The Villain's Story

Chapter {68}Sword Saint[2]

Chapter {68}Sword Saint[2]

Arken Miller, The legendary Sword Saint, is Said to be among the top 5 strongest humans to have ever appeared since the First Cataclysm.

He, along with Oliver Olsfer, and Hiroto Mitsuki were labeled as the Golden Trio back in their days.

They were sworn brothers who went through numerous life and death situations and rendered great sacrifices against the demons.

They were all masters of their craft.

Oliver Olsfer, The Sage and currently ranked third in the Hero Rankings.

Arken Miller, The Sword Saint, Although unranked, is said to be stronger than the second highest ranked hero and just slightly below Harrison Soubuelle.

Hiroto Mitsuki, The Spear Saint, Who was on par with Arken Miller, And who like Oliver, established an Academy for training young awakened in what was formerly Japan.

Oliver Established Shield, while Mitsuki established Horizon, which was currently ranked third amongst the top ten academies.

It was originally just below Shield but...

The death of its founder made it vulnerable and somewhat Weak that Eden took over as the second-best academy.

Hiroto Mitsuki Died in battle. With Arken being unable to save him.

The death of his beloved brother-in-arms caused him to go on a rampage. This rampage resulted in the demons retreating to their continent.

On that day, Although Humanity had successfully repelled the demon's invasion that day.

They had also lost many heroes along with Hiroto Mitsuki...and Arken Miller.

Humanity had lost Both of their weapon saints in a single day.

Hiroto Mitsuki was Killed In Action, While Arken Miller was missing in action.

He chased the demons back to their damn continent and wreaked havoc there.

Two Marquess Ranked demons were killed by him and a duke-ranked demon was severely injured to the point he died a few days later he succumbed to his injuries.

A single man, Who was the same rank as the Marquess ranked demons, had killed two of them and had also indirectly killed a demon a whole major rank above his own.

All out of rage that his friend had died and he couldn't do anything to save him.

After all the havoc he wreaked in the demon continent, he was never heard of again.

The Union Labeled him as MIA Because they didn't want the public to believe he had died, as it would only lower their confidence more.

How could it not? The legend of Japan, Hiroto Mitsuki was already dead and Japan Was in ruin, If they announced Arken miller to be dead as well. The backlash would be so much worse.

The public would have fallen into despair, knowing two of their heroes were dead.

And thus, they could only label him as MIA after Oliver requested them to.

Oliver knew Arken was Alive because of a mana contract they had made. He reassured the public who were starting to believe the government was lying to them due to the mana contract still being active. He just didn't know where he was staying at.

Humanity had received no more attacks from the demons after that incident.

They had thought the demons were weakened severely after the attack on Japan but the reality was far from different.

The demons were still strong even after the attack and they could have easily destroyed humanity because one of their strongest Individuals had died.

The problem was, that the demons were far too preoccupied taking care of another problem.

The Problem of the Enraged Arken Miller wreaking Havoc on their continent.

Hundreds of thousands of demons were killed in his rage.

One Human Went against an entire continent full of demons from the Abyss for years and wreaked havoc there.

The only reason the demons hadn't launched a counterattack was that they were too preoccupied with dealing with The 'Demon Slayer' which was the name Arken Had made for himself during the years he ran rampant in Demonic land.

Unlike what humanity had concluded, the demons were not weakened to the point that they couldn't even launch a small scaled attack on humanity, The demons were being hunted down by a single individual from the human race.

But then, What was his secret? How was Arken able to survive in the hellish environment while being faced with every demon in there?

It was something Even Oliver didn't know about.

For the longest time, Arken Had reached a limit unknown to even Humanity itself as he went through multiple life and death battles against beings equal to or Stronger than him one at a time or multiple times at once.

Arken Miller, if he was still in the same 'state' he was while he was in the demon continent, could be said to, no definitely pummel Even Harrison.

But unfortunately, even all legends had to come to an end.

For Even Arken Miller faced defeat, he had been ambushed by multiple Marquess ranked and Duke Ranked demons along with one Demonic Human.

Arken was doing quite fine facing the ambush until the Demonic Human had released Her trump card.

A unique skill that was only hers.


A truly ultimate skill that allowed her to control living organisms who's she understood down to a cellular level to a certain degree.

She was the trump card of the demons against Arken.

And thus, By using her skill, she made Arken Wake up from his overpowered State.

And what happened after was hell breaking loose. Arken had been severely injured but continued to fight.

He had resolved himself to die that day, but his body had not. It pushed through her control and made him enter the state again. And the demons lost 6 Marquess and 3 Duke-ranked demons that day.

Along with Arken Severely injuring The Demonic Human as well, who had immediately bolted after seeing him enter that 'State' Again.

But Arken was not unscathed, He had retreated to The Human Domain and had sought out Oliver to heal his injuries that potions could do nothing but delay.

He had been nursed by Oliver For quite a while. Sometimes secretly taking strolls to the training center at midnight or the entire shield campus.

And it was from Oliver he heard about a certain student who had awakened the Spatial attribute yet wasn't a spatial mage but practiced the spear instead.

And to a perfect degree.

His interest had been piqued after he had heard about him, and he wanted to meet him.

He wanted to meet the young man that practiced the same Weapon Hiroto did and from what he heard from Oliver to a

degree better than even Hiroto Himself.

But Unfortunately, Or more like fortunately, he had met another Student except him.

One that would have been his disciple even if Alan Hadn't existed.

The next Sword Saint, the one possessing the unique Null Attribute.

Alexander Wright.

-----------------------------------------------------------------A|N: I'll explain the demon rankings now, quite similar to TAPOV(The authors PoV)

Baron Ranked Demon:C rank

Viscount Ranked Demon:B rank

Count Ranked Demon:A rank

Earl Ranked Demon:S Rank(this is also when they awaken a unique power of their respective race.)

Marquess ranked demon:SS Rank.

Duke Ranked Demon:SSS

Arch Duke Ranked Demon:??

Prince Ranked Demon:????

King Ranked Demon:????

are there even more powerful demons????


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