The Runesmith

Chapter 384: Training Dummy.

Chapter 384: Training Dummy.

Name : 

Arthur Valerian L108


T2 Aura Duelist L8

T2 Spirit Fencer L 50

T1 Sword Warrior L25

T1 Warrior L25

"I see that the new training method is leading to some good results.”

“Oh? Did you peek? You should stop doing that… but yes, that was quite the ingenious idea, even Mary can’t complain if I do it like this.”


“Though, I don’t think that our undead friend here is too happy about his predicament.”

Arthur shifted his rapier towards a particular bony figure. As the blade's tip drew near to connecting with the creature's head, it surged forward. However, it didn't make much progress due to the numerous chains that bound it tightly. This monstrous being had lost half of its body and possessed only a single functioning upper limb, yet it persisted in attempting to lunge and bite the noble to death.

"So terrifying~"

The noble in question simply chuckled, gracefully maneuvering around the constrained monster within the dimly lit room. It was firmly secured by robust, thick chains that even someone as strong as Roland couldn't hope to break. The creature was an oversized skeleton, and flames flickered ominously from its eye sockets.

"I thought you were joking when you proposed capturing a tier 3 undead from the dungeon, but it actually worked..."

"It did, but try not to inflict too much damage on them. These beings don't possess much in the way of self-healing unless you have some cursed items around and I'd rather not summon a Lich here..."

Roland was not alone in this eerie chamber; Mary patiently lurked within the shadows. To an unsuspecting observer entering from outside, it might seem as if the three of them were engaged in some dark occult ritual centered around the bound undead figure. Intricate runic symbols adorned the floor, arranged in what appeared to be a mystical circle of magic. If, by some chance, the monstrous being managed to break free from its restraints, a divine trap would spring to life, reducing it to ashes in an instant.

"That's entirely understandable, given the circumstances, we wouldn’t want to have any of those running around our city again. Though, wouldn’t you be able to handle it, my Knight Commander?”


Roland chose to remain tight-lipped, unwilling to provide Arthur with any foolish ideas. The captured monster had been transported through his meticulously crafted spatial runes and had miraculously endured the journey intact. Ordinarily, extracting creatures from a dungeon unscathed was deemed impossible. Even if the undead managed to endure the absence of breathable air within the confined spatial container, it typically disintegrated into mere bones the instant it was removed from the dungeon's depths.

A mysterious and unforeseen force had bound these creatures to the very dungeons where they were born. Their only means of escape rested in a rare occurrence known as a dungeon break phenomenon. However, following the events involving the Lich monster, Roland had uncovered a second method for extracting these beings from dungeons. Somehow, his own mana possessed a unique influence over these monsters, granting them a path to bypass the typical laws that governed their confinement.

Thus, he embarked on an experiment, capturing one of the Infernal Skeleton Berserkers that roamed the dungeon. Following a battle that resulted in the removal of the creature's lower half and one arm, the testing phase commenced. Roland began by bombarding the monster with his basic mana, yet the initial attempts yielded no discernible outcomes. Faced with inconclusive results in the early stages of testing, he opted to confine the ensnared monster within one of the secure hidden chambers located deep underground.

Fortunately, Roland wasn't navigating this endeavor blindly. He held a potent trump card in the form of the Lich core he had acquired following its defeat. Leveraging the core's distinctive resonance with his mana, he finally managed to pinpoint the correct wavelength and power output required for a successful test. After a few attempts and with the assistance of this monster's core as a sort of medium, he succeeded in extracting the undead creature without it succumbing to the fate of becoming mere bones, as had happened with previous test subjects.

“Just be careful with this thing, It’s still a tier 3 monster.”

“Don’t worry, Mary will take care of it if something happens, plus she is already itching to test those black blades you made for her…”

“Good, I have the one you ordered.”


Roland’s didn’t come to this dark training chamber to talk about the weather. He was actually delivering an enchanted runic blade that he had fashioned for Arthur. The two daggers that Mary was holding had also been fashioned by him. Even though they were pitch black like obsidian, they weren’t made from black mithril that was better suited for heavy armor pieces like shields. The woman seemed to like them quite a bit as even now she was making sure that they were out on display.

The blades of the twin daggers gleamed with an otherworldly darkness, appearing as though they were cut from the very heart of obsidian itself. They were immaculately sharp, their edges honed to a keenness that defied the limits of ordinary craftsmanship. Despite their darkness, they seemed to capture and absorb the surrounding light, leaving a trail of shadow in their wake.

They were one of his latest products and a testament to his advancement as a craftsman. The hilt of each dagger was a masterpiece in its own right, forged from the same mithril metal as the blades. The grips were adorned with runes of their own, carefully chosen to complement the enchantments on the blades. These runes provided a secure and comfortable hold for the wielder, ensuring that they could harness the daggers' power with the utmost precision.

