The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2686 Opportunities to be exploited

Chapter 2686  Opportunities to be exploited

Following Wenni and Walkas, the group entered the interior of the island, passing through the defensive formations left by their crew.

As soon as they entered the island's lush forest, with coconut trees over 50 meters high, flowers of every imaginable color and a strong medicinal fragrance, capable of attracting the group's doctors and alchemists, they came across a shady area on the banks of a small lake.

In that place, a construction made of bamboo shaped a property of over 300 square meters, a house in an unusual style for Minos and his people, but which clearly served as a resting place for the members of Walkas' crew.

With three floors, the building had at least 30 different rooms, with the top floor being an exclusive area for the leaders of Walkas' pirate crew.

Wenni spoke a little about the place, saying how they made use of the area when they spent time in the area to rest and recover from battles.

"... You can make use of the whole structure. Don't worry about us, we'll soon be in hibernation again." She pointed out, before adding what she had already noticed that some men in the crew were muttering among themselves. "And about the Sea Serpent, try not to think about him too much. We've hidden from him twice on this island in the past, so it's unlikely that he'll get to us.

The Violent Sea is large and, in particular, the area around this island has zones capable of causing spatial disorientation in those who don't have special methods of dealing with the area. That's one reason we consider our island to be a safe place back then."

"If he's the strongest in these seas, why wouldn't he have methods of counteracting these effects that your crew and ours have managed to counteract?" asked an Armhands General.

Walkas explained in his wife's place. "That's the difference between someone looking for a needle in a haystack and another being able to exclude everything in their surroundings and see only what matters."

Wenni simplified. "We knew exactly what we wanted and where we had to go. The Sea Serpent has no way of knowing about this place and that we're here. For him to reach us, he would have to sail these seas for thousands of years or be very lucky to randomly choose this area to check out."

Minos coughed before changing the subject. "Don't bother explaining why the island is safe. I'll know when it's time to leave. You must tell me where your treasures and most important areas are. It's about time you went back to sleep."

Walkas looked silently at Minos and then showed. "The special cultivation areas are underground on the island. You must explore them before anyone else and set the boundaries for your people. But as long as they follow these limits, they should be fine.

As for the absorbable resources, books, coins, crystals and artifacts, I buried them at 57 points around the island. Each one is protected by formations, but if you follow a certain spiritual fluctuation, you'll find them."

As he finished speaking, Walkas released a subtle golden thread of energy, carrying a special aura. Minos let it enter the tip of his right index finger, an instant later understanding something new.

"Oh?" He couldn't help but be surprised. 'I didn't imagine there was something capable of hiding from me like that...'

Minos had noticed many formations around the island, but some of them weren't traps, but rather distraction items to draw the curious away from what they protected.

Walkas smiled when he saw the surprised look on Minos' face. "This sort of thing shouldn't surprise you. After all, I'm a native of Uzira and I've learned methods capable of fooling even a Celestial."

"We haven't lived this long in this sea without first learning a bit of everything." Wenni added with a confident smile on her face.

"I see. Thank you for another lesson." Minos summoned the black coffins of the two. "Now I feel I will have to ask you to return to your rest. I'll call you again if we run into trouble or if we've finished what we intended to do here."

"Good luck."

With those words, the two closed their eyes, allowing Minos to control their bodies and place them inside those urns.

The two fell into a deep sleep, with hourglasses appearing inside their coffins, significantly slowing down the passage of time to the point where it seemed as if they had 'died' again.

After taking the two coffins in his spatial ring, Minos looked around the area of the large bamboo house and the nearby lake on this part of the island. Looking at the surrounding hills and the many plants nearby, he ordered his group.

"Diret and your men should settle down in this residence and prepare for our stay here. I feel there are some excellent opportunities that can help our companions grow stronger here, so we'll stay for at least a year."

"A year?" one of the Generals asked. "What about Leger's group?"

"We'll still keep our end of the bargain with them. But they'll have to wait for us if they're still alive... Anyway, I want two Supremes to stand guard here and the other two to come with me. The rest of you should stay where you are. I'll define where we can come and go and come back to define the raiding parties."

Minos left Tiolos and Wovar behind, following with the two level 115 Supremes in search of the cave entrances on the outskirts of this area.

He could sense the places where Walkas' treasures were hidden, but he would leave that for later. Now he wanted to mark out an underground cave for his group to absorb the area's opportunities. Once he had all the underground locations for his companions marked out, it would be time for him to go after the buried treasures of that pirate crew.

As he moved with the two Supremes, he couldn't help but roll a smile on his face, sensing opportunities for his women and some of his men close to reaching the moment of their advancement to the next stage.

'It's all because of a new part of a True Celestial's body... What can I achieve if I get a third part?' He felt interested, wondering if he could find anything else on Zocarro, given that he had already found two parts of such a being.

'Even if I find nothing else on Zocarro, I'll be able to go after the planets of my competitors. While I was at the Millennium Massacre, I got the locations of some good high-level planets.'

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