The Villainess Lives Twice

Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Proofreader: somnium

The teacup shattered into pieces. Since it was Artizea’s living room, there was still a white rug on the floor, but there was a big red stain on it.

People panicked and looked at Cedric quickly.

“Are you hurt, Your Grace?”

“No, it was cold tea. It’s okay.”

Cedric waved his hand half out of his mind. And he looked back at the doctor with a confused look.

“Tia, you mean she has a child?”

“Yes, she is pregnant.”

The doctor answered in a slightly perplexed manner. It was because Cedric didn’t seem to know at all.

Some of the vassals, including Ansgar, who kept their secrets and watched, sighed in relief. Others widened their eyes.

“I haven’t been watching Her Grace continuously, I’ll have to take a look again to be sure, but it’ll be between 12 and 14 weeks.”

At the doctor’s words, Cedric asked, stunned.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me about this important thing?”

He didn’t even think about it.

At one day, he was thinking about it. However, it was a vague ‘later’ thing, when various things were sorted out and Artizea’s body became a little healthier.

Even after he made up his mind to start a family, he hadn’t yet imagined his house with children running around.

Above all else, there were too many opportunities, to be told, to expect a child first out of the blue.

Ansgar said cautiously.

“We were all pretending not to know because Her Grace didn’t seem to want to talk about it.”

“Careful ladies may deliberately not speak until it is a time of reassurance. Sometimes they only see doctors brought from their family.”

The doctor also said,

“This is not the case now, but there are many cases where the fetus is threatened due to disputes over inheritance. They are excited about the heir, but are also concerned about disappointing the people in the family.”


Cedric answered in a distressed mood. He thought there was some truth to what Ansgar and the doctor said, but he couldn’t move on to saying that it is so. It didn’t seem like Artizea was hiding it for that reason.

Artizea should have told him the news. If she was worried, rather more.

If she wanted to hide the fact of her pregnancy from him, she would have tried to hide it from herself and not from anyone else.

“Tia, is she okay?”

That was the only word that came out.

The doctor seemed a little relieved. That was easy enough for him to answer.

“Her Grace may be weak, but don’t worry too much. The baby is well established, and Her Grace can take care of herself and build up stamina. But for the time being, she must be absolutely stable.”

“I see.”

Cedric answered so.

It was only then that a tactless knight took the lead and shouted.

“Congratulations, Your Grace!”

“Shh, be quiet.”

“It’s right next to Her Grace’s bedroom.”

Tackles came in straight from both sides and silenced the knight.

The words of congratulations were delivered only in a soft voice. It was not long after Artizea collapsed under persecution from the temple. The doctor said there would be no problem, but it was not a situation to celebrate loudly.

There are still many urgent tasks left. Now was the time to be angry.

Although fully aware of it, all the people of Evron mansion could not hide their joy.

Until now, the older vassals and knights were waiting without saying a word, even though they had guessed. They also smiled happily at the doctor’s confirmation.

It can be said that it is only when there is a successor that he has established himself as the master of a family.

Until now, there was only one direct blood relative in the Grand Duchy Evron’s family, Cedric.

Although it is said that he was married, it is true that people were anxious until the birth of an heir.

But now, even Grand Duchy Evron, who was until now in peril, will finally rise to the top.

They couldn’t help but be happy to hear such good news at the right time following the wedding.

Since the Grand Duchess was of young age, they thought they would have to wait slowly for two or three years or more.

As Cedric headed to Artizea’s bedroom, excited vassals and knights followed.

Ansgar stopped them. Even Alphonse tried to sneak in, but was blocked by Ansgar.

Only Hayley could follow Cedric into the bedroom.

Artizea was buried deep in the soft bed. All of her clothes were taken off and she was made comfortable. Her tousled hair was scattered over the pillow.

Marcus was rubbing her feet, then he saw Cedric and stood up. Alice, who had cooled the slightly feverish forehead with cool water and brushed her hair, also stood up. Her eyes were dyed bright red.

Sophie went all the way to the corner, sobbed, then stood up and hid her face with the apron.

Rather than rejoicing that Artizea was pregnant, she felt more sorrow for being in a difficult situation and was confused. Artizea got married and she came out of the Rosan mansion, so Sophie thought she’d never have something like this happen to her again.

Sophie, however, would have been unable to show her tears while everyone was delighted that she had conceived.

“If she sleeps well for a day or two, she will wake up.”

The doctor said in a low voice. Cedric looked at Alice and asked.

“Is there no doctor that Tia sees separately?”

