Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 781 - Sending Away “Politely”

Chapter 781: Sending Away “Politely”

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

In the Jungle of Demons, the bright silver moon had driven the dark clouds in the sky away, but the moonlight had resumed to normal.

However, as the blond figure became clearer, the cold and lonely moonlight had cast over the entire magic tower and looked rather peaceful and quiet.

Beside Alterna’s feet, Danisos had become as small as the size of Alferris, the Little Crystal, and there was a horrible lesion in his back. Chunks of flesh covered in black flames were falling to the ground, and thus the transparent and shapeless organs and the spine had been revealed. What was even worse was that half of his wings had been cut off and the bones were now visible.

If the unreal flame kept burning, Danisos, Dragon of Time and Luminosity, would for sure die soon, but the flame was now slowly dying. It would take him a long, long time to recover from such a horrible injury by Sword of Origin and Destiny.

At this time, he was lying beside Alterna’s feet. Although well-known for his great life force, Danisos still had no idea how long it would take for him to recover.

Around him, drops of blood came together and formed a transparent lake in which his flesh and half wing were floating.

Watching the scene, hearing Alterna’s serious announcement, none of them present, including Elder Mind and Dracula, could figure out what just happened.

Alterna had no intention to repeat, but her scarlet eyes stared at them who were all stupefied by the situation, as if she believed that they would understand somehow.

The air suddenly became somewhat weird.

At this time, Rhine had folded back his giant bat wings and smiled. “So what the Primordial Ancestor means is that our era is the most chaotic, dangerous, and lively one since the age of mythology. So here the Primordial Ancestor is, to lead us out of the thick fog…

“… All of you should have felt the imposing dangers surrounding us in this era. A legendary could fall at any time if he or she lowers her guard. No one could stay away from it even if you don’t want to be involved at all. Therefore, this is the worst era ever for you all…

“… But the revolution of the world and power will also bring unprecedented opportunities. I believe that in the upcoming decades, we’ll have the most precious chance ever, which exceeds any opportunities in the past to further improve ourselves and to even transcend our own lives! But it all depends on if you can seize it…”

His silver eyes looked around at the extremely powerful legendaries and smiled. “… Therefore, this is also the best era ever for you all, and this completely depends on your choice. Facing the current situation, the disparate groups will for sure die, and the united groups will grow. We have to reform the Dark Congress just like what those sorcerers did to their own congress to secure our survival and more opportunities…”

He walked to the legendaries and asked in a cheerful tone, “Any ideas?”

Rhine’s lecture finally made them understand what Alterna’s announcement meant. Somehow, the “Silver Moon” had started wanting to reform and consolidate the Dark Congress and to be the president.

Therefore, taking advantage of the Danisos, Dracula, Demogorgon of Darkness, and Ogre’s plot, Alterna had defeated the primordial dragon and thus ruled out the legendary who was most likely to stand against her.

Dracula felt both disappointed and excited. What made him feel disappointed was that obviously, the Primordial Ancestor did not trust him enough; but what made him excited was that once the Primordial Ancestor became the president of the congress, he would be able to skip Rhine to summon her.

He touched the blisters on his face and took a deep breath. Then he lowered his head and said, “Your leading of the congress is our great honor.”

“We werewolves are always ready to serve you,” Dubenal said hurriedly before Sonite to show his loyalty.

Lucien was a bit amused. The werewolves were nothing more than big dogs.

The vampires and werewolves were the fastest to show their attitude. The rest of them needed a bit of time to think about it. The primordial dragons did agree on reforming the congress but on the premise that they should be the leader. And those Demogorgon of Eyes also had their own reasons to refuse.

They were weighing Rhine’s words. Indeed, this world was getting too dangerous. In the past, becoming a legendary basically meant endless life. However, the situation had totally changed now. Even if they just did nothing, they would still have to be careful not to be killed by someone else.

But this was just a beginning. When the powers were all ready after their plots worked out, to collect followers and resources, another War of Dawn might happen. At that time, anyone could fall!

Demogorgon of Eyes and the rest of the legendaries were never on full alert even after the death of the demon prince and what happened to the Master of the Boundless Ocean. They believed that in the Dark Mountain Range, they could always avoid any dangers in time. However, the siege that happened just now had finally warned them. Maybe coming together wasn’t something bad.

What was more important was that their president would be a demigod. They needed that strong power!

Rhine saw through the struggles in their mind, so he smiled and added, “What’s passed belongs to the past.”

Then they finally made up their mind, including Ogre and the six primordial dragons, because of the reasons above, and also because they did not dare to say no in front of the “Silver Moon”.

They could not take the risk no matter how many mysterious spells they knew.

They looked up at their president, trying to see the “Silver Moon” better and to show their loyalties.

At this time, Alterna turned to look at Lucien and pointed at the remains of the primordial time dragon, including some blood, flesh, and a wing.

“Your food,” Alterna said seriously.

Then she quickly turned around as if staring at the blood for too long would be too much of a temptation to her.

Somehow, the president doesn’t appear to be very reliable, the legendaries thought to themselves. But soon, they realized that it was the president who defeated the primordial time dragon and did all the plotting, and those who believed that Alterna was unreliable perhaps had all been eaten by Alterna.

“We’re all very confident and much encouraged to have you, the ‘Silver Moon’, to be our president,” said one of the legendaries, and they saluted in great respect, with only Elder Mind hesitating a bit.

The pair of scarlet eyes stared at Elder Mind.

After a while, Elder Mind finally lowered his head and said, “Your wish is our will.”

If Danisos still got his back, Elder Mind would not have given in. However, there were now two top vampire legendaries, the congress had been united, and the “Silver Moon” had become the president.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the King of Nightmare had made up his mind heading for Allyn.

Lucien thought that the problem had been solved in a perfect way, but when he was collecting the time dragon flesh and about to leave, he realized that others did not think so at all.

“Mr. Evans, when are you leaving the Dark Mountain Range?” asked Cervantes seriously.

Lucien thought for a while and said, “I’ll pay a short visit to Mr. Rhine and then I’ll leave.”

Then Lucien heard many sighs of relief. Cervantes finally gave Lucien a sincere smile. “Then, take care.”

“I hope you don’t come here often,” said Ogre a bit resentfully.

Lucien did not think it was fear. They made the plot themselves, and it turned out that only Natravos was killed. He shouldn’t be the one taking all the blame and thus be called the “Embodiment of Misfortunes”!

In the Valley of Fiery Stone, Fitia, wearing the black magic robe of the ancient magic empire, saw Dracula coming back in a great rage.

“It failed?” Fitia asked, lifting an eyebrow.

Dracula told the whole story to Fitia and asked angrily, “You said the congress would be reorganized!”

Fitia grinned. “Am I wrong?”

“You!” Dracula’s dark red eyes were furious.

Fitia shrugged a bit and then squatted down to stroke the cat, Skoy.

Dracula stared at her for a while but finally managed to control himself. He complained in great frustration, “Why the Primordial Ancestor always, always trusts that b*stard more! Even a sorcerer is more trustworthy than me!”

The same cheerful smile remained on Fitia’s face. She had been used to this since a long time ago.

The black cat Skoy turned around proudly and swept Fitia’s hand with its tail.

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