The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 284 The Jade Mansion (7)

Chapter 284 The Jade Mansion (7)

Ji Yuan had a most sheepish look when he was suddenly teleported off even before he could finish speaking off his mind.

But he soon shrugged it off, "It will never work anyway."

The reason why it had suddenly worked was because that cultivator was from the Desolate Celestial Fraternity. Obviously he knew who Ji Yuan was and he was afraid.

"Just my bad luck to meet someone from the Desolate Celestial Fraternity. Actually my point is to prove that this is not going to work…alas…"

As he was muttering to himself, he was also looking at the two wings on his forehand when suddenly he was interrupted by a sweet voice.

"Ji Yuan. Thank you! It really works."

It was Yu Jingjing and she had suddenly appeared in the main hall.

She was also followed keenly behind by many cultivators, including Feng Minyue and Mo Bei.

But Yu Jingjing was the first to greet Ji Yuan as she wanted to offer him her most profuse thanks.

But all of a sudden Ji Yuan had suddenly noticed many angry look that were on the cultivators that had gathered and they numbered at least a thousand!

It was because by now the entire Fire Faction had heard that Ji Yuan had a solution for them to win the trial for their faction.

But they had witnessed nothing and only a lame plan!

It was no wonder that they had such an angry look as they gathered to confront Ji Yuan.

It was because the plan did not work but the other three factions were now mocking at the Fire Faction for even suggesting such a plan!

Many of the cultivators were now staring coldly at Yu Jingjing and Ji Yuan.

"No plan is better than a stupid plan."

"This Maiden Yu may be na?ve but I can't believe that this Ji Yuan is also na?ve as well."

"Now we are the joke of this trial…"

"We ought to teach him a lesson for yesterday outrageous behavior…"

Ji Yuan took a weak look at everyone as he muttered. "Look here. All men are brothers and all women are my sisters. Haha. I did win, am I right? I did say this plan is not going to work…"

He was quickly interrupted by many of the cultivators who were demanding blood;

"We want this Maiden Yu and Ji Yuan here to apologize to us immediately!"

"If this Maiden Yu does not toast us all a drink, we won't let this matter off!"

"I don't mind if she is willing to accompany us to the bed chamber…"

All of a sudden Ji Yuan was frowning as he suddenly realized the true intentions of some of the cultivators here; they were just creating trouble in the hope of humiliating Yu Jingjing and not really because of the way the plan turned out.

Many of these cultivators were actually viewing one another as a direct competitor and they were just trying to put down their rivals to gain a psychology advantage.

Even though they were all in the Fire Faction but many of the cultivators did not really care about this and were just fishing for the sake of creating troubles.

And their first targets were naturally Yu Jingjing and Ji Yuan.

Yu Jingjing said coolly, "There are so many of you here and I can't toast all of you. Why don't I play from my zither to entertain everyone instead?"

Although she had lost her heaven-step zither but her normal zithers were still intact as it was not a cultivation resource and therefore she could still play her music.

Many of the cultivators were smiling disgustingly. "Then play your music until we are happy."

But there were also many righteous cultivators in the hall who were saying bitterly. "Just once will do! No need! Don't make things too difficult for them! We're after all, from the same faction!"

Ji Yuan suddenly interrupted everyone with an angry look. "Look at all of you. You dare to call yourself cultured cultivators? I thought that I am a rascal cultivator but you're worse than me. You're treating Maiden Yu like a common courtesan instead of a saintess! Shameful!"

Then he turned to Yu Jingjing to say, "Why don't I play a tune for everyone instead?"

Yu Jingjing smiled weakly, "My zither is a twenty-four string instrument and is extremely difficult to play. Moreover you may even hurt your fingers while handling it…"

"May I?" Ji Yuan smiled as he had suddenly extended out his hand to take her zither.

Bowled over by Ji Yuan's beautiful smiling face, Yu Jingjing found herself loosening her fingers and had forgotten to stop him.

Therefore Ji Yuan had easily taken the zither from her as he grinned. "I didn't exactly play for a long time so I don't know if I can play well. Please pardon me if I didn't play well."

Many of the cultivators were laughing and mocking loudly, even the ones that were not in support of pushing Ji Yuan and Yu Jingjing.

"He knows how to play a zither?"

"He must be joking, am I right?"

"Everyone can play but can one play well or not, haha…"

Even Mo Bei was laughing jovially as he stroked his beard while muttering, "Little Brother Ji Yuan is so funny. I should teach him a trick or two if he really wants to impress the maidens in our faction…"

Feng Minyue was smiling weakly at Ji Yuan as she could not bear to watch the outcome of his daring performance…

Ji Yuan laughed jovially as he found himself a table to put the zither before he seated himself.

