The Runesmith

Chapter 375: Sealing The Deal.

Chapter 375: Sealing The Deal.

"Mr. Ivor and Kabir, isn't it?"

Arthur's voice rang out, directed towards the two restrained men who sat in silence. Despite their moving mouths, no sound escaped, thanks to a potent spell cast by a skilled Knight Commander. This silencing enchantment proved exceedingly useful when dealing with spellcasting mages who required vocalization for their magic, as well as when managing criminals whose only contribution was malicious speech.

"I've extensively reviewed a multitude of documents, and I'll only be reading a selection of the charges you're facing today…"

Arthur's voice steadied as he took a deep breath, his words unleashing a torrent of heinous crimes upon the courtroom's gathered attendees.

"Charges include but are not limited to: organ harvesting, murder, kidnapping, unlawful slave trafficking, torture, rape, and even allegations of tax fraud and cheating…"

Though the list of accusations stretched far beyond these, the city lord chose to emphasize the most grievous offenses.

"Undoubtedly, you gentlemen have led quite the eventful life. Is there anything you wish to express in response to these grave allegations? Perhaps an apology to the countless victims who have suffered due to your actions?"

Arthur gave a nod to his Knight Commander, positioned nearby, who promptly dispelled the silencing spell. The shackles bore glowing runes that gradually faded into the metal, freeing the two men to speak without the constraints of runic magic. As anticipated, the initial words uttered were laced with hate.

"And what exactly do you expect me to do, you noble bastard? Beg for mercy? I don't grovel."

"What the fuck do you want from me, you noble bastard? Beg? I sure as hell won't grovel before the likes of you.”

Ivor unleashed all the build-up hate that festered from the days he was locked up in the dark dungeon. His eyes filled with nothing but hate.

“Go fuck yourself, you know damn well, if I'm gone just another bastard will step into my shoes! Don't even try to bullshit that this is some saintly act. Everyone in this damn room knows that you and those other noble scum are nothing but cutthroat pricks, if not even fucking worse than the likes of me that you so dispise!"

“I see, quite the tale.”

Arthur found no need to retort to the accusations, as the man's shouts only served to further entrench his dire situation. It wasn't surprising; Ivor understood there was no escaping the current situation and that there would be no mercy. However, the man's companion took an entirely different approach. Rather than resorting to words, he opted for a more direct approach by employing his fists.


He bellowed as he transformed his own body into a weapon. Despite his limbs being ensnared by shackles, the chains had enough slack to facilitate a forceful lunge forward. His status as a tier 3 class holder still held, and the enchanted chains required a brief activation period. Kabir held firm in his belief that this delay would provide ample opportunity to inflict at least some harm upon the individual responsible for their wretched circumstances.

Yet, reality would play out quite differently. After hurtling approximately a meter, his trajectory abruptly stopped against a translucent barrier pulsating with mana. A surge of electricity coursed through his entire frame upon contact, forcibly propelling him back into the very seat from which he'd launched himself. The impact shattered the seat upon impact. It was now unveiled that an invisible barrier had encased their surroundings all along, one they had been entirely oblivious to.

“So this is your answer? Your actions speak louder than words Thus, I shall render my judgment accordingly. Ivor and Kabir, invoking the authority vested in me as lord of this city of Albrook, I pronounce upon you the sentence of death by decapitation. Your fate shall be executed tomorrow at the stroke of noon. Now remove these criminals from my sight!"

Arthur's authoritative voice pronounced the sentence as the two persisted in their struggles. Only after the shackles delivered more electrical charges did they give in to their fate. Subsequently, a group of six soldiers, led by the Knight Commander, ushered them away. This marked the conclusion of the first major trial, wherein the city lord had presented himself in an approachable and goodhearted manner.

Not many nobles bothered to intervene when the lives of commoners were at stake. This stance helped solidify a benevolent image of himself in the hearts of his subjects. The absence of any counteraction from the Thieves Guild indicated Arthur's complete control. Gradually, his name began to bear significance, and he was eventually acknowledged as a true noble.

“There, that should do it.”


“Why are you looking at me like that? Don’t like it or something?”


“Well, that’s a shame but… this is your new home now.”


Agni looked at a large wooden building that was suspiciously similar to a horse stable or a barn. The entrance was marked by a large, arched doorway. It allowed for easy access and ample space for the large wolf and other people. Inside there was a smell of hay and straw that had been placed down on the ground to cover up the magically created rocky ground.

There weren’t any stalls that could be found in a regular stable, it was just one large space with a few things besides the straw. In the corner, there was a large mattress filled out with more hay. It was large enough to contain Agni’s large frame and was probably better than sleeping out in the open. There were no shelves, nor equipment hanging anywhere, just a large feeding pen that was divided to contain both solid food and water.

