The Runesmith

Chapter 360: You Activated My Trap Card.

Chapter 360: You Activated My Trap Card.

“I’m not sure if we will be able to make it to your location in time, you’ve descended into the unexplored lower levels.”

“I know but this is what the situation is, I’m not sure what those people will…”

“Is something wrong, I’m not hearing…”

“I need to go, they are here.”

Roland stopped while raising his hand up. Agni after seeing it stopped in his tracks as well. The sudden stop sent the third person who was here flying forward. The gnome made a nice spin through the air before getting grabbed by a translucent blue hand.

“C-can we t-take a b-break? I think I’m going to… urp…”

The short man grabbed his mouth as he tried to hold it in. Riding Agni was doing wonders to his stomach which was about to explode. To not get any of it onto his armor Roland decided to push the gnome away to the side. There while he was expunging his last meal, he took in the upcoming situation.

‘How did they get here before me? Is there some kind of shortcut that I’m not aware of?”

It was his first time in this section of the dungeon. After wandering in he had left behind a sensor at the entrance and then a few further in. During the exploration, the sensor managed to pick up the location of the chamber with the gnome. It was around the edge of the sensor’s limit and placing more at the entrance to the large cavern didn’t expand the area that much.

Without placing sensors in almost every major cavern and even into some longer tunnels he would not have a clear map of the entire area. The mana of the dungeon liked to interfere with the visuals from time to time and the only way around it was to place more sensors. His new enemies had to have some prior knowledge about this dungeon as they were just arriving at the exit.

‘I was counting on them arriving here after me, this doesn’t look good, what should I do?’

Roland looked at Agni who had not yet picked up on the presence of the adventurer party. The group of five had arrived before the stairs leading up. It was probable that the archers would discover their tracks leading to the passage he was currently hiding in. This way only led towards the larger chamber where the adventurer party was fighting undead monsters.

‘A tier 3 tracker will probably know that I have not gone up the stairs yet, they will either remain by the entrance and wait for me or go after the tracks. That is if they actually want to get to me and this gnome…’

The motives of this party of adventurers were at this moment unknown to him. If they just left up the stairs, then it was probable that they decided to flee. However, they weren’t budging from the spot which meant that they went with their other option.

‘Will showing them the Valerian crest do me any good? Probably not…’

His murder of the man that worked for his father’s estate already proved that leaving bodies behind in dungeons made it hard to discover the cause of death. There were many stories of knights and even nobles going missing inside dungeons. They didn’t know that he already informed the other platinum adventurer party about the incident. Even if they managed to kill him along with the gnome, their actions were already known.

‘They will never believe that even if it’s the truth. If I retreat, I’ll just wind back up at that altar with the undead but is running and hiding my only option?’

Realistically speaking, survival wouldn’t be that hard. Even though the monsters on this level were about level one hundred eighty, they weren’t that problematic. The dungeon was not explored yet but the possibility of finding a hidden room that could be opened by runes was high. If he retreated and continued to explore, it was possible for him to hide. There were some supplies in the spatial satchels he brought along and also in Agni’s armor.

He had prepared for the possibility of getting trapped down here for a prolonged time so retreating would have been the safest option. The group of adventurers would probably not expect him to return to the large chamber nor would they want to go back to a place filled with monsters. Then he could just wait for Myrtle and the others to come to pick him up. Perhaps the group of five would just leave after a day or two of waiting.

‘Do I really have to retreat? Their levels weren’t all that high, they don’t even compare to someone like Emmerson…’

A thought crept into his mind. Roland had spent most of his life running away and even after receiving his new class and going through the difficult ascension ritual, this was still his default setting. It was a bad habit of his that served him well in the past that was not that easy to discard.

‘How long will I have to remain in this damp dungeon if I retreat?’

After living the life of a feudal lord in the ascension trial his demeanor had begun to change. The safest route was not always the best one. If he didn’t act now then he could perhaps lose days of work. Even asking for help from the platinum adventurer group was problematic. They weren’t really that different from this group he was trying to evade. It was possible for Myrtle to even lose her life when they encountered this group and he was not there to give them some support.

‘I still have the element of surprise on my side and Agni is also here, I’m not alone.”


After glancing at his companion he nodded. The time to act was now. This group of adventurers was probably still in a state of confusion. They would not expect a direct attack from one man. In reality, they weren’t too smart either as for some reason they didn’t account for his strength. He was alone here but they didn’t consider why he could be. A person who could casually survive encounters with powerful undead, would naturally also have to be strong.

