There’s Something Wrong With This Account

Chapter 330, [Man and Cat]

Chapter 330: 330, [Man and Cat]

On the Demon Sect’s side, Gongshu Pan had already set off. However, the higher-ups of One Sword Mountain and Ten Thousand Sword Mountain were still performing “manual labor” within the Lost Forest.

Naturally, the Boundary Monument of West State should be returned to the Western State Border. It couldn’t possibly just stay in the Lost Forest, could it?

The awkward thing was, although the monument had flown here of its own accord, they could hardly just tell it to “fly back”, could they?

Well….. They actually could.

Dida could also sense that leaving West State seemed to impact it in various ways.

It would quickly start to feel fatigued and weak.

There might be some hidden details in this, but this also demonstrated that the monument must stay within West State.

Earlier, Dida expressed its willingness to fly back by itself, but Lu Xun dismissively waved it off.

He had noticed that Dida’s every instance of flight required immense effort.

Since it was a sacred object of West State, why should it need to fly by itself?

They should carry it back!

The higher echelon of One Sword Mountain and Ten Thousand Sword Mountain shared this sentiment.

In the end, the two Elders who were responsible for the monument tried to lift it using their spiritual power and found… they couldn’t budge it!

The two Elders, at the pinnacle of the sixth realm, possessed spiritual power that was overwhelmingly formidable.

Although incapable of moving mountains and seas, their power was still considerably mighty!

The two of them working together and they still couldn’t move the monument?

The material of this monument truly seemed extraordinary.

Finally, four Elders, all at the pinnacle of the sixth realm, each stood at a corner and exerted their strength together to just barely lift the monument.

Given their current state, it would appear they would need to switch out after flying for just a short while.

“I… Am I really that heavy?” Dida seemed a bit embarrassed.

Lu Xun too, was very curious about the composition of this monument. How could it be so incredibly heavy!

No wonder it could directly crush a level fifty plus mutant beast. He reckoned even ones above level sixty could be killed in a single blow!

This reminded Lu Xun of a magical weapon known as the “Sky-Turning Seal” he’d read about in web novels.

Before leaving, it gave Lu Xun a mental farewell. “Lu Xun, see you, remember to come see me!”

Lu Xun responded with a slight smile.

After the monument was removed, Ping Shanhai and Qian Zhengyi didn’t leave. Instead, they looked at the body of the mutant beast and asked, “Young friend Lu, what kind of monster is this?”

They could sense that this mutant beast was formidable.

Lu Xun shook his head and replied, “The strangeness here lies in the fact that I don’t know what this creature is.”

Upon hearing his words, Ping Shanhai and Qian Zhengyi nodded slightly.

In their hearts, they had already made a bold speculation: the sudden arrival of the monument here was a warning from their ancestors!

After returning to their sects, they would order their disciples to remain vigilant in the coming years, to prevent any calamity.

They might be overthinking, but it wouldn’t hurt to be cautious.

This was also one of Lu Xun’s objectives.

“West State is the only region with two super sects, and its overall combat power is terrifying. If West State can guard against the alien races ahead of time, it would greatly benefit the overall situation of the Heavenly Dust Continent,” Lu Xun thought.

Having experienced the outside battle of Lotus Village and the encounter in the Lost Forest, Lu Xun’s mentality had undergone a significant change.

At the same time, his attitude towards the alien race had undergone a more pronounced transformation.

With this thought, he glanced in the direction of the southwest.

“You can hang on a bit longer inside the altar, but you can’t escape,” he said in his mind.

Lu Xun was waiting for the representatives from the Demon Sect to arrive. For now, he wasn’t in a hurry.

Ping Shanhai and Qian Zhengyi didn’t stay long in the Lost Forest. After conversing with Lu Xun for a bit, they left.

However, to be on the safe side, until the representatives from the Demon Sect arrived, there would be two Elder-level experts from One Sword Mountain and Ten Thousand Sword Mountain keeping watch in the distance.

