The Villain's Story

Chapter {92} The Golden Generation.

Chapter {92} The Golden Generation.

Elena Frost looked at three particular holograms amongst the hundred others inside the room she and a few other executives were in.

On the first hologram were two students that caught her eye.

A boy with Bright Orange hair clad in an armor of fire and a girl with bright golden hair.

These were Elijah and Elaine, who were currently on the second floor of the labyrinth and their team was facing a lizard-type monster with purplish scales covering its body.

The monster died without putting up a fight before Elijah's Flames.

"His use of the fire element is amazing."

Suddenly, she heard a voice beside her and turned her head to find Douglas, the Class teacher of Elijah's class,1-G.

"Yes, it is indeed amazing."

She commented with an expressionless look on her face.

The look on her face wasn't her fault in all honesty.

It was a well-known fact that Ice Element users had their emotions dulled.

Elements could affect awakened in many ways and the same was true and vice versa.

"You got all the troublemakers in your class."

Emma Wilson said from the sidelines with a smirk visible on her face.

She was astonished and elated to learn that Douglas had drawn the short end of the stick when the classes had been assigned.

To think he would get more than half Of the top 10 rankers in his class.

She was laughing her ass off at him during one of their interactions in the teacher lounge.

And she enjoyed every single second of it.

Unfortunately, her fun didn't last for long as Douglas had confirmed that after a week his class was relatively peaceful.

The only troublemakers were Elijah, Henry, and Lucas.

Elijah and Henry were just goofing off most of the time, and Lucas, who was supposed to be the actual troublemaker he worried about was acting calm despite his terrible history.

The reason was probably Alan, who despite never having said a lot of words in class, Had an aura around him that just screamed 'Be quiet and don't disturb me.'

All in all, To Douglas's surprise, His class was peaceful, And he enjoyed the fact that it was.

"Yes, I did and they all don't seem to cause as much trouble as you-"


Just as he was about to rebuke Emma, He heard the Vice Principal swiftly stop them from arguing any further.

"My Apologies."

"My Apologies."

Emma and Douglas voiced out and didn't dare to speak further as they watched the Vice principals put their entire focus on the second hologram.

The hologram showing Team 55, Amd her attention in particular was drawn over to the Boy who wielded a spear and was crushing all of the goblins the team had encountered.

Except for one particular battle, the boy had been the one to kill every monster their team had faced.

Their team was close to reaching the second floor.

She was interested in him because he was also a user of the rare Ice Element, and also the first user of the Spatial element among humans.

Yet, he hadn't used his elements even once and upon closer inspection, You would come to realize that he was not using any mana to reinforce himself or his strikes at all.

He didn't have a particularly monstrous physique, but the strength behind each of his attacks was monstrous.

It was like he wasn't even human.

But what piqued her interest, even more, was the fact that his mastery over the spear was exceptional.

Every swing of that spear felt so natural to her that it was almost mesmerizing.

"Miss, If you are worried about the rumors, we can conduct more investigations on him."

She heard another voice, one that belonged to one of the executives of Shield that was inside the room.

He was male of Rank<A> strength and was fairly handsome with his lustrous blue hair and eyes, He wore the standard teacher's uniform, and the aura he emitted made it seem that he was close to breaking through the same rank.

Hearing his words, Douglas eyed the man with a scowl.

He knew what this was about, with all the rumors going around about The rank first secretly having signed a contract with a demon to gain his strength.

And if these rumors turned out to be true, Then Shield would lose its reputation and would be shamed all over the world.

His concern was for the academy itself, and it was genuine. That was why Douglas hadn't rebuked him.

"No need, The Principal has already confirmed that he has no relation to demons at all."

Elena said with a monotone voice, Although the rumors and his strength at such a young age with not a lot of training time had troubled her at first when she had been reassured by the Principal himself.

Her trust in the Sage was much much more than her trust in some rumors.

"Douglas, give me a report on all the top 10 students in your class from lowest to highest."

Douglas immediately tapped his watch and read the information on a holographic screen that had appeared from it the moment he heard her words.

"Student rank 9, Elaine Parker, Second daughter of Daniel Parker, Guildmaster of Titan, Her recorded Affinities are Light(Superior) and Life(Intermediate), Her talent ranking is SS, Her written exams scores are great however she does not have an interest in Battle/Training class, Her current rank is E."

"Student ranking 7, Serena Soubuelle, Daughter of Harrison Soubuelle, Her recorded affinities are Water(Superior) and Poison(High). Her talent ranking is SS and she also has similar scores to Elaine Parker. Her current rank is Also E."

"Student ranking 5, Sabrina Wellington, Daughter of Micheal Wellington and granddaughter of John Wellington, Recorded affinities are Dark(Superior) And Lightning(High), Her talent ranking is SS and she scores maximum marks in all subjects except for Training class. And although she has tried to hide it, Her current rank is <D>"

"D rank?"

"Yes, she had ranked up soon after being admitted into Shield."

Douglas replied to her inquiry, And after seeing that there was no further response, Was about to continue when he heard her speak again.

"So that makes three students eligible to Conduct the Spirit summoning ritual, huh."

As she said that, The white thing wrapped around her neck moved a little.

It was her spirit, one that took the form of a snake.

It hadn't responded to her for quite a while because it was in the middle of a breakthrough, but hearing the words Spirit summoning had garnered its attention.

But it soon went back to sleep.

"Yes, Maam, Alan Peccator, Elijah Ardor, and Sabrina Wellington are all eligible to conduct the Summoning Ritual."

And after he had said that, he continued to talk about all the other top 10 ranked students in his class.

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