The Runesmith

Chapter 340: The New Commander.

Chapter 340: The New Commander.

“I know that I placed it somewhere in here… There it is!”

After the little crash landing, Roland quickly gathered up his armor and returned home. Considering that none of the parts flew off his body, it at least proved that the silvergrace suit was clinging to the parts well. Even when receiving some physical trauma from the fall the magnetism helping to hold everything together still worked. Even if he was all out of mana he implemented a few runic batteries as a backup generator, unless his new armor received some critical damage it would not peel off easily.

“It’s still cracked but I should be able to copy or transfer the data that’s stored in it…”

He was looking at a small cracked orb that belonged to the Purgatory Lich that invaded his home. After the predicament with that monster was finished this piece was stored by him in a safe along with some other valuables. When flying through the air he was having trouble keeping balance as the Levitation spell was not meant for such a use. Its intent was to float up in the air, only thanks to the power of propulsion was something like flying even possible.

It was a little experiment that he performed in the hopes of gaining some air mobility. The mana cost of such a combination technique was actually not that bad. While the levitation spell worked at minimum capacity to reduce his weight to almost nothing he could use tier 2 fire spells to propel himself forward. There was one big problem though, he was not versed in flight and had no idea how to balance everything out. While making the armor his thoughts weren't really on gliding through the air which would require constant adaptive movements to not overshoot.

Thus the damaged monster core of his latest monster enemy came into play. After the Lich’s defeat, Roland did a small investigation into the Purgatory variant. They were quite powerful monsters that if not killed fast could evolve into something truly disastrous. Then there was their specialty that in later stages involved actual flight. Considering that this monster core was a database of the monster's memories there was a possibility of gaining that knowledge for himself.

After working with golems Roland was convinced that there existed other variants that were similar, this monster Lich being one of them. Instead of having a brain made of flesh similar to humans, it possessed a core that worked like it instead. If he was capable of taking monster cores and implementing them into his spider golems, then it was probably the same for this thing.

‘I haven’t really ever tried working with the previous operating system though, maybe I should perform a few tests on regular golem cores before fiddling around with this thing.’

While the idea was interesting there were a lot of drawbacks. This core still belonged to a monster that was hungry for his mana. What if he inserted it into a golem which would instantly go berserk and try to kill him? Without spending some time adjusting this thing there was no way of him knowing about what could happen.

‘Perhaps it might be better to just use a golemic core of a floating golem? But there aren’t really that many variants besides that eye thing…’

He tried to recall any monsters that could do the same thing instead and were not bent on feeding on his flesh. There weren’t that many resources available as most monster golems encountered in dungeons were lumbering giants. Other craftsmen also preferred to produce similar variants as it decreased the work they needed to perform on the monster cores. Making one from scratch was a possibility but would probably require years of research and then extended tests.

‘This thing is also perfectly aligned to my mana pattern, integrating it into the system wouldn’t be that difficult and it also is a core of a rare tier 3 monster variant, they aren’t that easy to get.’

Roland was a magic caster and implementing something like an Ai program that previously belonged to a magic caster would go well with his design. The Lich was primed for using many minions so it could help him control the increasingly more complex golems that he was going to start building. Even if he had the multiple mind trait there was no way for him to control all of them at once. They needed to work on some type of operating system and a helper could be something he could use in the future.

While due to being a human from the modern world his mind went towards artificial intelligence, such things weren't really that foreign in this world. Other mages could gain some help with their spell-casting work from summoned creatures, there were even specialized ones integrated into mage towers. Roland wasn't sure how they really worked and what they did there but it wouldn't be much different than his attempt at integrating this core to help him with some calculations.

‘Well… I’ll decide later, I need to rework the mythril greatsword before Theodore’s knights arrive. It would be great if I could examine a mage tower, could help me with the research...’

It was late so for the time being he decided to put the core away and keep this idea for later. First, he needed to get through the ordeal of the next day. Now that he had become the Head Knight there were certain responsibilities that weighed down on his shoulders. After finishing up with the blade there were things he needed to attend to at the Valerian barracks.


“Get your asses into gear, the Commander will be here any minute.”

“Who would have thought that the Runesmith was a hidden Knight?”

“I was rude to him once… do you think he remembers?”

“Probably, those tier 3s have a good memory, you’re probably done for.”

“H-hey stop joking.”

“Shut your mouths already!”