“Is it the feeding pen? Does it look too much like a barn? Wait, have you ever seen a barn before?”

Roland stood alongside his wolf companion, who initially appeared less than pleased. However, after stepping into the expansive, unoccupied beastly stable and thoroughly investigating the surroundings with a series of sniffs, the wolf appeared content to settle his hindquarters onto the generously-sized mattress. The fabric of the mattress had been intentionally chosen for its durability, needing to withstand both Agni's heightened body heat and his distinct ruby mane. Likewise, the wood used was uniquely endowed with fire-resistant properties.

“Warming up to it? Hey, what are you doing?”

He shouted out the question as Agni engaged in an unexpected action. With a snort, Agni expelled flames from his nostrils, igniting the ground beneath him. The mixture of hay and straw instantaneously caught fire, resulting in flames engulfing the immediate area. Although the scene unfolded with the entire ground ablaze, the structural integrity of the building remained uncompromised. Roland maintained his position, his brow slightly furrowed. As the flames consumed the vegetation, leaving only the mattress untouched, the building remained unaffected.

"Don't you think he dislikes the straw? Maybe the scent was too strong?"

“Perhaps that was the case, he looks really proud of himself…”

Elodia observed the spectacle from a secure vantage point and remarked on the scene. Despite the flames reaching the walls constructed from wooden logs, they failed to ignite. This at least demonstrated that the materials sourced for the construction of the wolf stable had a commendable resistance to the intense flames it was subjected to. Additionally, the large feeder positioned beside one of the walls was crafted from strong metal that remained undamaged.

“Think he just needs to get used to it. He does seem to like the bed at least.”

She directed a smile towards Agni, the large ruby wolf, as he finally settled his rear end onto the spacious bed. The sight was quite amusing, with his front legs resting on the now-exposed stone floor, leaving only half of his body on the softer surface. Nonetheless, this had become his new, expanded doghouse, entirely at his disposal. Another hidden bonus was the entrance door which opened automatically when approached.

“You might be onto something.”

“Something is missing though.”

“That too, it does seem quite empty maybe I made it too large but he might get even bigger after his next evolution.”

As Elodia surveyed the vast open space within the stable, Roland nodded in agreement. Unlike conventional stables with individual stalls, this area was spacious and devoid of anything interesting.

“Hm… isn’t Agni at that age?”

“At that age? Do you mean?”


She nodded with a smile, her arms encircling his as she rested her head on his shoulder. It was true that wolves, much like dogs, were pack animals. Yet, Agni didn't really have a pack to call his own. He was a tamed creature that typically didn't reproduce or rear offspring like other creatures.

In this world, beings came into existence through various means. Some were born from the ambient mana that swirled around for extended periods, spawning much like in games. Others, such as goblins and orcs, could procreate just like humans or any other mammals. Beasts of the same monster family, like wolves, could intermingle and Agni belonged to this group.

It was feasible to introduce a female of his species to enable him to raise wolf pups. To ensure their transformation into ruby wolves, a female of the same lineage was necessary, a challenging task due to its rarity and Agni's recent legendary evolution that could complicate this issue.

“Speaking of which, I think the two of us need to talk.”

“I think we do…”

He sensed Elodia's grip on his arm tighten slightly as he broached this topic. The trial had concluded, turning into a rather mundane affair. No one intervened on behalf of the two accused criminals, and Arthur swiftly pronounced their guilt, taking on the roles of both judge and jury.

It became evident that Ivor and Kabir had amassed a significant number of adversaries within the city. Their dominion was enforced through a reign of violence and intimidation. As soon as a more formidable authority displaced them, those who had once aligned with them swiftly distanced themselves from the matter. Their rule relied on terror, which was quickly called into question after suffering a quick defeat at the hands of the Knight Commander. It was a natural rule for such a leading style, if a person with more power appeared everything ended.

There was no expectation for any attempts to free him from the prison dungeon either. Hanako, the guild master, had made it clear that none of her people would get involved in this risky situation. While she couldn't exert influence beyond her domain, it appeared no one was willing to handle this difficult matter. The Valerian household's influence was simply too strong for anyone to dare rescue a well-known criminal who'd already lost their status and riches.

The fate of the two killers didn't bother him much since he had other concerns. His entire estate was undergoing significant changes, with expansion moving toward the fields he had acquired earlier. This new area would be enclosed like his current space, and it would host his new 'partner,' the Master Alchemist. The man was already deeply indebted to Roland and had no qualms about signing a rather unfavorable agreement.

It appeared he was making a final effort to restore his reputation. He carried a sense of pride and seemed eager to prove to his colleagues that he still deserved his title. With some spare change due to his new position, Roland decided to take the man up on the offer. There was no way of gaining another Master Alchemist to work with him anytime soon. With some luck, his goods could achieve new heights in quality, all thanks to alchemical enhancements in the alloys. Even the Silvergrace suit he sported could be refined and tailored to his preferences. The prospects were limitless but only if his newfound companion didn't accidentally detonate his entire compound while experimenting.

