The Runesmith

Chapter 380: Platinum Test.

Chapter 380: Platinum Test.

“Do I really need to go?”

"He'd truly appreciate it if you were there, though he might not express it openly. He holds a deep respect for you, perhaps even looks up to you."

"Look up to me? Him? That's hard to believe... I suspect he just wants to flaunt his skills as usual."

"I genuinely believe you should give him the benefit of the doubt. If not, then please just do it for me.”

Roland and Elodia strolled along the path leading to the adventurer guild, engrossed in a conversation. They had received invitations to participate in an unexpected platinum rank-up test, an event that usually wouldn't pique Roland's interest since it had little impact on his life. However, this time was different because someone he knew well was among the participants.

“Fine but we’ll leave if he starts gloating…”

“Thank you~”

As he gazed into his fiancee's eyes, he found himself unable to resist her plea. The individual in question was none other than Armand, who had apparently deliberately distanced himself from Roland’s home. Both Armand and Lobelia had ascended to the esteemed tier 3 class. Lobelia had refrained from pressing for an advancement test, preferring to wait in the hope that he would speak a few kind words to hasten her progress. She knew that, with the support of the new Knight Commander, the rank could easily be bestowed upon her without any difficulty.

On the other hand, Lobelia's older brother Armand had been quietly scheming. He hadn't returned to report or flaunt his tier 3 status; instead, he disappeared for several days. Then, out of the blue, he reappeared before his family and instructed them to assemble at the adventurer guild. Regrettably, after his proposal, he had become an official member of this family, which also encompassed a sizable group of orphans residing within the city. Fortunately, many of them had already reached an age where they could support themselves and were gainfully employed.

This didn’t mean that Elodia wouldn’t pull him into some uncomfortable family gatherings later. It wouldn't be astonishing if they began utilizing his home as the primary rendezvous spot, thanks to its abundant land and available space. Before he knew it, he'd find himself relegated to a corner of his own home, attempting to dodge conversations with family members he knew nothing about. His life was beginning to come full circle, and this was just the start.

“Well if it isn’t the bride and groom~”

“Oh don’t be silly…”

Upon their arrival at the adventurer guild, they were welcomed by an old acquaintance. Solana, the sun elf, stood outside to receive them on their way to the training facilities. The moment she spotted Elodia, she skipped over with a radiant smile gracing her face. It brought back memories of his initial arrival in the city. Her warm smile and somewhat easygoing demeanor had led him to favor Solana's friendliness over Elodia's more stern exterior.

Roland had once believed that Solana was excessively friendly, suspecting a hidden agenda. However, his now-fiancée didn't share his suspicions. She had shared stories of Solana's genuine concern for her. She remained thankful for the way other women at the reception had allowed her to work overtime, even when some of them could have used the extra income. It was evident that the two were true friends who had stayed in touch throughout the years.

"Oh my, you are absolutely radiant."

"No, I'm not..."

"You totally are!"

Solana chuckled as she commented on Elodia’s current looks. Her life was a lot simpler now and she had more time to take care of her body. The clothes that she was wearing had become better and the accumulation of fatigue had stopped. In Roland’s eyes his now fiancee looked ten times better than before but that could be due to his love for her rising to this extent.

“I’m glad that you showed up, I wanted to have a nice chat about some things… only ladies allowed though.”

Solana glanced at Roland, who was standing to the side. He simply nodded in response to their request, not particularly interested in eavesdropping on the young women's conversation.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she comes back in one piece~"

"I won't be long."

Elodia replied in a somewhat apologetic tone. It seemed that she wasn’t sure about something and that something probably involved Armand.

"It's alright, take your time. I'll go check on that fool and make sure he doesn't injure himself."


After receiving a peck on the cheek, Elodia and Solana strolled away toward the guild. Roland anticipated that the two would likely catch up on old times and perhaps discuss the wedding. The date and the guest list had yet to be decided. However, Roland's vision of a small, intimate wedding seemed threatened as some of his nosy acquaintances began expressing an interest in it. One of them, Arthur, was particularly enthusiastic about turning it into a grand spectacle for the masses. It was a rare occurrence for a Knight Commander to get married, and Arthur saw it as a chance to host a party. He probably wanted to invite all the influential people in the city and talk business but Roland wasn’t too keen on it.

‘This place sure went through a lot of changes…’

While pondering the future, Roland found himself lost in memories of the past. He recognized this familiar route as the one he had taken when attempting his tier 2 rank-up test. Back then, his opponent had been Armand, and he hadn't taken kindly to being defeated by an unknown upstart. However, the open field from those days had vanished, replaced by a closed building housing various facilities.

