The Villainess Lives Twice

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

The wet nurse returned from behind the veil with Leticia.

“I will burp her.”

Marcus held out his hand. The wet nurse refused.

“It’s okay, Mister Marcus. I will do it. The Princess has already become quite heavy…….”

“That’s why I have to do it even more. You are a mother, too. How easy is it to feed two babies?”

“I am not doing it all alone.”

“You go to Ken. Don’t think about overdoing it. When you have free time, get some sleep.”

The wet nurse laughed. She gave birth ten days before Artizea.

Ansgar arranged for her young son’s room next to Leticia’s.

Fortunately, she has a lot of breast milk, so she had no problems raising both children on her own.

If there was a shortage, they were supposed to find another wet nurse for her son, Ken. It was because it was not easy to get Leticia another wet nurse again in consideration of security, identity, and health.

“It’s not that hard. The Princess is gentle, and Ken has a lot of people looking after him.”

“It makes me feel at ease when you say it like that. It’s okay though, so go ahead. There are a lot of people here to take care of Princess, and I am one of them.”

Marcus said, stroking the baby’s back.

“How many days can I get to hold you like this?”

The wet nurse smiled sadly at the old man’s words.

Leticia licked her tongue a few times and she spit back out a little. Marcus stroked Leticia’s back more quickly and wiped her lips.

The wet nurse hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should breastfeed her again. Marcus said.

“It’s very little. Don’t worry, I’ll call you if she’s hungry.”


She bowed her head and walked away.

Leticia burped. Marcus wiped Leticia’s face again and walked over to the window, holding her in his arms.

Long sleeves made of thin cloth hit Marcus on the cheek as she struggled. Even that was lovely, and Marcus smiled warmly.

He thought he had nothing more to do. Management of Marquisate Rosan’s property or cracking down on blood relatives was something he had already passed on to his children.

There was no need to take care of the Mistress, and it was Ansgar’s job to manage the Grand Duke’s residence.

If he wishes, he can retire to a comfortable cottage and rest, as Artizea said.

Still, he remained by Artizea’s side. Because he wanted to see Marquisate Rosan came back to life

Leticia was also the future Marquis Rosan, although she would be overshadowed by the title of Grand Duke Evron.

For Marcus, it was the greatest pleasure to hold the baby, who would become the master of the family in a very long future, in his arms.

Would he have thought that there would be such joy in the last years of his life?

He was also genuinely grateful to Margaret, who recommended him for the job.

Normally, the nanny position would be taken by a lady-in-waiting, whom the mother had brought from her home. As a man and a butler, it wasn’t his job.

But Margaret recommended him.

Margaret was included in the vassal group heading to the capital this time to coincide with Leticia’s birth date.

Viscount Agate of Evron’s stronghold seems to have been quite concerned about sending Margaret to the capital.

It wasn’t about what he thought Margaret was going to do for her revenge.

But don’t tie your shoelaces in the field, and don’t fix your hat under the apple tree.*

Newborn babies are fragile and die easily for unknown reasons. There was no reason to reopen the barely sealed problem because something unfortunate happened.

Mel Jordyn, who was in charge of Grand Duchy Evron under the pretense of being Chief of the Grand Duchess’ lady-in-waiting, also advised Margaret not to go.

But Hayley sent her mother a pleading request over and over again.

She didn’t feel that she needed her mother’s advice for most of her work.

However, she was desperate for advice on Leticia’s nanny problem. More precisely, she was looking for a reason why she was inappropriate.

Artizea said that Cedric would give permission as well.

Although not as a nanny, Margaret was one of those who looked after him as a child. He wanted to show the baby to her.

Artizea nodded her head willingly. And she said to Margaret, who had come to greet her with a cautious look.

[“I am well aware of what Mel and Viscount Agate were concerned about. Hopefully, if anything happens, this time, Evron and Jordyn will not be crossing a river they can’t cross.”]


[“But it doesn’t have to be like that. You and your husband were like family to Lord Cedric. Someday…… When you can let many things flow into the water, please love Leticia a lot.”]

Margaret lowered her head deeply and she had to say yes.

Artizea had already made Mel her chief lady-in-waiting, entrusting her with responsibilities, and brought Hayley as part of her entourage.

The day will come when it will all truly heal like flowing water and trust will be built up once again.

And the two talked about Leticia’s nanny.

[“Hayley is not suitable with parenting.”]

[“Do you think that Hayley won’t be able to do it, too?”]

[“With all due respect, but it seems that Her Grace is only thinking about the Princess’ education. Hayley is just as smart as she is, and she might be able to help with the Princess’ education by figuring out Her Grace’s heart, but…….”]

Margaret said cautiously.

[“Because the nanny needs to hold her with love more than to teach.”]

[“Is that so…….”]

[“The Princess was born with so many blessings and expectations, so I know that Her Grace is more vigilant and concerned. Who knows better than my husband and I how unrestrained affection can ruin a child?”]


