The Strongest Legend of Dragon Ball

Chapter 924: Calmly training for 200 years

Chapter 924: Calmly training for 200 years

Time flies, and five years pass in the blink of an eye.

During these five years, the Beiyaians’ fleet has traveled past numerous planets, gradually sailing towards the eastern region of the North Area. They had encountered several attacks from space pirates, but with Meifei’s presence, she suppressed all those pirates, reducing them to ashes.

Her incredible strength truly shook the Beiyaians, which further confirmed Meifei’s goddess identity, and they became even more enthusiastic and respectful towards her.

Finally, one day, the fleet arrived near Planet Yardrat.

This was a planet identified by the Beiyaians’ advanced exploration fleet as suitable for settlement. After careful consideration, the Beiyaians’ chief and prophet decided to land their fleet on this planet.

On this day, Xiaya emerged from his room and looked at the massive planet outside the spaceship, nodding to himself. “Sure enough, this is Planet Yardrat. It seems that from today onwards, the Beiyaians will officially change their name.”


One by one, the enormous spaceships circled around the planet and then landed in an orderly fashion.

Under the command of the Beiyaians’ chief, relief stone carvings were transported from the spaceships and placed in a secure location.

After Beiyaians’ prophet set foot on the ground, he looked at the vast land and closed his eyes, predicting the future. When he opened his eyes, a multicolored light flashed through his pupils.

Turning to the clan chief, he said, “Chief, from today onwards, this place will be our new settlement. Furthermore, in order to avoid drawing attention from other races in the universe, we will use the name ‘Beiyaians’ internally within the community, while externally we will be known as ‘Yardratians’.”

The prophet chose this approach to prevent other races in the universe from associating them with their identity. After all, the name Beiyaians was too prominent and would inevitably attract the scrutiny of outsiders.

“Yardratian…” The clan chief repeated it a few times and agreed.

“Meifei-sama, please wait a moment. Your palace will be constructed soon.” Yardratians were deeply grateful to Meifei, who had accompanied and helped them deal with countless troubles along the way.

“Okay.” Meifei nodded nonchalantly, waved her hand, and then walked over to knock on Xiaya’s door.

“Dad, are we settling here?”

Xiaya nodded. “Yes, we’ll live here for now. I also need to research a way to return, and during this time, you also shouldn’t slack off. Strive to elevate your power to the fourth level of the Divine Realm.”

Although Meifei’s current state made it highly unlikely for her to reach the fourth level of the Divine Realm, she still had to work hard towards that direction.

“I understand.”

“Be obedient and don’t cause me any big trouble.”

Giving Meifei a casual glance, Xiaya didn’t expect her to sit completely still. Nevertheless, due to the constraints of the era, he couldn’t allow Meifei to act as arbitrarily and recklessly as before.

The causality of time was very unreasonable. It was better to be cautious about everything as who knows what kind of trouble may arise from the entanglement with causality.

That’s why he hadn’t gone to see Beerus and others after coming to this era.

By the way, for the Time King, the sequence of timeline should be meaningless. The current Time King should be the one he knows. Could he seek her help?

Furrowing his brows, Xiaya pondered for a while before temporarily shelving the idea.

There was no rush. If he really has no other choice, he could go to the Time Realm later!

Based on Xiaya’s understanding, the period of history that Yardratians had sealed off should be quite long. Considering what he had seen and heard so far, there was an eighty to ninety percent chance that the sealed history was related to him. Hence, he would likely spend a considerable amount of time on Planet Yardrat.

In the following days, Xiaya went into seclusion and busied himself with training. Meanwhile, on Planet Yardrat, the construction work was in full swing.

Yardratians have a different aesthetic sense compared to ordinary humans. They built their structures on towering rocky cliffs, about dozens of meters above the ground.

At the mountaintop, hemisphere-shaped houses gradually took shape.