As he passed through the entrance gate, nostalgia washed over him, reminding him of the simpler times. The larger arena within the building served as a stark reminder of the adventurer guild's financial success and the rapid expansion of its influence. The adventurer training ground had transformed into a sprawling facility that resembled a small colosseum or something similar to a stadium.

The first thing that caught Roland's attention were the high, arched ceilings that allowed sunlight to stream through the open central section. It was evident that this structure had been crafted by skilled magicians, as the open-air roof had the ability to be sealed shut. Using his mana sense and keen eye, he swiftly discerned that the enchantment in place was nothing more than a massive mana shield. This enchantment allowed the building to be sealed off from the outside whenever the weather turned rainy or excessively windy.

For individuals like Roland who had arrived here a few years earlier, it was easy to discern the changes that had occurred. The area where he had once battled Armand occupied the center of the complex and had undergone a transformation as well. What was once surrounded by a simple fence had now been fortified with a proper wall, adorned with additional enchantments. After a quick inspection, Roland deduced that these enchantments likely served to shield everyone from potential attacks. With tier 3 adventurers now residing in the city, the possibility of stray magical attacks had become more plausible.

Around the newly fortified wall, there was a section that resembled a stadium track for running. Running remained a method for acquiring specific skills, and many of the new adventurers sought to develop their abilities here. Farther back, there were actual seats that ascended and provided a view of the central area, akin to an "arena." Based on his knowledge, the guild occasionally hosted battle events that enticed spectators to place bets. However, this section served a different purpose—it was designated for conducting battle tests, just like the ones Roland had undertaken in the past.

"I see, so Armand will be facing him... This could actually be interesting. Maybe I'll find out what that baldie has up his sleeve..."

As Roland continued to take in his surroundings, he couldn't help but ponder the upcoming battle. There was a clear reason why Armand had kept everyone waiting for the big reveal. He intended to showcase his newly acquired skills in a rank-up battle before an audience. Judging by the number of people already seated in the stands, they likely included some of his old friends from his days as a tier 2 adventurer.

‘Is he just trying to impress his former party members? They're all around his old level. I just hope they won't ask too many questions about how he managed to reach level one hundred and fifty so quickly…’

Roland had explicitly instructed both Lobelia and Armand to maintain strict silence about how they had managed to achieve their elevated levels. He had no intention of anyone tracking him down to create holy items to combat the skeletons. Trusting Lobelia wasn't a concern; the real challenge lay in her brother's reliability. Although Armand harbored no ill intentions, it wouldn't be out of character for him to accidentally divulge such information. Fortunately, his position as a Knight Commander granted him the ability to deny any claims. The prospect of the Solarian church probing into allegations of holy artifacts was something Roland was set on avoiding at all costs.

“How did you level up so fast, this makes no sense you bastard!”

“Haha, I’m just that talented!”

“This makes no sense at all, you were five levels below me just recently… How did you do it? Tell me!”

“No can do my friend, It’s a trade secret~”

As Roland approached, his enhanced hearing picked up on a conversation between his brother-in-law and a group of other adventurers. One man, who appeared to be an archer, seemed visibly frustrated, rubbing his head while engaged in a heated exchange with the smug-looking Armand. Armand's usual habit of flexing his imposing arms drew the attention of some of the women present, which was a common occurrence. Being a tier 3 class holder, he was part of the elite, and it wouldn't be surprising if many admirers made their interest known soon.

‘I hope he can keep it inside of his pants. He did manage to remain childless for so long, so this shouldn’t change anything…’

In this world, items like condoms did not exist, but there were alternative contraceptives that facilitated intimate relationships. Ancient alchemists had already developed potions that provided protection for a woman's womb against unwanted intrusions. Additionally, there were enchantments that individuals could wear to achieve similar effects. Roland and Elodia had opted for this enchantment, which enhanced their intimacy and pleasure but came at a higher cost to maintain than modern-world alternatives. These solutions were one of the reasons that the red light districts could mostly operate cleanly without any of the working ladies being burdened by a surprise.

Name : 

Armand L 151


T3 Frenzied War Monk L 1

T2 Fist Berserker L 50 

T2 Pugilist L 50 

T1 Warrior L 25 

T1 Brawler L 25 

‘A Frenzied War Monk class huh?’

Roland opted to slow his pace as he neared the group of adventurers. He wasn't particularly interested in getting to know them, and his new position as a Knight Commander added a layer of discomfort. Instead, he focused on accessing Armand's status screen and examining the class he had acquired after passing his ascension trial. It was evident that Armand had joined the ranks of the berserkers, a class that came with a significant drawback.