He intentionally imbued these creations with an extraordinary level of flair, a departure from the more subdued designs he had previously overlooked. It was impossible for anyone to label these products as failures. The artistry he had injected into his work was now apparent, a testament to his growing understanding of what it meant to be a true craftsman of his caliber. This transformation was a direct result of the ascension trial that had not only enhanced his knowledge but also elevated his skills in the realm of weapon and armor crafting to new heights.

“Here it is, a heavy rapier like you ordered.”

The blade of this rapier was a masterpiece in itself, a slender and elegant piece of craftsmanship that seemed almost weightless despite its imposing appearance. Runes adorned its surface, etched with utmost precision and care. They were not merely decorative but imbued with powerful enchantments that would enhance the wielder's combat abilities and grant the rapier an uncanny sharpness.

Moving down to the hilt, one would find another layer of his new artistic design. Crafted from the same red mithril as the blade, the hilt was fashioned with an intricate side guard. It consisted of several components designed to protect the wielder’s hand and also provide maneuverability while keeping balance in mind. The hilt came with a flame motif in mind and thus the guard mimicked dancing flames.

“The balance is just right.”

“I’ve kept to the specifications so it’s only natural, now about the runic enchantments. There are a few things that you should know.”

The design was intended for a noble, necessitating a regal and costly appearance. This blade was destined to become Arthur's personal weapon, one that would be wielded in the heat of true battle. A stag with a crown gracing its head was intricately carved onto the pommel of the hilt, proudly declaring its connection with a noble household. However, Arthur remained unaware that this particular piece of the blade held deeper secrets beyond being a mere emblematic token.

“Go ahead then, test it out, it’s going to work similar to any other magical blade you used.”

This wasn't Arthur's first experience wielding one of his crafted items, as he had experience with playing around with Mary’s weapon that was of similar quality. After a few practice swings, he triggered the first runic enchantment, transforming the rapier into a searing inferno. Magical flames enveloped the blade's surface, capable of scorching his adversaries. The intensity of the flames could be finely tuned by manipulating the hilt, and an additional enchantment ensured that the wielder would not feel any heat emanating from the blade.

The primary purpose of this fiery transformation was not solely to amplify damage but rather to induce mental fatigue in Arthur's opponents. Confronted with a weapon wreathed in flames and the escalating heat, most individuals would begin to falter. Fear would creep in, causing them to make errors and creating openings for the sword-wielder to exploit with well-timed attacks.

Arthur swung the flaming sword around before the imprisoned undead creature, but the monster showed no signs of fear. Nevertheless, it could still be harmed by the sword's next transformation, which manifested as a flame whip. This form bore a striking resemblance to the gauntlets Roland had used during his second encounter with Armand. The fiery energy whip had the potential to inflict substantial damage, effortlessly slicing through wooden beams as if they were butter. Even the tier 3 skeleton would not be immune to this assault, though its fire resistance would mitigate some of the damage.

“I see… This feels interesting, I wonder how well I’ll be able to use it in battle…”

Roland stood by, observing as Arthur gracefully twirled his new weapon. The Aura Duelist class was inherently agility-focused, emphasizing swift movement and the ability to anticipate an opponent's actions. It stood as a prestigious choice that enabled the wielder to envelop their weapon in an aura, enhancing both its durability and destructive potential. Moreover, they possessed the capability to momentarily augment their stats by infusing aura into their actions, a skill that Arthur was beginning to harness and employ to his advantage.

In the past, Roland had witnessed this formidable skill in action when he observed the Solarian swordmaster, Loreena, in combat. She had demonstrated the ability to hold her ground against an abomination, even while weakened by the abyssal parasite. Looking ahead, it was possible that Arthur would be able to develop similar combat prowess, and he required a sturdy enough weapon to match his growth. Crafted from mithril, the rapier was designed to endure well beyond his tier 2 class, ensuring it would serve him faithfully into the future.

“It’s quite the nice blade, you have outdone yourself, my friend.”

“Thank you but this isn’t all, there is one more.”

“One more? What is it?”

It was rather amusing to witness the spark of excitement in Arthur's eyes when the topic of a third enchantment on the blade arose. Typically, magical weapons employed by close-range combatants came with significant limitations. These wielders often faced mana constraints, unable to juggle multiple spells, and the weapons themselves had their own limitations in terms of spell charges. On top of that, activating multiple enchantments without precise control over one's mana added a layer of complexity to the entire process, making it quite challenging.

“Okay, just do as I tell you. First, see that stag emblem?”


