The Sage Who Transcended Samsara

Chapter 702 - Counsel

Chapter 702: Counsel

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

The first ray of sunlight broke through the cold gloom of dawn with a gust of refreshing breeze. Meng Qi stood at the bank of the river, erect and still. The events that have just transpired seemed like a vivid but outlandish dream to him.

He felt no remorse nor guilt about the incident in the Ashram Hall. To Meng Qi, there were a handful of principles more significant to him than his life, yet his life was still very much more important to him than many other tenets.

He would fight to the death of his friends and for justice. But that would never mean that he was one who placed no importance on his own life. At the crossroads of life and death, there was no choice but to forsake principles which were considered by him as trivial.

If he has a wife or a lover, a person that he held dear, he would have rather hide in a spot and wait for Han Guang and Gao Lan to leave the Celestial Court while he recuperated.

And if Gu Xiaosang refused to engage with him in the Dual Cultivation method, he would never force her. This was a basis of ethics, a moral precept he would never go against even at the pain of Death. He would also seek a temporary hideout to wait everything out despite the risks.

But he has no wife, nor has he any lover. All romances severed as even his confession went unrequited. The method, after all, was first suggested by Gu Xiaosang whereas he was familiar that the Dual Cultivation method of the Shang River Fairy has no disadvantage to them. Instead, the technique had restored him from the torments of drawbacks. There was nothing for him to fuss about especially when he should be more open-minded since he came from Earth.

With Gu Xiaosang as one of the most stunning women that he had met, Meng Qi hardly has anything to regret and agonize on, for he had not many choices even if she had been many times uglier than she was now.

Still, never did he expect that Gu Xiaosang would trick him. He could not believe himself when he found out that she could quickly leave the dimension of the Celestial Court without much trouble or exertion! This was the most mind-boggling puzzle that has left him troubled and befuddled!

“But why?” The question repeated itself ceaselessly as Meng Qi’s blank gaze rested on the churning waves of the river that mirrored his state of mind.

“Was she afraid that she would be too weak to defend herself when she has left the domain of the Celestial Court?” But she could have drained his energies on her own after she had damaged him!

Did she trick him into using the Dual Cultivation method to increase her powers? That would hardly be the case, for the records of the Shang River Fairy indicated that a partial draining of energies would be more efficient than a single bout of Dual Cultivation! Gu Xiaosang would even have leaped across the hurdles of the Second Celestial Ladder if she had opted for the former, in consideration of the strength of her Vital Spirit and her physical body!

“What was she trying to achieve?” Meng Qi frown in dismay. He remembered the final words of Gu Xiaosang before her departure and the things she said before. Could it also be part of her designs that he had read about the Shang River Fairy’s methods of Dual Cultivation?

“Was that also part of her intricate schemes, all for this day?”

“That would have been meticulous planning indeed!”

“Also, there seems to be something strange about her… I am afraid that Yu Longzi would be no less simple a person…”

For all these while, Meng Qi had never really taken heed of Gu Xiaosang’s enticing gestures and proddings as well as her addressing him as her husband. He had thought that those were merely ruses to lower his wariness or methods of diversion to redirect his attention away from her true purposes. He had never really taken to heart the indications and expressions on her part which may only be juvenile. The swift progress left him confused. The cunning demoness was hardly a lewd person without self-respect. Her virginity which she had just given him, was a solid testament. But what was her purpose when she proposed to a Dual Cultivation engagement and stripped herself in his presence?

“Was that unintentional or otherwise? Passion or indifference? Or was is only part of a larger and more intricate scheme of her planning?”

Meng Qi exhaled a heavy breath with exasperation. So deep were the designs of the cunning demoness, Gu Xiaosang, that none could divine her true motivations. Her out-of-the-blue suggestion for a Dual Cultivation engagement was soundly consistent agreeing to her usual disposition, for only Yu Zilong and not Gu Xiaosang would relent to a gradual process of building a relationship before plunging in a physical entanglement!

