Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 524 - Questions

Chapter 524: Questions

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“I heard that you said god’s love towards the mundane shows no preference. No matter if he’s an ordinary folk, a sorcerer, or even a vampire, as long as he follows the Cannon, as long as he behaves himself, he is regarded as a loyal believer, and he can be saved.” said Lucien calmly, like he was a scholar here for a theology discussion.

Lucien did not strictly follow the theological doctrine, justification by faith alone, as the Saint Truth was still different from the religion on the Earth. If Lucien just copied everything and used them here, it would be a big joke in Richard’s eyes.

Therefore, Lucien further developed the content and meaning of justification by faith alone, and gave it a more comprehensive religious context.

Hearing Lucien’s question, Richard gradually realized this young man’s intention. He assumed that the young man was a sorcerer or a demon here to tempt and persuade him. So he smiled and said, “So the honest have no fear, he will live in the hollow realm; the kind have no fear, he will ascend Mountain Paradise; the just have no fear, he will be blessed…”

What Richard just said came from Cannon, and he said, “If a sorcerer or a vampire, like you said, can serve the Lord with their whole heart and soul, can strictly stick to their belief, he is righteous and will be saved. The night watchers are those who have been saved. But what the rest of the sorcerers and dark creatures are doing goes exactly the opposite way.”

“So Cardinal Richard, I understand you’re talking about those ancient sorcerers. They killed masses. They were crazy. They are everything but righteous. They shouldn’t be saved, yes. But what about the sorcerers today? Most of them obey laws. They behave themselves, control themselves. Their ways of living comply with the instruction of Cannon.” Lucien smiled.

Richard knew that the young man was talking about those arcanists who were fully devoted to their experiments, so he said seriously, “They are blasphemers. They are full of lies when they are with the true followers.”

“You mean studying things in the world is regarded as blasphemy?” Lucien pointed at the sky, “Is there a line in Cannon saying that the world should not be explored? Did Lord ever tell the mundane that they shall never approach his realm?”

Richard indeed recalled, and he realized that the young man was not talking nonsense. There were warnings for those false believers, the evil, the bloodthirsty, but nothing strictly prevented the exploration of the world.

Lucien was well aware of what was in Cannon and what was not as he saw Francis transcribing the doctrines multiple times, and there were also books in his spirit library for reference. When Cannon was put together, it was many years before the congress was established. At that time, Douglas was probably still a middle-rank sorcerer, and there was no such thing as world exploration.

Therefore, in the Cannon, only bloody human body experiments were strictly forbidden, but most arcanists were not from the school of Necromancy.

After several minutes of silence, Richard said, “The mundane shall stay away. The mundane shall bow. That means human beings should not approach the realm of God.”

Lucien was, for a moment, a bit speechless. Those priests could always get what they want from a doctrine by reading into it from different perspectives.

Fortunately, Richard added, “Also, in the Doctrines, it says that the mundane shall never step into the forbidden area of God.”

That was the exact topic that Lucien wanted. He hurriedly said, “The Doctrines? But it isn’t for God, but from the popes and some priests. Is it authoritative?”

Richard slightly frowned, “The Pope is the only speaker of God on the land. His words are words from Lord.”

“But the North Church don’t think so.” said Lucien. He was very grateful that there was the great division in the Saint Truth, or he would never have the weapon to bombard the doctrines in front of Richard, a true theology expert. Also, Lucien wasn’t here for a real discussion, but to guide Richard to figure it out his own thoughts, which was the psychological guidance part in Lucien’s illusion!

When it came to criticize and denounce the North Church, Richard could go on and on. These words made Lucien’s head extremely heavy, but all Lucien was waiting for was one specific sentence.

“… All the lambs shall receive baptism where the shepherds pray for them. Under the shepherd’s guidance and help, they can be saved. The leader of the shepherds speaks my will.” said Richard. The lines which set up the statues of a pope were more than familiar to him.

light flashed through Lucien’s eyes and he instantly cut off Richard, “So justification by faith alone is not possible. No matter how devoted we are, no matter how we behave ourselves according to Cannon, the salvation has to depend on the priests and the pope, right? ”

That was a question that had been bothering Richard for years. This was his first time facing the question thrown at him by someone else. Richard was, for a moment, completely speechless.

“God has love for everyone, but more for shepherds, right? God has love for everyone, but is unwilling to directly connect to an individual’s heart, right? When a man prays, the praying will work better in a church than in his own bedroom, right? A priest can only get divine power when the pope nods, right?” Lucien seized the chance and threw at Richard a series of questions.

Richard tried to say something, but he knew that many priests got their divine power simply when they were reading Cannon or praying, without any extra guidance, so he remained silent.

Lucien raised his voice,

“If the pope is indeed the only speaker of God, why does he keep misreading Cannon? Why has he made so many changes to the Doctrines?”

“If God does not allow human beings to explore the world, why did the pope rewrite the doctrines and rebuild divine spells according to the arcanists’ findings?”

That was the very reason why Richard’s thinking had been messed up in the past twenty to thirty years. He did not know what to say.

“Therefore, I think, the Church, the pope… They are in fact standing between the followers and their Lord, because of their own desires for power. No matter if an individual has divine power or not, all the mundane should be equal in front of Lord, and those who betray the Cannon, including them, will be thrown into hell for what they’ve done.”

“Those who demand and acclaim sophisticated church rituals and those who say that the Church must be served are the fake believers. They are preventing God from loving everyone of us.”

“And those who keep changing the doctrines based on their will must be demons that are hiding!”

Before Richard could say anything, Lucien kept throwing the words at him, leaving Richard no chance to dispute.

“We should make those get out of the way who keep talking about faith and belief but are in fact blaspheming God’s will.”

“Say farewell to those monopolists who are sucking in power and wealth from common people’s pure faith!”

“Between Lord and followers, there should be no barriers made by any. There should only be faith, and the faithful demeanour!”

Richard stared at Lucien. This young man had spoken out all the things that he had been thinking to himself but dared not say, and in a more detailed, more structured, and more radical way!

Lucien stopped here. He was waiting for Richard’s response.

After a long time, Richard finally put on a bitter smile and said, “The power of the priests should be regulated. Lord gave them divine power to make them protect followers, not to make them rule.”

Lucien grinned.

When the mist cleared, Richard opened his eyes. He realized that he was still praying in front of the cross.

He sighed, “Fallen Morning Star… He deserves the title.”

Outside of the church, Alferris said in surprise with its two big amber-colored eyes open wide, “That’s it, Lucien? Countless have failed persuading him!”

“I did not persuade him; He persuaded himself. If there was no root, my language trap would never do him in. He’s a theologian, but I’m not,” said Lucien calmly, “I was just giving him an idea, and the fact that he agreed with it was the most important part.”

Alferris gave Lucien’s theory a very general conclusion, “Anyways, you’re smart!”

“I’m just good at mental guidance and know something about theology. In other words, among those who are good at illusions, I am the one who knows theology the best; and among those theologians, I’m best at mental suggestion.” Lucien grinned.

Also, he had a whole spirit library in his soul.

Lucien felt a bit more relaxed now. If everything went well with Richard, he should be able to bring him to Natasha later. However, when he was about to leave with Alferris, he sensed a dangerous power approaching.

Someone was coming.

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