[“However, strict raising is not a good thing. It is love that strengthens the body and mind of the child.”]

Artizea thought for a moment without saying anything at Margaret’s words, and then she asked.

[“I understand what you mean. Then who would be better?”]

[“What about Marcus?”]


Artizea was startled. Naturally, she was thinking of one of the vassals of the Grand Duchy.

Margaret nodded her head.

[“Although his status is a little slanted, he has served Marquisate Rosan from generation to generation, and he is a person of merit.”]


[“Isn’t Marcus the only one that Your Grace brought from your parents’ house, believed in him, and put him right next to you? All of the maids are young, and it would be difficult to trust one now, even if they brought someone as a colleague.”]

[“I see.”]

[“All of Grand Duchy Evron’s vassals will serve the Princess with all their heart. But she is hesitant when asked if Her Grace can leave her right by the Princess’ side and entrust everything to her.”]

There was no one who could harm the precious baby they had been waiting for. She is still only one princess, so she doesn’t have to worry about succession disputes or factions split within the Grand Duchy.

However, if it is about whether enough trust had been built up between Artizea and the Grand Duchy’s vassals, this was not the case.

[“There’s a reason as to why bring a nanny from one’s home.”]

[“Even if they have the position of a nanny, it is rare for a man to take care of a child like this and raise her.”]

[“When it comes to bathing and breastfeeding, the wet nurse comes in and takes care of her. And when she becomes a young girl, there are many ladies-in-waiting who will look after her. Marcus is already old, so it will look good to others.”]

Margaret said calmly. She’s been struggling with this issue ever since Hayley sent her a letter asking for help, and that’s how she came to the conclusion.

[“And even if Her Grace wants to put Hayley on teaching. If the nanny’s status is higher than that of the teacher, cooperation is bound to fail.”]

[“That is true, too.”]

Still, Artizea hesitated.

If she was to take on the role of teacher for a stranger’s child, she was confident she would do well.

But when her child became a problem, she couldn’t easily decide, even though she knew Margaret’s words made sense.

Margaret said with a soft face.

[“The Grand Duke was also raised by Ansgar in place of the nanny, but didn’t he grow up wonderfully?”]

Artizea nodded her head at those words.

Artizea frankly told Marcus the process of the conversation.

Marcus was truly grateful to Margaret.

Up until now, he had felt alienated from the people of Grand Duchy Evron.

It was also because Artizea was using Marquisate Rosan’s assets too much for Evron.

She was less interested in Marquisate Rosan, just as she was not interested in herself. It was but one of the powers she could wield, and it was, to the last, nourishment for Evron.

Marcus didn’t know how Evron’s vassals were taking it. He always felt that they lacked appreciation for Artizea.

But when they showed this trust, his heart was relieved.

Raising an heir was one of the most important issues in the family. Artizea said that she would entrust that authority to Evron.

However, they even persuaded the Mistress saying that he was helpful.

“Our baby. Just grow up healthy.”

Marcus whispered softly into Leticia’s ear.

Knock, knock.

A very cautious knock was heard.

“You may open it.”

Marcus replied. Leticia groaned and whined.

Hayley opened the door slightly. Behind her, Hazel and Mielle had faces full of excitement.

“Is Her Grace here? They said she would be here.”

“A precious guest came to visit and went for a walk with her for a while.”

“A precious guest?”

Hayley asked. Marcus only smiled and didn’t answer. It was such a precious person that his mouth was not worthy of speaking it.

“She told me to tell Hayley to wait here when she has guests. If you feel uncomfortable, you can go to the parlor.”

“Can I stay here?”

Behind Hayley, who had decided to go to the parlor, Mielle asked with a bright voice. Marcus suggested a seat.

Hayley sighed.


Marcus said she went for a walk, but Artizea was in an outbuilding.

The Empress took off her veil, which covered her up to her chin. Artizea tried to kneel on her knees. The Empress beckoned for her not to do that.

“You haven’t finished the postpartum care yet.”

“I’m grateful for your grace.”

“Sit comfortably. Why else did I even come all the way to this place by myself and avoid people’s eyes?”

Artizea got up without hesitation and sat down on the sofa.

“How is your body?”

“Thank you for your concern, it’s okay. I am also eating the medicines you sent me.”

“Is the Princess healthy, too?”

“Yes. Thank you for taking care of the things that are needed for the care of the body, even for the wet nurse.”

“After giving birth, taking care of your body is the most important thing. I brought up a difficult story at such a time.”

Artizea looked at the Empress.

She walked all the way here personally. It wasn’t an easy thing.

“I am ready to listen.”

“Gregor came to me yesterday and asked if I could adopt Cedric.”

Said the Empress.

*It means don’t do anything to invite suspicion or cause a scandal, however innocent you may be. If you bend down to retie your shoelaces in a melon field, who knows? You could be stealing melons. If you fix your hat under an apple tree, one may think you’re sneaking away with apples hiding under your hat.

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