Twice she had saved his life, and now they were joined through a sexual union. As a man, Meng Qi could not help but felt he should begin to act responsibly and lead Gu Xiaosang away from the path of evil to prevent from any conflicting interests and difficult entanglements in the future. But never did he expect that Gu Xiaosang would behave coldly, leaving him slightly bereaved.

“Still, I am not the prince of a lovely fairy tale. The happy ending that I will have her heart once I have her body will never occur to me after all…” Meng Qi grimaced with a stinging prick to his heart as he scoffed at himself.

Suddenly, he remembered when once Gu Xiaosang was leading a little girl, and the little girl had addressed him as “father.” He began to recall that she once told him that within the depths of the Celestial Court their love would be consummated and a child would be born.

“Could it be possibly true?” The notion left Meng Qi confused and nauseous with dizziness.

“But the blending and refining of their Yin and Yang energies during the Dual Cultivation should never allow her to conceive!”

Meng Qi felt the refreshing morning breeze caressing his face. The waters of the rippling undulations of the river glittered in the rising sun as he basked in the beautiful scenery before him. He took a deep breath, trying his best to clear his thoughts.

A person passing by noticed him suddenly. Quietly the person whispered, “A man is standing by the river, looking as if deep in thought. Could he be thinking of killing himself?”

“I think not. Surely it is not that bad. It would not be hard to guess if it is a woman. Most likely women in such cases behave so because she has lost her dignity and she is troubled and sad. She will be wondering about her feelings and of her lover’s, whether he is truthful to her and if he will be an honest man to her in the future…” So said a scholar waving his paper fan. The scholar had just returned from a night of passion in a brothel.

“W-what the!” Meng Qi’s ear caught his voice. “Am I such a petty person?”

His cheeks burned red with embarrassment and anger as he began to walk away from the Golden River.

“I will first return to the stronghold of The Immortals.” Meng Qi decided. “I will leave the Supreme-wisdom Tree there and set the price of 6,000 Karma Points for the second bout of assimilation. Hopefully, the affordable price will allow me to accumulate more Points before the Death Task. I have to refine my Taoist robes with a Precious Weapon of Exquisite class, and then I’ll replace my Purple Lightning Blade, which is now a Middle-Grade Precious Weapon. Then I will be able to lend some of my Points to any companions who are in need. In our best condition and with our best preparations, we will face the next Death Task!”

“Next, there is the green berry that the cunning demoness had fed me. I have to find out what it is!”

“Even if there has yet to be any effects from consuming the berry, and it has not appeared that I need the Dominator’s help in removing it, still I cannot leave the matter unchecked and unquestioned! Who would know what schemes that the cunning demoness has brewed?”

Meng Qi has before gone through the information that The Immortals guild has about the domain of the Celestial Court and the Immortal Realm. From Han Guang’s behavior, it was apparent that he knew nothing of the green-colored fruit. That would mean that the guild of The Myths doesn’t know anything of it either. There may only be two other parties who might know the origins of the green-colored fruit aside from Gu Xiaosang: the Sect of the Plain Lady and the Xuan Tian Sect!

Knowing that approaching the Sect of the Plain Lady would most certainly be out of the question, the Xuan Tian Sect appeared to be his only option.

Then again, the historical records of such a treasure would mostly be considered a carefully-guarded secret by most sects and orders. Moreover, Meng Qi wondered if even the Dominator of the Samsara in Six Realms himself would find it difficult to infiltrate a faction that has one of the Peerless Godly Weapons defending it.

What could he do then?

He was wrapped up in thoughts when he felt a sudden tingle in his mind. He turned his head and scanned his surroundings and found a blood-red peach peeking out suspiciously from behind a large tree. Conspicuous veins could be seen on the surface of the fruit, adding an air of mysterious enigma to its appearance.

