouldn't skip class." Shen Youling mumbled and sputtered, "But I understand everything that the teacher is teaching, and you won't let me skip grades either."

Chen Liguo sighed, "Didn't you just skip into this grade."

Shen Youling said, "But I didn't think that they would be so stupid!"

Actually, Chen Liguo liked children a lot. Shen Youling was only fifteen, in the middle of puberty, thinking that everything was interesting, curious about everything.

This age was when they were the most rebellious. Whatever the parents said she mustn't do, she would do the opposite and do it instead.

"I saw that there were a lot of children on the construction site today." Chen Liguo said neither hurriedly nor slowly.

Shen Youling was shocked and there was a bit of fluster in her eyes, but she quickly calmed herself and pretended to not understand, "Yeah, they seemed like they had a lot of child laborers on the site."

"En, I'll tell their boss to stop hiring child laborers." Chen Liguo said.

"Ah?" Shen Youling hadn't thought that Chen Liguo would suddenly say that. If she caused Yi Huai to lose his job, then that wasn't helping but harming him!

"And perhaps give them an easier one instead." said Chen Liguo helplessly, "At least not such heavy work." Some children's families really were extremely short on money and even if they were driven out, they would soon go to another place to look for employment. Working on the construction site wasn't safe and was hard work. Letting these children do it wasn't appropriate.

Shen Youling was insanely delighted. She directly clasped Chen Liguo's face and gave two kisses saying, "Daddy!! I love you the most!"

"You." Only in the face of this daughter did Shen Yucheng show a softness that belonged to a father which was more obvious with Chen Liguo at hand. Shen Youling was a very adorable little lass. If he had a daughter like this, he would definitely hate to let her suffer hardship.

Shen Youling was very happy with Chen Liguo's sensibility and was still humming when she got off the car.

After Chen Liguo saw her go through the door, he said to the people standing next to him, "Go investigate that man named Yi Huai."

Most of the information Chen Liguo received from the system were events after Yi Huai and there was hardly any mention of his previous background and family.

If Chen Liguo wanted to understand Shen Youling's sweetheart, he needed to investigate it carefully himself.

In less than two days, the information pertaining to Yi Huai was sent over. Chen Liguo looked through it and sighed, this child also had a bitter fate.

Yi Huai's mother was a teacher but she got pregnant prior to marriage and had to raise Yi Huai alone. To the society more than a decade ago this was unacceptable, so Yi Huai's mother lost her job and began to receive scatological insults from society.

Even though Yi Huai didn't have a father, his mother loved him very much, so his life was still pretty good. Until three years ago, his mother became disabled from an accident and Yi Huai's life got more difficult.

He had to study, work, and take care of his mother.

Yi Huai was unable to withstand the temptation and began to associate with some people in society who provided him with a place to work in return for him doing some shameful things for them.

Chen Liguo said, "Find him another job."

The person who sent the information was flabbergasted when he heard this. He knew as well that the miss seemed to have fallen in love and the object of her puppy love was Yi Huai. He had thought that according to his boss' temperament, no matter how it was he would drag him out for a beating. However, he didn't expect that his boss wouldn't only not want to beat him up but say that he wanted to find him a job!

"Boss……" The subordinate asked probingly, "What sort of job?"

Chen Liguo glanced at him and said, "Naturally a job that suits children. The wage needs to be high and the work done little."

Subordinate: "……"

Chen Liguo said, "Find them for him and those other child laborers who were with him."

The subordinate was dumbstruck. He didn't know just what wrong medicine his family's boss had eaten. The usual daughter-con boss changed his disposition today, was the sun rising from the west?

Chen Liguo glanced at him slightly, "Are you clear?"

"I understand, I understand." He hadn't seen such a gentle boss in so long but there was a layer of cold sweat on the subordinate's forehead.

"Go then." Chen Liguo said.

The subordinate hurriedly nodded and withdrew.

After his departure, Chen Liguo was the only one left in the study. He sat down, his hands folded together as he showed an expression too profound to be understood, "How unequaled without a rival, how lonesome~"

System: "……" Retard.

