The Runesmith

Chapter 369: Underground Prison.

Chapter 369: Underground Prison.

“Who are you, people? Are you from the guild? Do you know who the fuck I am? Do you?”


“Answer me!”

A man with a large horizontal scar on his face was shouting in a darkened corridor. The person he was having a one-sided conversation with looked at him as if he was some type of insect. The crime boss named Ivor found himself in a state of utter disbelief and confusion about this whole situation.

Just a moment ago he was sipping on expensive wine and now he was eating nothing more than dirt. The group of bodyguards that was composed of guild members had not been able to do anything about the group of assailants. Their bodies lay on the ground covered in cuts and bruises. Most of them were dead with only a few survivors that continued to groan as their blood poured into the corridor.

“You got Kabir? Yes… I’m finished here… He is alive but he doesn’t look happy…”

“Who are you talking to?”

“Quiet him down, we need to rendezvous with the main forces.”


Ivor’s mind raced as the strange woman that took care of his guards ordered her allies to apprehend him. He tried searching for an explanation for this turn of events. In his mind this must have been about money, some kind of competitor was trying to infringe on the empire that he had built up.

“Do you want money? I’ll double, no quadruple anything that you were offered!”

“Hah, that’s why criminals like you are no good, this has never been about money… Now, silence him, I’m tired of hearing that ugly man speak.”

Before the crime boss could utter another sentence he felt something hit the back of his head. His face collided with the hard ground before him and the fall was only cushioned by his nose that cracked on impact. As his consciousness faded his mind became a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, ranging from anger and frustration to fear and paranoia.


Ivor jolted up to attention as he awoke in a place he didn’t recognize. The first sensation that greeted him was a throbbing headache that was quickly followed by a sharp pain in his nose. It had been clearly broken after his previous interactions with a group of shadowy assassins.

“Ugh… how did they know that I was in that tunnel?”

As his eyes adjust to the dim light, they begin to make out the cold, stone walls that confined him. He was inside a dungeon devoid of any comforts and his wrists were bound by metallic shackles. The chains were somewhat longer which allowed him to check his broken nose but his mind was currently on another issue. The people that came after him had ties to the guild as finding the escape tunnel would have been impossible otherwise.

“Was it that snake bastard or that bitch… Did they find my spies or was I betrayed by them?”

His mind raced again as he had paid a lot of people off to keep him informed about the other guild bosses. He didn’t trust anyone from that group which he planned to eventually take over. With the influx of adventurers, there would be people that he could buy as always. With enough backing from tier 3 combatants, the city would be his for the taking.

“So you’re awake?”

“Kabir? Did they get you to? What’s with that miserable state…”

“Shut up… ugh… it hurts to talk…”

His cell didn’t have any doors but bars instead through which he could easily see his associate. Kabir the man that was responsible for his protection was in another cell. His arms were bound to the walls by shackles that looked a lot sturdier than the ones he was held by. Then there was his whole body which had a lot more scarred tissue than he remembered. It was as if he had been burned by something and then healed after by a lesser healing potion.

“That damn monster…”

“How did you end up like that? How many people did they bring?”

“Heh, just one man in a tin suit…”

Kabir groaned while laughing but quickly stopped after realizing that his whole body was still hurting. The healing performed on him was done to a minimal degree. It was a common practice if a person wanted to keep their prisoners alive but also assure that they wouldn’t be strong enough to make a run for it.

“Only one man?”

Ivor couldn’t believe that a strong man like Kabir was brought down to his knees by only one person. He had scouted this man for the sole reason that he was a strong fighter that kept climbing up the ranks. The sum that he needed to give out for the tier 3 fighter was tremendous but worth it. It was thanks to him that he could pave his way in the early underground game. Solidifying his position as the gambling den owner could only happen thanks to the man’s muscles.

As he continued to struggle against his restraints, the crime boss heard something. A door in the distance opened up and steps echoed in the distance. His mind raced with thoughts of escape and survival. He was at the mercy of an unknown force with all power stripped away.

The realization that his reign of power could be coming to an end was starting to cross his mind. Yet he was not dead yet, there had to be some meaning behind this occurrence. The person that caught him had to want something and perhaps a deal could be stricken.