A group of soldiers were standing around a field while wearing standard soldier armor. It wasn’t full-plate armor as it lacked some metallic protection around the thigh and upper arm parts. This was defended by a lengthy chain shirt and a piece of plate armor designed to protect the upper thigh called the tasses. Their helmets had no visors and while they offered less protection they didn’t limit their sight as much as the bulkier counterparts.

Around a hundred of these soldiers had gathered at their training ground. On their left side each came equipped with a shield of the runic variety. Their main weapons consisted either of shorter one-handed spears or a longsword. All of the weapons had runic enchantments on them and were made from duresteel. The man that fashioned these in the past was on his way here which felt a bit strange to this squadron of men.

“Sir Gareth and Morien will arrive with the new Knight Commander, I want you all to be on your best behavior.”

“You want us to sing him a song captain?”

“Haha, that’s a good idea, Davin here knows his way around the lute, we could share some drinks!”

“That’s a good idea!”

The soldiers nodded while their leader, Guard Captain Edmon slumped his shoulders. He was well aware that the soldiers here weren’t quite trained. They mostly consisted of previous adventurers or farmers' sons that acquired the warriors class. Some chose to become city guards instead of roaming the dungeons and getting killed by scary monsters. Now they had become part of the city and needed a lot more training.

“Shut your mouths or I’ll do it for you, whatever you do, don’t speak out without getting asked by the Knights or your head will roll!”

Edmond was forced into scare tactics as he didn’t want a slaughter to commence. The new Commander was apparently Wayland the Runesmith. The man was stoic and very rarely talked. It seemed like the type that wouldn’t appreciate a unit of sloppy soldiers. If he saw this scene Edmond feared that someone could lose their life or a limb. He heard some horror stories of knights making examples of sloppy guards to strike fear into their underlings. This was not something that he wanted to happen to his men who he was responsible for.

“The Knight Commander is coming!”

“Everyone, get to your spots, and don’t dare to move!”

One of the soldiers that was instructed to inform him about Sir Wayland’s arrival finally showed up. He quickly placed himself next to the other armored men and remained silent. Even though everyone was loud and cheery just a moment ago, now even a pin-dropping would be heard.

Their heads remained facing forward but their eyes continuously glanced at the entrance through which their new leader was supposed to enter through. Many of them had already been there during the confrontation of the two Knight Commanders. The impression that was left was quite overpowering. To them that had never seen a proper battle between tier 3 class holders, it was eye-opening.

Gareth stepped through the threshold and next to him was Morien. Both of them were suited up and wearing heavier plate-mail suits of armor. When the two first arrived in the city they were quite eye-catching but now they didn’t look like much, even less when compared to the person that was slowly walking behind them.

The guards and soldiers were stunned by the appearance of their new Knight Commander. His armor was a lot more intricate than the one that he wore before and he had also gained an increase in size. Emmerson the Knight that appeared before was wearing something flashy but this exceeded their expectations. The weight of this suit was not something they would have been able to handle and all of them knew it.

Yet the crimson suit with darker silvery outlines wasn’t the thing they were focusing on. Their gazes caught something else that was following next to their new commander. Around forty centimeters off the ground, a sword was floating. There was a visible blue hue around it with runes giving off similar light. The sword was long and bulky and not something that should be easily able to hover in the air.

All of them wanted to start asking questions about the magical flying sword but they couldn’t. The moment this man arrived before them a strange oppressive aura surrounded the entire training field. It was as if they were looking at some kind of ferocious dragon staring them down. They all felt as if they would lose their heads if they tried to speak up or move a muscle. Even Captain Edmond was shocked as the previous time he had seen Commander Wayland, he was wearing something more casual. Now he looked like someone ready for war.

“I won’t take up much of your time. As you might have heard, I’m your new Knight Commander.”

His voice was quite strong but not oppressive. There was some roughness to it but also a strange softness in the tone. The moment most of the soldiers heard it they were knocked out of their stupor. Even though he wasn’t saying much, the Knight before them was able to keep their full attention.

“Sir Gareth and Sir Morien will explain your mission. You have been handpicked to act as the vanguard for our Lord, Arthur Valerian. I will make sure that you don’t dirty the noble family’s name.”

Some of them were stunned by the announcement. There were more soldiers within the Valerian compound but a hundred were chosen to gather here. It seemed that they were planning on giving them some special training which was a big opportunity. They were not knights and lacked some of the proper training given to them. This was turning out to be an opportunity of a lifetime that could potentially earn them a pay raise.

“Sir Gareth, if you would.”

“Of course, Commander.”

