The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 287 The Battle Of The Wings (1)

Chapter 287 The Battle Of The Wings (1)

The battle arena was full as usual as the top cultivator exponents from the four factions began their daily battle for their battle wings.

There were currently more than forty fights going on concurrently at the same time at the huge platform below.

Naturally the speculators were only interested in the most exciting fights for several reasons; to check on their opponents and to learn the moves of their opponents so that they can guard against it.

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Bai Qianfeng and Shui Xisi on the other hand were looking intently at the battle arena for sight of Ji Yuan.

It was because today was the day that Ji Yuan was supposed to fight for his third wing.

In order to watch Ji Yuan, these maidens had all quickly overcome their first two battles.

They had expected that Ji Yuan would be there to watch their battles but they were disappointed that he did not appear at all.

A high wing combatant can always watch a lower wing battle but not a higher wing battle. This rule was created to push the combatants to go for the higher levels as quickly as possible.

But Ji Yuan did not turn up.

They were beginning to worry that something had happened to Ji Yuan.

After all, they could see the angry stares by the cultivators from the Fire Faction that was directed at him.

Ji Yuan had really made his Fire Faction looked like clowns, apparently.

They were intently looking and waiting for Ji Yuan's number to be called.

"Combatant number 6316 versus 44 444."

44 444!

A most easy to remember number.

This number had belonged to none other than Ji Yuan!

Immediately many of the speculators were chucking loudly when they recalled Ji Yuan.

With such an easy to remember number, everyone could naturally remember it. Moreover after Ji Yuan's last match had ended, many of the cultivators from the other factions were gossiping about number 44 444 and a na?ve cultivator by the name of Ji Yuan that had advised them to spar bloodlessly.

Feng Minyue and Yu Jingjing were also among the speculators; they had also quickly gotten their second wings so that they could watch Ji Yuan in the battle arena.

Even Mo Bei was in the speculator stand as well.

Just as the thousands of cultivators from the three opposing factions were laughing jovially at the announcement of 44 444, the speculators from the Fire Faction had suddenly exploded into thunderous applaud and more than half of them were suddenly standing up and yelling like crazy.

The jovial laughter from the other three factions were completely drowned by the thunderous applaud from the Fire Faction.

And it seemed that there were more cultivators from the Fire Faction than the other three factions too as though they had all turned up in full force.

The cultivators from the three factions were startled; what was going on? Aren't these cultivators from the Fire Faction mad at 44 444 just 2 days ago?!

Number 6316 was a cultivator from the Nine Celestial Fraternity. When he had heard the number 44 444, he was chucking aloud as he appeared.

Naturally he knew who his opponent was; he was that na?ve cultivator Ji Yuan and his number is 44 444.

But when Ji Yuan had appeared inside the battle arena, there were thunderous applauds from the Fire Faction and they seemed to go berserk as many of them were now shouting madly;

"Ji Yuan! Ji Yuan!"

"The God of Songs!"

"The God of Songs Ji Yuan!"

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Bai Qianfeng and Shui Xisi were stunned and bewildered; what was going on around here?!

Isn't Ji Yuan the target of his own angry faction just two days ago?!

And why were they calling him the God of Songs Ji Yuan?

Ji Yuan laughed as he introduced himself to his opponent 6316, "I'm Ji…"

"No need. I know who you are." His opponent was laughing. "You're just a clown in my eyes."

Ji Yuan: …

"I am Yan Kun, a saint cultivator from the Nine Celestial Fraternity." Yan Kun smiled coldly. "And I am from the…"

Ji Yuan interrupted him with a frown. "No need. I've no interest to know."

Yan Kun flashed a grin as he flashed his heaven-step divine sword. "This is my divine sword. Do you have one?"

As he displayed his heaven-step divine sword, he had also revealed his profound animus; his profound aura immediately pronounced him as a heaven-step saint (initial saint).

Immediately many of the cultivators from the other factions were thinking that Ji Yuan was going to be dead soon because this Yan Kun seemed to possess a powerful profound defense; he seemed to have an extreme powerful internal and external profound art as well.

Yan Kun lifted his head proudly with a cold smirk, "Even if you're a great saint, you have no chance against my Supreme Tied Divine Force."

As he said that, multiple ripple of shockwave could be felt by Ji Yuan that was encircling Yan Kun.

Ji Yuan immediately understood that this Yan Kun was not lying to him and he was indeed very formidable.

Yan Kun was obviously looking down upon Ji Yuan who looked as poor as hell and he had good reasons.

"With my Supreme Tied Divine Force and my heaven-step divine sword, my profound power is more than a great saint. This is enough to deal with a sword cultivator like you. Even if you're a great saint…"

Ji Yuan interrupted him, "You want to say that even if I am a great saint, I am not your match, am I right?"

Ling Feiyue, Little Princess, Bai Qianfeng and Shui Xisi were thinking: Is Ji Yuan going to try to show off his saintly divine sword again?

But Ji Yuan raised his sword fingers and said, "I will like to see how my fingers compare to your divine sword then."

Ji Yuan did not want to use his divine sword because he wanted to keep it as his trump card.

So he had released his puny profound aura instead.

