Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

 Chang’an, Taiji Palace.

    Nearing dusk, the light was dimming. A palace eunuch held a short candle, lighting the candles on the golden tree lamps one by one, moving along until he ended up before the imperial desk. The mythical beast incense burner intermittently emitted light green tulip incense.

    Li De was head down reading the memorials, currently looking the Western Shu’s Meng shi’s surrender letter. The beaded curtain gently shook, and the sound of rapid footsteps came from outside the screen.

    “Your Majesty!”

    The eunuch’s complexion was pale, sweat covering his face. Flying to the inner room, his knee softened, sliding to a kneel in front of the imperial desk.

    “His Highness the Crown Prince has returned!”

    Li De was stunned. Frowning lightly, he put down the paper: “Why did he return in advance?”

    The eunuch trembled, incoherently saying: “Your Majesty… the Right Guard of the Jin Wu Wei requested that you temporarily avoid the back of the hall. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince… His Royal Highness… “

    Li De’s face sank: “What is happening with the Crown Prince?”

    The eunuch’s face was bloodless. Kneeling on the ground, he carefully weighed the words, his voice trembling lightly: “Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince entered the palace without an imperial decree. The Jin Wu Wei did not dare to let him into the hall, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince resolutely broke in!” 

    Li De stiffened and stood up calmly. He shook off the eunuch who busily came forward to help him to the back hall.

    The eunuch fell to the ground but did not dare to make a squeak. In one breath, he crawled up and staggered to catch up with Li De.

    Candlelight flickering, the person in front of the palace hall’s door’s shadow danced, making a racket. A Jin Wu Wei, holding a long sword and guarding in front of the steps, was loudly reprimanding someone amidst chaotic footsteps.

    Li De walked out of the inner room, and the Jin Wu Wei guarding the door was horrified, kneeling on the ground and saying, “Your Majesty, please temporarily take refuge….”

    Before he could finish his sentence, Li De had already walked past him.

    With pounding hearts and faces covered in cold sweat, the Jin Wu Wei looked at each other and helplessly followed at his heels.

    Li De stood at the edge of the platform, arms folded.

    At the bottom of the steps, a tall figure ascended the platform step by step against the flow of people. Clad in dark clothes, chilly as a blade, he carried a sword in hand.

    With just a glance, Li De recognized his son’s silhouette.

    Li Xuanzhen came alone. Although it was an offense, it was not a crime punishable by death. The Jin Wu Wei were aware of Li De’s regard for him and did not dare to hurt him, so they could only surround the person in case he suddenly hurt anyone.

    The Jin Wu Wei painstakingly advised Li De, “Your Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince seems to be having a manic episode. Your Majesty, please temporarily avoid!”

    Li De’s gaze was gloomy.

    “Take him down. Don’t hurt him.”

    Receiving the order, the Jin Wu Wei gained some confidence. They clasped their fists and complied. Abandoning their swords and using long spears instead, they leaped forward and tried to pick off the long sword in Li Xuanzhen’s hand first.

    Li Xuanzhen’s face was unfeeling. Phoenix eyes looking at the crowd behind Li De, he swung his sword to break the long spears, continuing to move forward.

    The sword flashed. He did not hurt anyone, but his defense was like an impenetrable fortress, weathering the elements. Step by step, he approached the long corridor.

    The Jin Wu Wei were helpless. Receiving a signal, the close guards guarding the palace hall followed the order, gritting their teeth to rush forward like a tidal wave surging toward Li Xuanzhen. In the silver sword light, more than a dozen pairs of hands as large as cattail-leaf fans simultaneously grabbed at his arms and legs.

    Li Xuanzhen was unable to budge. With a clang, his long sword fell to the ground.

    The Jin Wu Wei were overjoyed and quickly kicked away the long sword and twisted his arms.

    The dull expression remained on Li Xuanzhen’s face as he stood at the bottom of the steps, gazing at Li De in the long corridor.

    “Your Majesty…” The Lieutenant General cautiously asked, “What should be done to the Crown Prince for his misbehavior and lack of discipline?”

    Li De’s face was clouded over with gloom as he turned into the hall, “Bring him in!”

    Everyone looked at each other in dismay, not daring to say a word.

    Li Xuanzhen looked very different from usual. With eyes overflowing with ferocious hostility, the Jin Wu Wei were apprehensive. Afraid of an accident, they bound his hands behind his back, and carefully checked that he did not have other weapons hidden on his body before they sent him to the inner hall.

    Li De stood in front of the imperial desk, face full of indignance, waving his hand to signal the others to withdraw.

