To Deprive a Deprived Person

Chapter 210

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


TDADP chapter 210: Boss is more scary

Udon's royal road.

It's a royal road that stretches east, west, south, and north from the capital city of Udon Kingdom. Roads that extend from cities, towns, and villages in the Udon Kingdom are always connected to the royal road or roads that branch off from the royal road. Of course, Comer city is not an example. Men hang out along the highway that leads from the royal road to Comer City.

「Alright! I win! Heeheehe」

「Damn. I'll get it back immediately!」

「Wh-at, you're just a little stupid. Soon you'll become a regular loser Basil」

「Say it, Say it. I'm sorry for losing against a goblin. Today I am loved by the goddess of victory. I'll scavenge all of their asses!」

The men were excited by betting. There are women who buy farm products from neighboring villages and draw a wagon on their way back to Comer City.

「Hey, don't idle around in such a place. Work. Or I will tell Einal-san」

Is one of the women, a young woman acquainted with the men? She calls out on the men to cool off.

「Hey, Hey, Natalie, even if it looks like this, we're working」

「Usso, because it's not the same uniform we always wear」

「It's not a lie. We're making a gamble today to protect the peace of the city. You understand?」

「Ahaha. I'm feeling better now」

When Natalie laughed, she looked younger than her age, coupled with her distinctive freckles.

「Hey, Basil. Strange people will come」

A voice is raised as one of the men is vigilant. When Basil looked at the highway, there was a huge group of rogues heading over there. The number of people in the group may be about twenty, and the things that those men wear even though they are rogues are rings with beautiful gems that can only be worn by aristocrats and merchants. It wasn't something that common people could easily wear, such as bracelets, or even something that could be worn by a gorgeous person.

「YaaYaa, everyone. Hello and good day」

「What is it?」

As Basil approaches, he talks to the man who is most prominent among them.

「Don't be so belligerent. Where did you come from? I will teach you a good store if you like」

Basil said so, and the moment he turned his hand to the man's shoulder――

「Guaa! What do you do!!」

Basil yells at the man after his cheek was slapped. Basil's friends who were watching around lay hands on the weapons on their hips so that they would not be noticed.

「Countryman, don't touch me with your dirty hands」

「What countryman!?」

「Yes, I'm in charge of Lawrence's sixth branch. You touched this Stuhr´s shoulder with your dirty hand」

「Lawrence......!! Capital city Lawrence――gahuu!?」

Kicks struck Basil's face one after another. The surrounding companions of Stuhr watched it with a foolish smile. Looking at him, Basil's face swells and his teeth break up and scatter. Basil´s friends who tried to help, were stopped by Basil who sent a sign by hand. Don't move.

「Ga...... Gahaaaa. I, I didn't know. A......

yo, you, arlllee Lawrehuo――uoee」

Another kick struck Basil's face again.

「Tsk. I smell your dirty countryman´s blood, and now my shoes got dirty. Lick and clean it」

Stuhr falls down and steps on Basil's face, who doesn't move. In that outrage, Natalie, who was watching silently, jumps out.

「He, Hey!! That's enough!!!! It's too much!!!」

「Na...... Nahualie, st, sto......pp. Th, This ills...... oakoayy. Hua, Huanheh.......」

「Basil, are you okay!? Hey, th――kyaaaaaa!!」

Stuhr kicks Nathalie's face, who is trying to embrace Basil without any effort. The fellow women caught Natalie, who had been blown away, but they couldn't say anything about the actions of the unarmed Stuhr and regretted by grinding their teeth.

「Who is this dirty country girl talking to? What's that little freckles-painted face? Don't country people have the money to buy makeup?」

All of surroundings friends laugh all at once to Stuhr´s words.

「Stuhr-san, please look. This wagon is full of muddy vegetables」

「Guhahaa! Such a thing. If you sell it in the capital, you will be a laughing stock, right?」

Stuhr´s surrounding companions throw away the vegetables on the wagon.

