The Regressed Demon Lord is Kind

Chapter 523

Chapter 523

The pursuit team returned to their main base. Upon their return, they did not show the slightest sign of the fierce spirit and intense vigor they had shown when first leaving. Even those who didn’t know their situation could tell at first glance that they had incurred a huge failure or defeat. They looked shabby and their movements dragged from deep fatigue. Nobody would’ve been able to guess that they were the allied forces’ best elites by just looking at them.

As soon as they entered the camp, the pursuit team members began to sit down and rest without care for whoever looked at them. Fortunately, nobody said anything to them. The vice-captain requested the captain to let them be, and thankfully, the captain—whose personality had suddenly turned merciless and stubborn—granted the request without saying much. Thus, the pursuit team was able to rest comfortably after a long time.

Yet, the one who could be the cause of the pursuit team’s current condition, Glen, showed not even the tiniest bit of care for them. To him, the soldiers weren’t even extras—they were equivalent to the rocks rolling in the streets. The only thing on his mind was Zich. Glen was glad to hear hopeful news that the detachment, including Zich, had returned to the Steelwall army’s main base.

‘I will really kill that guy this time!’ Glen let out his bloodlust as he looked at the Steelwall army camp from a distance.

* * *

While Glen frolicked around and spent his time flaring up his bloodthirst for Zich, others were busy trying to solve a truly troublesome problem.

“…So, in the end, they were found out.” Count Flaud couldn’t hold back his sigh after hearing Viscount Pinne’s report. The Count was extremely shocked to hear that the Bellid forces inside Pinne castle were revealed. Even if lightning came down from a clear sky and destroyed a part of his residence, he wouldn’t have been this surprised.

“Is there a way that we can cover this up? Can’t you just feign ignorance about the fact that Bellid followers were found in your castle? I’m sure Count Steelwall can’t emphasize this point too much since Bellid followers came out of his place too.”

“I’ve been told that the altar where prayers to Bellu are held and its nearby facilities were found at the castle.”

“…They even made something like that?”

“It’s very important for those serving Bellu.” Viscount Pinne looked offended to hear Count Flaud refer to their altar and its nearby facilities as ‘something like that.’ He shifted his gaze slightly upwards. Count Flaud also noticed the change in the Viscount’s expression, but he had no intention to take back his words. It was the altar that had brought upon this serious situation after all.

“And I’m sure the Karuwimans are aware of all this?”

“Yes, since Belri Weig moved with them. He must have clearly checked it with his own eyes.”

“Damn it!”

Bam! Count Flaud pounded the table with his fist filled with mana and smashed the desk into pieces. Its remains flew everywhere. Yet, the two didn’t even blink.

“Did something happen, sir?!” the guards asked from outside after hearing the noise.

“It’s nothing. Carry on with what you’ve been doing,” the Count said and stared at the Viscount. No, he glared at the man.

“What are you going to do now?” Although he was repressing his rage, Count Flaud was extremely furious. The scheme he had set up looked as if it was going to fly back at him. It would be all over if the truth that the allied forces had been collaborating with the Bellids spread. If the Karuwimans officially participated in this war, it would completely eradicate the possibility of them winning this war.

It would only be fortunate if the matter ended with Viscount Pinne being accused of collaborating with the Bellids, but what if they began to suspect Count Flaud too? If so, Count Flaud would no longer just worry about losing in this war but the survival of his family and estate. There was a high possibility that all this could happen since the Viscount informed him that he possessed evidence of the Count working with the Bellids.

‘I shouldn’t kid myself that my enemy missed that evidence in this ambush,’ Count Flaud thought.

“Don’t worry,” Viscount Pinne suddenly said.

“What did you just say? Don’t worry? How could I not worry in this situation!” Considering the situation, the Count’s anger didn’t settle down easily. Yet, Viscount Pinne’s next words instantly quelled the Count’s erupting volcano of anger.

“There’s a way.”

“A way? You have one?”


“What is it?!” The Count looked at the Viscount like a traveler sighting an oasis after wandering in a desert for days. If Viscount Pinne requested him to do something right now, Count Flaud was willing to accept most matters no matter how burdensome they were. But the Viscount’s reply made the Count’s face grow several times more fearsome than before.

“I also don’t know.”

“…Are you joking with me right now?” the Viscount said in a low voice, but his voice held a compressed bundle of emotions that pressured his addressee more than he would’ve done by shouting. Viscount Pinne also knew that the Count’s patience must have reached its limit now.

“It’s the message I got from above. If we fulfill just one condition, they said they will take care of the rest.”

Count Flaud’s rage settled slightly seeing that the Viscount wasn’t playing with him. At the least, he judged that he couldn’t slice the Viscount this instant.

“By ‘above’, you don’t mean the Cronon Kingdom, but the Bellids, right?”

“Yes, sir.”

“What is the condition?”

“It’s the destruction of the Steelwall army.”

“That’s a difficult condition.”

