There’s Something Wrong With This Account

Chapter 310, Man Who Moves History (Part 1) (Request for Monthly Tickets!)

Chapter 310: 310, Man Who Moves History (Part 1) (Request for Monthly Tickets!)

Lu Xun sat on the paper crane, carefully sensing the movements of this member of the Foreign Race, and found it to be an extremely draining exercise for his Divine Sense.

Therefore, given his current strength, even if he intended to behave like a “hunter”, chasing and killing this Foreign Race member every day, he estimated his Divine Sense wouldn’t withstand such a drain and would run dry in no time.

“The biggest advantage is, if a member of the Foreign Race appears near me, I’ll immediately receive feedback.”

Given the current situation, it’s likely within a four to five-mile radius centered on me.”

Lu Xun sensed the position of this Foreign Race member again, and then, to his surprise, he found that the other party seemed to be on a path similar to his own…

On the same course?

They were moving in the same direction!

Towards Lotus Village!

“It seems that he aims to go near the altar,” Lu Xun thought to himself.

At that moment, Lu Xun suddenly became aware of an issue he had overlooked.

“I can sense the members of the Foreign Race because I absorbed the mysterious pearl, which contains part of the energy emitted by the altar.”

“Members of the Foreign Race come through the altar and naturally have the altar’s energy on them, which is why I can sense them.”

“However, the crux of the issue is  the altars are created by the Foreign Race!”

Indeed, just as when he first encountered Bai Beiqiu, they met inside an altar, an altar that was still incomplete, with Bai Beiqiu helping to form it.

“So, if every member of the Foreign Race comes through an altar, and every altar is built by the Foreign Race, then something doesn’t quite add up.”

“It’s like the classic chicken and egg question.”

Of course, if we change the premise, not assuming all members of the Foreign Race rely on the altars to be summoned or all the altars are built by the Foreign Race, then there is no need to ponder this issue.

Then we would need to consider: are there any other methods for the Foreign Race to descend?

Or, if indeed all of the Foreign Race are transmitted through the altar, then who built the first altar, if it wasn’t constructed by the Foreign Race itself?

Lu Xun shook his head, deciding not to think about this anymore, as it was useless to dwell on it at this point.

This touches upon the origin of the main task [Foreign Invasion]. At this stage, it’s still far from a large-scale invasion by the Foreign Race — the plotline simply hasn’t progressed that far yet.

Even when he first crossed over, the plotline hadn’t reached this stage.

A more pertinent question for Lu Xun at this moment would be — why can’t I sense the location of the altar!

Indeed, these Foreign Race members do carry an essence of the altar. He can locate that, but he can’t locate the altar itself!

He had already maneuvered the paper crane and was within less than three miles of Lotus Village. Yet, despite being so close, he still couldn’t sense the presence of the altar near Lotus Village.

“Perhaps the altar is heavily disguised and protected,” Lu Xun thought to himself.

After all, even the Great Cultivators couldn’t detect the altars’ locations. The reason why players had been able to discover and destroy the altars before was due to a variety of factors intersecting.

“If I were able to locate the altars, I could just recruit my third brother as my bodyguard, roam around the world, and destroy an altar whenever we locate one, addressing the issue at its root!” Lu Xun felt somewhat regretful.

In doing so, it would feel much like playing a game, bypassing any skirmishes and directly attacking the enemy’s crystal base, which is immensely satisfying.

And the rewards for destroying an altar are extremely rich… The Special Attribute Points alone would make Lu Xun content.

Although the awarded attribute points are given randomly and must be drawn by the player, even if he is completely out of luck, he should still be able to draw Swordsmanship Aptitude, shouldn’t he?

Perhaps one day, he might accidentally become a True Natural Sword Womb!

Just thinking about it brings great joy.

With this thought, Lu Xun felt even more regretful.

And it has been proven that one must always learn to think about issues.

Because during the thinking process, you may find…

Not only do you fail to understand the problem, but you also discover even more problems!

As Lu Xun was thinking, he noticed something dubious.

“When my third brother killed the Foreign Race member, it was on my teacher’s orders. Moreover, our teacher left a mark on the member of the Foreign Race for my third brother to track.”

“My third brother stated that leaving a silent mark within a certain radius was a trifle for our teacher.”

“However, this also implicitly shows that our teacher can easily sense the Foreign Race and can pin its position effortlessly!”

“I wonder how our teacher managed to do it.”

“Is it due to his unimaginably superior strength, or for some other reason?”