    The Lieutenant General, screaming out in his heart, retreated with clasped fists.

    When the footsteps were far away, Li De walked over to Li Xuanzhen. With a ‘pa’, he swung a heavy slap at his son.

    He was a martial artist, and he did not curb his strength in the slightest. Li Xuanzhen was hit so hard that his entire body tumbled to the gold brick floor. Blood spilled from his lips.

    “Who did you learn this behavior from? Learned from Li Zhongqian?”

    Li De’s voice was icy cold, “Zhen is the Emperor, and the palace is heavily guarded. You want to break in alone and kill Zhen? If Zhen had not gone out and stopped the Jin Wu Wei, they could kill you! As the Crown Prince of this nation, you publicly broke into the palace with your sword drawn. When this spreads, how will you convince the people in the future! How can you intimidate the ministers? Zhen can appoint you and Zhen can abolish you as well!

    “Where has your usual shrewdness and forbearance gone?”

    Li De knew that Li Xuanzhen wanted to kill him, but he did not expect his son to be this reckless and impulsive! His wings were not yet full, and he actually futilely single-handedly broke into the palace!

    He coldly spoke, “Zhang Nu, if you really wanted to kill Zhen, you should have held back and patiently bided your time, gathered troops, and bought people’s hearts. Even if you could not do it flawlessly, you should at least leave Zhen with no power to counterattack, so that the ministers in the court don’t dare to talk too much, and so that the other princes have no evidence to use against you!

    “Your actions today, how foolish!”

    Li Xuanzhen raised his face, the blood on his lips scarlet. He appeared crazed: “I am indeed stupid. If I had learned from Li Zhongqian earlier, how would I have become like this today?”

    Li De looked at his red and swollen face, suppressed his anger, and softened his tone: “Zhang Nu, you are Aye’s most treasured son. Li Zhongqian provoked you and me as father and son, and you fell for it like this?”

    Li Xuanzhen was unmoved, looking at Li De with nothing but disgust. 

    “Why do you and I, father and son, need others to instigate?

    “Li De, I should have killed you a long time ago… As early as when Aniang died, I should have done it.”

    Li De was the Great General of Wei County, the commander of the army who has valiant generals flanking him at all times. The Central Plains was divided, and its situation was unstable. He was neither sure he could kill Li De and also understood that the world will definitely be in chaos after killing Li De. He was incapable of fixing the aftermath and would only displace more people, so he continued to act out a benevolent father, filial son with Li De, led the Wei army to charge onto the battlefield, pacified the chaos, and aided Li De in establishing the Great Wei.

    On the day when the world was unified, it was time for him to kill Li De.

    He always remembered Tang shi‘s dying words. He lived this life for revenge, so he could wait.

    But now he couldn’t wait any longer.

    He was tired. He wanted to be freed.

    “Aniang told me to kill you, told me to kill the Xie family. Whatever Aniang said, I listened… I’m sorry, Aniang…”

    Tears gathered in Li Xuanzhen’s eyes.

    Li De looked at his son, sighed, and waved his hand wearily.

    “Today’s matter, Zhen will deal with it. You go back first to quietly reflect.”

    Li Xuanzhen smiled coldly, “How does Your Majesty intend to handle this?”

    Li De rubbed his brow, “Zhen will cover it up for you.”

    Li Zhongqian was obstinate and his reputation had long been ruined. He suffered the loss of his blood-related sister and assassinated Li De in public. The ministers in the court were not surprised, and those who begged for mercy for him were not a few.

    Li Xuanzhen was different; he was the country’s Crown Prince. Today’s matter must not be spread!

    The few eunuchs in the corner shivered, chills running up from the soles of their feet and crawling all over their bodies.

    The Crown Prince publicly broke into the palace and tore off his face with  His Majesty. Each and every one of them present today cannot escape!

    All the eunuchs closed their eyes in despair. Accompanying the king was like accompanying a tiger.

    In the oppresive silence, a few sarcastic laughs resounded. The corner of Li Xuanzhen’s lips hooked up, “Your Majesty doesn’t have to trouble yourself over this. What’s between the two of us, there’s no need to involve anyone else.”

    He could gather soldiers to attack Taiji Palace, but the timing wasn’t right. He did not yet have the strength to fight against Li De, so forcing the palace hastily would only involve more innocent lives.

    He didn’t want to wait.

    Li De’s eyebrows jumped, “What have you done?”

    Li Xuanzhen sneered, “I did what I should have done a long time ago.”

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