The allied forces hadn’t been able to secure a single victory in this war. The main base already looked like it was ready to accept defeat. Of course, no one was stupid enough to say this in front of Count Flaud, but someone with a great amount of experience on the battlefield would have easily read the atmosphere of the situation. Compared to the allied forces’ morale that was crawling on the ground, the Steelwalls’ morale was piercing the sky. Since the Steelwalls won every battle, it was no surprise that their morale was so high. Moreover, the quality of the Steelwall soldiers was much higher than the allied forces’ soldiers, and the allied forces’ only advantage, which was their superior numbers, was quickly no longer becoming an advantage due to their continuous losses. How could they completely eradicate the Steelwalls under these circumstances?

“We have no other choice.”

“…Do you really not know what that method is?”

“Sir, they won’t tell me.”

“From what I’ve seen so far, I’m certain that you don’t have a low position in the Bellids, but they’re hiding it from you too?”

“Yes, I’m not in the highest position either.”

Viscount Pinne’s words sounded extremely fishy, and the Bellids could also be lying. However, the Count knew he had no choice but to follow Viscount’s opinions. As Viscount Pinne said, they really had no other choice. Count Flaud reluctantly said, “…Fine. I’ll do as you say.”

“An excellent choice, sir. I’m sure you already know this, but just in case, we’ll have to attack as soon as possible.”

“I know that.” The situation would get worse for them if they dragged out the time and the world found out about their cooperative relationship with the Bellids and fought against them.

Viscount Pinne added, “Sir, don’t worry too much. There’s not just bad news. We, the Bellids, also intend to participate in this attack from a different direction.”

“…” For a few moments, Count Flaud couldn’t decide if this was good or bad news. It was better to not get found out that the allied forces were related to the Bellids in any way, no matter how trivial it was. However, since they needed to annihilate the Steelwalls at all costs, Count Flaud couldn’t help but instinctively welcome support from the Bellids.

Count Flaud answered, “…We can’t fight together. If the Bellids give the impression that they’re cooperating with us, our military will fall in chaos before we can even destroy our enemy.”

There were only a handful of people among the allied forces who were cooperating with the Bellids, and most of the allied forces were just ordinary people.

Viscount Pinne answered, “Of course. The higher-ups would have surely considered that factor as well. I’m sure they know what they are doing.”

“Then that’s fortunate.” Contrary to his words, Count Flaud’s response sounded very displeased. However, there was no other way. “Why don’t you take your leave now? I also have to prepare for the final battle.”

“Yes, sir.” Viscount Pinne bowed and left the Count’s tent. He began walking straight to his tent. ‘What the heck are the higher-ups thinking?’

Considering that his estate fell under their enemies and information about the Bellids had been leaked, Viscount Pinne also felt melancholy. If the battle ended like this, his downfall was certain. The fact that the higher-ups had a solution was his one source of hope, but he couldn’t think of a way that they could possibly get out of this situation.

‘Why are they trying to annihilate the Steelwall army while even exposing our forces?’ How would this help the Bellids? ‘It feels like we’re being swayed by a third party who desperately wants to annihilate the Steelwalls.’

However, the Viscount erased this thought as soon as he thought of it.

‘No one can use the Bellids for their own gain.’ The Bellids were the ones who used others and it was never the other way around. Viscount Pinne, who was completely enamored with the Bellids, was convinced of this thought.

“Hello, Sir Viscount Pinne.” Someone interrupted his thoughts and called out to him.

Viscount Pinne looked at the man who greeted him. ‘Glen Zenard.’

He was one of those blasted Karuwiman Honorary Knights and one of the idiots who couldn’t protect his estate. Even though Glen Zenard was one of the top most disgusting people to him in the allied forces, Viscount Pinne skillfully hid his feelings. He said, “Hello, Sir Zenard.”

Glen said, “I think I saw you coming from the Count’s tent. Have you perhaps heard anything about his intentions?”

The Viscount answered, “It seems like there will be a final offensive against the Steelwalls soon.”

“Is that so? That’s good news.”

Whenever he saw Glen Zenard, Viscount Pinne usually laughed inside his mind and mocked Glen for being a puppet of the Bellids while being a Karuwiman Honorary Knight. However, he couldn’t laugh at him this time.

‘Is it because of his eyes?’ Viscount Pinne strangely felt uncomfortable at Glen’s shining eyes. He quickly said, “I’m quite busy, so you must excuse me.”

“Ah, I apologize for stopping you when you’re so busy. Please go on your way.”

Viscount Pinne gave a slight bow and passed by Glen. He didn’t know why, but the uncomfortable feeling in his heart didn’t disappear.

“This time for sure.” Glen was now left alone, and he murmured, “I’ll definitely catch him.”

His voice dripped with murderous intent.

* * *

A few days later, the allied forces mobilized all their forces to attack the Steelwalls. Zich watched them from above the Steelwalls’ barrier. His heart was fluttering in anticipation because he was sure that Glen was somewhere among the offensive forces.

‘Isn’t it about time for you to deal with the truth now? Right, Glen Zenard?’ Zich stroked the sword at his waist and scanned the allied forces rushing toward them.

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