“You should be able to infuse some mana into it directly with your pinky.”

“My pinky?”

Arthur's gaze fixated on the emblem, clearly designed by Roland with the intention of making it a Valerian house weapon. Without much contemplation, he prodded the emblem's surface with his pinky finger and attempted to infuse the blade with mana. His activation was not particularly precise, but it appeared that the weapon's creator had already considered this. The moment he channeled mana into the hilt and touched the stag emblem with his pinky, the third magical effect began to manifest.

“Now quickly, thrust your blade at something!”

“Ah? At something?”

A peculiar sound emanated from the blade, and it began to radiate a fiery red glow. The blade was swiftly engulfed by a raging inferno even more intense than before. It was evident that a powerful spell was on the brink of activation. To Roland's dismay, Arthur chose to thrust the blade forward, but instead of aiming at the intended training dummy, he directed it toward the shackled undead monster.

A burst of fiery energy erupted in a spiraling, circular motion, resembling the spiraling mana arrows that Roland had employed against the dungeon monsters during his leveling-up phase. This spell bore a fire elemental affinity to complement the red mithril aesthetic of the weapon and carried a punch similar to the original spiral mana arrow spell. The immobilized monster stood no chance as it was directly struck on the head by this swirling beam of scorching power.

“Ohhh… is this a tier 3 spell?”

Undoubtedly, this was a potent greater spell befitting a weapon intended for a tier 3 class holder. Despite the skeletal monster's partial resistance to fire mana, it proved defenseless against the spiraling motion that drilled into its skull, piercing straight through. The monster perished without a chance to retaliate, and the individual who delivered the finishing blow reaped the rewards with a few level-ups.

“You weren’t supposed to kill it… How are you going to level up your skills now, Lord Arthur?”

“Ah… oh well… accidents happen… right Mary.”

“You are correct My Lord, I just hope that Sir Roland won’t mind bringing another of these creatures here now.”

“Haha… you have my sincere apologies!”

“It’s fine…”

Roland responded, though he couldn't hide his disappointment at the turn of events. This monster had served as their initial test subject. Its role was to aid not only Arthur but also Mary and himself in honing their skills. Even when striking it with sticks, they could accelerate their combat-related skill development. While it remained impervious to damage, these hits still contributed to skill experience.

The primary challenge with Roland's leveling method lay in the lagging progression of his complementary skills compared to his main level. To address this issue, the skeletal monster had been brought in to facilitate the development of main weapon skills through repetitive strikes. He had already made some progress in reviving his stagnant blunt weapon proficiency by whacking it a few times. Now that the creature was deceased, he would need to secure another one for their training regimen.

“How about this, to make it up, I’ll host a grand party for the Knight Commander’s wedding with Lady Elodia!”

“I already refused that proposal, I’m not going to expose my wife to something like that.”

“You really don’t like the nobles and their ways, don’t you, my friend? Is there a way to make you reconsider? If not for our noble ways, we wouldn’t be able to make such nice secret rooms with undead monsters in them!”

“That’s one of the main reasons!”

Amidst the situation, Arthur couldn't help but chuckle, as his thoughts still revolved around hosting a grand wedding for both Roland and Elodia. He envisioned a celebration that would draw in wealthy merchants and perhaps even a few minor nobles seeking new alliances. Despite his brothers firm control over the region, there were undoubtedly individuals they had antagonized. With some assistance from those disgruntled nobles, Arthur believed he could reach his goal faster. However, Roland, in contrast, simply longed for some peace and quiet.

“We have already decided on the venue.”

“Oh, am I invited?”

“I’m not sure it will be a good place for a lord…”


“I’m not sure if you’ll fit around the other commoners… Mary, could you talk some sense into him?”

“Master Roland is correct, a noble lord should not mingle with the commoners without a good reason, it will make you look weak.”


Mary raised her eyebrow a bit as she was still getting used to Roland’s way of talking. He was being quite formal around Arthur who was the city lord and a son of a duke. However, she knew that both were of noble descent and treated each other as equals.

The topic eventually shifted to more practical matters. Arthur discussed the ongoing efforts to secure the city, bolster its defenses, and explore the dungeons. Roland shared his insights into crafting, revealing some of his recent discoveries and innovations in runic enchantments. The conversation flowed easily, a testament to the bond that had grown between the two men over their shared experiences.

Mary, always vigilant and ever the realist, interjected with valuable input and suggestions, ensuring that their plans remained grounded and effective. She had become an indispensable member of their noble team and kept them on point when they strayed. Soon, the testing period ended and Roland decided to head out. While hunting another skeleton would be needed his mind was on something else. The day of his wedding approached closer and his stomach was ever more filled with butterflies.

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