“Good morning Mr. Ivor, I see that you are enjoying your new accommodations.”


“A mere criminal dares…”

“It’s fine Mary, Mr. Ivor has been through a lot and probably wants to hear some answers.”

Before him was someone that he saw only portraits off. The noble that run the city was deemed to be meek and timid and not worthy of interaction. Paying him off crossed his mind but he was just waiting to test the waters as the man remained passive for quite some time. After this prolonged period of nothing Ivor assumed that Arthur lacked the balls and power to do anything about the crimes done in the city. Yet, now he was here, a man inside a cage.

“Lord Arthur, if you wanted to talk we could have arranged a personal meeting… I’m sure we can work something out…”

“Oh, work something out?”

“Yes, we are both men of business and I know about your situation…”

“My situation, oh pray tell?”

Ivor saw a glimpse of hope. The noble was willing to speak to him, he was not dead yet. How the Valerian house operated was known to him and what Arthur was competing in as well. From his perspective, this was just a power move created by the young brat. Arthur more than likely just wanted to strongarm him into handing over some of his money. If he played his cards right he would be able to get out of here with all his limbs intact.

“I’m sure that I and my businesses could prove very lucrative to your interests…”

“Oh, do you want to sponsor my endeavors, that’s very kind of you, Mr. Ivor.”

“The young lord is very wise.”

He smiled as the noble he was talking with seemed to get his intent. Money from under-the-table gambling could not be taxed either, so it was just clean earnings for Arthur. There was no reason to refuse a deal like that and he was sure that no noble could refuse such riches. Even though he would be losing a lot of money his life would be saved. If he had to become a dog of a brat like this one, then it was fine.

As long as he was alive there was always a chance to turn it around and he was not the type to forget old grudges either. Sooner or later he would get his revenge. His life was the important thing now, if he made it out in one piece then his time would come later. Even if it took ten or twenty years he could wait.

“Well… I don’t really need a sponsor like you, so I’ll have to decline your offer.”

“Please wait, I’m sure we can come to an arrangement. There are thousands of golden coins that I can offer you per month…”


“I assure you that replacing me won’t be easy, I know everyone in this city. No one else besides me can make so much! Please, reconsider it, My Lord!”

“Hm… it is true, replacing you will cause some growing pains and confusion, and this would affect the earnings.”

“I knew that the Lord would be wise and…”

Before Ivor could continue Arthur just smiled and shook his head.

“I’ll have to disappoint you but it’s still a no.”

“But why, the money…”

“It was never really about the money… I just wanted to see what kind of man you were and I assumed this much, no remorse for what you have done whatsoever. Mary, I’ve seen enough. We will proceed with the trial as we have planned.”

“Of course.”

“Wait, you can’t do this, I can offer you riches and power, you need people like me in the city! How do you think that your brothers operate? Are you really this naive? You need me!”

Ivor gritted his teeth as he knew that all nobles cooperate with crime lords like himself. Taking in bribes was like breathing for those bastards and everyone knew it.

“I need you? Maybe in the past, that was true and I would have probably taken you up on that offer buy now things are different.”

While smiling Arthur looked in a particular direction close to the ceiling which Ivor didn't understand. 


“Well, not like this has any meaning to you, hope you enjoy your last days here. I hope you like these accommodations.”

“Y-you bast…”

Before the man could utter those words something collided with his face. He could not perceive it but there was only one person who could have done it. The scary woman that stood there reminded him of the person that caught him in the thieves guild tunnel. Her gaze was cold and he could not utter a word when peering into those eyes.

“Are you finished?”

“Yes, the man was truly a snake, I wager that he would have betrayed me in a heartbeat.”

“I’m glad that you didn’t gamble with your life, Lord Arthur.”

Arthur chuckled at Roland who replied with a gambling-related line just as he did. Both of them along with Mary and the other two Knights were now in the main office. The guard captain had just left with the task of preparing the public court case. It would be held in the town hall where almost everyone could join.

The plan of presenting the city people with hope was underway. After seeing one of the crime lords being punished for their crimes, the city’s affection for their leader would surely rise or at least that was what Roland was hoping for. It was possible for them to have rattled the thieves guild feathers too much with their first mission.