The top had given orders and the people below quickly carried Chen Liguo's words through, giving Yi Huai a relaxed, high paying job suitable for children——handing out leaflets.

It was a ten-centimeter-thick pile of leaflets that could be handed out within an hour. There was no one supervising and paid 200 every day, daily payments!

When the boss gave the leaflet to Yi Huai, he repeatedly told him to hand them out in the mall instead of outside the mall——for there was no air conditioning outside.

Even if Yi Huai was a swine, he ought to know that someone was helping him. He thought that it was Shen Youling's handiwork at first, but when Shen Youling came to see him, she was even more surprised than him.

"You'll work here in the future?" Shen Youling asked with a popsicle in her hand.

"En." Yi Huai's attitude towards Shen Youling was very prudent. His few years of going through society gave him experience. Girls like Shen Youling, even if you don't like her, don't offend her.

"That's great." Shen Youling hadn't yet come in contact with her family's industry yet and didn't know that this shopping mall was her family's. She only knew that she didn't need to pay when buying things from this mall. She said, "This place is better than the construction site, how long do you need to work every day?"

Yi Huai said, "I can go after the leaflets are done being handed out."

Shen Youling licked her popsicle and said, "Give me half, I'll hand them out with you!"

Yi Huai said, "No need, I can do it myself."

Shen Youling said, "No, give me a little, I can help you hand some out. Can't you go home earlier to take care of your mother?"

Yi Huai's movement froze and thought that this made sense. After a moment of hesitation, he gave half of his stack of leaflets to Shen Youling.

Chen Liguo hadn't expected that he would see his own treasured daughter handing out leaflets in his own territory.

Contrarily, Shen Youling was very happy to do this bitter work. She was all smiles when she handed out the leaflets to the people who came and went, even saying thank you.

"President Shen……." The manager of the mall already had a brow beaded with sweat. The biggest boss had come to check his work today, but he never expected that they would see the boss' daughter handing out leaflets in the mall.

Chen Liguo raised his hand slightly, motioning him to not speak.

Shen Youling really was delighted and hummed a song as she helped Yi Huai.

The two stood in the middle of the shopping mall, a lot like a golden boy and jade girl.

Yi Huai was also very good-looking. Although he was still young and his features hadn't fully developed yet, it could be seen from his handsome and bright countenance that he would have a graceful bearing in the future.

If he wasn't good-looking, Shen Youling probably wouldn't have taken fancy to him.

Chen Liguo looked on from the side, without the intention of calling Shen Youling. He said, "Let her be if she's happy, the one next to her is her friend, I'll trouble you manager Sun to take care of him in the future."

Manager Sun quickly nodded and said, "Yes, yes, the Miss' friend, naturally needs to be well taken care of."

With Chen Liguo letting the water flow, Yi Huai's life became much better.

Yi Huai's mother's hand was disabled so even though she had the basic ability to take care of herself, it was difficult to find a job. Yi Huai was also reluctant to let his mother go and do some dirty work that other people wouldn't want to do, so he rigidly clenched his teeth and worked part time as he studied, wanting to support this family of his.

He was clear about Shen Youling's interest towards him, but his heart wasn't touched at all——he and Shen Youling simply weren't people of the same world.

Chen Liguo had already made up his mind to help Shen Youling do this good deed.

From the data, Yi Huai's nature wasn't too bad. His embarkment of walking an evil path was purely because he was forced by life. Since these two people were each other's sunshine, then there was no need for him to be that Queen Mother of the West that used a stick to beat apart the pair of mandarin ducks and simply open a path for these two young people.

It had to be said that Chen Liguo's strategy was very tactful because after he helped change Yi Huai's job, Shen Youling's attitude towards him changed greatly and she talked back a lot less.

Chen Liguo was very gratified.

The system also felt comforted by Chen Liguo——it felt that the Chen Liguo in this world probably won't mess with men.

