The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 906: In the past

Chapter 906: In the past

Xiaya lay on the mobile bed, filled with curiosity about the unknown things around him. He didn’t know why he appeared here, or even who he was. He didn’t remember anything at all.

Who am I? Where did I come from?

“Saiyan, Dragon Ball? Xiling…”

Various doubts surged up like a tide in his heart. He looked at the couple in front of him who were taking care of him, and a familiar feeling arose from the bottom of his heart.

However, this feeling of familiarity soon disappeared like thin mist under the sunshine.

Because Xiaya who had crossed over to this time point was just a fragment of consciousness split from the Xiaya in the Time Realm. These fragments of consciousness were of varying strength. Although, with the help of the Time King and the Great Heaven Official, they replaced and merged with his present selves, the memories could not be fully inherited due to the weak consciousness.

Next, the consciousness of Xiaya who had entered this time point began his life on Planet Vegeta and gradually integrated into this world. As for why he came here, he began to slowly forget.

It can be imagined that if there is no other intervention, this consciousness would gradually sink and become ordinary, blending in with the primitive natives here.


Meanwhile, at other time points.

The war that destroyed Planet Vegeta was fiercely underway in outer space.

The demons of Frieza Force fired dazzling energy beams from space, creating deafening explosions that reverberated in the atmosphere. Massive mushroom clouds rose up, and mountains, rivers were leveled to the ground, causing the ground to rupture and bringing about a doomsday.

At this time, Bardock flew alone towards Frieza’s spaceship with a sad and angry expression.

On the other side, Frieza, who was sitting on a hovercraft, noticed the battle happening on Bardock’s side. However, those scarlet eyes full of killing intent had no luster and as if without any consciousness, his expression was very mechanical. When he saw Bardock charging towards them, it seemed that a pre-set program had been activated.

In fact, the real Frieza had long been completely erased from the timeline by Xiaya’s “Extinction.” The current Frieza is just a hologram that was automatically generated to prevent disturbances in the timeline, and all of its actions were mechanized.

Frieza said mechanically, “Ho ho ho, Mr. Dodoria, look, that Saiyan seems very brave!”

Dodoria glanced over, pressed on the scouter on his ear and said in disbelief, “Huh? The strength of that Saiyan exceeds 10,000 Battle Power. Such power can only be dealt with by the elites of the First Corp!”

“Hmm? Mr. Dodoria, it’s time for the soldiers of the First and Second Corp to retreat,” Frieza said, then his entire body floated up into space, and a tiny energy dot the size of a peanut began to flicker between his fingers. Then suddenly, it expanded into a massive fireball with a diameter of several hundred meters.

It was like a newborn sun, shaking people’s minds while also causing a hint of fear. It contained unparalleled destructive power within it.

Crash! The huge energy sphere shook in space and then, following Frieza’s finger’s movement, it descended towards Planet Vegeta. The first to face it was Bardock at the forefront. Once that fireball fell, Planet Vegeta would really be finished!

Bardock gritted his teeth and stood in front of the blazing fireball, preparing to receive Frieza’s Planet Destroying Death Ball by himself.

Just then, a series of sharp shouts came from below the atmosphere, and a speeding flash crossed the sky. A small figure appeared next to Bardock, holding a little girl in his hand.

“Xiaya, you ba*tard!” With a slightly sobbing voice, the little girl trembled with her legs tightly clasped together.

“Hmm, where is this?” Suddenly, the person called Xiaya trembled and opened his eyes. A hint of confusion flashed through his pitch-black pupils. However, at that moment, a scorching sensation came from the top of his head. Xiaya raised his head and squinted, only to see an enormous fireball hurtling towards him.

At this time, Xiaya had no time to wonder why he was here. He “habitually” stuffed the little girl in his arms into Bardock’s hands, spread his arms, and forcibly stopped the Planet Destroying Death Ball .

Only after all this was done, he had the free time to think about where he was.

“This is the time when Planet Vegeta was destroyed. Hey, why can’t I remember the past?”


At another point in time, in the East Area, Xiaya teleported to the surface of Big Gete Star with Meiling; the entire planet was already in countdown to destruction.

At this time, Xiaya’s body shook, and his consciousness fused with his other self from another timeline.


When Xiaya annihilated the metal Bojack and first met Whis, he was given the opportunity to train in the God of Destruction’s realm.

As Xiaya reached the 109th level of the Creating God Star, waves of mental pressure began to emanate from his surroundings, creating a sense of exhaustion that lingered in his mind and made his body feel tired as well.


During the Cell Games, Janemba suddenly descended from the sky. Watching Xiling and Myers fighting against Janemba together, Xiaya’s mouth curled up into a smile.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew, and Xiaya’s gaze became bewildered.

Splash, splash…

The surging waves of the river of time flew through past and present, extending all the way into the distant future. When the present point of time was engulfed by the river of time, everything became an illusory past.

Perhaps the clearest view of this can only be seen from outside the three phases of space-time and timeline. When tens of thousands of Xiaya’s fragments of will entered the illusory past, the entire river of time surged frantically, as if about to undergo countless splits, but it was all suppressed by two powerful forces.

At this moment, in the highest dimension of the Time Realm.

Time King and the Great Heaven Official continued to maintain the manifestation of time and space, while using their own power to suppress the birth of excessive parallel universes. Sending a person’s will back to the past could trigger huge fluctuations throughout the entire timeline due to even the slightest changes. Especially now, with tens of thousands of Xiaya’s will fragments scattered throughout the boundless past, the probability of parallel universes emerging had skyrocketed to an extreme level.

If Time King and Great Heaven Official’s divine power wasn’t maintaining it, there would already be countless parallel universes.

“What’s the situation with Xiaya now? When will he be able to come back?” Android 18 stared at the 4 three phases of space-time, watching them constantly evolve between the past, present and future, the range of its tremors seeming to be getting larger and larger.

“Don’t speak,” a voice rang in Android 18’s mind. It was the Universe King’s voice.

“Tang Xing and Mavis are suppressing the past timeline. You have to understand that there are countless fragments of Xiaya’s will that have entered the past. Although these wills cannot occupy every minute and every second of the past, the past 57 years have been divided into countless parts, and the fluctuations at each point in time could potentially create new parallel universes, which is why Tang Xing and Mavis need to keep them under control.”

Think about it, 57 years of time divided into thousands of parts, and almost every few tens of days is a new interval, and at the same time, suppressing so many timelines, even Time King and Great Heaven Official would feel immense pressure.

Fortunately, they both have the strongest space-time ability, and similar to the power of “Extinction,” they can suppress the birth of parallel universes from an illusory perspective.

Universe King was aware of the pressure on Time King and Mavis, and was also doing everything in his power to suppress the present timeline with the power of order. While trying to relieve their pressure, he also reminded Android 18 not to make any disruptive movements.

“As for Xiaya, you don’t need to worry. His will has already merged with his past selves. Now we just have to wait for him to awaken. Actually, what I’m worried about is not the past, but the elusive future…”

Universe King’s handsome face looked at Android 18. The future has countless possibilities because the river of time has not yet submerged the past, and those elusive “futures” have not collapsed into the tangible “present.” Even Time King cannot interfere too much with the future that has not happened.

The world of the past, which is seemingly real but already gone, the fleeting present world, and the elusive and incomprehensible future world.

Among them, the future is the most difficult to comprehend, and only Xiaya himself can handle it.

“Hmm…” Android 18 nodded with a look of seeming understanding. She turned her head to glance at Xiaya, who was sitting on the ground, her face filled with worry. At this moment, she felt powerless and could only stand on the side with Majin Buu and watch.

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