“There is none.”

Alice bowed her head like a sinner. Cedric waved his hand to the people.


“Your Grace.”

Hayley opened her mouth.

“Aren’t you happy?”

There was a realization that the question was too far-fetched. But she couldn’t bear to not ask.

Now that Lysia was away, no one could have asked that word on behalf of Artizea, if it weren’t for her.

“I’m happy. How can I not be happy?”

Cedric muttered to himself.

“But how can I say that I am happy when she closes her eyes?”


Sophie couldn’t resist and sobbed.

Alice quickly approached her and stroked her shoulder. And she backed away without a sound.

Marcus and Hayley, who understood Cedric’s heart, followed suit.

When the door closed, only the two of them were left.

Cedric sat down next to Artizea. The mattress tilted, but Artizea didn’t open her eyes.

He pulled Artizea’s hand from under the blanket. Her helpless fingers slid through Cedric’s fingers.

“I’m not sure if it was the right thing to do to trust you.”

He placed her hand on the back of his hand. He wasn’t sure if she was this white from the beginning, or if she looked more like it because of the lack of color.

“…… It’s also a problem that you don’t spare yourself.”

Cedric sighed.

“Hiding many things from me is also a problem. It’s also a problem to make a promise casually when you don’t have the heart to keep it…….”

Cedric sighed and stroked the back of the hand once. Then he pushed her hand back into the blanket.

Did she know she had a child? Did she still throw herself away?

It could have been. She might have thought it would be better to have no children.

Still, maybe, when she accepted his proposal again, and they became a real couple, he thought she would take care of herself a little. It was a stupid idea.

His chest was tight.

Hope came and went again and again. One night he felt that everything was going to be alright, and he was in a happy mood until dawn. But some nights, even in his dreams, he had to rip his chest out.

“Can I change you?”

He asked in a whisper. Of course, there was no answer.

People do not change easily.

It was the same with Cedric himself.

Once a decision is made, it cannot be changed so easily.

[“Lord Ced is like a rock.”]

Lysia once said so.

[“It may break, but its properties will not change.”]

[“It doesn’t sound like a compliment.”]

[“It’s not a compliment. After all, it will break someday.”]


[“People cannot live by keeping their beliefs alone. Forgive yourself. Because God has already forgiven you and your heart.”]

Lysia was right and she was also wrong.

Cedric forgave himself. At least he was trying to do that.

But he must reflect and change in order to be truly forgiven. And he hasn’t changed.

When he proposed to Artizea twice, he broke instead of changing.

At the first time, the way of life was broken, at the second time, part of his heart was broken.

Still, he decided to love her.

Cedric lowered his head and pressed his cheek to hers. Artizea’s colorful, exhaling breath reached Cedric’s ear.

He closed his eyes and stayed there for a moment.


When Cedric left the bedroom, the place was already quiet. Ansgar quickly stopped the vassals and prevented them from making a fuss.

There were four people in the living room.

Marcus and Alice just bowed their heads to Cedric and went inside. They were going to stay by her side all night.

The other two were Hayley and Freil.

Cedric called Freil first and asked.

“Has he been arrested as an attempted kidnapper?”

“I locked him up in an outhouse. Would you like to interrogate him yourself?”

“Take care of it so that you won’t be in trouble afterward. Wait for the interrogator. I will have an audience with His Majesty.”


It was to interrogate without anyone’s suspicions. With the Emperor’s servant as a witness, he will capture and cut the temple without any excuses.

Cedric clenched and opened his fist a few times.

It wasn’t something he would be angry about right away. His mind calmed down and he left.

Still, it took considerable effort to remain patient.

Cedric then looked at Hayley. Hayley was very nervous.

She was only a low-ranking official in Evron. As the daughter of the Jordyn family, she spent her childhood with Cedric. Even after she became an adult, they met frequently.

However, as a lord and servant, she did not have many opportunities to hear his orders directly. Shortly after she became Artizea’s lady-in-waiting, she was only told to do well.

Hayley liked Cedric as a person. But she felt that it was not enough to make him her master.

She thought he was too soft and weak. And that was one of the main reasons Hayley was disappointed with Evron.

But now, Cedric looked like a completely different person. His eyes were dyed in dark colors, and his anticipation and pressure were so solid that it was vividly revealed.

Standing there was not a young man in his twenties who could not decide which way to go, but a man like a rock who had endured all the rain and wind.



“Before Tia collapsed, did she give any special instructions?”

Hayley swallowed her breath.

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