There’s Something Wrong With This Account

Chapter 060, [Wind Stabilizing Wave]

Chapter 60: 060, [Wind Stabilizing Wave]

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

There is a verse that says, “Exquisite dice and red beans, the deep longing is known or not.”

The red bean has always represented enduring longing, and in this verse, the red bean refers to the red dots on the dice.

Typically, the numbers 1 and 4 are represented by red dots on dice. However, on this particular dice, only the number “1” was represented with a red dot.

The junior sister had planned in advance. If she managed to roll a “1” purely by chance, she would accept it as fate. They say it’s hard to go against the will of heaven, and she was happy to acknowledge her loss if it so desired.

But if she didn’t manage to roll a “1” by chance, it would mean that human will triumphed over heaven!

She cheated brazenly, and the surrounding onlookers, acting as “referees,” were as if they had taken bribes. Even her master was in on it,

It turned out they had all conspired together in advance. They were all in on it!

It was raining heavily on the mountain that day.

But in Yue Heshan’s memory, that day was sunny, and the sky was clear.

At Hidden Mountain, Lu Xun shifted his gaze away from the dice and began to scrutinize the other purple clothes present.

Logically speaking, since neither the yellow outfit nor the blue outfit had given him any reaction, the purple clothes shouldn’t have either.

However, for some reason, Lu Xun had an instinct that things might not unfold as expected.

As it turned out…

—his instincts were wrong.

Whether it was the dice, the ring, the spear, or the belt, they all ignored him as if to say, “Don’t stick to me!”

But the Purple Martial Grade short sword emitted a piercing sword cry and even spat out a series of gleaming sword lights!

The sword cry echoed throughout Hidden Mountain, and the sword light was dazzling, capturing its extraordinary quality.

This sword was very short, slightly longer than a dagger, and at the same time, it was very narrow, markedly narrower than the usual longsword.

There was a tassel at the end of the sword hilt, with a decoration hanging on the tassel that resembled a crystal-clear snowflake.

Behind the snowflake decoration was a small tuft of long white tassels that was blowing in the wind.

At the end of the sword blade was a pale blue gemstone, only two fingers wide from the hilt. The gemstone, no bigger than a fingernail, was glimmering softly.

Lu Xun was about five meters away from it, currently feeling a significant drop in the surrounding temperature. He felt as if he was in the icy, snowy fields, as if a heavy snow was falling!

Whether in terms of appearance or quality, this short sword seemed to be flawless.

Although Lu Xun couldn’t see the basic information of the short sword, he had a hunch that it was the best of the five purple pieces!

The owner of this short sword must have been an extraordinarily talented person, right?

He didn’t know that this sword came from Shen Yan and the others’ elder sister, the first disciple Yan Li took under her wing during her travels around the world.

If she were still alive, essentially, the position of Sect Master of the Demon Sect would not have fallen to Shen Yan.

She was an orphan and took the surname Yan from Yan Li, making her name

Yan Shu.

Her sword has once been stained with the blood of a flood dragon!

The blue gemstone on the blade was a flood dragon’s Dragon Yuan!

Years ago, a giant snake that had just evolved into a flood dragon seemed to have gone mad, ridiculously initiating Walking Flood Dragon!

“Walking Flood Dragon” is when a flood dragon leaves the rivers and lakes for the sea, inducing storms and flooding along the way!

Many bridges in the country hang a sword, commonly known as the hanging sword bridge, for the purpose of suppressing the flood dragons and preventing the bridges from collapsing during a Walking Flood Dragon event.

That year a newly transformed flood dragon caused havoc when it initiated Walking Flood Dragon. The starting point was in the area of the Qingtian Sect, one of the four major orthodox sects. The Qingtian Sect underestimated this flood dragon, sending only one elder and several inner sect disciples. As a result, all the disciples were killed, and the elder was seriously injured.

Although the serpent creature was injured, it managed to escape the influence of Qingtian Sect and roamed east and west until it ended up within the Demon Sect’s territory.

On a stormy day, Yan Shu stood on a stone bridge, under which was a tributary of a large river. The serpent creature would necessarily have to pass through this river flow to reach the sea, and she was there intending to intercept it.

The short sword was suspended under the stone bridge, just like other regular swords hung on suspension bridges.

When the serpent creature appeared, Yan Shu drew her sword.

With a flash of sword light, the serpent creature was split in half.

Seeing her master, Yan Li, as her life’s goal, Yan Shu named her sword after the classic tune, which was similar to “The Sword Qi is Near.” She named her sword “Wind Stabilizing Wave”!

The day after killing the serpent creature within the territory of the Demon Sect, it was as if “there was neither wind nor rain, and there was no fine weather,” only that such a song didn’t exist in this world.

At this moment, Lu Xun looked at the sword, and he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t tempted!

No matter how much the little sword inside his Sword Heart trembled, he wanted to give it a try.

This was in line with the lyrics: what you can’t get is always agitated.

“Let’s give it a try, trying won’t get you pregnant.” With this mentality, Lu Xun dismissed the protest from the little sword within his body and slowly approached toward the “Wind Stabilizing Wave”.

Upon approaching, he found the humming sound of the short sword was rather peculiar, like the roar of a mighty beast during a flood!

He extended his right hand towards the handle of the sword, and just as his fingertips were about to touch, his entire body was launched away with a


It was quite similar to the time he tried to touch his second elder sister’s wooden sword in the bamboo forest!

Lu Xun was somewhat frustrated by this outcome.

Although he had been cursing inwardly along the way, his face always bore a warm smile. At this moment, he looked up at the sky with a poker face. On the main peak, Shen Yan and the various Peak Masters were all stunned.

Uncomprehending faces all around…

“What is happening?” Luo Wanqiu asked first, “Isn’t it supposed to be that the little junior uncle would retrieve the big elder sister’s sword and teleport to the base of the mountain?”

Gongshu Pan with a dark complexion, furrowed his brows, “The Wind Stabilizing Wave chose the junior uncle; why would this be the outcome?”

At the start, when they saw the “Wind Stabilizing Wave” choosing Lu Xun, they were extremely excited!

That was the big elder sister’s sword! The sword of the elder sister they admired!

The young junior uncle with a Natural Sword Embryo, if the Wind Stabilizing

Wave was in his hands, would surely shine greatly in the future!

But how was he catapulted out?

That shouldn’t have happened!

As for Lu Xun’s true situation, they didn’t know much. The second elder sister and Mao Nanbei also didn’t proactively inform them, everyone was waiting for the return of their master to ask him.

Hence they temporarily didn’t know, this “Natural Sword Embryo”, Lu Xun, might have to live without a sword for his lifetime.

Lu Xun took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and looked up towards the mist on the mountain.

All the Purple Equipment of the Demon Sect was placed here. Upon ascending further, only the “Sword Qi is Near” positioned at the 999th step remains!

Before taking a step, Lu Xun glanced back at the Wind Stabilizing Wave, then lifted his foot and resumed climbing.

Before climbing the mountain, he had a rather wild idea about the “Sword Qi is Near,” but he wasn’t sure if he could succeed.

He wasn’t the type of person who liked to gamble heavily. He was accustomed to stop while he was ahead.

Rather than gambling without any assurance, it was better to maximize the returns within a manageable range!

If any Superior Blue Armor or Purple Equipment had chosen him, he would definitely leave immediately.

But currently, he didn’t have any other options.

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