The Runesmith

Chapter 83 Silver Rank Test

A somewhat nice looking deep steel gauntlet was laying down on a table. Roland looked at his newest creation and couldn’t help to slide his hand inside of it. The feeling was quite nice and he could move his fingers around well.

This gauntlet that he made was in the ‘glove’ style. There was the option to go with a ‘mitten’ design that offered more protection for his fingers. That type of gauntlet offered more defense but at the expense of dexterity. He went with the more dexterous variant that fitted his high dexterity stat more.

The right one was done but he still needed to assemble the left. First, though it was time to perform some tests. This gauntlet was fitted out with four common grade mana stones that were at the sides of the vambrace. Thanks to the ethereal pathways technology he would be able to connect all of his armored parts together later.

This didn’t mean that it was wise to place the mana stones away from runic structures. He attempted to place the mana stones in a hidden structure away from the moving parts while not exposing them to harm's way. But a concentration of mana stones in one place would cause the runic circuits to overload. They just couldn’t take the enriched mana output that was injected into the system. Thus they needed to be placed close to the runes they were supposed to affect.

He looked to the side where a small plate made from deep steel was just sitting there. This was a part that he used for research purposes. It was in a square shape and in each corner there was one common grade mana stone.

The whole surface was filled out with runic symbols, he moved his finger towards it to give it a poke. Through his finger, he injected a trace amount of mana to look at the previously pre-programmed effect.

This metallic plate lit up in an orange light before spitting out some flames. In a moment an orb of orange light was produced but this wasn’t just a regular flame orb spell. The blob of light started to change shape and soon words started appearing. He looked at the spelled out words that said ‘Hello World’ and thought back to his previous life. Something like this was very common among programming circles as this was mostly the first thing such a person would create.

Before moving on to his gauntlet he took out a small piece of metal. It looked like a pen made from deep steel with a mana stone attached to the top. This was just a simple device that aided him in runecrafting. He poked the desired rune on this plate and injected his mana, soon the magic code started shifting into a different structure. The magic writing that was shining orange changed into a blue hue and exuded a more chilly aura.

“Changing just the code is much faster… it also doesn’t affect the other structures so the runes don’t deteriorate…”

The runic code inside the runes was something that he learned during his stay in that trial library. He had taken some basics from there with which he could now perform such tasks. His understanding was still basic and mostly at the lesser rune level. It would take some time to go through all these runes again. The old knowledge he gained by matching the hardware components started feeling trivial but it wasn’t useless. Those parts were still important to get the highest grade and lower mana consumption while maximizing the rune’s power. Such a thing wouldn’t be possible by just playing around with the runic code.

‘Is it possible to create some kind of runic operating system?’

This was the most important question. The code could be copied over after it was inscribed into the runic component. These runes he was working with were like hard drives that kept everything stored. This also bought another problem, he would need to make a lot of backup storage. His intelligence stat made his memory quite good but even if he knew the whole code, writing it over and over again into each rune would just waste too much time.

Roland looked at his created glove and then at the schematic that was hung up to the side. He had already decided on the spells that he would inscribe along with the rudimentary operating system that he would use to switch between spells.

In the past, he would have to separate the runic structures into separate armor pieces if he wanted to have multiple spells. That or fit more separate structures on one piece of equipment and then inject his mana manually into the one that he wanted to use.

Now on the other hand he could connect everything into one big grand runic circuit. He would store the pre-programmed spells in strategic locations. If he wanted to activate an ice spell through his gauntlet he would just jolt the corresponding runic program. The ‘icearrow.exe’ would then activate and shoot out the spell it was assigned to.

At this point in time, this was the most he could do. This wasn’t quite that proficient as with more of those executables the tougher it would be to activate them. It was like opening up a folder and having to manually click on each executable. He would have to do it each time to produce what he wanted, then if something was wrong with the code the whole thing could explode in his face.

There was also one other big weakness of such a system. It would only require his enemy to sever one of the runic traces that went towards his glove. If it was broken the signal from the program would not be able to go through to execute the spell. The only way for him to then cast this spell would be to use his mending skill to fix the structure or repair it with runecrafting. In the middle of battle, this would be quite a tough thing to do, which would force him not to take many hits.