After all, the whereabouts of the mysterious man who had ambushed Lu Xun and the others were still unknown, so it was necessary to ensure Lu Xun and his group’s safety.

In response to this, Lu Xun had no objections. After giving his thanks, he, along with Lin Chan and Ji Li and the little black cat in his arms, found a cave to rest in.

As night fell, the Lost Forest was eerily quiet.

Yet, beneath the surface, not only was there a toxic miasma, but also large quantities of poisonous plants and bugs, making the place far from peaceful.

“You guys keep practicing. I’ll keep watch.” Lu Xun said to Lin Chan and Ji Li.

“But Lu Xun, you were just injured. Why don’t you rest?” Ji Li said to Lu Xun.

Lin Chan stood by, implying the same concern.

Lu Xun looked at the two of them and, after thinking it over, he didn’t decline their kindness.

He knew that after the previous fight, both Ji Li and Lin Chan felt like they were burdens.

At this time, if he didn’t let them do something, it would make them feel even worse.

Considering this, and his own profound exhaustion, he sat down in the cave, spreading a blanket on the ground, and prepared to rest for a while.

He did not plan to cultivate; he planned to sleep.

Once the blanket was spread out, he looked down at Mao Nanbei in his arms.

Mao Nanbei still had her eyes closed and her breathing was slow and steady.

Her condition was strange, a bit like a newborn kitten.

Except that, compared to before, she had actually grown a bit.

Lu Xun had seen Mao Nanbei when his junior sister was forced to revert back to her original form.

Usually, she had the appearance of a small girl. As a black cat, she looked like a kitten about three or four months old.

She seemed like she couldn’t grow bigger.

However, now she had grown a bit more, but still limited.

Lu Xun held her carefully, intending to place her on the blanket.

It was then that he realized that Mao Nanbei’s two small front paws were lightly gripping his clothes.

She was curled up, her claws hooked in Lu Xun’s clothes, seeming somewhat insecure.

Lu Xun smiled gently, removed the claws hooked in his clothes, and gently laid her on the blanket.

However, as soon as he put Mao Nanbei there, she curled up even tighter. Her little cat face slightly frowned, as if she was having nightmares.

Lu Xun was surprised, thought for a while, then lay down beside the black kitten, extending his hand to lightly stroke her fur.

“Fourth junior sister, I’m here.” He whispered softly.

When his palm touched the small black cat, the curled up black cat suddenly turned over.

Then, both of her cat paws reached forward and clamped onto one of Lu Xun’s fingers tightly, then leaned into it.

It was as if she was using his finger as a pillow.

With that, Lu Xun completely dared not move.

So he allowed Mao Nanbei to grip his finger and slowly closed his eyes.

Just sleep like this then.

The first ray of sunshine in the early morning entered the cave. After a good sleep, Lu Xun opened his eyes.

His previous exhaustion completely disappeared and the wound on his back healed perfectly without leaving a scar.

The green bead was powerful, and the elixir, given by Ping Shanhai, was definitely a good thing, which made Lu Xun recover quickly.

He looked to his side, only to see Mao Nanbei still asleep.

Her small cat paws were still tightly holding Lu Xun’s finger, occasionally rubbing her cat face against Lu Xun’s palm.

“It’s a bit itchy.” Lu Xun thought to himself.

After thinking for a moment, he raised his other hand, casually waved it, and the sword sheath beside him fell into his hand.

He took out the green bead from the sword sheath and started drawing energy from it to cleanse the little black cat’s body.

After finishing this task, Lu Xun returned the bead to the sword sheath, lowered his head and started to closely examine the little black cat.

“Even in her original form, she is still cute.” He sighed.

This should be called “true form exposed”, right?

This fur feels so soft. It feels comfortable to touch.

At this moment, Mao Nanbei’s pair of cat ears suddenly twitched slightly.

Then, she slowly opened her eyes.

(First release)

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