The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2878 The Fear of Devdar

Chapter 2878 The Fear of Devdar

As quickly as he had appeared in Minos' group on that spaceship, Devdar disappeared after giving his hint, not even bothering to say goodbye to the group.

Minos stood in the same position as before, looking down at his chest, while one of his hands held the pendant that Devdar had given him before giving him the tip of the Divine Tail. At the time, Minos didn't understand exactly what the powerful item that the True Celestial behind the inheritance had given him was for. The thing was so strange that he could hardly tell that the item had any value.

Because of his inability to analyze the item at the time and the flood of problems that surrounded him afterwards, Minos had practically forgotten about the artifact. Even his ability to predict the future didn't help him realize he had something that could be of great help to him in his current interests right around his neck.

Abby, Gloria, and Ruth looked around for signs of Devdar, but the man had practically vanished into thin air, leaving no trace that he had ever left or even been there. Some of the crew of their spaceship even looked at each other in doubt, not knowing if what had happened was a collective hallucination or reality.

"Minos?" Abby approached him, trying to understand this chance that Devdar had given them.

Ruth asked, "Is this friend he mentioned Forfex by any chance?"

Minos nodded positively. "I believe that's him."

"What about this pendant?" Gloria asked, looking at the item that looked like a flat spiral on a small metal plate about the size of a thumb. "You couldn't use it before? Can you tell what it's capable of?"

Minos scanned the item, understanding why neither the Nautilus' Compass nor his prophetic abilities had pointed it out to him. "It's a tunnel map with the keys to the doors... But it needs power equivalent to that of a level 125 True Celestial to be activated. At the same time, someone connected to the powers of the Hell would never be able to activate it."

The three women understood why they had spent all this time with a supposedly precious item, without realizing its usefulness to the group.

Gloria found Minos' description strange, not understanding exactly what this map and tunnels were. "What exactly is it for?"

"To cross the universe. I can't explain it any better than that. I'm sorry. But it seems to connect me to paths other than the wormholes we know. I almost feel as if they are the invisible fibers that connect the different components of the universe. It's like a gigantic spider's web, with two cores in particular. A very dark one and a golden one." He sensed the higher-ranking dimensions, intuitively understanding that these were the Hell and the UDDer Realm.

'It seems that this item will give me access to all of existence, except these two dimensions... But I can already access the Hell easily, so only the Upper Realm remains inaccessible to me.' Minos thought silently while his wives and crewmates were shocked by the description he had just given.

"So what do we do, boss?" asked the captain of the spaceship, wondering if their fate would change and if they would still be traveling by spaceship.

Minos explained with a sigh, "As impressive as the item would be in the hands of someone capable of using it, I do not know where to go with it. Firstly, I don't know where Forfex is. Secondly, I'm not used to the map and I need to test it a few times before I can use it to its full capacity."

Abby sighed, understanding that this was an opportunity, but not something immediate. "It would be too good if he came to us and gave us something that would immediately lead us to Forfex."

"It's just an opportunity, really. We'll still have to do all the hard work." Ruth agreed, not thinking it was a bad thing. In fact, Devdar had already given them a lot by just coming to them.

Minos ordered the captain, "Keep taking us to the Seraphim Dimension. I'll observe the path between our position and there to match this journey with the map data. Perhaps after we pass Zocarro again, I'll be able to make use of the pendant and make our future journeys easier."

The captain understood, turning his attention back to steering his spaceship towards the destination Minos had desired.

Meanwhile, Abby asked, "What about Forfex? We do not know where he might have gone."

Minos took Forfex's items that he had kept for himself and said, "Since Forfex survived the last stage of the inheritance, he can only have been sent back to the place where he was when he advanced a stage. And that place I believe I know how to identify." Forfex was a scholar. He had recorded many things on his journey, from plants, artifacts, minerals, races and also planets.

"We'll study the items he left behind and do some research at our next stops. This will lead us to some names."

They picked up different items and books from the contents summoned by Minos, not hesitating to start analyzing the belongings left by Forfex for Minos.

Meanwhile, they continued on their journey, still with the same goals of passing through Zeta Draconis, the Seraphim Dimension, and returning to Zocarro.

While Minos and his group continued with what was available to them now, Devdar returned to the Upper Realm, back to his observation area.

One of his subordinates returned to his side as soon as he noticed his return, and asked, "Well, master? Is Minos Stuart on the move?"

"Yes, I've put my last card in this game on the table. Now everything will depend on him," Devdar said in a solemn tone, looking again at the positions of his three heirs outside his dimension, but also at the situation of his enemies.

"I hope he really can help us like I'm hoping. The Hell is going to produce the first Devil capable of sitting on the Throne of Hell in a long time. I can feel it. It won't be long before a new war of Devils and Entitled Deities breaks out!"

"That will be horrible. The last time we warred in the way the master suggests, we almost destroyed the universe."

"That's the problem... But perhaps Minos can help us. His powers over space-time are

truly formidable. I'm looking forward to seeing him achieve his third divine power and his evolution in his other abilities!"

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