Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 797 - Audience

Chapter 797: Audience

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Have you lost your mind?” Vicente, in a bag of bones, looked at Lucien in shock. His low voice was full of surprise, and a fire was jumping fiercely in his eye sockets.

Blood and brains would not be spilled this time, and no skulls would explode, but what benefits could there be if most arcanists stagnated because of their collapsed worldviews? Wasn’t it too perverted?

Although the other members of the Highest Council did not say anything, their eyes and their faces suggested that they thought the same as the Lord of the Undead. It was too insane. Live streaming the experiments that even terrified them to all the arcanists? You are really the Fallen Morning Star, aren’t you?

Maintaining a gentleman’s smile, Lucien said, “A long stagnation does not mean no hope for advancement. As long as they view and explore the world based on experiments and mathematics, they will be able to reshape their worldviews and find their own paths sooner or later. There won’t be too many insidious problems.

“If they do not have the courage to face such experiments that do not threaten their lives, how will they explore the fields where common sense makes no sense? If we do not educate them on the mysteries of the microscopic domain with experiments before the opinions about the microworld are built into the components of their cognitive worlds, are we going to offer them the results after they transform such opinions into parts of their cognitive worlds during their advancements subconsciously? By then, however subtle we are and however the experiment results agree with the common sense of most people, some people would have lost their heads, and their cognitive worlds might be broken and solidified.”

Douglas rather agreed with Lucien’s words, but he was still not concerned. “Isn’t a live stream too hasty? We should confirm the experiences first before we consider in what way we should inform the other arcanists.”

“This is another lesson for them. In the past, they were almost protected by us, and they do not understand the ‘cruelty’ of arcana studies. Since there is no life-threatening danger this time, just let them face the blast. With such an experience, when they are faced with other revolutionary theories in the future, they will be able to treat such theories more objectively, and the danger of brain explosion will be minimized.” Lucien retained his gentle smile, but Natasha and the other people who were familiar with him somehow sensed his bad humor in it.

“It sounds reasonable…” Hathaway and Hellen nodded and agreed with Lucien, but they somehow felt that something was not right.

Lucien went on. “On the other hand, I believe other forces will be tempted to watch the live stream too. The experiments this time are simple, clear, and consist of the truth of the world. It will be a major shock for them too. So, let them feel the torrent of arcana again.”

“If Viken perishes after seeing the experiment result, the two experiments you devised will be the most classic experiments in history.” Oliver had a very creative mind as a playwright. He was full of passion for creation when he pictured the scene that he described.

Up until so far, the most well-accepted classic arcana and magic experiment was the double-slit experiment with electrons that Lucien conducted. Its design was simple and clear, and although it was difficult to create the experiment device, it was not too complicated. However, the result of the experiment was utterly unbelievable.

Douglas couldn’t help but put on a smile too. “Most arcanists have grown under the strikes of your repetitive disruptive theories. They’ll be far more resistant to the two experiments than those who watch them for the first time. Perhaps somebody will be really overwhelmed and start to question their lives and themselves, unable to make any further advancement in the future.”

By you, he was not just referring to Lucien but all the grand arcanists and part of the legendary sorcerers present.

In his usual meanness, Fernando said, “That’s because the arcanists who cannot stand the strikes would have either been killed or eliminated.”

1Douglas’ smile was gone. He said very solemnly, “I’m very curious about the two experiments myself. My very first thought after I became a demigod was that I could find out their results, which must contain the fundamental secrets of our world. I don’t know if you felt it just now, but the demigod state I described matches the duality of waves and particles very well. Particles and waves are unified on a higher level, but only one side of them can be observed by us. Therefore, to explore the mysteries of quanta is to explore the mysteries of demigod.”

“Then, let’s live stream it.” Brook leaned against the back of his chair and closed his eyes. He seemed to be looking forward to the results of the two experiments too.

After the quantum field theory that described the electromagnetic force was established, his broken and solidified cognitive world had already started to revive. As long as the problem of infinity was resolved, he would be fully recovered, and he would be able to find his own path to the demigod level.

“Then, let’s live stream it.” Douglas nodded his head.


Half a month later, the students of the third generic school, who had just returned from the new year holiday of 830, were suddenly notified that the morning classes were canceled. They were asked to gather in the square where a stream screen had been established to watch an experiment live stream.

