Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 287: Reunion

Chapter 287: Reunion

Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

Franz got emotional with his memory, "I labored, in a hard way… I was also staying up all night studying music and composing. Soon, my body became weak, and my mind was bothered. I could not focus. People around me said I was like a walking dead body, and they were all telling me to give up music, although they knew that my music wasn't that bad… I knew it, too. I could not feed my mother and young brothers and sisters with music. I was so overwhelmed by the pressure from life… I was at my limit every single day. I was about to give up my dream, because I could not just live for myself. I still had a family."

Franz sounded as if he was going to cry. Many musicians and students present felt the same way. They knew how tough this path was, and how big was the pressure they were under. They were facing continuous fatigue all the time, waiting for the day that their talent would be revealed.

Of course, they had to admit that the difficulties they were facing was nothing compared to what Franz had experienced. Therefore, they all became more determined that they must work hard and stick to their dream until one day they could stand on the stage like Franz.

In their mind, Franz, after showing his great piano playing skills and receiving Mr. Evans' high comment, had already become a successful musician. The attention Franz was receiving now could compare to the time when Mr. Evans was spoken highly by Mr. Christopher.

Looking at the young man on the stage, Lucien was touched as well. If he had not taken the great risk improving his spiritual power, and hence strengthened his memory, even though he had the spirit library, Lucien would still have great trouble studying music at that time. Without a proper music knowledge foundation, even though Lucien had the great masterpieces in the library, he would not dare present it to the public.

Tears rose in Franz's eyes. Looking at Mr. Evans, Mr. Christopher and Mr. Victor, he added, "When I was about to give up my music dream, I decided to go to a cheap concert as my farewell to the career I love. However, I underestimated my passion toward music. When I was at the concert, when my heart was being seized by the symphonies, sonatas and concerto, I realized that my life meaning depends on music. The great pain covered me, so I was about to leave. But… at that time, I heard the breathtaking opening of Symphony of Fate! The intense rhythm and pace overwhelmed me, just like all the great burdens from my life. But in the symphony, I heard great determination… I heard heroic courage! I heard Mr. Evans asking me—are you gonna give up and yield to life? Is it life that makes you give up music or it is yourself? Are you gonna fight or retreat like a coward? When the symphony ended, I found the answer. After that day, I left my work and became a bard. Honestly speaking, I always looked down upon bards at that time… Every time when I felt having reached my limit, I played Symphony of Fate and Pathétique for myself. Gradually, things started to pick up. I started to be able to support my family, and felt free to pursue my dream."

Franz put his right hand on his chest and bowed to Lucien with great respect, "Without you, sir, without your belief and courage in your music, I could have never gone this far. You're my true mentor, and it's my greatest honor having you here listening to my very first concert in my life. Thank you again, Mr. Evans."

Thunder-like applause echoed in the hall.

"You're the one who made the right decision," said Lucien emotionally.

Then, both Christopher and Victor also gave Franz pretty good comments.

Later, this encouraged young man revealed his unique music style in the symphony part. Although his music was still not mature, the true feelings and the great hope contained in his music were like gentle spring breeze that soothed everyone's heart.

When Lucien was attentively listening to Franz's symphony, three ladies came into the hall: one had red hair and pouty lips; one had green eyes and looked sweet; and the black-haired one looked mature and elegant.

Felicia, Elena and Grace, after hearing the news that Lucien was back, they hurriedly arrived at the hall at the same time.

After seeing the young musician sitting at the first row, they all released a sigh of relief—it was him.

Lucien noticed that his friends had arrived. He turned around and grinned. Then, he put his finger on his lips to let the ladies remain quiet and enjoy the music first.

Felicia, the noble young lady from three years ago, now looked much more mature. Apparently, her trip with Mr. Victor had taught her a lot. Elena's appearance also changed a lot: her slightly tired-looking face and elegant updo made her look sweet and beautiful. Grace was now in a much more relaxed state after the heavy burden on her mind had been removed.

Three years had passed. Although they often saw Lucien's name on newspapers, they still felt a little strange when facing Lucien.

And Lucien felt the same way.


After the concert, Lucien made an appointment with Franz the next day to talk about developing music based on long verses. Then, he visited the familiar address—No. 12 Snehva Street—together with Mr. Victor and his friends. Victor was going to have a luncheon to welcome Lucien back in his place.

After Victor left to talk to his steward, Mr. Athy, Felicia and Elena, who had remained silent on their way back, finally talked to him, "Welcome back, Lucien."

It had been a long time, and they had no idea where to start and how they should talk to Lucien.

"Mr. Evans, thank you for the letter." Grace also showed her appreciation.

Lucien smiled and started to talk about some of the interesting experiences he had during the trip. Gradually, they started to get more comfortable.

At this time, a servant opened the room door and a strong, big woman wearing a tight long dress ran in. She directly gave Lucien a big hug and sobbed, "Finally! Finally you're back! I thought you met robbers and wolves…"

After receiving the message from Victor, she hurriedly came over with Joel and Iven.

"Alisa, let go of Evans." Joel smiled, "He's not afraid of those things… And, welcome back."

The noble life did not slow down Joel's aging. Many years of hard work had brought him a few more wrinkles.

"I've been missing all of you all this time," said Lucien emotionally.

Joel said to his son, "Iven, come on… say hello to Lucien."

Iven had changed a lot. To be more specific, he should be the one who changed the most. He had now grown even a bit taller than Lucien. Looking like his elder brother and father, Iven's teenage face started to look handsome and to have beard.

Looking at Lucien, Iven looked rather shy, as if he was facing a stranger. Lowering his head, Iven said to Lucien, "Welcome back."

Three years was a long time to Iven. It was normal that a young teenager would now feel rather shy.


After chatting for a while, Lucien started to feel a little exhausted from facing aunt Alisa's effort to try to find him a wife and urging him to have kids, thus he excused himself to go to the washroom.

At this time, Grace followed him, "I've got something to tell you, Mr. Evans." Grace lowered her voice a lot.

"Yes?" Lucien was a bit surprised.

"After I came to Aalto, once there was a clown-looking man secretly asking me about you." Grace came to the point directly.

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