「Stop it! That's an important product! Stop it!!」

「Hey! It's rolling over there, too!」

「Aryarya. Do you really think this damn thing can be called vegetable」

「Gahahaa! That's a good one. It's worse than bullshit!!」

「Terrible. This is terrible!」

「Don't! Higgu, this is what everyone worked so hard for......uwa~h」

While laughing at the women, Stuhr's friends mess up the wagon's crops. After confirming that all the crops on the wagon were thrown away, crushed and made it impossible to sell, they left for Comer City.

「He, Hey! Pull yourself together! Basil, are you okay!?」

「O......ohua, I´m......alri......ght」

「You're being alright. You're missing your front teeth」

「That´s huari....... Nahuari...... hadaihuo...... hehuu...... buka?」

「Ye, Yes. She fainted, and I don't think she has any broken bones」

「Yo, Yohi. The, Then...... that, damn, koto...... kahiraani, hougokujinaidona. He...... Heehe. Th, This borrow, nahuari, madonude......, ga, gaejideyara」

「I, I understand! Don't talk anymore because I understand! Hey, put the tattered crops out of the wagon. We need to put Basil on the wagon and take him away」

「Ye, Yes, let's bring Natalie along」

When Basil and Natalie were put on the wagon, Basil's friends rushed from another road to Comer City.


A three-story building in a slum. In a room on the third floor where the office of the security company Alcom is located, Einal, who has been entrusted with Alcom, was smiling.

「I'm sorry. Even though it's lunchtime, I don't serve meals」

「Some of the food in the slums in the country will not be eaten even if it is served」

「Wahaha. Stuhr-san, you can't say too much, no matter what? Therefore, what can I do for you?」

Einal and Stuhr are sitting on two sofas across a table. Behind Stuhr, stood five of his companions who were laughing when they saw Einal´s men as if to make a fool of them.

「Despite the habit of the countryside, it seems that Comer City has recently swayed in a good direction」

「No No, absolutely not! We just have enough to eat meals」

「I don't care about your eating situation. Well, as you know, I'm from a ridiculously large household. I decided to make a branch in this Comer City」

「Eee!? That Lawrence, want to make a branch in this countryside?」

「Yes, be honored. That's why I´m the head of Comer City´s branch」

「But no matter how much Comer City is smaller in the countryside than the royal capital, so is it okay with only Stuhr-san and the five people behind you?」

「Are you stupid? You don't think that's all of them, I brought all my subordinates with me」

「Where are they?」

「Ahh? Kazami Keitei is the inn. The sign girl there is also a good woman. After that, I'll take care of that cute girl」

「Haa~. Kazami Keitei is it, that's definitely an excellent place to stay. Hey, you guys. Is Kazami Keitei a good place?」

「Yes, it's a good place」

「Good? Kazami Keitei is it. Don't cause trouble」

「I know」

「I don't have any leftovers......?」


Einal asks his subordinates many times to confirm.

「But Stuhr-san, Melissa, the signboard girl over there, is certainly a beautiful and cheerful woman. This by no means troublesome middle-aged woman, seems to have many men confessed to her who were all completely rejected」

「It doesn't matter. I like her. I can't forgive her to refuse. I'll definitely make her mine」

Einal makes an appropriate retort with "Is that so?" and when he got up, he moves to the window.

「What are you doing?」

「No, is it dry today? Dust comes in, and I want to close the window」

Einal closed the window and locked it.

「Anyway, Lawrence decided to make a branch in Comer. From today, there will be Lawrence's Comer City branch. That's why you guys need to pack your bags and get out」

「Eh!? Stuhr-san, please don't be blunt. What will happen to us?」

「Do you know? Am I also complaining to Lawrence? Ah, I can put you under my subordinates. Even a dull country person like you can clean the toilette, right?」

「Ahaha. Stuhr-san, it's too bad!!」

「That guy is good! Gaahaaha!」

「It's good for these guys!」

Stuhr's companions ridicule Einal. Perhaps they have been doing whatever they want until now, listening to the world behind the capital city Tenkasshi. They didn't doubt that there was anyone who would go against Lawrence.