Then he started to pluck his fingers on the zither and it went dong, dong, bonk, bonk!

The sound was really awful.

Many of the cultivators were laughing and some were even rolling to and fro with great laughter.

Many of the maidens were laughing and giggling too as they whispered;

"Actually even if he cannot play his music well, that is still alright…"

"That is because he really got good looks…"

"Hehe, what a fine looking man…"

"I wonder if he has a dual cultivation partner already…"

"But he looks a little poor…"

One ugly cultivator said to the maidens nearby, "I can definitely play the zither better than him. In my celestial fraternity, I am known as the one of the three Musical Sages."

Many of the maidens were suddenly giggling behind him;

"He doesn't have the looks to match his music talent…"

"What the point of knowing how to play good music when he doesn't have the look…"

"How can I appreciate his music when his looks can't even be compared to that Ji Yuan?"

"Before he starts, I am puking at his looks already…"

The ugly cultivator could not resist humming coldly, "All of you are so superficial. It is no wonder the Celestial Realm is degenerating nowadays."

Many of the maidens were retorting back at him; these maidens were all golden celestials and were not pushovers, especially when there were so many of them versus a lone ugly cultivator.

"What do you know? Looks are everything…"

"Who wants to spend time with you if you don't even have good looks?"

"I can be forgiving to beautiful men but I can't stand ugly men…"

"Move aside and don't stop us from appreciating a beauty…"

The ugly cultivator and many men: …

Ji Yuan began to ignore the commotions as he started to play the zither.

As he plucked the strings of the zither, he began to sing with a hearty voice;

"?? ???????????? ???????? ??????…"

"???????????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?? ???????????? ???????? ??????…"

"???? ?????????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ???????? ?? ???????? ???? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ???? ????????????????????…"

"???????? ?? ???????? ???? ???????? ???????????? ??????????, ?? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ?????????????? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ?????????? ??????????…"

"???????????? ?????????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????????? ???? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???? ???? ?????????????? ?????????????? ???? ???????? ?? ???????? ?????? ???????????? ???? ???? ??????????…"

"???? ???? ???????? ???????? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ???? ????????…"

"?????? ?????????????????? ???? ???????? ???????? ???? ?? ????????, ?? ??????????'?? ?????? ???? ???? ???????? ??????????…"

"?? ?????? ?????????? ???????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???? ???? ????????…"

"?? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???? ???? ??????????, ?? ???????????? ???????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ???? ???????? ???????????????????? ????????…"

"???????????? ?????????? ???? ???? ???????? ?????? ???????? ?? ???????? ??????…"

"?? ???????????? ???????? ??????…"

"???????????? ???????? ???? ?? ???????????? ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ???????? ????????…"

All the cultivators were stunned when Ji Yuan had started to play the zither; it was too heavenly and in fact they had never known anyone that could play so well.

Even the ugly cultivator who is one of the three Musical Sages was completely stunned.

Even those that did not understand music are all completely blown away by the heavenly music.

It was not only Ji Yuan's skill zither was heavenly but his beautiful voice as well.

Immediately the hearts of the many maidens were completely dazzled and melted by him as they thought; is he talking about me?

Yu Jingjing was stunned by the heavenly music as well as she thought; he takes my zither…don't tell that he is borrowing my zither to hint to me that he likes me?

She was suddenly flushing with hot flushes and she really wanted to hide her beautiful face behind a veil…

Feng Mingyue was trembling when she caught Ji Yuan had stolen a glance in her direction and was grinning.

As she lowered her shy glances, she caught sight of her hand that Ji Yuan had hold only yesterday and was startled with a thought; don't tell me that he is singing this song because he was holding my hand yesterday…

Confusion and the pace of her heart immediately went faster, causing her to flush behind her veil as she sunk in her thoughts…

She muttered silently; he is really a badass. Only he can sing something like this in front of so many...

When Ji Yuan was looking at Feng Minyue, Yu Jingjing had thought that Ji Yuan was actually looking at her; this confirmed and convinced her that Ji Yuan was in love with her.

She was thinking; why then did he agree to act on my plan even though it will make him appears to be foolish in front of so many cultivators. He is only doing everything because of my sake…

Xiang Li was startled in Ji Yuan's soul sea as she stared dreamily at Ji Yuan; Big Brother, is he singing this love song to me? I know this is a song love. Is he trying to tell me that I am his eternal support…I am Big Brother's spirit entity and I don't need his thanks…but Big Brother, he…has fallen in love with me…"

She was holding her face as she could feel the warmth of her cheeks as she gasped. "I can feel myself…even when I didn't materialize outside of Big Brother…is this true love?"