Chen Liguo didn't sense the system's sinister intentions at all and was in his peaceful big shot dream, unable to extricate himself.

This sort of peaceful life ended when Shen Youling's report card was sent home.

When he got her report card, the entire air around him chilled. The people who watched from the side didn't dare breath from the atmosphere.

"Go call the miss over." Chen Liguo said coldly.

The subordinate hurried over but a few minutes later, came back stammering, "S-sir, the miss isn't in her room……"

Chen Liguo: "……" Shen Youling just had dinner with him, how wasn't she home now?

He was silent for a moment, then dialed Shen Youling's phone.

Doot——doot ——this sounded continuously for more than ten times as no one answered the phone. Chen Liguo said coldly, "Go find her."

The subordinated complied, not daring to breathe too loudly.

Half an hour later, Shen Youling was found near Yi Huai's home.

She had just left Yi Huai's place and was humming a song as she walked down the road, getting a great shock when Chen Liguo came out from the car.

"Dad! How come you're here?" Shen Youling had panic written all over her face.

Chen Liguo said, "Shen Youling, is it that I've been too indulgent with you?"

Shen Youling laughed dryly a few times, wanting to bluff her way through by acting spoiled, "Dad……"

Chen Liguo's voice was cold, "Don't call me Dad."

Shen Youling cried exaggeratedly, "I, I came here to give my classmate some stuff and was on my way back……" She was still home at dinner time and had definitely sneaked out when people weren't paying attention. She tugged at Chen Liguo's sleeve and said, "I was wrong, don't be angry!"

Chen Liguo didn't go off immediately and said slowly, "I got your report card."

The smile on Shen Youling's face froze.

Chen Liguo said, "What is going on with math."

Shen Youling gulped down her saliva and said, "M-my stomach started hurting halfway through and I went to the washroom. I didn't do any of the questions in the second half……"

Chen Liguo said in his heart, 'Daughter ah, is your father still unclear about this sort of thing?'

He said, "How long were you in the washroom?"

Shen Youling murmured two words, "Had diarrhea."

Chen Liguo lightly tapped Shen Youling's head, saying, "Who taught you to lie?"

A layer of water quickly emerged in Shen Youling's eyes, making her look very pitiful. She said, "Dad, I know that I was wrong, forgive me this time. I will definitely do well on the next exam," In fact, she only thought about Yi Huai on the day of the exam and didn't even look at the questions seriously.

Chen Liguo said, "If your next exam is like this, then you will need to properly reflect at home."

Shen Youling almost cried, but this really was her own mistake and she could not say anything to justify it, so she could only scrunch up her face.

Chen Liguo found it funny. Just as he wanted to say a few more words, he saw someone walking behind Shen Youling. He looked carefully, was that not the Yi Huai that Shen Youling constantly thought about?

"Youling." There was some hesitation in his eyes as he asked, "This is……"

"He's my father." Shen Youling hadn't expected that Yi Huai would suddenly appear, she was a little flustered and said, "I-is something the matter?"

"You forgot to take your phone." Yi Huai said lightly, then handed Shen Youling's mobile phone over.

Shen Youling received it and said quietly, "Thank you for bringing it over."

"You're welcome." Yi Huai seemed a little overcautious.

Chen Liguo said, "Let's go, Youling." From beginning to end he did not greet Yi Huai.

Shen Youling sounded an 'en' and obediently got into the car, not daring to make her father angry again.

Yi Huai stood in place, watching Chen Liguo and Shen Youling getting into the car together. Then the car started and rolled up clouds of dust on the ground.

This was Yi Huai's first time seeing Shen Yucheng. He recorded down this man's face for a lifetime. Black brows and phoenix eyes, skin as white as snow, so cold and detached that he didn't even look directly but glanced.

This coldness only dispelled slightly before Shen Youling. Yi Huai lifted his hand and wiped his face. He looked and only then discovered that he had black charcoal marks on his face.

Yi Huai thought, they really were people from another world. That man was so striking, so attractive, it was like it would be blasphemous to look at him a few more times.

