The Villainess Lives Twice

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Proofreader: somnium

It was amazing.

Amalie felt one side of her head brightening up. She was surprised that she hadn’t thought about it.

‘For all this time, Grand Duke Evron has acted strictly as Grand Duke Evron.’

However, Cedric is a direct line of the imperial family.

According to the principle of inheritance, the original number one successor was Cedric’s mother who died. And then, of course, Cedric.

People seldom had that fact in mind. People think of Cedric as Grand Duke Evron and military hero, not as a powerful man or politician.

Rather, when Cedric was young, there were people who tried to use him to confront the Emperor.

In particular, after all of the Emperor’s enemies died, there were a number of those who were greedy who wanted to make him the next Emperor.>

However, Cedric remained unwavering in his position as Grand Duke of Evron and as a military officer.

Amalie thought that it was his nature but then she thought it was also a survival strategy.

Cedric would seldom come to the capital unless the Emperor invited him. It may not have come only from a deep affection for Evron Grand Duchy.

Though he knew it was unfair, he went to the battlefield at the order of the Emperor.

Amalie, who had risked her life on the battlefield, thought that was the reason Cedric jumped directly into the battlefield.

People who have something they love, they can’t lose their lives so easily.

If Cedric loves Evron, he shouldn’t throw himself for the West.

However, even though he had a war of nerves with the Emperor for the Western Army, he did not show that he was saving his life.

It was a completely different way from Grand Duke Roygar, but it worked.>

Even the suspicious Emperor came to regard Cedric as a natural soldier.

He was concerned that his murder of Cedric’s parents would have incurred a grudge. He was also worried that Evron Grand Duchy would turn their spear and use their mighty force against the imperial family.

But he didn’t think Cedric was looking for power.

So, when Cedric got engaged to Artizea, he was relieved to think that he must have finally cleared his grudge and found personal happiness.

He thought it would be unintentional if Cedric had stepped into the succession quarrel. That’s because his wife was Lawrence’s younger sister.

Even if one thought about it one step further, it couldn’t be more than for the next generation of Evron. Everyone believed so.

However, Cedric did not appear to avoid politics as before. From the days of Baron Yetz, no, to be precise.

‘From the time he was engaged to the Grand Duchess.’

At the time of the protests, Amalie thought that he led the investigation, handed over the bribe ledger to the Emperor, and dealt with the human trafficking problem, all because of anger.>

But when she thinks about the facts, without the emotional elements, it was definitely a political act.

Amalie was convinced that he would have changed his mind by that time.

And Cedric’s status has not already belonged with any of the forces of change or military personnel.

The nobles regarded him as a kingmaker, and salons and coffee houses are paying attention to his move. Literature writers and philosophers also paid attention.

The interest in Evron Grand Duchy was higher than ever.

The public opinion was never light. If it is combined with the temple, it becomes a force that even the Emperor cannot ignore.

With just one or two impressive events, Cedric’s position could have once again changed drastically.

There was even a sense of pleasure as if small pieces were gathered and woven into a single finished product.

Amalie has been feeling a sense of incongruity in Artizea’s actions so far. That’s where the angles finally met.>

‘If Grand Duke Evron does not intend to be buried in the Grand Duchy, there’s no other option.’

Amalie was a western knight for only two years or so. For ten times longer than that, she has lived as a political soldier.

She loved power, and she has enjoyed it well enough. She had no intention of letting go of power, so she was attached to Lawrence.

However, she was not so depraved that she thought the empire should be a resource for her own power and for her enjoyment.

Not only Amalie, but a few of the ‘they’ Artizea mentioned. ‘They’ were practically the pillars that underpinned the empire.

If Cedric is placed as Emperor, the country will not be disturbed by power struggles and political strife.

Because he doesn’t weigh a person’s life against his own desires.

There is still no material yet to judge his competence as a politician. But, at least, there will be no renunciation of testimony, fear that a competent servant will be executed for that very reason, or will one give up on one’s own words in fear of going against the Emperor’s depravities.

The army will certainly function. The west and the south will be protected.>

Amalie quickly realized that the Western affairs were hanging like a debt on the side of her mind so far.

It was absolutely right for Artizea to make her the first target of engagement.

Amalie hated the current situation, in which her troops’ only function was to defend the Emperor’s power.

Since she started in an isolated hell, she felt irritated with using the supply lines as a means of power.

Amalie finished her thoughts and raised her head. Artizea had a gentle smile.


Does Cedric have the same thought in mind?

Amalie didn’t dare to ask Artizea for it. If there was a possibility, she had to push him to the throne even if he didn’t want it.

[“Is there any possibility?”]>

The important thing was that.

Artizea said with a smile.

[“Dame Harper should make that a possibility.”]

And now Amalie was here to do that.

Bellon, a Treasury official, said.

“I know that Evron Grand Duchess is unagely wise and is favored by Her Majesty, but it is about not just anywhere else, but Riagan. This is where His Majesty is particularly concerned.”

A Duke who has dominant power in the southern provinces could control it at will, but there was no reason to let it go. This was the case even without thinking about the monopoly of the South Sea salt.

