The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2730 21st Year in the Tower

Chapter 2730  21st Year in the Tower

Time passed and soon the remaining competitors in the True Celestial's inheritance were finishing their challenges and leaving their rooms on the 20th floor.

With one day to go until the end of their year on the 20th, the group of 74 remaining competitors came together again, but this time in less stormy weather than on the 10th floor.

After the experience of climbing from the 10th to the 11th floor, they all knew that the difficulty of the challenges increased greatly between floors when the number of rooms changed as well. They didn't want to face each other in the current situation, where they would soon have the most tough challenges of their journeys on the 21st floor.

Minos, Soli and Forfex joined once again to wait for the timer to run out, each of them displaying different cultivation pressures, despite still appearing to be at the absolute beginning of level 115.

But the three of them, as well as all the other remaining competitors, knew that, just as in the first inheritance phase, their strength was growing as they advanced up the tower.

Minos greeted his two temporary allies and was soon contemplating his own situation.

After five more opportunities in the last 10 floors, he had turned all his techniques into special skills and raised the quality of his Physique. It was still at the Celestial grade, but Minos was sure that his progression to the next step was over 50% advanced.

Considering that there were still more than half the floors of the tower left for him to complete, he had good expectations for the end of this inheritance phase.

'My last technique to evolve was Solar God Breath. Now I have gained an innate ability capable of transforming my breath into cultivation. From now on, I will no longer need to meditate. The very fact that I breathe will already serve as cultivation and I'll be able to get stronger even while doing other activities concurrently!'

Minos was eager. He hadn't initially expected this technique to evolve into a skill so good. But as he thought about its new possibilities, he couldn't help but get excited.

But Solar God Breath wasn't Minos' only original technique. He now had innate powers related to Spatial Sword, Indestructible Body, Devouring Art, Infinite Dream, Chaotic Gravity, Explosive Steps, Nullification, Divine Seal and the Space and Time Avatar.

Chaotic Gravity had given him a new ability, with anti-matter effects. In addition, the Infinite Dream evolved to allow Minos to send an entire nation, if he wanted to, to an illusory dimension where he could make them believe they were living in another reality.

The ability stemming from Devouring Art was fully integrated into Minos' innate ability and gave him the added feature of devouring the opponent's power and passing it on to his allies. Previously, he could only use the technique on himself, or on those he left his mark on. But with this change, he could help his allies, even when he was already using his ability to temporarily make them stronger.

Divine Seal would now allow him to transgress the natural order of things and, in small spaces, for a few seconds, Minos felt he could subvert even the rules of the Celestial of this dimension.

He himself had been shocked when he created a small space of 1 cubic centimeter where he could be in control for a few seconds on the 17th floor of the tower. Such a space hadn't held stable for long, but while it had, it had been enough to allow Minos to feel that he was close to reaching level 116.

Nullification condensed into a skill that could destroy anything, within his limits, within his visual range. Indestructible Body raised his body's capabilities so much that Minos felt as if he had undergone a new qualitative evolution when he got the skill behind this technique on the penultimate floor he passed.

Explosive Steps, Spatial Sword and Space and Time Avatar were the least impressive techniques that provided Minos with new abilities.

For the current him, something related to movement, like Explosive Steps, wasn't so essential. Meanwhile, the avatar only transformed into a slightly more advanced version of his Divine Dragon body, which didn't represent such a shocking change for him. Ultimately, Spatial Sword could do what other of his current abilities already guaranteed him; the new ability coming from it came more to strengthen the other of his abilities.

But one way or another, Minos felt much better now that he had completed these opportunities, all the more so because the level of difficulty of the rooms was increasing very quickly.

'I did the right thing by trying to get several badges on the first few floors. My opponents will gradually start failing to complete two rooms from the next 10 floors.' Minos frowned as he thought about what would come next.

Some had already failed to beat all the rooms they tried between the 11th and 20th floors. Now that the difficulty would be increased by a few grades, Minos hoped things would get even more interesting.

As for the increase in difficulty for him, now that he had completed his primary objective, he wasn't even that desperate to beat several rooms per floor.

"Let's be careful on the next level. I feel that the number of uncompleted rooms will increase regardless of whether there are many more deaths from now on." He warned his allies.

"Don't you want to put everything you've got first thing on the next floor?" Soli asked him, frowning.

"Let's look at the 21st floor as an experiment. We'll define our plan once we've ascertained its level of difficulty."

"That makes sense. I almost failed on the 11th floor back there." Forfex agreed. "But after that, I could help myself better."

"Yes, I imagine it was the same with everyone." Minos nodded in agreement.

"But we're going to help you match the number of opportunities we have, Soli." Minos assured her of that promise from several years ago.

"All right. You always seem to get your predictions right, so I'll follow your strategy." She agreed after some thought.

"Any more hints about the next level?" Forfex asked.

"No. It's difficult to predict the future here. The restrictions of a True Celestial are truly magnificent. I won't know exactly until I beat a room on the 21st floor," Minos said sincerely, looking forward to the opportunity to improve his divine abilities in this inheritance.

He had already achieved this by advancing to the 12th stage, but he was almost certain that he would have this chance in this inheritance phase!

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