‘Luckily deep steel is quite resistant, the runic pathways shouldn’t just break that easily...could also attach some auxiliary runes on the inside of the armor…’

He rubbed his chin while contemplating his design again. He really didn’t want to do this again but he didn’t feel like he was quite experienced enough to account for everything in advance.

‘This is going to take a while…’

He grasped his hammer from the side and resumed his work, time flew by and in about a month his creation was ready.

‘Now for the finishing touches…’

A full set of deep steel armor was placed on his workbench. It was fitted out with runes and the shiny mana stones were sticking out from a few places. It was nice and shiny as he had polished it to perfection before finishing up. This was also the problem, it was a bit too metallic and out there but he had just the thing for this occasion.

Roland took out a small bottle of red liquid and slowly brought it over to the breastplate and plackart. He was sure to let a drop of this strange red liquid drop on the breastplate. The moment it collided with the metal he could see a change. The whole metallic plate started changing color. From the spot, the drop fell it began to turn into a crimson color.

“Alchemists sure make some handy stuff…”

This was an alchemist concoction that was used to color metallic parts. It wasn’t paint, it somehow changed the color of the metal it touched. This saved a lot of time as he never had to give it a paint job.

His new creation was ready to be worn and tested. He had made it specifically for the silver grade adventurer test that he would be taking soon. There was no way of knowing what they would ask of him, but it would either be a quest down in the dungeon or a one on one battle with another tier 2 adventurer. If it was up to him he would rather go with the dungeon run as he didn’t really want to interact with others or show his hand yet.

After the paint job was done another annoying task was before him.

“Now I have to get this thing on…”

He had already worn heavy armor before but it was still annoying. There were many straps and procedures he needed to follow to get armor like this on. Normally knights that used armor like this would have squires to help them get dressed but he had only himself. While grumbling he began putting the whole thing on. He also used some pre-bought chain mail to cover some exposed parts.

In time he was ready, deep steel was slightly heavier than regular steel. Even with this, he didn’t feel very restricted by the weight. His stats were already quite superhuman so walking around in heavy armor wasn’t much of a problem.

His choice of weapon was an arming sword-like before along with a kite shield. The sword looked like his old sword but it was made from deep steel. With everything accounted for he left towards the city, shield on his back and the sword to his side. This time he would just go on foot to see how comfortable this thing was during prolonged walking. He had tested the runic spells before coloring already so this was the only stress test remaining.

The guards at the gate didn’t react to him anymore. He was one of the only people wearing crimson heavy armor wandering through the streets. This world had far more peculiar things than men in edgy armor so no one really thought it was that strange. Even if he changed his helmet to one that looked like a skull they wouldn’t even bat an eye.

While passing through the gate he noticed a party of adventurers walking out. They looked like they were battle-ready and they had more members than a regular party had. From a quick glance with his improved analyzing skill, he could see their levels. All of them were close to level 50 but none of them was quite there.

Probably soon they would be able to reach tier 2 status and just like him take the advancement test to a silver rank adventurer. While passing he also noticed someone with a large backpack trailing behind this six-man party. But being a bit preoccupied with his own things he didn’t really care.

With some time he was finally at the adventurer guild building. On the inside, it now looked like a proper guild with the usual layout and some drunken adventurers inside. The clatter of his armor brought attention to him but only for a second before people turned to themselves. He wasn’t the only armored person that kept his helmet on either.

The lines to the receptionist ladies weren’t as long anymore and quite free today. He moved over to the line with the elven woman that he got his adventurer card. Even though she didn’t work as fast as the woman with the glasses she sometimes gave him better deals. Maybe today she would let him have an easier test.

“We are having a 5% discount on all health potions if you buy them as a bundle of five!”

He was greeted by a sales pitch right off the bat, the only response he could offer was a shake of his head.

“Oh, if you’re not interested in health potions then how about mana potions? We just received a new batch recently!”

The lady sure was diligent but he just rolled his eyes as he knew that buying directly from the adventurer’s guild wasn’t as good as going to a proper alchemist shop. It did save up on some time and sometimes the deals were good.