「I give up~. Is there a complaint?」

Einal scratches his head while facing down. Stuhr looked down on him as if he had won. But when Einal's face rises again.

「It's decided. Idiot」

「――Haa? What are you doing now?」

Stuhr and his friends are stunned by Einal's attitude and words as if he had had a burst of laughter. He might not have been taken such an attitude up to now.

「Ha? No, I'm saying there's a complaint. Are your ears deaf?」

「Th, This guy! You, this fool――」

Stuhr is trying to command his entourage behind him to kill Einal――

「Ga, Gahuu...... n, no...... my consciousness?」

「Stuhr...... san...... run...... kyaaaaaaa......」

「Hii, wait. Do...... Don't kill me...... e...... e......」

By the hands of Einal's men, Stuhr´s gang were struck from behind.

「Na? Wh, What are you doing! Yo, Yo, You, this is...... I, I don't know what it is? Lawrence! We are under Lawrence! All of you, your families, and your women will be killed!!」

「You talk a lot of crap」

When Einal brandishes his heart, he strikes his fist into Stuhr´s nose. Stuhr is blown away to the door while sprinkling a beautiful blood splash. His expensive clothes and precious gems are soiled by the blood flowing out of Stuhr's mouth and nose, but not being worried about it, Stuhr hurries and touches the doorknob. However, at that time, the door opens vigorously and strikes Stuhr´s face.


When Stuhr was blown to the center of the room and confirmed the face of the person who opened the door, the blood in his face suddenly faded and turned pale.

「It, It is you」

「Yes. Thartank yotueiu」

Stuhr broke all his front teeth, so he can't speak well. Basil, whose face is swollen, greets Stuhr while looking down at him.

「Einal-hyan. Thlis ferrow, calln I kirr hirrm?」

「Well, wait. It looks like he is wearing an accessory that hinders 『Analysis』, so I don't know if his name is a fake name」

Einal's men hold down the rampaging Stuhr and play with his body.

「Foind it, Einal-san, this is probably the case」

「This guy wrapped it around his ankle and hid it」

「So what about his name?」

「It is Stuhr Neguro」

「Oh, it wasn't a fake name? So is it the name on the list given by boss?」

「Yes, his name is written there」

「Basil, I'm sorry, but you can't kill him」

「So, Sonhua!?」

Stuhr, who knows that he won't be killed is relieved.

「Stuhr-san, isn't it too early to be relieved? Basil, you can punish him, but you can't kill him, because the boss wants him! Good! He's on the list, so I'm sure you'll get gold from his boss! You can also have your teeth, and ugly face be healed!!」

The subordinates laugh at Einal´s joke. And Basil was told by Einal that he can't kill Stuhr, even if he wants to do it.

「I'll dow ittt calefurry, and I'll enjouy it」

Basil's terrible smile makes Stuhr incapable of trembling and incontinence from fear.

「N...... No. Y, You, aren't you, sc, scared of La, LaLa, Lawrence?」

To Stuhr´s words, Einal´s men looked at each other with serious faces, but when they started laughing, they laughed as if they can't stop.

「Ahahaa! No, understand. Puhaha. Are we afraid of Lawrence?」

Einal crouches to the side of Stuhr that can't move as he is held down by his subordinates. The edge of the mouth went up high as the face was not able to endure to laugh. However, suddenly returning to his original expression.

「And when? My boss is more scary」

When he says so, he leaves the room to his subordinates. Basil laughs lightly and shows off the last thing he holds in his hand so that Stuhr can see it well. Although it is a tool for gripping wire and sheet metal, it's going to be used in a different way from now on.

「Hyaaaa! Don't come! Don't come!! Don't stray from the right path!! Wait!!! It was bad!! I apologize!!! Therefor――kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!」

A horrible scream came out from the office of the security company Alcom, but none of the residents living in the slums were worried.

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