Even though his profound aura was puny but many of the cultivators, including those from the Fire Faction were also startled; it was because Ji Yuan had displayed all his profound strength and had revealed himself as a peaked great saint, the highest cultivation realm.

Yan Kun was completely speechless as he cursed silently; why is a damn peaked great saint doing in the trial? And he looks so young without any grey hair…

But he was soon thinking; this is not only a physical fight but a psychology fight as well. He is just trying to overwhelm me with his superior cultivation realm but in reality, he did not have any power profound art to back him up. This is my advantage…

Yan Yun smirked coldly, "Is that all that you can manage?"

All of a sudden there was a glow on Ji Yuan's forehead as he revealed his sword spirit; immediately the strength of the sword energies in his sword fingers had increased tremendous.

Yan Kun was startled, "So your spirit entity is a sword spirit?"

Ji Yuan replied, "That's right."

But Yan Kun laughed as his profound aura immediately formed into a nine headed golden hydra with the profound animus strength of a seventh rank spirit entity.

All the cultivators were now looking excitingly at the forthcoming fight between Yan Kun and Ji Yuan.

In a flash, the two of them were now displaying their profound powers against each other as they raised dozens of sword stances against each other.

Yan Kun was suddenly startled as he could feel the chilling sword energies that were being displayed by Ji Yuan; he had never seen sword energies that are so deadly before.

All of a sudden he realized that Ji Yuan had a higher swordplay art than him.

After exchanging a few dozen strokes, Yan Kun was inhaling heavily while Ji Yuan was still fresh.

In fact Ji Yuan was still grinning and he did not seem to be in a great hurry.

This time Yan Kun was beginning to be panicky; it was because his profound strength was draining very fast, both from using his divine sword and from his powerful power profound art.

Although his power profound art was powerful and was aided by the use of his divine sword but Ji Yuan could parry off his strokes just by using his sword fingers.

The vicinity around them was exploding with his powerful martial profound force and the deadly sword energies that were being unleashed by Ji Yuan.

Yan Kun said weakly, "Do you know that sword energies is almost futile against the profound defense of a power cultivator?"

But Ji Yuan grinned as he continued to display bursts after bursts of sword energies with his sword fingers at his opponent. "I know. Many have told me this."

Most sword energies is weaker than the profound defense of a power cultivator but Ji Yuan could keep unleashing his puny sword energies bursts to weaken the profound aura of his opponent.

What Yan Kun could not understand was how on earth did Ji Yuan have the profound strength and energies to keep projecting sword energies at him…

Ji Yuan's already had an insane energy recovery due to his focus on energy recovery techniques coupled with the fact that he had a high spirit level.

Plus he had a small breakthrough in his spirit core level two days ago just after he had played his music in the hall.

That was the reason why Ji Yuan did not appear yesterday to watch the battle that his beloved maidens were in.

Instead he was cultivating hastily to stabilize his spirit core as his True Sacred Saint Profound Art advanced.

All of a sudden Ji Yuan had an inspiration and his fingers seemed to burst forth with a sudden bright profound energies.

As Yan Kun was fending off Ji Yuan at point-blank, he was startled by the sudden burst of profound energies that his divine sense could not detect just in time.

When he could finally realized what was going on, a burst of white light that was extremely brilliant had suddenly struck him hard, causing him to be lifted up and exploded with several streaks of white light even in mid-air!

Even Ji Yuan was startled!

And so were all the speculators!

Many of the speculators were gasping as they could sense a strong life-force energies that had suddenly emerged from Ji Yuan!

"Life-force sword energies?!"

"Is this Ji Yuan so crazy as to use life force energies?"

"Or is he so desperate?"

"He can just surrender…why did he have to gamble with his life?"

Even Ling Feiyue was gasping, "Why is Ji Yuan so foolish?"

All the maidens from Little Princess, Shui Xisi, Bai Qianfeng, Feng Minyue and Yu Jingjing were all startled and were worried that something may have happened to Ji Yuan.

Life-force energies can generate very powerful profound energies but more often than not, the cultivator that uses it may likely to their lives as well!

Ji Yuan naturally did not want to gamble with his life and naturally he did not use his Sword of Destruction.

But he had a sudden inspiration when he was using his sword spirit and had just released a small amount of his life-force energies to augment his sword energies attack.

Somehow after his new breakthrough, he was now able to control the flow of his life force energies and was now able to tap into it to create a new devastating attack.

In short he had just created a new profound sword art on his own!

Ji Yuan was a master of profound energies control and after he had nearly lost his life after using the Sword of Destruction, he was now able to visualize and control his own life force to tap as life force energies.

And just now he had an inspiration to tap into it by a guts feeling.

And he had actually succeeded without gambling his life away.

Everyone was stunned that Ji Yuan had been so reckless and was so desperate to use a life force energies attack without a care for his life.

Yan Kun coughed out golden blood as he banged his fists on the floor, "I…concede…Just my bad luck that I've met…such a reckless…cultivator…"

Ji Yuan laughed, "Haha…I've won."

"Don't let me meet you again. I won't let you win in our next battle." Yan Kun cursed weakly before he lost his consciousness.

Yu Jingjing was nearly in tears, "Ji Yuan…he almost kills himself using a life force sword art…how foolish…"

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