Perhaps in their rage and desperation, their minds decided to ignore this fact and focus on his escape. If he was stronger than them, then why didn’t he stay there but run instead? The logic was sound but they could not foresee that their opponent was skittish by nature.

“Hey you, stay here.”

“Stay here? What are you trying to do, isn’t the entrance to this floor?”

“It is but your friends decided to block it. If you want to, you can go ahead and have a chat with them.”

“I… I’d rather not… but w-what are you going to do, Sir Knight?”

“I’m not sure, that depends on how far those guys are willing to take it… Before I go.”

Roland started checking his equipment and running a few tests to see if everything was in working order. While he was rescuing the gnome there was no time to analyze his opponents so before venturing forth he needed to get some precious info.

“Can you tell me all that you know about those five? What are their levels, classes, and the extent of their weapons?”

“Ah? I’m not too sure myself but their levels are between hundred eighty and hundred ninety. That bastard with the two swords is their leader but you probably realized that by now…”


The gnome started rubbing his beard while giving him all the info that he was aware of. He knew some things about their classes but nothing specific. The group was apparently using some magical accessories that didn’t allow his identification skill to work. Usually, no one looked into the classes of platinum adventurers as their achievement of the high rank already said enough.

“So you only know this much… but it should be enough, I’ve already seen them fighting.”

Roland nodded as he just wanted to confirm a few things before leaving. While the group was fighting the undead he had gathered some data already. His armor had already locked onto their mana patterns which would make taking them out a lot easier. The group had a rudimentary setup. The tank would take all the blows and the two archers remained in the back.

The spearman was the main damage dealer and the swordsman leader gave out orders. His eyesight was probably good if he could take care of the situation and keep giving them orders. The sacrifice of the gnome was the right solution that would allow him and his men to get to safety. If he wanted to disrupt their team work, going for the dual swordsman was probably the safest bet. The group relied on him issuing orders while they just focused on the battle.

“Wait, that’s it? You’re just going to face them, alone?”

“I’m not alone though?”


Angry howled at the small gnome in anger after that statement. Roland had covered the place in a barrier of sound already so their conversation would not be heard even if someone was close by.

“Ahhh… No… I mean… wouldn’t it be better to retreat? I’m sure Sir Knights's allies will come and save us.”

“My allies? What allies?”

“Uh… are there no other soldiers here with you?”

“Soldiers? No, It’s just me and him here.”

“You and him?”

The gnome looked at Agni who held his head up high as if he wanted to show off his magnificent ruby mane. It seemed the person he saved had attached too much worldly logic to Roland’s appearance. Valerian Knights weren’t known for wandering alone into dungeons. Usually, they were accompanied by a larger group of soldiers but he was not really part of that group.

“B-but you are a Valerian Knight right?”

“I guess?”

“T-then shouldn’t other soldiers be here?”

“No, let’s say that things are complicated but I really need to go, so just stay here and stick to the shadows.”

“But what if some monsters appear?”

“They won’t but … use this if something happens, just put some mana into it and throw it at the monster.”

Roland gave the gnome a round object with some runes on it. The item in question was just a standard explosive that also had some divine properties to it. It was strong enough to take out a berserker and should give this person some time to escape. After receiving the magical bomb the gnome seemed astonished by the runic patterns over it. His class was closely related to magic so he could probably tell the worth of this item.

“... Shit … Give me a moment, if you are really going to confront those shitheads… then take this with you!”

To Roland’s surprise after his new friend received the holy grenade, he quickly dove into his backpack. From within he pulled a strange-looking bottle that was longer than wider. It wasn’t a standard health or mana potion bottle. Those two were usually rounded on the bottom and also placed into the clear glass to show off their color. This one was made from stained glass that didn’t allow him to see the pure coloring of what was inside.

“This is?”

Greater Elixir of Empowerment


Elixirs and potions were different as they had varied beneficial effects depending on the type. If what the gnome was telling him was true, then this elixir here was quite useful. Regular empowerment elixirs increased all the base fighting stats by a set percentage.

“An Elixir and it’s a greater one?”

Greater Elixir of EmpowermentHigh

“Of course, who do you think I am? Just a regular gnome? Now that I think about it, we haven’t properly introduced ourselves to each other. I am Rastix Zelbebanin, Master Alchemist extraordinaire!”


The Gnome straightened out but he had so much dirt in his beard and clothes that it was hard to see him as a Master Alchemist. Roland didn’t really want to waste any more time as the dots on his screen started moving. So he just nodded and quickly replied.

“You can call me Wayland, I’m Lord Arthur’s, Head Knight.”