“No, thank you. I would like to take the silver rank test…”

“Silver rank test, oh my. Do you meet the qualifications?”

Before the woman could start listing down the terms that he already knew he took out his adventurer card.

“Yes, I am above level 50 and past my class change here is my card. I have also done enough missions to qualify for a test.”

The elven girl just smiled and took the card into her hands, after a small moment she gave a big smile while looking up.

“Ah, if it isn’t Mr. Wayland, almost didn’t recognize you, is that a new set of armor? You look great in it, you sure do love dark red don’t you?”

Roland just stood there not sure why the elven lady was talking so much. She did seem more chatty with him than with the other adventurers. He wasn’t sure why was she interested in him in some way? Or did she just like talking to people that mostly respond in nods, grunts, or very short sentences?

He wasn’t someone that was that versed in women so he didn’t know but for now he decided to try to hurry this whole thing up. This new armor of his needed to be tested out in the field so he hoped he would get a task to descend into the dungeon. Facing off against a tier 2 guild member wouldn’t be bad either but then it would be an open spectacle.

“Yes it is new, could I get my task sorted out? I don’t have that much time…”

“Mr. Wayland... you’re no fun…”

The elven woman showed a rather cute pout which took him by surprise but soon enough she was back to smiling.

“Please place your hand on the orb…”

He followed the instructions but just like last time his status was corrupted. It was somehow visible that he had a tier 2 class but the elven lady still raised her eyebrow.

“This status… can Mr. Wayland do something about it?”

Roland just shook his head from side to side as he didn’t really want to reveal his true stats or classes to this guild. There wasn’t any specific law that he needed to so he would refuse.

“Quite stubborn… please wait a moment, I’ll have to consult one of our associates about your task… you will also have to pay a fee.”

The sun elf lady went away into the back room while Roland waited. He tried thinking about what kind of tests or tasks guilds usually gave the new adventurers. Normally they made a person do some kind of mission that was for silver rank adventurers. Here in this city with a dungeon that would entail going into the lower levels, probably hunting some monsters close to tier 2 or ones that had already evolved.

In about ten minutes the woman returned but she wasn’t alone. Next to her was a somewhat tanned man. He had a robust build and looked to be in his mid-twenties. He had short dark hair and a somewhat cocky expression on his face.

“Is this the new fledgling you want me to test?”

Roland got eyeballed hard by this man by what he was saying this could only mean one thing. Instead of getting a dungeon quest, he would need to face off against this guy.

“Yes, this is him.”

“Mr. Wayland let me introduce you to Armand, he will be your sparring partner for your guild advancement test.”

This man was about the same height as Roland which was close to 190 cm. His frame was slightly larger and it was obvious that he was some kind of warrior.

The other adventurers were quick to notice this as they moved closer.

“Hey, Armand is going to fight someone! Let us go watch!”

“How long do you think that guy will last?”

“Five minutes tops!”

Tests like this were considered an event for these adventurers that didn’t really have much to do. They would also bet on the winners or on how long the party that seemed to be weaker would last against a trained guild instructor. Such instructors were either retired adventurers or current ones that took it for a quick payout.

‘I guess I’ll have a big audience…’

He couldn’t really refuse to take this test. It would seem strange and the adventurer guild would probably not take him seriously afterward. It was up to them to decide on the test and he would have to go through with it.

From what he could tell this test would take place in a sort of small arena behind the adventurer guild building. This place was something you could rent out to train with others and sometimes even some sanctioned fights between fighters took place.

‘I shouldn’t need to beat the instructor, exchanging some blows should be enough for him to measure my strength… but… I’m not sure he will let me off with just that.’

He wasn’t sure why but the guy that he was facing off against looked quite into it. The guy looked like someone that liked to fight. Normally an instructor wouldn’t go all out and just test a newly ascended tier 2 class holder. Some of these instructors had their own way of doing things though.

“Please grab a weapon and get ready, we will begin the test shortly!”

Roland looked at the training swords on the side. He was deemed to be a warrior type and using sharp weapons was forbidden. The armor he was wearing was the more important part, with it on he hoped to get through this test undamaged...

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