There’s Something Wrong With This Account

Chapter 335,Please Start Your Performance

Chapter 335: 335,Please Start Your Performance

“Primordial Fire?” Upon hearing this, Lu Xun slightly furrowed his brows.

The master nodded and said, “Times have changed since the Ancient Times. The Monster Clan was much more prominent then. There were quite a few Great Saints of the Monster Clan on the Heavenly Dust Continent.”

“And the clan which Little Nanbei belongs to, the Nine Lives Cat Clan, used to be one of the most powerful among the Cat Demon clans.”

“The reason is straightforward, it’s because only this clan had produced a Great Saint. It was since her time, this clan started to be called the Nine Lives Cat Clan.”

The master leisurely narrated the story, while Lu Xun and Lin Chan listened intently as if they were the only ones unaware of Mao Nanbei’s background.

Little Black Cat was lounging on Lu Xun’s shoulder, gently tugging at his ear.

When Lu Xun turned to look at her, Mao Nanbei raised her little head slightly, looking smug while making “meow” noises.

Lu Xun understood what she meant, she was probably saying: “Little Junior Brother, aren’t I impressive?”

So arrogant despite being unable to speak!

Lu Xun curiously asked, “Master, why did the name `Nine Lives Cat Clan’ only start with that Great Saint?”

The master, without looking at him, replied, “Because when a Monster Clan reached the ninth level, they could awaken a particular innate magical power. The innate magical power of that Great Saint was akin to having nine lives.”

Lu Xun quickly caught the critical words. The master said ‘akin to having nine lives,’ which means, it isn’t literally nine lives!

Seeing Lu Xun’s train of thought, the master added, “Actually, what they referred to as ‘nine lives’ means that when faced with life-threatening danger, one can unleash power that surpasses their current capability, nine times for survival. Of course, there will be a certain price to pay.”

“What kind of price?” Lu Xun quickly inquired.

“Naturally, it means sacrificing one-ninth of their Lifeforce.” Jay Master explained.

So this is the meaning of ‘nine lives’.

It’s basically turning one life into nine survival strategies.

The master continued, “And this is why I said this magical ability is a gift from the Great Saint and an inheritance from their ancestors, this magical ability can be inherited through their bloodline.”

“However, as it gets passed down from one generation to another, the power of this magical ability weakens and can no longer replicate the strength of one full-blast attack by a ninth-level being from the past.”

Hearing this, Lu Xun asked, “Does that mean that all members of the Nine Lives Cat Clan possess this magical power and all can use it nine times for survival?”

If that’s the case, it would be astonishing.

“That’s not necessarily true,” the master waved his hand and replied.

He explained, “The inheritance from the Great Saint only passes down for three generations. It is a rule.”

“Then… Did Fourth Senior Sister receive the Holy Blood?” Lu Xun recalled the conversation he had with Mao Nanbei at the ‘Moon in the Well’.

The master nodded and replied, “She managed to acquire the Holy Blood of the Nine Lives Cat and received the transfer of inheritance from her predecessors. Coupled with my aid in activating it, she was able to attain her current state. This is Little Nanbei’s opportunity.”

Listening to this, Lu Xun felt as if the master was implying that without his aid in activating the enchantment, it wouldn’t have worked.

Lu Xun didn’t know what to say to that.

No wonder this man is unique, wearing white while everyone else is in black robes.

At this moment, Lu Xun remembered the symbol formed by the nine strands of fire, six of which had already faded, and so he asked, “Master, have Fourth senior sister already used up her divine power six times?”

He was quite worried. If Mao Nanbei had used her magical ability six times, the damage to her Lifeforce would be severe!

However, before the master could reply, the little Black Cat on his shoulder swiftly extended her paw and angrily stomped on Lu Xun’s shoulder while meowing non-stop.

“What does that mean!? Are you saying that I’ve encountered numerous tricky problems that I couldn’t solve!? Am I, Mao Nanbei, really that incompetent!?” Mao Nanbei defended herself loudly in her heart.

Seeing this, the master chuckled and said, “Due to bloodline dilution, she hasn’t been able to unleash her full potential. This is actually Little Nanbei’s first time encountering such a situation.”

Now, Mao Nanbei timely raised her little head again, her expression full of feigned aloofness, and she meowed at Lu Xun.

“Did you hear that? The first time is always for you—hmph!” She confidently declared in her heart.

Lu Xun smiled, reaching out to touch her cat ears but she swiftly dodged and even pushed him away in dissatisfaction.

It’s one thing to touch them in private, but in front of everyone else!? Do you not care about my dignity?