“The Head Knight of the Valerian Lord?”

“You have my thanks for the elixir, I’ll use it if the need arises.”

“If the need arises? What do you…”

Rastix was stunned for a moment but didn’t really have time to ask more questions as Roland just started leaving. A greater elixir of empowerment would probably boost all of his stats by around ten to fifteen percent. It was quite a large boost which was better used in a pinch. The time it worked was limited and as it stood now, he didn’t really see the need for it.

‘I hope this newfound confidence doesn’t end up killing me…’

Before leaving for the entrance clearing he called his partner over. After a few adjustments to the armor Agni was wearing his body started blending in with the shadows. His enemies would probably be searching for his canine companion but before they noticed it would be too late.

“Remember, move slowly just like we practiced in the workshop. Unless you make any sudden movements, the spell will remain.”

Agni nodded and the two parted ways. They both knew what the plan was and the group pursuing the gnome would be given a chance to surrender. Roland didn’t think it would work but playing the bait was also fine. While opening fire up instantly was an option, the group of platinum adventurers had not yet attacked him directly. If there was a small chance of this ending without people dying, then he was willing to give it a try but if they answered in avarice then he was ready.

“I heard something, someone is there.”

“It’s that knight, watch out, something doesn’t feel right.”

Roland emerged from the shadows before the group of adventurers. They were standing in the same formation as before. Two archers in the back, tanker in the front and the other two just waiting there for him to approach. They were cleary suspicious of his appearance there but it was clear that they recognized his shiny armor that was producing a menacing runic glow.

“That Knight has a name and is part of the Valerian household, care to explain yourself?”

“Where is the Gnome? Is he hiding behind you?”

“Leader, I don’t like this, that beast isn’t here either…”

He decided to keep moving. In his right hand, he was holding a large tower shield while his blade floated to the side. It gave him a menacing and mystical appearance that could perhaps convince this group of backing away. Yet as he got closer, they continued to block the way forward and also unsheathed their weapons.

“Stay where you are!”

The leader pointed out with his longsword while the two archers nocked their arrows and pointed them directly at his head. While normally a heavily armored man would have nothing to fear from arrows, in the hands of tier 3 archers they became deadly weapons. The silvery coloring of the tip clearly belonged to mithril and would even leave a mark on his own red one.

“What do you plan to achieve by pointing your weapons at a Valerian Knight? Do you wish to be hunted down like dogs?”

“Cut the bullshit, you know what this is about, either tell us where that gnome is or we’ll beat it out of you!”

“Is that so?”

Roland was a bit stunned by the forcefulness of their leader. He didn’t even make an attempt at bartering and his eyes were resolute. It was probable that this was not the first time he was doing something like this and it was the same for the other four. It made the moral quandary of his decision nonexistent. They just wanted to get rid of him along with the alchemist and were already preparing to run him through.

“So, if I understand correctly. You are unwilling to return to the surface and have yourself judged for your transgressions?”

“What is this fucker on about, are you stupid or something?”

“I see…”

“Tell us where the gnome is!”

The angry leader shouted while his group started inching forward. They probably realised that they were at a disadvantage if they remained in that spot. They had seen him use spells so they were right to assume that he was a mage or used enchanted items. It seemed that the plan was for the archers to keep him from casting while the tank rushed him.

“I refuse, lay down your weapons and surrender, this is your last warn…”

Before he could finish the sentence one of the archer’s arrows left their bow. Almost instantly the man that was wearing comparable heavy armor to his started running forward. Even with all that weight on his shoulders, he was sprinting like an Olympic-level athlete. His body was submerged in an aura similar to Emmerson’s skill and right behind him was the spear wielder. The man used his party member’s larger body to keep himself hidden and would probably attempt to use that explosive thrust that was used on the skeletons previously.

It was a plan with some merit. The first arrow collided with his mana mantle, the same type of spell the lich he defeated had used. He spread it over his shield which allowed him to resist the archer’s skill. The weight behind the ranged attack was surprising as it actually forced him to exert some physical force to not have his shield blown away from his hand.

“You should watch where you are going…”

Roland just stood there without using much to resist the charge. The leader of the group probably found this suspicious as he approached at a slower pace than the two others. One thing that he didn’t expect was that his opponent already expected this behavior and was aiming for it.

To the man’s surprise when he started stepping forward he heard something. It was directly below his feet, some type of trap. None of them could have known that their opponent had placed mapping sensors here, one of them was directly under the dual swordsman’s foot. While the device was used for making maps, it was possible for its creator to alter the runes even from a great distance…

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