“So, how is our little scheme going, has there been a word from the guild or not?”

“Not from the guild Lord Arthur but my people have managed to schedule a meeting with one of the other leaders.”

“Which one, was it the Madam, or the assassin?”

“The former but it wouldn’t be strange if they attempted to retaliate, that’s why Sir Wayland agreed to meet her.”

“I see, I’m sorry that I have to keep you away from other work.”

“It’s fine, I expected this much and we can’t have you unprotected before the trial. Some of them might attempt to free their disgraced leader.”

Kabir, one of the leaders of the guild had been a tier 3 class holder and the same might have been true for the man named Viper. If he was a competent assassin then perhaps Arthur’s life was at risk. While no one believed that the thieves guild would do anything against a Valerian noble there was always a small chance of something happening. Sometimes nobles were captured and ransomed off. In Arthur’s case, he would not have many people willing to pay the price of thousands of coins. If he was captured and the Thieves Guild members realized this truth, his life might actually end.

“Considering my conversation with the Adventurer Guild master, they all hated Ivor but it’s better if I go there. I don’t believe that they will try something at this point.”

“Using your ever-growing fame? But are you sure it is safe? Are you sure you can trust that man, what if they surround you?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll come prepared.”

“If you say so…”

Roland knew that now when the cat was out of the bag, it would be more difficult. Their enemies had a lot of money and if someone like Kabir was there, then it was possible for more tier 3 class holders to be up against him. However, after his latest set of victories, his confidence was growing. Even if he was surrounded, there was probably a way to escape.

“... But be careful, I wouldn’t want the rising star of Albrook to become a falling star.”

“Rising star of Albrook?”

“Are you denying your fame now? I’m sure yesterday's acts have already become legends!”

“Ah, Sure…”

Roland wasn’t sure how to reply to Arthur’s nonsense. The young noble had become a lot chipper ever since he achieved his tier 3 class and started throwing his weight around in town. Perhaps he was just glad to have a partner in crime or that finally, things were beginning to look up for the unwelcomed son. While he wasn’t sure if he could become a true friend, creating a path for the city to prosper was something he was capable of.

After discussing a few more issues the inner circle consisting of Roland and Arthur’s old retainers dispersed. The noble needed to prepare a speech for Ivor’s case and the others needed to guarantee his safety. Roland on the other hand needed to finish what he started and for that, he needed to visit the red light district again.

“Knight Commander.”

“Is everyone ready?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Good, follow me and keep a short distance.”

At the barracks, he was met by one squad of exactly ten people. This group was made out of better prospects that he handpicked from the current soldiers. Their levels were higher than the average and their experience overshadowed most of the others. While his plans weren’t to play Knight Commander for too long, having a trusted elite troop at his command was important. Roland knew that doing everything by himself would not always work and by helping these people grow they would turn into a formidable force.

‘I see he is actually putting his heart into it. Perhaps Elodia was right.’

Before leaving his eyes fixated on the field next to the barracks. A lone youth was there that had recently begun his training of becoming a squire. This squire in training was clad in a simple tunic and wielding a wooden sword. His current enemy was a wooden dummy that was getting constantly hit. It was a simple drill to help train his swordsmanship skills to a higher level but would pale in comparison to actual combat.

‘I wonder…’

While looking at the awkward display of swordsmanship, his mind began to work. It was possible to fetch monsters to act as training dummies to help people train but was quite ineffective. It was dangerous and the monsters were usually killed quickly and had to be replaced. It was easy if it was just goblins but past a certain level this type of training became far too costly.

His idea involved something that could be conserved and something that he had experienced. Golems were something that he could construct and repair. The biggest problem with those automatons was the world system. For one reason or another, it would not allow people to train on created constructs. They needed to be perceived by the world as true monsters for it to work. If he could somehow assume control of a wild golem, then perhaps he would be able to give his people an everlasting training dummy that let their skills soar.

‘I guess, after I’m finished with this issue I’ll see to that… There are so many ideas I have in mind, but unfortunately, so little time to execute them all.’

While considering future projects he left the soldier training area. New recruits were pouring in and soon the estate would need to be expanded. If everything went well at the destination that he was heading to, then perhaps assembling a proper castle for Arthur would not be a dream.

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