Apart from the high-rise buildings, Yardratians also constructed underground palaces, neatly arranging the relief carvings left behind by their ancestors. These relief carvings were the crystallization of their race’ wisdom, each one carved with complex patterns of landscapes, fierce beasts, and intricate designs, concealing profound and complex techniques.

These relief carvings were naturally accessible to Meifei and Xiaya. In her free time, Meifei would come here to take a look and learn some techniques.

For the current Xiaya and Meifei, while Yardratian secret techniques are considered impressive, they still have some flaws in the eyes of gods. However, it cannot be denied that certain techniques are worthy of being called the pinnacle of human-level techniques. Similar to the martial arts of Planet Metamor, they possess their own dazzling aspects.

Time flew by.

In the blink of an eye, two hundred years had passed since the Yardratians settled down.

During this period, Xiaya spent most of his time in seclusion, researching a way to return. And during this time, he finally found tranquility and thoroughly summarized his own training.

Two hundred years was not long. For a God of Destruction, who measures time in millions or tens of millions of years, it was just a little nap. But for Xiaya, two hundred years was equivalent to three or four times of his previous life.

On a small mountain peak.

A hemisphere-shaped cottage.

The surface of the house was rough, as if it had weathered the passage of time, covered with damages, and near the edges close to the ground, green moss grew.

Inside the house, a buzzing sound constantly echoed, as if it had a special rhythm, accompanied by a powerful aura.

Dark golden radiance flickered on the surface of the skin. All of Xiaya’s thoughts were immersed in the depths of his heart. In addition to his power of space-time, the power of order, and the power of the Dragon God, the fusion of the three—the dark golden energy—also slowly flowed through every part of his body. Nourished by this dark golden energy, every cell exuded new vitality…

“Time King said that to break free from this world, I must explore a fourth breakthrough path.”

“Time King’s path of space-time, Universe King’s path of order, Dragon God’s path of miracle… I cannot walk on any of these paths. Otherwise, I would end up like the Great Heaven Official, unable to completely leave this world even if I transcended.”

Xiaya opened his eyes, and a dazzling light shone in his dark golden eyes.

The tranquility of the past hundred years allowed Xiaya to carefully organize everything that he had learned. At this moment, he wasn’t particularly worried about how to return.

Immediately, he closed his eyes again, and emanated a mysterious and natural aura, with himself as the center.


The surrounding space trembled slightly once again, and warped space fissures generated around Xiaya, like half-inch-long blades. The fissures multiplied and spread rapidly, soon covering the surroundings and tightly enveloping his body.

At this moment, Xiaya’s thoughts began to soar, with flashes of inspiration and sudden understanding. His mind became clear and transparent.

He gently raised his hand, giving up the power of space-time, giving up the power of order that evolved from the Energy of Destruction, and also giving up the power of miracle bestowed by the Dragon God. The three powers separated from his body, floating around him, distorting the surrounding time and space.

At this moment, Xiaya focused on the primal berserk power of the Super Saiyan and the dark golden energy formed by the fusion of the three powers.

Two forces, one red and one golden, flowed within his body, emitting a faint purple-golden brilliance.

“The power of miracle, the power of order, the power of space-time… These powers played a huge role in my breakthroughs to the first, third, and fifth level of the Divine Realm. But if I want to surpass the Divine Realm in the future, I can no longer rely on these powers.”

What belongs to others ultimately belongs to them. It can be borrowed, learned from, but it cannot be the foundation. Just like how he gave up the Energy of Destruction to focus on comprehending the power of space-time before, now he has given up on the pure power of miracle, order, and space-time.

With such thoughts in his mind, Xiaya held up both hands. In one hand was the fundamental red energy of the Super Saiyan God, and in the other hand was the dark golden energy that had been dwelling in his heart, formed by the fusion of the three powers.

As the two forces collided with each other, a dense radiance reflected on his cheeks. Xiaya’s lips curled up, revealing a faint smile.

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