For a while, there was an unsettling silence in the conference room.

Lawrence opened his mouth.>

“So what is Sir Bellon’s suggestion?”

“Rather, it is better for Sir Lawrence to be engaged to the Duke of Riagan’s daughter. In doing so, a bond with the Riagan Duchy is formed, you now have a close relationship with His Majesty’s vassal, and after His Majesty’s gone in the future, it becomes a marriage with the great nobility of the South.”

“Keep talking.”

“It is also a matter to take into account that the imperial family can maintain a powerful influence over the Riagan Duchy to the end. If Her Majesty decides to make the next Duke of Riagan, that will not be the case.”

Lawrence’s mouth was slightly twisted.

Amalie stared at it.

“There’s a point in Sir Bellon’s words. If you only think about what happened after you took the place of the Emperor, definitely.”

“Do you have any other opinions?”

“No. Didn’t everyone just agree that getting Her Majesty’s recognition is the most right and fastest way? I just wondered if it would be wise to start a confrontation with Her Majesty right now.”>

And Lawrence added a word.

“Sir Bellon’s nephew was married to a southern nobleman, right?”

Bellon’s complexion deteriorated. Then Lawrence’s mouth began to lighten again.

Amalie recalled Artizea’s words. Lawrence purposefully gathered the vassals, and afterwards he would feel a sense of superiority.

Amalie carefully timed after the conversation and spoke as if she had said it after pondering.

“How about thinking in the opposite way?”

“The opposite?”

“The most important thing for Sir Lawrence right now is the recognition from Her Majesty. It means that Her Majesty is more important than His Majesty. His Majesty regards Sir Lawrence as the son who will inherit everything anyway.”

This wasn’t wrong at all, but it was a bit distorted.>

“So, with the approval of Her Majesty, you will be the only legitimate descendant of the imperial family. If so, wouldn’t it be right to prioritize Her Majesty even if we incur some anger in the short term?”

“Then, is it Dame Harper’s opinion to ask Her Majesty the Empress about Sir Lawrence’s marriage?”

“I’m reluctant to do that, too. It is about determining the future Empress. If Her Majesty becomes the Empress Dowager, and then her successor becomes Empress, it means that too much power will be given to the Riagan Duchy.”


“It is also very dangerous to face the Emperor’s anger directly. Above all, you would not re His Majesty the Emperor after deciding on the matter of marriage.”

“Then, is Dame saying that I should not discuss the matter with my mother and father?”

“You can exclude Lady Miraila, but you can’t do that to His Majesty. Of course, if it’s a matter of changing the owner of the Duke of Riagan, that’s another story.”

Lawrence looked at Amalie with a dissatisfied look.

“Then what is Dame talking about?”>

“The Empress’ desire to reclaim Riagan Duchy is not really about her family and title. She probably doesn’t have any successors she wants to pass it on.”

Amalie said slowly, making eye contact with Lawrence.

“So, why don’t you just release the predecessor Riagan ducal couple?”

“That’s impossible!”

Sir Bellon cried right away. Amalie said calmly.

“Sir Bellon, I just said that Her Majesty is not pleased with the present Duke of Riagan.”

“That, however.”

“You’re saying we’re just going to comfort her.”

“Her Majesty does not have to appoint the next Duke herself. Shouldn’t we just bear with what Grand Duchess Evron had said about marriage as a reference only? In the first place, this is just the opinion of Grand Duchess Evron.”>

Said Amalie.

“Eighteen years have passed. The Duke of Riagan is lax. He is excited that he will soon see the time when his descendants are placed in the right place. Isn’t that a shame? He needs to be agitated at least once.”

She spoke as if in a royal court in front of the Emperor himself. Lawrence liked the way she spoke as much as the content of what she said.

“By bringing down the current Duke of Riagan, who is overly arrogant, the Empress’ heart is pacified, but the imperial influence on the duchy is rather strengthened and we avoided the wrath of His Majesty.”

“That’s right.”

“This opinion is great, but is it possible?”

“Isn’t it worth looking into? In the meantime, it would be good to find out if there is any descendant of the predecessor Duke of Riagan, who can directly connect with Her Majesty, as in Sir Lawrence’s first proposal.”

“A person who is knowledgeable in the situation in the south would be good. Either way, we need to learn more about the situation of the Duchy of Riagan.”

Lawrence’s gaze reached Bellon and then moved to someone else. Those from the south or people who have relatives there began to actively discuss.>

Amalie didn’t speak any more. With this, she has done her role today.

Someone from Lawrence’s faction goes to the south and makes contact with the Duke of Riagan. The important thing was that.


After the meeting, some people remain. Since so many people gathered, they intended to build a friendship while drinking alcohol and having a light conversation.

Amalie stood up early.

If she decides to change her past mistakes, she has to increase her odds a bit more. There were a few people she had to talk to individually. But not today.

And Amalie knew it only when she walked out the front door of the mansion. She was followed by Gayan.

Amalie stopped her feet and looked back.

“Don’t forget you are indebted to me, Dame Harper.”

Said Gayan.

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