Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 123: The Experiment of An Hour

Chapter 123: The Experiment of An Hour

Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

Lucien felt that what he had just found out was ridiculous and even funny. Obviously, Maskelyne had no reason to lie to him about Sun’s Corona, and the cross at the center of Sun’s Corona looked identical to the one he once saw on Benjamin’s Saint Truth Badge.

Everything was getting more and more mysterious. Lucien wondered how the Saint Truth started to develop and grow at the very beginning.

Putting aside his many concerns, Lucien first followed the instruction left by Maskelyne and built a strange-shaped model with his spiritual power, then carefully sent the model into the magic item.

As soon as Lucien’s spiritual power connected to Sun’s Corona, he felt himself bathed in the sacred and pure light. This magic item was filled with the purest light.

Without any difficulty, Lucien left his spirit imprint on Sun’s Corona and became its owner. He also took a look at the seals inside the magic item, which were very complex.

Now, Lucien was a hundred percent certain that the power of Sun’s Corona came from divine power, which felt totally different from his magic power. He hung the amulet around his neck underneath his clothes and felt the warmness of it. The power could also be spread out by Lucien using his spiritual power to pray for the undead and free them.

Lucien lit the parchment and the notes on fire and burned them down completely, since they had already been stored in his spirit library. Staring at the fire, he was really worried because he might be unconsciously approaching the biggest secret ever in this world, which involved the Church, the Congress of Magic, and even Argent Horn.

He believed that Argent Horn was involved as well because he remembered that the so-called "the Great Master of Argent" used "the forever lasting silence" as the title. Lucien already had the feeling before that the strange title did not come from nowhere, and now he came to this world of forever lasting silence himself.

Maybe the great danger foreseen by the Prophet was related to Argent Horn… maybe the revelation of the manuscripts was the heresy’s carefully planned conspiracy…

Lucien had no idea what he was going to face, but he knew that all the could do right now was to make the best use of the one hour he had, and that was to gather the ingredients to increase his power.

Taking a deep breath, Lucien left the lobby and walked toward Room No. 1.

There were lots of shelving units and waist-high glass cabinets in that room. All of them looked black and white.

Lucien saw some weird-looking eyeballs soaked with black liquid, flowers that looked like spiders under glass covers, gray stones floating in the air, and dried bodies wrapped by shrouds…There were different magic circles carved on the shelves and cabinets for different means of storage.

Lucien did not have time to go through them one by one. He followed his memory and directly found the No. 72 shelf for Jade Green Mycin.

Although the powder was supposed to be jade green, in this world, it looked plain gray. Lucien held his breath when he was scooping the powder from the jar, because breathing it in could corrode human being’s organs.

Then, Lucien went to the other rooms and collected the feather of Stone Snake, which actually looked like scales, Goatherd’s Moon Flower and some Ghost-faced Leaves. Lucien felt quite disgusted when he touched the leaves, since each of the leaves had a face on it: some were laughing, and some looked vicious.

Goatherd’s Moon Flower + Ghost-faced Leave + the feather of Stone Snake + Jade Green Mycin = Silver Moon.

Lucien was not going to work on the Magic Gate potion right now. Although he tried to analyze Magic Gate before, the process was still too challenging, especially when he was in a rush.


In the spacious alchemy room, lots of professional equipment were totally strange to Lucien. There was a metal hand hanging on the top, some mysterious gray liquid running in transparent tubes, an operation table, tall stoves, and dazzling three-dimensional magic circles almost everywhere.

Lucien walked directly to the operation table and activated the magic circles on it. He put a tube of Jade Green Mycin into a container and, half minute later, the gray powder within had been turned into a turbid liquid by the magic circle.

Following the same steps, Lucien processed the Moon Flower and the feather of Snake Stone. When he put the creepy leaves on one of the magic circles, the faces on the leaves started to cry and shout like babies who were crying for their toys, but the scream was completely blocked.

Lucien was very impressed. Compared with his previous underground lab, this place was like heaven for him, after all, this lab had belonged to a legendary archmage.

When all the ingredients were ready, Lucien started to mix them together. Here, the temperature of the fire was the key point, and the most challenging steps for Lucien were to build a model with his spiritual power and to integrate the model into the liquid.

Five minutes later, Lucien’s semi-finished potion started to smoke.

"Too early… I integrated the model into the liquid too early." Lucien calmly drew a conclusion from his first failure.


Another five minutes later, Lucien stared at the gray gel in the container with his eyebrows frowned, "I dropped the Jade Green liquid too slow…"


Looking at the small ball bouncing everywhere in the container, Lucien felt a bit frustrated. This was his sixth failure.

After wiping his forehead with the back of his hand, he started his seventh experiment.

This time everything finally seemed to be fine. Lucien half closed his eyes and tried to keep his spiritual power stable while he was building the model.

When the gray liquid slowly turned white, Lucien quickly sent out the model and integrated the model into the liquid.

Gathering power from the model, the liquid in the container instantly condensed into small drops like beads, and within each drop there was a small moon.

Lucien put Silver Moon into a glass tube and returned to the lobby. Sitting down on the ground, Lucien had to recover his power, even though there was only twenty minutes left before the magic lock collapsed.


Six minutes later, Lucien felt he was ready.

Looking at the "beads" in the tube, he thought for a second whether he should chew them well. He was a bit amused by this funny idea.

Then, he decisively raised his head and swallowed the whole tube of potion, and the next second Lucien entered his meditative dimension.

The lobby and the black-and-white world were gone. All Lucien could see now was a starry sky, and he could feel the furiousness of the Fire element, the lightness of Wind, and the softness of Water.

For the first time, Lucien saw his own soul from an outsider's perspective. Lucien noticed his own soul was glowing brightly like the silver moon, and within his soul there was also an inverted image of the countless stars in the sky.

This outsider’s perspective was indispensable for constructing more complicated models. Unfortunately, Lucien’s spiritual power level was not enough to provide him with this perspective yet, and the reason that Lucien could experience it now was because of the potion.

He started to calmly build a magic model inside his own soul. His spiritual power started to be substantialized into fine shining lines floating in the sky, and, being controlled by Lucien, they slowly started to gather together.

The construction of a magic model required accurate length of every line and angle. Only a person who was capable of understanding mathematical and geometry knowledge could manage to build it. Countless magic apprentices were stuck at that point for their whole lives and never had a chance to become a real sorcerer.

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