“Damn! It has followed me here!” Meng Qi felt goosebumps breaking all around him. He had forgotten entirely about the blood-red peach since he was occupied until now.

The grotesque appearance and the origins of the peach were enough to make his hair stand.

Cautiously, Meng Qi produced the Supreme-wisdom Tree. Its leaves and boughs glistened with a luster of vitality and richness, looking more slender and delicate than before.

There was a rustling noise, and the peach had hidden from sight.

Meng Qi’s brows rose quizzically. He put away the Supreme-wisdom Tree.

With the Tree stored away, he noticed the Peach peeking out once again!

“Come here,” Meng Qi beckoned with his left hand stretched forward.

The Peach hopped out of its hiding spot and leaped onto Meng Qi’s hand, rubbing himself against his palm.

Meng Qi could barely react, and it disappeared in a sudden flash. It had fused itself with the purple mark of a thunderbolt on his hand!

The mark began to change as if fattening after a heavy meal, from its former appearance of a thunderbolt, it transformed into a streak of lightning!

But Meng Qi felt nothing, aside from the change in the shape of the mark. Feeling bewildered and loss for words, he could only sigh,

“And here is one more thing to add to the list of items I need to investigate!”

It was a beautiful day in the sixth month of the year. Lotuses blossomed beautifully with their leaves in cheerful green around the Jade Emperor Mountain. Despite being a mountainous region, different types and varieties of lotuses and other water lilies found in abundance, strewn upon the surfaces of the lakes and ponds nearby.

Meng Qi, clad in green and the Heaven Inflicted Pain hanging by his side, walked uphill like a wanderer who was enjoying the picturesque sceneries nearby. He came to the gates to the stronghold of the Xuan Tian Sect and met the disciples who stood guard at the entrance.

Standing at the banks of a pond filled with lotuses of pale pink, the disciples were all of different fashion. Some had sabers hanging from their belt while some held in their grasp swords of sharp blades. Some were dressed like Taoists while some looked like ordinary people of the common folk.

At the banks of the pond was a stone stele. Engraved upon which were three large words,

“The Pond of Disarmament!”

The Xuan Tian Sect worshipped the Heaven Sovereign. As was the custom of the Celestial Court, none entered the stronghold bearing weapons and no one was allowed to fly within the boundaries of the fortress. Arms were to be left in the safekeeping of the Sect or one’s Space Ring or storage bags before passing the Pond of Disarmament.

Meng Qi broke into a smile and bowed gently, “My name is Su Meng. I would like to request an audience with Brother Qing Yu.”

“Su Meng?” A disciple dressed in Taoist garb uttered as his eyes widen with surprise as curiosity and admiration filled him.

Meng Qi was, in fact, the most heavily-regarded amongst the younger generation of warriors in the Jianghu. But it was not only due to his fame. The Xuan Tian Sect was famous for having the Blade of Timeshadow as its regalia; it was no wonder that they have different potent disciplines of the saber of their own. Thus the disciples of the sect could not help but look up to Meng Qi who was renowned for his use of the saber and compared themselves to him.

Unfortunately, the most prominent of the younger crop of the Xuan Tian Sect, Qing Yu, had lost to Meng Qi by a mere hair’s breadth. As time passed, the divide between their skills and powers widen significantly to the point that they were not comparable as equals anymore!

“That is right.” Meng Qi nodded softly.

One by one, the glances of the disciples turned to him. Meng Qi basked in the glimpses and stares of admiration and awe. “Surely I must indulge myself in my greatness when there is time for it. We have but only one life after all.”

As he waited and enjoyed himself, soaked with the stares of wonders, a disciple had returned to the stronghold of the Sect with news of his arrival. It did not take long for word to reach Qing Yu, who swiftly appeared at the gates. As always, his big eyebrows and thin lips hinted the concealed proudness that belied his warm demeanor. His blade, the Time Sword, hung by his side. A standard blade it could seem from a simple glance, yet within its sheath, it anxiously waited to be unleashed.

