Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 649 - Premonition

Chapter 649: Premonition

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Inside the conference room of the Highest Council…

After Lucien stopped, Vicente said, “Arcana has to be founded on the basis of comprehensible images. The things that are unimaginable and not understandable will only be complicated mathematics. So, Brook and Oliver, congratulations. This is the real foundation of the new alchemy and the best theory in the microscopic domain. Your work has let us return to the concrete ground again from the maze of matrix that wanders in midair without a foundation.”

“Nonsense. The real foundation of arcana is observability. The things that cannot be observed are pointless for us. Naturally, it is unnecessary to impose an image on them.” Fernando spoke of his new opinion with the dominance of a storm.

Lucien also added, “Applying the images in the macroscopic world to the microscopic domain recklessly violates the fundamental logic. Something seriously wrong may happen.”

“But in any case, electrons do behave as waves.” Oliver joined the debate.

The unusual view of many arriving demiplanes was about to happen again, when Douglas knocked the table slightly. “Let’s discuss the wave equation when the meeting is over and have a five-minute silence for Klaus first. We are going to let the Lord of Hell pay.”

Lucien closed his eyes and began to mourn in silence, hoping that his speculation on the nature of soul was correct. In that case…

Later, the Highest Council discussed the issues about the Saint Truth, Thanos and Viken and agreed with Douglas, Fernando and Lucien’s proposal to shake the foundation of faith and mislead Viken into thinking that the Congress of Magic hadn’t found his secrets by broadcasting the half-real and half-false stories. In the meantime, the central intelligence would be kept a secret in order to persuade part of the Grand Cardinals, who might play a critical role at the right moment.

Because few issues could be submitted to the Highest Council, the meeting was over after less than one hour. Hellen, who had been studying all the time, suddenly raised her head. “If the new alchemy system based on the Oliver-Brook Wave Equation matches all the experiments we have so far and can address the problems we had, what will it indicate?”

It was rare for her to ask questions during the meeting. When they discussed Viken, she had unusually spared part of her attention to listen to it.

“If different theories can explain the same thing, it means that they should be equivalent on a certain level.” Hathaway seemed to have considered it for a long time. “Since waves and particles are both the features and qualities of electrons, matrix mechanics and wave mechanics may be equivalent.”

Douglas, Fernando, Chelsea and Erica all nodded. “We can try to prove it.”

“I think mathematical approaches will be enough.” Brook thought for a moment and also nodded.

Although Oliver thought it was possible, he was not very enthusiastic about it. In his eyes, matrix mechanics should be a special case of the particle nature in wave mechanics.

After a while, the members of the Highest Council left one another. Lucien and Fernando were the last.

“I think that Oliver’s explanation on the arcana significance of the wave function has certain issues. There will be self-contradictions when he tries to address the atom model. Let’s see how Oliver is going to explain the details.” Said Fernando solemnly and thoughtfully.

Lucien nodded his head. “The explanation on the arcana significance of the wave function has to be based on experiment phenomena.”


At the beginning of the Month of Harvest (September), inside a classroom in the Holt Magic College…

Onore, Clark and their classmates waited for Mr. Ernesto to distribute the journals such as Arcana, Magic and Nature. On the podium stood Ms. Heidi, who taught ‘Basics of the New Alchemy’. She did not look very well, and she looked down at her feet that were moving all the time, as if she were about to step on a bunch of ants.

“Ms. Heidi doesn’t look very happy?” Clark said to Onore carefully. It was not because his eyes were keen but because Heidi was too obvious.

Onore shook his head. “How do I know? Perhaps she was criticized by Mr. Evans in the Atom Institution, or perhaps she had a fight with a friend. It’s hard to say. It’s not like we are changing new textbooks again, right?”

“Hehe. How is it possible? We should all be careful not to piss of Ms. Heidi.” Clark reminded Onore.

Although Heidi had been trying to copy Lucien’s teaching style, everybody had their unique characteristics. Gradually, she became known as the ‘Smiling Devil’.

At this moment, Ernesto walked with a magic pouch of journals. Looking unusually weird, he said rigidly, “Claim your journals in order.”

Having been familiarized with Ernesto after the electron diffraction experiment last time, Onore immediately guessed something after seeing his face. “Is there another disruptive theory or experiment?”

After taking over the journals, Oliver began to browse through them before he returned to his seat, and the very first paper on ‘Arcana’ gave him the answer. It was ‘The Wave Equation of Microscopic Particles and the Nature of Quantum Mechanics’, written by Edwyn Brook and Oliver Constantine.