Being a fourth senior sister means I have to maintain an image, okay!?

Embarrassed, Lu Xun withdrew his hand and turned to ask the master, “Master, can this green pearl of mine aid in restoring Fourth Senior Sister’s Lifeforce?”

The master nodded and said, “Over a prolonged period, it will indeed be beneficial.”

Upon hearing this, Lu Xun heaved a sigh of relief, at the same time, he understood what the master really meant.

The master didn’t mention a full recovery, only that it would be beneficial. This meant the price that Mao Nanbei had paid, would not be completely compensated for in the long run.

With his gaze downcast and eyes cold, Lu Xun was lost in thought.

Mao Nanbei perked up and gently nudged Lu Xun’s head with her plump little cat paw. Lu Xun lifted his head, giving her a tender smile.

Master glanced towards Lu Xun. His gaze seemingly teasing, he suggested, “Let’s hear it. Say what’s on your mind.”

Lu Xun understood, the Master was referring to Yin Tian and the force looming behind him.

Lu Xun had mulled on this matter thoroughly. Speaking in a level, albeit somewhat trembling tone, he expressed great innate astonishment but with an exterior calm, saying:

“The one who orchestrated the ambush is named Yin Tian. From his mouth, I coaxed out much information, but it’s as incredible as fairy tales!”

“Oh? Tell me more,” the Master intoned.

Lu Xun took a deep breath, seemingly to steady his emotions, and said: “Yin Tian and the force behind him, they’re from beyond the Heavenly Dust Continent!”

“What!?” Third Brother was shocked.

Even Second Sister’s eyebrows furrowed, but she didn’t give voice to her thoughts and continued to sit quietly atop the boulder.

Master, on the contrary, looked acutely unflustered and cast a disapproving look at Third Brother, Zhuge Lai Fu, saying, “What’s all this ruckus for?”

Third Brother touched the back of his head and gave a silly grin.

“Continue,” commanded the Master.

Lu Xun nodded, then revealed select parts about the Foreign Race, the Foreign Race Altar, and the large-scale arrival of the foreign entities.

Master listened quietly without interrupting or questioning further.

Only once Lu Xun was finished did he ask, “You claim there’s a force emanating from beyond the Heavenly Dust Continent, do we have proof?”

Lu Xun nodded, “Yin Tian’s mount is a supernatural beast never before seen on the Heavenly Dust Continent. Whether it be Yin Tian or his mount, upon their death, their internal aura was outright rejected by this world.”

It has been stated before, upon death, a normal cultivator’s spiritual power and cultivation base will be reabsorbed by the cosmos.

This is why cultivators rely on spiritual energy for cultivation but are never depleted of it.

It’s a cycle of energy!

Therefore, just their inability to nourish the world is cause enough for everyone’s attention.

The reasoning behind it is simple. Even if this force didn’t originate from beyond the continent, their inability to nourish the world upon death endangers all cultivators.

If they came from another world, being rejected by this cosmos makes perfect sense.

But if they’re not from another world and are cultivators of the Heavenly Dust Continent, their inability to nourish the world strikes at the roots of spiritual energy!

They are essentially draining resources unscrupulously!

If a large number of people started doing this, they would usher in the doomsday scenario of spiritual energy depletion!

On these grounds, even if their identity as aliens doesn’t hold up, they’ll still be labeled as heretical practitioners!

But does anyone have the capability to cultivate without spiritual energy?

Most people won’t even consider this.

Just as most people won’t consider the existence of individuals who can live without oxygen…

But what if one day a group of people were to deplete the Earth’s oxygen concentration?

In fact, it seems the Foreign Race really has the ability to consume spiritual energy, but their methods differ from that of the Cultivators.

Otherwise, once the energy within their bodies is used up, they wouldn’t be able to recover.

Only, it appears they have to undergo a transformation, after the absorption, they only retain a tenth!

Indeed, if they steal and eat that’s tolerable, but such extreme wastage…

For the spiritual energy of the entire world, it’s a significant loss.

It’s bad enough that they don’t nourish the world, but they really can consume it too!

Enemies! They’re definitely enemies!

Upon hearing this, the Master nodded again, saying, “Still not enough.”

“Huh, what’s not enough?” asked Lu Xun.

The Master was now looking at him straight in the eye. His gaze locked on Lu Xun’s, he said, “What you’ve said so far, it’s not enough.”

(PS: Second update. Vote for the monthly ticket! Get back out there!

Then, I came here to recommend a book again, the book title is “It’s Overtime Again, Milord”. It’s my younger brother’s book. I hope everyone can step over and have a look. With the grandeur of a big brother, bring it on!)

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