There’s Something Wrong With This Account

Chapter 288, Flying Sky

Chapter 288: 288, Flying Sky

Upon observing all this, Lu Xun had an epiphany.

No wonder I felt like I was being watched all the time, it was you, Boundary Monument, spying on me!

Well, it wasn’t exactly spying, it was watching openly.

What, does my charisma level 10 work on even a stone monument like you?

Lu Xun collected his scattered thoughts and started a conversation with the two elders.

After all, the other party is of elder level status, and since they had already initiated a conversation with him, it wouldn’t be nice to just leave them hanging.

Although… Lu Xun’s status was higher than these two old men.

Seeing that Lu Xun openly admitted his identity, the two elders could only stand, giving him a half-bow.

This is their territory after all, they had to maintain their manners and composure, regardless of the opponent’s young age.

The disciples behind them had to show even more respect, given their position in respect to Lu Xun.

“Disciples of One Sword Mountain pay respect to Elder Lu Xun!”

“Disciples of Ten Thousand Sword Mountain pay respect to Elder Lu Xun!”

The two groups spoke almost simultaneously, none wanting to lag behind the other.

While doing so, they couldn’t help but secretly size up Lu Xun, and their thoughts were highly uniform:

“Is this the Elder Lu that Brother Ye Sui’an often talks about?”

Yes, Ye Sui’an’s prestige and status among the younger disciples of the two major sects are as high as that of Lu Xun within the Demon Sect.

People that he admires greatly would naturally attract the curiosity of ordinary disciples.

Moreover, Lu Xun had defeated Ye Sui’an, and the victory was almost a complete crushing!

Everyone knows that in the battle of Demon Sect Receiving Peak, although Ye Sui’an suppressed his cultivation base to the Initial Realm, Lu Xun won handsomely.

The most terrifying thing was — he didn’t even draw his sword!

More accurately, up to now, Lu Xun has sparred with many, never defeated, and no one has ever forced him to draw his sword!

He just held a sword sheath, as if that was enough!

Whenever people casually talk about him, they can’t help but speculate, “Who would be able to force him to draw his sword?”

The current Lu Xun is different from before; before his match with Ye Sui’an, his identity as a Natural Sword Embryo was kept tightly concealed by the Demon Sect, but now, it’s well-known!

Would a Natural Sword Embryo with a sword be the same as one without a sword?

Obviously, the power would be significantly diminished, at least by fifty to sixty percent, right?

That is to say, every time Lu Xun sparred, he could have only used a small portion of his actual strength!

That must be the case, no doubt about it!

Among the disciples of the two major sword sects present, some had a cultivation base nearly similar to that of Lu Xun, at the second realm and even the third realm.

But it must be said, the gap between individuals is really vast!

It’s baffling how this creature cultivates. Everyone is of similar strength, so why is he so much stronger?

Upon accepting the salutations from the disciples of the two major sword sects, Lu Xun took off his bamboo hat.

Everyone had bowed, you are still wearing a bamboo hat, not showing your true face, that’s a bit inappropriate.

As the bamboo hat came off, the crowd involuntarily froze for a moment.

Everyone thought that Brother Ye Sui’an was already the most handsome man in the world. Although Lu Xun of the Demon Sect was known to be good-looking and charming, nobody expected him to be so strikingly handsome!

At this moment, Lu Xun still held Ji Li’s wrist, and said:

“This is a young disciple from my sect, she seems to have had some insights today and wanted to come here to understand more. We just wanted some peace and quiet, and I hope we haven’t caused any inconvenience to you all.”

Being so handsome, and courteous in his speech, was like basking in the spring breeze.

“No, no, not at all. What inconvenience could there be? Why not come and sit with us on the Ten Thousand Sword Mountain side?” said the elder on the left.

“What are you talking about? Compared to your noisy Ten Thousand Sword Mountain, our One Sword Mountain, with our single-minded pursuit of the way of the sword, is naturally much quieter,” interrupted the elder on the right.

Lu Xun’s face still held a gentle smile, but deep down he couldn’t help but curse: “FML, they are even fighting over this?”

In the end, Ji Li sat in the middle to meditate, while Lu Xun stood by her side, watching over her.

Although the land occupied by the two sword sects kept wanderers away, it didn’t mean that people wouldn’t look over.

And Lu Xun’s appearance attracted the majority of the gazes.

Someone with sharp eyes immediately yelled: “The Purple Palace! Damn it! I see the Purple Palace!”

“What Purple Palace?” an NPC passerby wondered.

“Lu Xun! It’s Demon Sect’s Lu Xun!” The trollish players started to yell.

“What!? It’s Demon Sect’s Lu Xun!?”

In an instant, the word spread from one person to ten, then from ten to a hundred. The news that Lu Xun from the Demon Sect had shown himself here soon spread amongst the crowd.

The two elders in green shirts raised their longswords, then tapped the ground once with their swords and sheaths simultaneously, uttering one word: “Silence!”

Instantly, a silencing array was established around them, isolating external sounds. At the same time, the array separated the outsiders, barring them from approaching this place.

Helpless, Lu Xun put his bamboo hat back on.

Though unable to divert their gazes, at least he could prevent them from seeing his facial expressions.

As for the feeling of being the center of attention, he couldn’t be more used to it.

Such is the life of a national idol, alas, who asked me to be popular?

“That said, this silence array is indeed very good. Not being able to hear the noisy cries of the trollish players, it is truly calming.” Lu Xun thought to himself.

The trollish players were incredibly noisy, and this boundary monument looked much like a large tombstone. To anyone unaware, they might have suspected they were partying at a graveyard.

Having nothing to do at the moment, Lu Xun looked up at the boundary monument.

Seeing that Lu Xun was engrossed in his observations, the two elders did not approach him for conversation. They simply stood nearby, watching him.

Even though it’s always said that only those destined people could gain anything from the boundary monument, after all, Lu Xun from the Demon Sect was a Natural Sword Embryo. He shared the same talents as the Sword Mountain Elder who wrote “Eternal Glory of Swordsmanship” on the stone. Who, if not him, would have the best destiny?

As Lu Xun looked at the boundary monument, a quote came to mind: “If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”

Such was his present state.

More precisely, he felt as though he was being watched.

He was watching it, and it, him.

Even though the boundary monument didn’t have eyes, there was certainly the sense of an exchange of glances.

After observing for quite a while, the little sword in Lu Xun’s Sword Heart trembled slightly, seemingly expressing its discontent.

It was already jealous of other swords on a daily basis, and now it seemed to be jealous of a stone monument too.

Could it be…?

Lu Xun had a vague guess in his mind.

Just at that moment, he felt a call, seemingly coming from the boundary monument, as if… an invitation?

“You want me to go in?” Lu Xun blurted out unexpectedly.

At his words, the two elders in green shirts both blinked in surprise.

What was he talking about?

Who was he talking to?

Could it be that he was having a conversation with the boundary monument?

Not only them, the other disciples from both sword sects also mentally drew a slow and baffled question mark [?].

Truth be told, Lu Xun was also a little confused.

What the hell, asking me to go in upon first meeting?

That’s not OK…

And more importantly, where should I enter from?

There’s no seam on you, so there seems to be nowhere to crawl into either.

Nevertheless, the next moment… a startling event happened all of a sudden!

On the boundary monument, the four characters that read “Eternal Glory of Swordsmanship” started glowing and rotating.

The green light emerged and shone on Lu Xun.

These rays, seemingly possessing magical powers, penetrated the restrictions set by the two elders and lifted Lu Xun into the air!

Just like that, within this area where flying was forbidden, Lu Xun…

flew into the air!

(Second update, seeking monthly tickets)

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