There’s Something Wrong With This Account

Chapter 014, 【What’s yours is mine】

Chapter 14: 014, 【What’s yours is mine】

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Ji Li’s thoughts were, of course, unknown to Lu Xun.

He had no idea that he had already won over a fan.

After buying their daily supplies, Murong Yan, when no one was looking, waved her plump hand and stored all the items in her storage magic artifact.

Of course, in the game, everyone preferred to call the storage magic artifact a [Backpack].

The group entered an alley, Murong Yan cast a Blind Eye Method at the entrance of the alley, making it impossible for outsiders to see inside.

This spell worked like one-way glass, allowing those inside to see out, but not the other way around. It’s quite useful for doing some thrilling activities sneakily in broad daylight.

The cultivators of the Heavenly Dust Continent generally don’t like to “disturb the peace”, so even when they fly on their swords, they try to keep a low profile.

Murong Yan was a typical sword cultivator, and her sword didn’t quite fit her. It looked delicate and slender.

Lu Xun took a glance and the information column showed that this sword was called [Swan Feather], a top-level Magical Sword, a top-grade weapon in Yellow Martial, much better than the one Ji Li had.

The Demon Sect was indeed rich and lavish.

Also, the sword’s name might infer Murong Yan’s aspiration to be as “light as a swan feather”.

When Murong Yan, with her weight, stepped on this magical sword, it was a bit of a mismatch, like an elephant tightrope walking. It seemed the sword was struggling to carry her.

Consequently, no one else could fit on this sword, unless Murong Yan carried them.

Little loli Mao Nanbei waved her right hand, and a paper crane appeared in her hand. She tossed the paper crane forward and it instantly grew larger, carrying all three of them except Murong Yan without any problem.

Ji Li watched everything in front of her with her mouth slightly open, as she was utterly inexperienced.

Lu Xun was quite calm inside, but he pretended to be shocked on the surface. He was quite a performer.

Once they got on the paper crane, little loli gave the paper crane a push with her magic, and with a ‘biu~’, the paper crane flew away.

Up in the air, Ji Li was a little afraid of heights, a common phenomenon for first-time fliers, but while she was scared, she also wanted to fly even higher.

For humans, the sky is always a source of fascination.

Lu Xun, looking down at everything below, was filled with a sense of euphoria he hadn’t felt in a long time.

He loved being above.

Many players, when they first started playing ‘Heavenly Dust’, could spend a whole day just flying, utterly enjoying the experience.

Some players who have too much free time even created [Flying Car Racing] where they raced in the air and blasted each other with various spells. The spectators could place bets on the races like horse racing.

The creativity of the people in finding entertainment truly amazed him!

According to little loli, Demon Sect was not too far nor too close from Wei County, it would take them about two days and a night of flying.

For cultivators, time flies in a blink of an eye during meditation, but for Lu Xun and Ji Li, it was quite boring.

Mao Nanbei, the cat-eared little loli, thought for a while, and took out a small booklet from her storage ring and threw it directly to Ji Li.

The booklet was titled ‘Qi Consumption Technique.’

This was the entry-level cultivation technique of the Demon Sect.

The difference between the Righteous Sects and the Demonic Way can actually be seen from the entrance cultivation method.

The Righteous Sects focus on Qi Refinement, which requires the comprehension of nature. The higher the cultivation base, the more nature’s spiritual energy they can manipulate.

The Demonic Way focuses on Qi Consumption, which entails devouring the spiritual energy of nature to form a small independent world.

As to who is right and who is wrong, there is still no clear consensus, as long as everyone believes they are superior.

Although Ji Li hasn’t officially started her cultivation, it’s not a big deal to let her study an entry-level cultivation technique.

Her main concern was, how fast can Ji Li learn?

“You can study it,” little loli said to Ji Li.

Then she turned to Lu Xun and said, “But you can’t.”

On hearing this, Lu Xun was slightly taken aback, but then he smiled.

“She’s still a beast that has just transformed into a human form, still has a childlike innocence,” he thought to himself.

In this world, once a beast transforms, its mentality undergoes a massive change, just like a newborn baby.

For beasts, transformation is a rebirth.

So Mao Nanbei’s actions sometimes still have a touch of childishness. Once she ages a bit, she’ll become more mature.

At this moment, Lu Xun had not yet agreed to be her mount, and she was intentionally annoying him, using the ‘Qi Consumption Technique’ to tempt him.

It’s like a little sister taking a spoonful of ice cream and asking: “Big brother, do you want this?”

Then when you open your mouth, she eats it all and says: “You can’t have it! Hehe~”

Simply put, she’s a mischievous brat, probably hundreds of years old!

If not for the fact that he couldn’t beat her, Lu Xun might grab her and spank her, then madly rub her cat ears.

When Ji Li received the ‘Qi Consumption Technique’, her face turned red with excitement, but when the little loli said she couldn’t show it to Lu Xun, she felt a bit disappointed.

At this moment, Lu Xun also pretended to be slightly disappointed.

His expression didn’t change, but there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes, as if he was forcing himself to appear strong.

He was truly a master actor.

The more resistant his attitude seemed, the more determined Mao Nanbei was to take him as her mount.

This is a normal mentality, as most people have a desire to conquer.

“Hmph! If you agree to be my mount, I’ll give you plenty of good stuff!” Mao Nanbei looked at Lu Xun and said.

At this moment, the two were surprisingly in sync.

Mao Nanbei: “Hooked.”

Lu Xun: “Hooked.”

Lu Xun pretended to be struggling inwardly, and asked: “I’ve never seen a cultivator’s technique before, can I touch it?”

“Do whatever you want!” Mao Nanbei said grumpily, seeming to think that her future mount was a bit spineless.

But at the same time, she thought she had made Lu Xun intrigued, he seems thirsty for cultivation techniques!

At this moment, Lu Xun was like someone who happened to pass by an expensive car on the road, couldn’t resist touching it twice, and then taking a picture.

Ji Li, who had known him for a longer time, knew he was not that type of person, but she was slow-witted, and as smart as she was busty, so she couldn’t figure it out.

Of course, no one could figure it out, who would think he was a cheater?

The moment Lu Xun’s fingers touched the ‘Qi Consumption Technique’, a message popped up.


“[Note: Once cultivation technique is confirmed, it cannot be changed.]”

If you want to change cultivation techniques, you basically have to start over.

As for the novels that talk about “both Buddha and Dao cultivation” or “combining righteousness and evil”, it doesn’t exist.

This world doesn’t have such a setup.

Cultivation is not chemistry, two things can’t be fiddled and put together to create a chemical reaction, can they?

Lu Xun directly chose [Yes].

“[You have learned the ‘Qi Consumption Technique’, current progress: 0 layer.]”

At this moment, when he opened his panel, [Level 0] was followed by [Qi Consumption Technique 0 layer].

For this technique, it didn’t matter whether the little loli let him read it or not, it was the same.

Didn’t expect that, huh? All I have to do is touch it. It might be yours, but now it’s mine too!


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