“So why are we going up onto the roof? Isn’t it dangerous? What if we slip and fall?”

“Um… you’ll see, just trust me and don’t worry, my reflexes are fast, I’d catch you.

Yet, such matters seemed trivial before the current hurdle. Following the unsuccessful proposal, he aimed to bring matters to a close this very night. The sun had set, and as requested, Elodia was staying over. Thankfully, the youngsters in the orphanage were growing older, and a few were capable of looking after the younger ones. Lobelia and Armand were still in the city, so there was no issue in leaving them alone for a bit.“Here, have a drink.”

“This is some expensive wine, Mr. Wayland.”

“Well, this is a special occasion.”

“Oh, is it now?”

Elodia let out a chuckle as she took a sip from the wine that he had requested from Mary. He wasn't really a drinker, but for occasions like this, he figured it was best to follow certain customs. He had prepared a small area on the roof for them to gaze at the stars, complete with a comfortable blanket to sit on. With some alcohol to help the conversation flow and a bit of food for when hunger struck, the stage was set. As they chatted, he managed to bring a smile to her lips and a hint of a blush to her cheeks.

The moment had arrived for the crucial question, but he wasn't your typical person, he was a runesmith. Posing the question in a mundane fashion would dull the magic of the moment, so he had something distinct in mind. The concept was borrowed from his modern world, where folks used planes to create words in smoke. His twist involved using vibrant mana to create a more enchanting spectacle.

"As you might have realised, I’m not too good with these sort of things so…”

Before he could continue he heard a sweet chuckle from his partner who seemed to disagree.

"Nonsense, you seem to be handling it just fine, as usual~"

"Well, um, could you kindly direct your gaze upward for a moment?"

"Of course, the stars are exceptionally stunning th... Oh?"

Elodia's eyes expanded as she witnessed numerous vibrant bubbles ascending into the sky. These iridescent spheres adorned the expanse with the rooftop they stood on serving as the point of origin. The spectacle was akin to a luminous performance, with lights twirling and shifting to form an array of forms. Before long, a discernible pattern took shape as the lights seamlessly transitioned into the language of this world, coalescing to spell out a singular question: 'Will you marry me?'

The scene was undeniably a corny embodiment of romanticism, a gesture he struggled to orchestrate. Despite not being in his youth anymore, his cheeks had taken on a rosy hue. Social anxiety had been his lifelong companion, making such an overt exhibition of emotion a source of internal torment. Yet, when he stole a glance at Elodia's radiant visage and those expansive eyes, all his negative apprehensions seemed to dissolve. Her expression radiated happiness and a few glistening tears just accentuated her response.

"Of course, I will marry you. What took you so long?"

She said, her voice laced with joy which left Roland quite flustered as he stammered to respond.

“Well, you see… I thought…"

“No need to say anything more…”

The enchanting display he had conjured through his own magical abilities began to take on a slightly more disorderly shape as he became lost in her eyes. Gradually, it transformed into a burst of fireworks, painting the frigid night canvas with brilliant hues. Words gave way to actions as the two lovers found solace in each other's arms. Amidst the cascade of these magical lights and the radiant moon overhead, their embrace symbolized a profound bond that had been properly forged.

Soon the minutes turned into hours as the two consummate their marriage in the privacy of their home. Even though this was not the first time, the night felt a lot more passionate than usual. Roland’s enthusiasm could not be hidden as he had left his new wife quite drained. The night of joy lasted for long but the joy had to finally end. A new day was before them and it brought in change in the form of a knock on the door.

‘It must be Rastix, at least he learned to knock…’

When looking at the bed where the passed out Elodia was sleeping he started feeling a bit bad. His body had become abnormal after he acquired his tier 3 class of Runesmith Overlord. He had to actually be careful to not hurt his wife and lose control. The difference in strength was staggering as he could easily crush normal people’s bones with his grip.

“I wonder…”

Methods existed for augmenting people's stats through elixirs and magic, with options like blood stones enabling the absorption of skills. Although he planned to acquire these potions to aid Elodia's lower status, he pondered the feasibility of alternative pathways to changing one's class. The notion of being constrained to a single class type for an entire lifetime felt unjust, so he wondered if there existed means to alter this norm. Already, he had achieved feats like generating divine mana against conventional odds. Perhaps his future research would guide him down that avenue, or alternative solutions might present themselves.

"Well, no need to rush things,"

Roland chuckled, draping a cover over his now-fiancée before departing. Unbeknownst to him, his entire face exuded a radiant glow. Instead of his customary near-frown, a genuine smile adorned it instead…

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