“The wave equation and the wave function…” Onore had no doubt that the wave function of electrons would appear after confirming the electron diffraction experiment, but he was still shocked when he really saw it. The concrete microscopic particles had a wave function! That was unbelievable!

No wonder Ms. Heidi doesn’t look well! He suddenly understood the reason.

After he was seated again, Onore sensed that the atmosphere was filled with quietness and vague depression, exactly like what he felt himself. The development in the past months was truly full of twists and turns. Everybody had been stumbling and could barely keep up with the changes.

Reading the paper in silence, Onore was gradually fascinated by it. The familiar, classic wave equation, the readily understandable calculations and concepts… They were so much simpler than the stunning matrix mechanics!

As he read on, Onore was so greatly touched that he almost shed tears. This is arcana! This is the foundation of the new alchemy! Mr. Brook and Mr. Oliver are so great! They have genius brains!

“What a classic and great wave equation! It’s much more vivid and easy to learn than matrix mechanics!” Somebody exclaimed subconsciously.

“Is it?” Heidi’s gloomy voice echoed in the spacious classroom.

The sorcerer who talked hurried to shut up, but he still said to himself, “Of course it is!”


In the Moonsong League, in the Hand of Paleness, and in all the other places where sorcerers gathered, the atmosphere of being touched was spreading.

“Arcana is finally back to what it should be!” Having been savaged by the general theory of relativity and matrix mechanics, the sorcerers of the Moonsong League almost thought to throw a party to celebrate it.

“Mr. Brook and Mr. Oliver have made time-changing contributions!”

“I hate that I cannot devote all my time to understanding it!”

Joaquin, their chairman, rubbed his eyebrow and said in mixed feelings, “Waves are exactly the basis of existence.”

Before, they were merely arguing whether or not light and electromagnetic waves were waves, but out of their expectation, even the fundamental particles that constitute matter were now waves. They had secured an unanticipated triumph.

“However, the particle nature of electrons and photons is also very obvious…” Jurisian poured a bucket of cold water on the chairman. “Also, it requires confirmations and deductions to see if a new alchemy system can be established based on the wave equation.”

Joaquin and the other sorcerers also knew it very well, because most arcanists who did not bear such an attitude had withdrawn from the stage of arcana, if not the stage of life, during the past ten years.

“In particular, Lucien Evans hasn’t offered any opinion on it.” Said Joaquin in a low voice.

His words immediately raised approval. Many sorcerer sorcerers mumbled in vague fear, “That head-crushing monster…”

Jurisian could only shook his head with a bitter smile at their trauma that was almost a conditional reflex now. “Let’s confirm whether or not the wave equation can explain the model of the new alchemy first.”


Inside the Tower…

Bergner, the Prophet, was explaining certain questions about the general theory of relativity to Neeshka and Samantha.

Among the famous geniuses in Lucien’s generation, Jurisian, Larry and Ulysses advanced into the senior rank after the special theory of relativity, Rachel made a breakthrough with her accumulations in the field of astrology and illusion, and Samantha also secured an advancement after applying the general theory of relativity to certain questions that she had in astrology.

Therefore, she attached great importance to the general theory of relativity. However, she had to consult her teacher a lot since she did not understand it very well. Neeshka, her teacher, hadn’t understood the general theory of relativity fully, either. So, they often had to ask the help of Douglas and the Prophet or even write letters to Lucien.

“The Oliver-Brook Equation… Recently, a major change is happening in the microscopic domain every three months.” The Prophet remarked in mixed feelings.

After the meeting of the Highest Council, the advance base for the exploration in the World of Souls had been moved back to Heidler city. It was now ‘Absolute Defense’ Ataman’s turn to supervise the base.

Neeshka smiled. “The school of astrology should be focused on the general theory of relativity. Their heated argument has little to do with us.”

“How so? Planets are made of microscopic particles, too.” Samantha didn’t quite agree with her teacher.

Bergner smiled and said, “I agree with Lucien’s perspective of consideration. We cannot say that electrons are waves, and we can only say that they have the features of waves. Also, in the transition from the microscope to the macroscope, some weird factors seem to be preventing the uncanny status in the microscopic domain from being mapped to the macroscopic world. Therefore, the debate cannot affect the foundation of the school of astrology yet.”

As he spoke, he was suddenly stunned. Something heavy seemed to have blocked the starry sky of destiny. It was certainly a premonition!

Could the debate in the microscopic domain really affect the macroscopic cosmos?

Why was his feeling even stronger than that?

Was something important going to be ‘destroyed’?

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