Soon their new leader took a step back and remained in place while the two other knights filled the soldiers in on the new mission. Just as they expected they would be receiving some new training along with new weapons and positions if they made it through. It seemed like the noble wanted to create a smaller unit of elite soldiers and they had the chance to get into it.


“What do you think?”

“I’m not sure, they need a lot more training. The highest level was around seventy. You might want to ask for some proper knights from the academy.”

“The graduation just ended, I won’t be able to gather any worthwhile recruits at this time.”

“Hm… Mary, did you spot anyone suspicious?”

“No, there didn’t seem to be any spies within this group at least.”

Roland nodded at the reply while peeking out of the window. He could see part of the barracks from here and the sounds of their new training regiment were quite audible.

“Mhm, we still need to be careful, after the unit is created they could be retroactively recruited by Theodore or one of the others.”

“I agree, it’s better to be careful.”

His visit to Arthur’s villa was to present himself to the new soldiers. To make a grander impression he used his runic suppression skill along with some visual cues. The floating sword was one gimmick and gave him an air of mysticism. He wanted to give the impression of a no-nonsense leader similar to the way Emmerson operated. From these hundred or so men he wanted to get rid of around half. The rest would be put to work in the dungeon to gain some quick levels.

“But first we must get through the exchange, I’ll be counting on you for tomorrow my head knight.”

“Hah, yes leave it all on my shoulders… After this is over, I’ll have you both work…”

“Yes sir!”

Arthur chuckled while looking at the grumpy Roland. Soon the time for letting out Emmerson would arrive and they needed to get ready. The stage was prepared but they had no idea of knowing what would happen. Would Theodore go with the nuclear option and send out multiple knight commanders and troops to get Emmerson back? Not paying for his release was an option if he could force his way through but that was what he was here for, to act as a deterrent.

Soon the time arrived and Roland was left with a swarm of butterflies floating around in his belly. Thanks to the armor shielding him from the outside gazes no one would know that their pillar of support was having second thoughts. This was not something he wished to do but there was no way out of it. To protect himself along with the people he cherished he couldn't retreat anymore.

Around three weeks had passed since the confrontation with Emmerson. The signs of battle in the courtyard had been mended and the defenses were being enhanced. Runic turrets capable of killing tier 3 class holders would become the norm the moment he had some time. As it stood now he needed to rely on this armor that he created, his opponents might decide to test him again in this land where might made right.

‘I guess I’ll first go with plan A.”

“Well my Knight, I think you are needed elsewhere.”

“Yes, My Lord. I will take care of it swiftly.”

Arthur smiled as Roland switched to his Knight Commander persona. At least when they were out together he needed to fit the role. With time he hoped to get replaced by one of the two knights that were loyal to the young lord. Together with Mary, they needed to get through a quick leveling course and become his real pillars of support. As it stood now he still only saw himself as a temporary ally. Whenever the chance arose he hoped to free himself of this burden of nobility that for some reason didn’t want him to find peace.

Outside a row of soldiers stood at attention as they formed a pathway to the Valerian Villa. Emmerson as the most important part of this exchange had been transported here. The rest of the knights would be released shortly after the money was transferred in full. Arthur didn’t need to make an appearance during this exchange. With Roland around there was no need for him to bow his head before other Knight Commander's like before. It was fine for him to remain in his office and keep a lookout.


Both the guard Knights that usually guarded Arthur were now assigned to him. Their levels had gone up since the last time but weren’t much over a hundred. Roland was not sure if he was trusted by these two but that didn’t really matter. They would not betray Arthur and at least he could count on them not interfering in things as long as he acted in their lord's favor.

Soon they were walking through the villa’s corridor to go outside. The maids, butlers and even the cooking staff were all hanging around the windows. To them, seeing so many armored men gathering together was quite the spectacle.

“Bring him along, but remain behind me. We will not hand him over until they give us the correct sum.”

“Yes, Knight Commander.”

On their way to the exit, they were greeted by four soldiers. They were holding on to Knight Commander Emmerson tightly who was unable to muster much strength due to the collar around his neck. He didn’t say anything while glancing at Roland’s new armor but the moment the floating sword was seen, his eyes began to twitch.

‘As I expected, he sent out another Knight Commander and a party of platinum adventurers… I hope this goes well.’

At the side, there was his own party of platinum adventures. They were on standby for the time being if a fight broke out they would be the main backup for his side. The time for the trade was upon them and he hoped that this time around, no blood would need to be shed.

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