Yi Huai walked back home slowly. He thought as he walked, his sweat soaking his clothes, the expression in his eyes becoming brighter and brighter, like a beast in the night, finding fresh flesh and blood by instinct.

Chen Liguo was still in the car admonishing Shen Youling.

He said, "Getting 16 in math, it's too disgraceful." ——it was actually lower than his historical record by half!

Shen Youling pouted and said, "I don't like math at all."

Chen Liguo said, "Then what do you like?"

Shen Youling stopped talking.

Chen Liguo said, "You, I just spoil you too much."

Shen Youling tugged at Chen Liguo's sleeve and crooned, saying, "Dad…… Dad, you're the best, I like you the most."

Chen Liguo's heart softened into puddle by her spoiled act but still forced himself to be indifferent. He said, "Don't act spoilt, if you're still like this later then you can take make up lessons at home every Saturday and Sunday."

Shen Youling knew that her father always said one thing and meant just that. She hummed, "Okay, I'll do the exam properly next time."

Chen Liguo continued, "Running out so late like this was just to meet that classmate of yours?"

At the mention of Yi Huai, Shen Youling's expression became tense immediately. She said, "Ah? It's isn't, I just suddenly remembered that I needed to say something to him so, so I came out."

Chen Liguo said, "You can't call if there's something?"

Shen Youling said, "He doesn't have a phone!"

Chen Liguo said lightly, "I don't care why you came out. This time can just be left at this. If there's a next time——"

Shen Youling shrank her head. Generally, her father wouldn't even scold her when she did something wrong, but if her mistake was beyond what was proper, then she was doomed.

The rattan stick at home had been specially prepared. Although it hadn't been used much, Shen Youling still felt pain in her calf when she thought of it.

After the father and daughter arrived home, Chen Liguo watched Shen Youling go upstairs before he finally took a bath with ease.

It had to be said that this body was very beautiful. The four limbs were slender, and the skin was white. There were some scars on his back, but those were heroic badges. Even the s*x organ was very standard. After Chen Liguo finished washing, he put on a bathrobe and walked out as he wiped his hair.

"Dong dong dong." The sound of knocking sounded.

Chen Liguo said, "What is it."

The person outside said, "Sir, Ah Hong has been found."

Chen Liguo's wiping action froze. He said, "Where was he found."

"Over the border." The person said, "He seemed to be planning to sneak over to Country K."

Chen Liguo asked, "And the person?"

The person answered, "Tied up in the car."

Chen Liguo issued an 'en', "Wait ten minutes for me."

The person outside responded with a yes.

Chen Liguo spent ten minutes changing his clothes. Only his hair was still wet, but he left it be and still went.

When the person outside saw Chen Liguo come out they respectfully called 'sir'.

"Let's go." Chen Liguo buttoned his cuffs and said lightly, "To take a look at him."

Ah Hong was originally a capable person under Shen Yucheng but he later betrayed him for unknown reasons. It was a pity that Shen Yucheng always only trusted by six tenths, so Ah Hong did not succeed.

After Ah Hong failed, he fled the country but was captured nearly two months later.

Chen Liguo never dealt with these things at home but at a specially purchased villa nearby.

There were bruises on the corner of Ah Hong's mouth and he had been tied up into a dumpling, kneeling on the ground. Chen Liguo sat in front of him and looked at him expressionlessly, saying, "Ah Hong, I believe that I haven't treated you unkindly."

Ah Hong coughed lowly and dried, saying in a low voice, "Sir Shen."

"Why?" Chen Liguo walked up to him and asked lightly, "Why betray me?"

Ah Hong said, "I'm sorry, sir Shen."

Chen Liguo asked, "The reason?"

Ah Hong shrugged his shoulders and spat out a few vague words. Chen Liguo couldn't hear clearly and hung his head slightly. Unexpectedly, just as Chen Liguo bowed his head, Ah Hong suddenly leapt up and kissed Chen Liguo heavily.

Fortunately, Chen Liguo reacted in a timely manner and he wasn't kissed by Ah Hong on the lips, but on the cheek instead.