He has now reached the Realms of the Exterior.

“What business does Master Su has with me?” Qing Yu regarded his guest, first with confused stares which then subsided as he regained composure.

Meng Qi’s eyes twinkled with a smile while he spoke, “I have a matter which I require your counsel. Please, walk with me.”

Qing Yu followed him, trusting that Meng Qi would never be up to no good in the vicinity of the stronghold.

Meng Qi produced three pieces of papers. With a giggle, he asked, “I trust Brother Qing Yu you have heard of the incidents in the ruins of the Ninth Heaven? I was able to enter into the domain as well, and I have seen a few things which were peculiar to me. Thus I am here to seek your counsel on them.”

It would surely be an absolute fact that Han Guang would never help him withhold the news of his entry into the Immortal Realm. Han Guang might even promulgate about his co-operation with the cunning demoness Gu Xiaosang and possibly hint that they both share a romance. Hence Meng Qi elected to be forthcoming in dealing with others in respect to the matter.

Qing Yu listened attentively, “What were they?”

Meng Qi handed him some papers, “I have illustrated them here.”

On the papers, Meng Qi had drawn the massive and mysterious tree, the green fruit and the sapling that grown from its seed, and the Animated Peach.

Qing Yu read at the descriptions Meng Qi had added: “connects to all other levels of the Immortal Realm,” “All will be the same in the future as it is in this lifetime.” and the others. The edges of his lips twitched. “The illustrations are terrible, and your descriptions are not helpful enough in helping me to understand. Why the hassle? You could have just directly transmitted parts of your memories to me directly using your spiritual powers. Surely you know how to do so?”

“My illustrations are terrible?” Meng Qi could hardly believe his ears, feeling stung by Qing Yu’s words. From his forehead, he drew his memories in the form of a golden flash and directed them to Qing Yu.

Qing Yu assimilated Meng Qi’s memories and replayed the images in his mind. At length, he frowned, apparently unfamiliar with the things that Meng Qi had pointed out. “I am well-versed with the lores of our ancient books and records, but I have come across nothing of the three items you mentioned.”

Meng Qi prodded skeptically, “You might be too young to know everything, Brother. How about seeking counsel from your Elders?”

It was a purposeful sneer in return for his earlier remark about his illustration!

Qing Yu snorted defiantly, “I am an accomplished scholar in the lore and ancient records of my order. Nobody in the Xuan Tian Sect will have seen them if I have not.”

Meng Qi chortled and steered the subject away from the three unknowns, answering instead a few questions that Qing Yu has about the Immortal Realm. At length, he took his leave and walked downhill and lodged in an inn nearby for the night.

The night came and passed peacefully until dawn. The morning sun reared its head from the East. Meng Qi fingered the Ancient Space-breaching Talisman and sighed,

“It seems that even the Xuan Tian Sect have no idea on what they were…”

He had visited the Sect openly and had done nothing to hide his presence during his stay in an inn nearby. It was a deliberate design by Meng Qi to verify if anyone from the Xuan Tian Sect knows the three unknowns. Somebody would have come and seek him out, or even test him if anyone from the Sect had identified the three items. Nothing had happened through his entire night of waiting!

“Where should I go next…” Meng Qi murmured, wondering on his next step. With the restrictions imposed upon him for his next Death Task, it was imperative that he strengthen himself. Still, it was a perpetual undertaking that he had never once neglected; a practice which he regularly maintained to pursue improvements. To him, methods of hermetic training would be of no use for now.

His thoughts wandered back to the Death Task which was afoot. He began to study the upcoming Task and analyzed the perils that he might face. Finally, he decided upon one of his most pressing issues: the matter of the Blood Sea Rakshasa!

“Should I venture a trip into the Southern WIlderness and ascertain the powers and strength of the Blood-robed Cult as part of my preparations?”

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