“It seems that, once back at our sect, I should find a credible reason to gauge my teacher’s technique.”

Yes, a believable excuse is vital; otherwise, it could easily expose several of his secrets.

Outside Lotus Village, there was a farmer couple walking along a small path through the fields.

They were holding various tools used in farming, heading to their own fields.

The man was not robust. He was considered one of the more frail ones in the entire Lotus Village.

While the woman was not very fair and her attire was unrefined, she had a slender figure, beautiful curves, and looked very fertile at a glance.

In Lotus Village, he could be considered somewhat handsome.

There was a Suona hanging around the man’s waist.

During his walk, when he was idle, he would take out the Suona and blow a few notes.

As everyone knows, the Suona may be small, but its sound is exceedingly loud.

Even a casual note by him would startle the surrounding birds, making them fly away flap wildly, clearly startled by the sudden sound.

The woman looked at the man who was so enthusiastically playing the Suona and frowned secretly.

The fiery woman stomped forward and lightly kicked the man, saying: “Blow, blow, blow! That’s all you know! You hardly make any money, yet you blow it every day! And you even want Ah Bao to learn from you!”

After being lightly kicked, the man wasn’t angry. He just chuckled and brushed the dirt and dust off his pants, saying: “These are the trousers you sewed, if you kick them dirty and don’t mind, I do!”

Then, he quickly followed with an explanation: “What’s wrong with letting Ah Bao learn to play the Suona? This craft was handed down from our ancestors. It can’t be lost on my watch, can it?”

The woman sneered and retorted: “Then you should feed us with this craft!”

The man was speechless upon hearing her words.

They lived in Lotus Village, rarely venturing outside its boundaries.

The Suona is usually used only during wedding and funeral ceremonies. Moreover, everyone in the village knows each other, and it would be embarrassing to accept money while blowing the Suona at someone’s moment of joy or sorrow. The best one could hope for was a meal.

“Not talking anymore? Why aren’t you talking?” The woman was the type who wouldn’t stop when she had the upper hand.

The man hung his head low and hung the Suona back at his waist. He didn’t play it anymore.

He knew he owed his wife.

He wasn’t physically robust and couldn’t work as hard as other men in the village in the fields.

As a result, his wife had to do more housework than other women.

Besides playing the Suona, he didn’t have any other exceptional skills to offer.

Also, out of false pride, he also felt bad about accepting money from fellow villagers when called upon to play the Suona.

His wife was considered a great beauty in the village, and marrying him had certainly been a comedown for her.

“You’re useless!” Seeing that he didn’t dare to say anything, the woman gripped his waist and pinched harder, expressing her dissatisfaction.

After pinching, she added a sentence that hurt even more: “You’re not a man!”

Upon reaching their farmland, the couple began working under the scorching sun.

Not long after, a black shadow dropped from the sky, scaring the couple.

A human! A human descending from the sky!

The incoming man had a pair of narrow eyes, and after taking a quick glance at the couple, he muttered to himself: “In just one year of not visiting the altar, the area around it has been turned into farmland. What a nuisance.”

“These ants on the Heavenly Dust Continent are really not likable.”

Then, without a second thought, he waved his left hand, and a black radiance appeared, aiming first at the woman who was numb and wobbly with fear.

“Am… am I going to die?” This was her last thought.

The next moment, she didn’t feel any pain but instead felt a surge of burning heat as if hot water had been splashed on her.

Blood-red fluid.

The man she had always belittled, kicked, and considered useless, had shielded her.

A massive hole was continuously bleeding from his body.

The man glanced down at the gaping hole in his body and the clothes torn apart by the black radiance.

His clothes were sewn by his wife, who made them after they finished their farm work.

Her craftsmanship was renowned in the village.

Every stitch was a token of her love.

He treasured them so much that after being kicked, his first reaction was to brush off the dirty spot.

If it wasn’t for his old clothes getting damaged to the point of being unwearable, he would have never worn this set to work in the fields.

His wife had said he was not a man and indeed, he was often too cautious and timid in his daily life.

But at least at that moment, he was decisive enough.

To be precise, it was his instinctive reaction.

With a soft “thud,” the man fell to the ground.

The Suona hanging around his waist was split into two by the black radiance and rolled to one side.

Before his death, the man took a blurred look at his clothes.

Laughably, his last thought was:

“My wife just made this, I haven’t worn them for long. What a pity!”

(PS: The third update indeed had to be written late into the night. I request votes for the next chapter at three in the morning!)

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