With a foot, Chen Liguo kicked Ah Hong to the ground, his complexion ghastly pale, "Are you courting death?"

Ah Hong laughed lowly as tears came out of his eyes. He said, "Shen Yucheng, I like you, I like you."

Chen Liguo took out a handkerchief and wiped his face clean. Then he threw the handkerchief onto the floor.

Ah Hong said, "Shen Yucheng, you don't even know just how much I want to do you——see you cry, see you groan, moan. See you under me and beg me to slow down, be lighter."

Chen Liguo sneered, the expression on his face easing up. He crouched down and used those fair slender fingers that were like the whites of scallions to lightly caress the cheek of the person before him. He said, "Then why didn't you tell me? How do you know that I wouldn't accept?"

Ah Hong's face paled bit by bit.

Chen Liguo said, "Ah Hong, we have been together for so many years, how disappointing."

Ah Hong coughed a few times but began to plead for Chen Liguo to give him another chance——his hope had been ignited once again.

Chen Liguo said, "Unfortunately, it's too late." He said indifferently, "Take him down."

"Don't——Master Shen, Sir Shen, give me another chance, Master Shen! Shen Yucheng!" Ah Hong shrieked miserably as he was dragged out.

Although the air conditioning in the room was sufficient, the people standing nearby all had a layer of cold sweat, lamenting that Shen Yucheng really was frightening. Obviously, Ah Hong had already given up his desire to survive but he precisely gave him hope again before watching said man's hope shatter and distort in despair.

Chen Liguo's mood was also very bad and he went back home without saying a word.

The people nearby didn't dare breathe to loudly and it wasn't until Chen Liguo returned to his room that the tension alleviated slightly.

Chen Liguo's mood really wasn't good——He profoundly understood the system's sinister intention. If this was another world, perhaps this gun would have already been fired long ago, but it was impossible in this world. Who would dare to attack Shen Yucheng? Was this not courting death?

Chen Liguo: "System, you are frightening."

System: "Hehehehe."

Chen Liguo said sadly, "I still need to raise my daughter up and watch her get married." He even wondered if he needed to watch his grandchildren grow up before Shen Youling's completion degree was complete.

"Wuwuwuwu!!!" He couldn't get hard for women, but he couldn't get together with a man either. Chen Liguo was foreordained to spend more than ten years or even twenty as a single dog. The more he thought the sadder he got, crying like a child.

The system's heart wasn't moved in the least. It even wanted to laugh.

Chen Liguo laid on bed like a salted fish, his mood extremely bad for a long time.

Others only thought that he was in such a bad mood because he had been betrayed by his subordinate. Only he knew just how much his heart hurt to get rid of that underling.

That man was good-looking too ah! And he was secretly in love with him! Not only was he unable to develop him well, but he was dragged out into cement and sunken.

Of course, in contrast to Chen Liguo's heavy-hearted mood, the system was in an extremely good mood. It could finally live in a world fresh and clean of □□. In its constant fumbling about, the system finally opened the door to a new world——Many thanks to the Diamond Sutra for helping it get through its most difficult time.

The Author Has Something To Say:

Hahahaha, system, you're so sweet(。Spoiler:

Click here to see the spoilerThere will be no father and daughter fighting over a man in this world.
Thanking the darlings for your mines, grenades, and rocket launchers. heiheiheihei, happy. You group of little goblins, just choose some names and you just want to make big news = =

StormFrost: Title explanation: 我不做大哥好多年 could be taken as 'I haven't been an elder brother for many years' or 'I won't be a big brother for many years'. However, Chen Liguo has no siblings in this arc, and he is the boss of a now, somewhat clean gang. 大哥 could be the slangish big bro, just representing his position in the gang. And Chen Liguo heh, can't fulfill his hopes while he's this 大哥 I suppose.

He is also referred to as 老大 by his underlings, meaning boss in this context, but also means 'eldest'.

Misogi: I got something to say to the System: Hehe

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