“An experiment live stream? What experiment?” After living together for more than two years, Ali had grown familiar with his classmates.

Charlot, the class monitor that he asked, shrugged, implying that he did not know either. “Perhaps, the satellite TV channel invited a certain senior-rank arcanist to perform live experiments, and the school is organizing us to watch it so that we can learn the standard experiment procedures and understand the significance of arcana experiments…”

Talking so much so eloquently even though he does not know anything… He truly deserves to be our monitor. Ali was secretly impressed. He was both curious and confused about the live stream. For an ordinary person who hadn’t even become a magic apprentice yet, he did not think that he would have a second chance to watch the experiment of a senior-rank arcanist again in his life.

Thanks to the development of arcana, thanks to the arcana planets that Mr. President and Mr. Evans invented, thanks to the rapid development of electromagnetism messaging, and thanks to Ms. Heidi for her unforgettable contributions to the creation of stream screens… Otherwise, he wouldn’t even have one chance to watch it, much less “again”.

Arcana Above, that’s the charm of arcana and magic, and these are the changes that they have brought. Ali drew a cross out of habit and expressed his gratitude.

In Allyn, Rentato, Cocus, and every city that had a branch of the Congress of Magic, the sorcerers who had spare time all watched the stream screens in confusion, wondering what arcana experiment it could be.

Inside the Atom Institution, the smaller-sized stream screen that Heidi made in person was rippling and waiting for the signal.

“What experiment can it be?” Annick had always been interested in arcana.

Heidi sniffed. “I have a bad feeling. If we see our teacher in the live stream later, we should blow up the screen as soon as possible, or else it will be our heads that would be blown up.”

Everybody burst into laughter, knowing that Heidi was merely expressing her speculation and uneasiness in an exaggerated way.

At this moment, the noises of electric currents echoed, and the screen became clear. A room full of experiment devices, as well as a kind old man in a tailcoat and a handsome and gentle young man, was displayed.

“It’s really our teacher!” Heidi clenched her fists, but she did not blow up the stream screen as she said before. Instead, she focused her attention on the picture, waiting for the experiment to begin.

The experiment must be very important, or their teacher wouldn’t have chosen to stream it at all.

The instinct of the arcanists’ exploration of the world made her overcome her fear and look forward to the experiment. Around her, Annick, Sprint, Katrina, and her other friends were the same.

“Mr. President?”

“Mr. Evans?”

Exclamations burst out in the Allyn magic tower, in the Tower, in the headquarters of the Will of Elements, and in every place that could watch the live stream. It was a live stream of Mr. President and Mr. Evans’ experiment?

Their hearts were immediately palpitating in curiosity and expectation as well as fear and panic. Mr. President was alright, but Mr. Evans’ “remarkable” accomplishments chilled and horrified them to the bones. For example, one of the most famous lines in a play that described arcanists was exactly “Is my head still intact?”.

It was needless to mention his nicknames such as “Headcrusher” and “Brain Eater”.

“Mr… Mr. President…”

“Mr. Atom Controller…”

“The Fallen Morning Star…”

In the squares and schools, the ordinary people saw Douglas and Lucien, who intentionally refrained their vibes, and these ordinary people only recognized their identities through the subtitle.

“An experiment conducted by grand arcanists in person?” Ali’s eyes were almost popping out. It was already beyond his wildest imagination. Not just in the Magic Empire, but even in the Congress of Magic where the hierarchy was not too rigorous, the senior-rank sorcerers barely had a chance to watch the experiments of the Excellencies if they were not the students of the grand arcanists.

In places like Holm, “grand arcanist” was almost a synonym to “god”.


What were the experiments that the two grand arcanists were about to stream?


“What? Douglas and Lucien Evans are about to stream arcana experiments?” In the Holy City, Pope Viken, who had just finished the daily treatment for Melmax, received the report from a red robe.

The red robe said in a panic, “Yes, but I don’t know what the experiments are. I was worried that I would be swallowed by the holy light, so…”

“As long as you are pious and determined, you won’t be swallowed by the holy light whatever you are faced with,” Viken said solemnly. Then, he performed divine power and received the signal.

In Antiffler, Rudolf II began to watch the show too.

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