The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 408: The Bizarre World

Chapter 408: The Bizarre World

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As they walked through the teleportation portal, Hao Ren thought he saw countless strange sights. Green forests, vast grasslands, oceans, mountains, rivers, and even the streets of the bustling city of the other world. The vision came and gone in a second. It scattered and dispersed in all directions. Hao Ren 'thought' that he saw it because this vision came quickly, and then scattered and dispersed before he could see it clearly, left him suspect that it was just an illusion.

These things were unique phenomena in this world. Perhaps due to the imperfections of the dimensional structure, the teleportation portal would project the landscape of other spaces, and every person who crossed the large teleportation portal would see the illusion. There was also a group of scholars who studied the illusion occurred during teleportation process. They delved into the connections between the various spaces. By continually using the portal, these scholars basically dead 30 years earlier before ordinary people…

After these strange and bizarre illusion dispersed, Hao Ren found that he already passed through the teleportation portal. Lily was running down from another obsidian pedestal. There were also a large number of demon guards around, but the scenery around the portal had changed, apparently, they were on the other side of the portal.

Lily dared not stop in the vicinity of the teleportation door. She was carrying five people, at this moment she just wanted to find a safe place to unload these people. The demons near the portal also did not pay too much attention to the 'Cerberus', only a few nearby demons turned to look this way, and then ignored her.

They crossed the border under the demon's nose in such a bizarre guise. They quickly moved away from the portal and came to a red hillside two kilometers from the portal. Lily ran up the hill and immediately put the two men in her mouth down, then shook her body vigorously while panting. Vivian's voice immediately came from underneath the fur. "Stop shaking. I know we're already here."

The Cerberus fur on Lily's back split open and they filed out of the big cut, and then began to help Lily clean up this layer of fur. Apparently, the husky girl had been suppressing her dissatisfaction. She stuck out her tongue and made faces, trying to communicate with Hao Ren, unfortunately, she could not talk in this form, no one knew what she was trying to express.

As Lily was transforming back to human form and changing clothes in somewhere else, Hao Ren finally got to stretch his body and said, "I would never forget this kind of experience… I was worried about Lily. What if she got too excited, lift her head and swallow us down?"

Y'zaks was also stretching his body and said, "Don't worry. At that time I was in front of you, should be stuck in throat…"

Soon Lily joined them, clean and refreshing again. As she walked, she sniffed her body suspiciously. She came to Hao Ren, stretched out her arms and asked, "Landlord, you smell it, see if there's any strange smell…"

Nangong Wuyue rolled her eyes and said, "You don't believe my ability is it?"

"Anyway, I'll never do this again!" Lily said angrily, "Look at your bad idea…"

Lanina was not chatting with them. She came to the end of the hill, looking at the direction of the teleportation door in a complicated expression. The details of the magnificent portal could still be seen clearly at this distance, and so the demon guards. Those demons, dressed in the armor of the Serathon Legion, looked high and mighty, but what they stepped on was the sentry and tower built by Y'zaks's legion.

"There used to be our soldiers," Lanina said and gnashed her teeth. Her tail drew an arrow in the air. "Bastard!"

"It's useless to talk about this now," Y'zaks patted Lanina's shoulder and said, "Now Serathon should have become the most powerful demon king. We have no soldiers on hand, must try to avoid conflict with his men."

Hao Ren was observing the environment here. He found that every Demonic Plane seemed to have no difference in the environment. The place was also covered with crimson hardened soil and black rocks, with bright lava flowing over the mountains, and red or green evil flames spewed from the surface cracks in the wilderness. But there was a difference between this place and Seraton's place: the sky here was clearer.

The sky in this place had much thinner clouds. Behind the thin cloud, a huge crimson planet was hanging high above the sky. This was a completely different view that they could not see in Serathonian Plane. Looking at this scene, Hao Ren had a deeper understanding of what the 'bizarre world' meant. Who would have thought that the universe had such a strange dimensional structure if it had not been seen by his own eyes? Serathonian Plane and Y'zaks's plane were both Demonic Planes, but they had this great difference in the most basic structure of the world. God knows how the 'space bubble zone' of the universe was formed.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Y'zaks said casually when he saw that Hao Ren seemed interested in the giant planet in the sky. "Among the ten planes, my Demonic Plane is the only plane that has another planet. In fact, the earth beneath your feet is just a broken planet floating in space. It has only one-third structures left. On the edge of the continent, you'll see a scary big cliff. If your angle is good enough and your eyesight is strong, you can even see a ball of dark red ashes of the planet's core. The core has been exposed for tens of thousands of years and is not completely cooled yet. And the planet above us is the real continent of this space. Unfortunately, it's not very suitable for survival. I had built a research station on the planet with the help of the little old man, but it was soon abandoned."

Hao Ren listened with amazement. It was hard to imagine how a normal universe would be able to produce such a peculiar landscape. The land occupied by Y'zaks was a fragment of a shattered planet. So how did this planet become the way it is?

"I tried to investigate before, but nothing was found," Y'zaks said and sighed. "There are too many unknown things in this world, but many people don't have enough curiosity, and those with curiosity are often not capable."

He suddenly looked at the huge teleportation portal in the distance and said, "Do you know? These portals brought this world a glorious civilization, but also ruined a lot of things."

Hao Ren frowned and did not understand what Y'zaks was saying.

"Because of the existence of these portals, we can relatively easily reach all kinds of 'Newland'," Y'zaks said with an ironic expression. "There are dozens of space vesicles known to provide a stable living environment, including the ten Demonic Planes, seven Human Kingdoms, three Elusive Elven Realms, four Orc Empires, the unknown number of Halfling Planes, as well as many different space continents as resource origin or colony. These 'space bubbles' are connected to each other by the portal, and only a simple step is needed to reach a foreign land far away."

Hao Ren nodded. He heard Y'zaks talked about these before, so he understood.

Y'zaks smiled and continued, "And in addition to the independent planes that have been developed, there is plenty of room for exploration. They may not be suitable for habitation, but they have plenty of minerals and supplies and the potential to build new homes. In the last few centuries, there have been three to four new spaces found in almost every 100 years. Each race has its own professional scholar, responsible for their exploration of the unknown 'space bubbles' floating in the universe. This exploration is easy: you only need to find a stable ancient teleportation portal and then throw a few slaves in to determine whether the environment over there is habitable, then you will be able to open up a whole continent, or even a territory as large as the planet."

Lily stuck out her tongue and said, "It sounds very convenient."

"It's really convenient," Y'zaks grinned and said, "so before I did, no one had ever studied the real space environment, this world didn't even have the concept of 'aerospace', and no one was interested in the space that was icy, void, dead silent, and full of high-energy radiation. Even though some of the space vesicles were huge and there was a complete stellar system inside, the people who lived there never wanted to explore the planets near them. Occasionally someone would open the teleportation portal that led to space, but they would immediately seal it off, fear of it and never touched it again--because space was dangerous, and they thought there was no need to take the risk to explore something."

Y'zaks sighed and said, "Most people's thought was simple: as long as they found the suitable teleportation portal and crossed the border. There were a lot of 'space bubbles' that were habitable, why bother to study space navigation?"

"But they don't know that the space bubble zone is just a small part of the universe. The truly vast world is outside the bubble zone--a vast universe with countless stars, but unable to reach via teleportation portal."

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