Ji Yuan had completely stunned everyone.

How did he manage to play the zither to such a level and sing his lyrics in such a moving manner?

Ji Yuan had spent several centuries inside the Dream Trial doing nothing but played the music instruments every day for his beloved consorts.

He really had nothing better to do every day except for singing and playing sentimental music to all his beloved consorts because he thought that he may never see some of them ever again.

Now the skills from the Dream Trial could not be brought over and would be forgotten once the Dream Trial had ended.

But music was a soul thing and Ji Yuan happened to have a perfect 10 for his soul level. And the music that he had played and created is all deeply entrenched into his soul.

He really did not lie that he had not played for a long time and when he had first touched the zither, he had suddenly remembered how to play the zither because his heart had remembered the teary and sentimental days in the Dream Trial when he thought that he may lose his beloved consorts forever.

But of course this factor was not enough.

There was a double factor as well.

Ji Yuan is known as the Great Poet Ji Yuan and his poems are all moving and touching. This allowed him his sub-consciousness to remember how to play the zither because he could remember the poems that he had created as this was his innate ability.

Therefore he was now playing the zither to heavenly level and he was actually reciting his poem as a song.

That was the reason why Jiajia, Xue Qianxue and Ling Feiyue had all wanted to meet Ji Yuan but they were too shy to meet him so they had to cook up an excuse to be acquainted with him. After all, they were all noble maidens and it was beneath their station to meet a peasant cultivator like Ji Yuan.

Also there was a big problem with Ji Yuan; it was said that he had broken the hearts of many maidens because he refused to entertain them no matter how beautiful they were.

There was a rumor that Ji Yuan was actually a gay.

Therefore Jiajia decided to setup Xue Qianxue and Ling Feiyue as well while thinking; let's see if these two great beauties that are exalted in the entire Desolate Celestial Fraternity can move you or not. If they can't then I truly believe that you're a gay…

Jiajia had long admired Ji Yuan's poems and she wanted to find a way to get his attention. She had never expected her plans to be screwed up because Ji Yuan had fallen in love with her at first sight.

Ji Yuan was repeating his song and he played for some time.

But this time no one dared to say anything disrespectful or even mutter a single word lest they disturbed themselves from listening to this impossible heavenly music.

To the astonishments of many cultivators, they could feel that their hearts were all burning with emotions and even their soul seas were overflowing; many of them had a sudden breakthrough in their small cultivation realms or had a sudden cultivation insight!

These cultivators suddenly had tears in their eyes as they could not believe what they were experiencing!

Even those that did not have any breakthroughs could feel that their soul seas were rapidly expanding!

All of a sudden Ji Yuan began to cease playing slowly as he lowered his head.

There were deep grief from everyone when they could feel that Ji Yuan was about to stop playing.

Many of the cultivators were begging silently in their hearts; please don't stop playing…

All of a sudden Ji Yuan had changed the tunes and he was singing heartily again;

"???????????? ???????????????????? ?????? ???? ??????????????????????…"

"?????????????????????? ???? ?????? ???????? ????????????…"

"?????????? ?? ??????, ???????????????? ?? ??????????…"

"?? ???? ?????? ???????????????? ???? ?????? ?????????????????? ???? ?? ?????????? ???? ???? ??????????'?? ??????????????…"

"???????????????? ???? ?????? ????????, ?? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ??????????????…"

"???????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ?????????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ????, ?? ???????? ???? ???????? ???? ???????? ???? ???????????? ???? ??????????…"

"?? ?????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?????? ??????????…"

"?? ?????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????????????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ???? ?????????? ????????????????????…"

"?? ??????'?? ???????? ?????? ?????????????????????????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ????????????????…"

"?????????????? ??'?? ???????????????????? ???????? ?? ???? ??????????…"


All of a sudden Ji Yuan saw that everyone was looking with a stoned expression at him as he raised his head.

He could only smile awkwardly, "I guess that I've gone a little overboard with a second song. I was a little too high…"

All of a sudden many of the cultivators were shouting heartily;

"Not at all!"

"Come, let's us toast Brother Ji a drink!"

"He is right! We are invincible when we're drunk!"

"Let's us all be happy immortals tonight!"

Ji Yuan was startled to find that he was suddenly being mobbed by both men and women at the same time.

"Wait…what is this? What is going on?!"

Many of the maidens including Yu Jingjing and Feng Minyue were all flushing as they surrounded Ji Yuan excitedly…

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