The Villain's Story

Chapter {71}Body As Cold As Ice[1]

Chapter {71}Body As Cold As Ice[1]

(A/N:Fights will be in third person view.)


The punch from the sword saint landed straight in the middle of Alan's face when he had just teleported again.

The Body of Alan Peccator flew back from the impact from the sword saints fist with great speed.

And just as it was about to crash into the wall, The Figure of the Sword Saint disappeared like a flash of lightning and appeared above the flying Alan Peccator.

With his leg raised, it seemed as if he was going to perform an ax kick on Alan, Who just before the kick landed on his already broken face, immediately Teleported above the sword saint.

The Axe kick of the Sword Saint hit the ground and shattered it like it was glass.

The marble flooring had been completely shattered like glass and the ground beneath it had already formed into a crater.


Alan, who was not idling by when he teleported above the sword saint, had launched an ax kick of his own, which hit the target this time.

Unfortunately, that target had a body seemingly made of steel even without being coated with mana.

"Oooh, Nice power behind the kick!"

The boisterous voice of the sword saint resounded out, And Alan immediately teleported farther away again.

Only to be met with the Sword Saints Attack head on.

But this time, he had some leeway because he had activated [Dragon Eyes] and could therefore see the trajectory the sword saint had chosen for his punch.

He immediately put both of his arms in an X Position together and coated them with his mana, activated [Dragon Scales] on his arms that were hidden by the hoodie he was wearing, and got ready to block the incoming attack.



However, even after coating his arms with mana, he had severely underestimated the power of the attack.

And just like what happened to Elijah, Alan flew back with an insane speed and crashed into the wall of the training center.

"Hmm? I got hurt from that?"

Muttered the Sword Saint in a low voice. There was a stinging pain in his right knuckle, the one he had just used to send Alan flying.

"And you survived that."

His deep yet aged voice sounded out once again, a little surprised to see Alan get back up from the terrifying blow.

Yet he was not unharmed.

His Arms had been severely bruised even though he used dragon scales and blood was coming out of his mouth.

" not done..yet."

Alan muttered while clenching his teeth.

'How...Did he break Dragon scales?!'

His mind was in turmoil, weren't dragon scales said to be the best defense?!

Did the skill description lie?! he was angry.

He called out to his dropped spear that had fallen from his hand when the sword saint had punched him straight in the face.


The spear flew through the air towards Alan, who grasped it tightly.

And in the next second, an astral blue light surrounded Alan's Figure and...

when it vanished and armor made of black and purplish metal appeared on his body.

Alan Had equipped the [Armor Of Bewitchment.] and he was planning to go all out.

Taking his signature stance with his spear, The Stance of the [Chaotic Spear] Weapon art. He also activated Dragon Eyes to the Extreme and soon blood was coming out of his eyes and his head was starting to hurt.

Yet he persevered as the world around him became slower and slower, and he could see the Sword Saint rushing towards him after seeing him just take a stance and not attack.

This time, Alan could see the Sword Saint run towards him. But he questioned one thing.

He had activated dragon eyes to the extreme so his perception had become insanely high so he could see everything move slowly.

The haggard breathing of Alex, The movement of his eyes and even muscles...Yet why the fuck was the sword saint looking to be moving as if he was taking a little jog in normal time?!

The Sword Saint, when he was only 10 meters away from Reaching Alan, Jumped in the air and prepared to do another Kick.

Alan, in response, put strength into his legs and held his spear high to block the kick.


The kick of the sword saint and the shaft of the Spear collided with each other and produced the sound a hammer would make when it hammered metal.

The ground beneath Alan had cracked, And Alan himself was not in good shape as he was bleeding through his clenched teeth. But the sword Saint did not give him any leeway and immediately followed through with a karate chop to Alan's Head.


The Chop hit Alans Head and had cut it open a little that blood was starting to pour out from his head.

Then his body flew when the sword saint kicked him once again. But this time, Alan did not stand back up immediately.

"Hmmm, Your body...although it doesn't look like it, is much more durable than the average human C Ranked awakened...Do you practice a martial body technique?"

The calm voice of the sword saint was heard yet again, and the Sword Saint spoke as if he did not just almost crush or split a Students head.

There was no response from Alan, who was slowly getting up by using his solar as support.


His weak voice was heard. The sword saint, hearing his answer had a smile on his face.

He could now see that boy had given up completely at defending and was now preparing to attack.

After all, Every hit of the sword saint dealt so much damage that blocking them wasn't helpful, it was harmful.

As for evading it? Alan didn't know how, but the sword saint appeared right in front of him whenever he tried to teleport anywhere.

As for evading using his base speed?Against that monster that was practically useless.

'Up, Kick.'

Alan thought while watching the 'Slowed' down Sword Saint.

The Kick soon came near, and Alan had strengthened his entire body with Dragon Scales except for his face.

It was still a theory...but wouldn't dragon scales be able to help him survive?

Survive the Aftermath of [Abyssal Rend]

Well, he was about to find out.

And so against a normal kick of the Sword Saint, Alan used the strongest move in his Arsenal.

[Chaotic Spear Art]

//First Movement


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