The Villain's Story

Chapter [589] Might of a Dragon.

Chapter [589] Might of a Dragon.

High, high up into the skies his body was lifted as if it was merely a light weight, the pain on his shoulder intensified as the teeth of the dragon burst into blue flames, a power different from mana.

The Minotaur king knew, because it hurt much more than mana! The dragon's already sharp teeth, now encased in blue flame, tore his shoulder down, The bones melting.


But even in this desperate situation, he was able to retaliate! He must! He couldn't fall like this, not like this! He thought to himself, perhaps to comfort his restless mind. The shoulder that the dragon, Alan, had bitten into was not connected to the arm wielding the sword.

The Minotaur king turned to look down, and although they were high up, he was confident in surviving the fall! Therefore, He imbued almost all his mana into his sword, as a last desperate struggle to be free of this fiery grasp.

He stabbed the dragon, the scales, although strong were still pierced through, The grip on his shoulder lessened, but it was not enough.

The Minotaur king lodged his sword in the Dragon's side, near his neck. And gritting its teeth and bearing with the pain of the bones of its shoulder being reduced to dust, He kicked his own strong.

A scream escaped, but it wasn't from the king, It was from Alan, the king had opened his wound with his kick, and grabbed the other end of the wound, and using his leg, he positioned his foot on the hilt of the sword, and began to pull and push. Pull with his hand, and push the sword with his foot. He was opening the wound even more! He was sending down a rain of dragon blood to the ice fields below.


It was painful, very painful. But Alan trusted his bloodline and continued to soar upwards, bearing through the searing pain. Just because he could heal didn't fucking mean he didn't feel pain!

He soared higher and higher! Bearing through both the opening of his wound and sharp winds ravaging it apart, he was almost crying as he went above the clouds, and gazed at the stars.

He reached it, the highest he could on this planet. He let go of the Minotaur king, who was not so confident in surviving this fall now. The king grabbed onto his tail, one arm of his in Alan's stomach. Some of it still being in his mouth.

Alan's blood dripped down his body, down to his tail and onto the minotaur king, and caused his grip to weaken, to slip! The king tried his best, nevertheless. But would Alan let that happen.

Looking at the king, he lit his tail with aura. The Blue fire burned through the King's hands, but he still didn't let go. Bearing through the pain, he desperately tried to hold on!


Wings sprouted from Alan, wings of blue fire, of a bird, and not the bat-like wings of a dragon. Well, not that his dragon form even had wings! But nevertheless, it was like a sun, A blue sun that shone down on the forgotten lands of ice, providing some sort of heat in the cold night.

Had Philosophers, writers, or anyone with a creative or intuitive mind laid their eyes upon it, they would perhaps write poems about it, or even entire books. But there was no one here in the forgotten lands. The light shone beautifully, coloring the clouds and the land below.

It was such an amazing, a great sight. But to the Minotaur king? It was nothing short of tantalizing. A torment.

The feathers of those magnificent wings, fell down, they were like arrows and littered the king's body, turning him into steak.

He finally had to let go, because Alan threw him off. But he continued the rain of blue fire, which would burn endlessly until he willed it to stop. Or when he ran out of fuel, in this case, Aura.

It wasn't infinite like his mana, after all.

The minotaur king fell into the ice fields, breaking them more, his flaming body was drenched in the cold water beneath, which saved him.

But he would still die. Alan gathered in his mouth, the mana in all the cold, forgotten lands of this ice. But the ice below did not melt. He didn't want that.

As the Minotaur king, submerged in the depths finally woke up and tried to swim up, with only one arm, he tried his best. But that was simply it. He could showcase his durability and endurance all he wanted, befitting an SSS rank monster.

It rose up, in the darkness of the depths but it only saw a light, a blinding light, a blue light that approached quickly.

[ that?]

His eyes, clouded by the dark abyss struggled to understand his death, but it did happen.


He cried out, as the breath was not aimed at him. He used his hands to claw like a beast, at the ice that was forming above him, trapping him in the depths.


He used his sword, slowed down by the water, but it couldn't do it. It couldn't shatter the mountain of ice that had been formed up above, from Alan's breath.

He struggled, for who knows how long had passed, but he gave up. No...his body had to give up. His mind could struggle for longer, but could it really? When he had no oxygen? His lungs had lost the air, and now were filled with cold water. Slowly, even though he was defiant, filled with rage.

He died, a death that didn't befit him at all. He would have had no qualms had he died fighting the beast up above...but not like this? A king, a monster who reigned over the land was


His body continued to sink, because it could not struggle anymore.

A portal opened up beneath him, and his corpse was transported up above, something it craved for in it's last moments. But now? He got what he wanted, he just wasn't alive to



Alan cursed, as he held his open wound, which ran down from his neck to his lower abdomen.

He was struggling to keep his insides inside, not outside. His bloodline, thankfully, was quick to fix him up.

He sat down, below the ruined corpse of the Minotaur king.


It was hard, beating an SSS-ranked monster.

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