Frenzy was an advanced form of the berserker status that bestowed significant stat boosts to the user across the board. It was considered superior because when not used to its fullest, it allowed the person to maintain their sanity more effectively. However, if employed for an extended period, it could lead to an uncontrollable, mindless rage, transforming the user into a ferocious, berserk monster. In this state, their stats would continue to surge even further, enabling some people to employ unconventional tactics.

"I've heard that they sometimes deploy lone Berserkers to clear out monster encampments on their own. As long as there are enemies nearby, the frenzied state will persist, and the stat increase is nothing to underestimate."

There were tales of Frenzied Monks taking out swarms of monsters and even entire battalions of soldiers. Armand's class should have granted him the ability to harden his skin to an incredible degree, a class that benefited from wearing less armor and thrived on sustaining wounds to fuel their passive abilities. The real challenge lay in managing the relentless rage, usually achieved through the use of potions or the intervention of priests skilled in calming magic.

‘It would have been better if he told me this sooner, I might have been able to prepare something…’

“Wayland! You have finally come!”

“Please don’t say it like that…”

Muttering under his breath, Roland reluctantly approached Armand and the group of individuals he was conversing with. Aside from the irritated tier 2 archer, there were approximately eight women clustered around Armand, evidently vying for his attention and favor. To his dismay, his foolish brother-in-law was waving enthusiastically in his direction with a silly grin plastered across his face, compelling Roland to approach the group. Fortunately, before things could escalate further, reinforcements in the form of his sister-in-law, Lobelia, arrived.

"Hey, you big idiot, what are you causing such a commotion for?"

As Lobelia scolded Armand from what seemed like an elevated position, it became apparent that her new class had bestowed upon her a level of nimbleness and agility she hadn't possessed before. She moved gracefully, akin to a spider monkey, effortlessly leaping from high places and traversing through forests without making a sound. With her presence and ability to manage the situation, Roland felt relieved and could simply revert to his default mode of nodding and grunting.

“Make way before the great Knight Commander!”

However, instead of improving the situation, Lobelia made it even more awkward than before. She promptly disclosed Roland's noble status to everyone present, causing the previously chatty adventurers to abruptly fall silent, clearly uncomfortable in the presence of someone of his stature. Not everyone was acquainted with his true face due to him usually wearing armor to cover it.

"What are you..."

"Just leave it to me!"

After winking she turned to the group and started talking.

"How can you all be so discourteous in the presence of the Knight Commander? Have you already forgotten about the recent trial?"

The adventurers who had been previously chatty now stammered, their demeanor shifting as they suddenly showed some fear. The archer who had been voicing his complaints about Armand earlier bowed his head and quickly retreated, as did the group of young women who had been vying for Armand's attention.

"Ah, uh... We apologize for the intrusion, Knight Commander... Sir?"

Armand of course didn’t take the whole thing too well as he was just about to flex his muscles before the group of beauties.

"Hey, why did you do that?"

"Stop surrounding yourself with those individuals. You're on your way to becoming a platinum adventurer; start acting like an adult for once!"

"You're just jealous that my class is more unique than yours!" Armand retorted, which made Lobelia reply instantly with a raised voice.

"What? Who cares about a class that rots your brain? Only a meathead like you would be thrilled about something like that!"

Soon the two were back to the old ways of arguing.Their shouting served as an effective deterrent, keeping others at bay. Amidst their dispute, Roland spotted a certain imposing figure in the distance. The man was as wide as a brick house and as tall as a barn, it was the bald Guild Master.

‘I wonder how this will go…’

The Guild Master assumed several functions when leading the guild, one of which was conducting battle tests for platinum adventurers. It was a rule that not many people followed these days, but it seemed that for Armand, an exception had been made. Perhaps the Guild Master was curious about how his former student would fare, or maybe Armand had pressed the matter himself. Whatever the reason, the upcoming battle promised to provide valuable insights.

While Roland believed that his brother-in-law stood little chance of winning, it might afford him the opportunity to gauge the Guild Master's fundamental strength and compare it to his own. He had come prepared for this occasion, equipped with his runic eyes and other runic gear that would allow him to examine this old acquaintance in detail. While he wasn't sure whether the Guild Master was a friend or a foe, Roland believed that being prepared was always the wisest course of action.

‘I guess both parties are finally here…’

Soon, both burly men had locked eyes on each other. They wore peculiar grins that made it evident that engaging in battle was one of their favorite pastimes. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the showdown between Armand and the Guild Master finally drew near…

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