To Deprive a Deprived Person

Chapter 214

Translated by: Parthios

Edited by: Black Jesus


TDADP chapter 214: Frenzy

Wood Payne. It is a small village in the Udon Kingdom. Wood Payne is known for its prosperous wood craftsmanship and many skilled craftsmen.

「Alright! Next, I will cut this tree」

「Aiyo. But is it okay to cut so many trees? The village chief entrusted it to us, but he was worried that the mountain god would get angry because he was too lazy」

「The village chief has the mindset of ​a village chief. Don't complain. People from the famous Berun Trading Company, which has a store in the capital city, lend money to the village chief and try to do business more widely. Hey, he bought the new axes we are using with that money」

「Is that so?」

In the thick forest, the Wood Payne lumberjacks worked hard in felling trees.

「He, Hey. Look at that! Dr, Dragon!!」

「Ah? Oh, this is rare. Isn't it a wood dragon」

「Why are you saying that so carefreely! Le, Let's quickly run away」

「Wahahaa. YesYes. You, is this your first time to see a dragon? You don't have to panic. If you do something extra, you'll mock the wood dragon. It's cute to see from afar, but when a tree dragon eats a tree, it will exterminate the monsters which are in the way to protect its food」

The man who was panicking and heard the words that he doesn't have to worry from his comrades, wipes his face with a towel.

「I...... I see. I don't need to panic. Even so, it's the first time that I see a wood dragon, but it was just as big as a redwood tree. Waahahaha!」

The surrounding is caught by the man who laughs out loud as if embarrassed, and they also start laughing.

「Gahahaa. If it is approximately the same as a redwood tree...... it's about the same as a redwood tree!?」

「Wh, What is it?」

「A redwood tree is seventy to eighty meters, even if it's a small tree! And at best even an adult wood dragon is only 15 meters tall. No, No way, it's a......dra, dradra, dragon! Arya wood dragon!!!」

The commotion spreads quickly, as if it were contagious. Lumberjacks stop working and stare at the wooden dragon.

「It's a wooden dragon!? E, Everyone calm down. What is a wooden dragon? You know, even if you say dragon, it's just a little bigger and quieter」

「Ye...... Yeah. That's right? No, it can be the bragging of a villager! The one who saw the wood dragon is the village chief, isn't it?」

「Ha, Haha. Yes, but would you be bragging about that? If you look carefully, that wood dragon has bright red and beautiful eyes!」

「That's right. They are bright red...... and a wood dragon's eyes are clear light blue. Will, it change when it becomes a dragon?」

「Let me see. Certainly bright red eyes――hii」

Many villagers living in Wood Payne witness the disappearance of the forest area a little away from Wood Payne at the moment when one of the lumberjacks meets a wood dragon. The appearance of a wooden dragon near the idyllic village of Wood Payne is immediately reported from Wood Payne to the nearest city of Pergyaetto. A total of 10,000 soldiers gathered from the city of Pergiaetto and the surrounding towns and villages setting out to defeat the wood dragon.

「What are you doing!!, Bo, Border! A, Aa...... not good............ Please run away, Per...... gya...... sama」

「Re, Re, Re, Retreat!! Retreat, retreat!! There is no way we can deal with such a monster with the soldiers gathered from the neighborhood! Wait for reinforcements from the capital city!」

In response to the request for support from Count Pergya, who governs the city of Pergyaetto, from the capital city Tencassi, one of the five knights from Udon Kingdom 『Heaven soaring sword』 Grifreed and 『Knight that brings absolute victory』 Param who leads a 30.000 elite military force are sent.

「Don't loosen the wide-area barrier!」

In a wide area boundary laid out by ten thousand rear-guards, Grifreed and Param were fighting a fierce battle with the wood dragon, while bringing along 500 knights who were selected further from among the elite 30,000.

「Nuhahaa!! Everyone, behold!! The wood dragon is screaming because of 『Heaven soaring sword』 Grifeed-sama!!」

「What is it! I won't lose to Param-sama's Holy Sword Excalibur!!」

At first, the Udon army was dominant, but it gradually becomes exhausted due to the extraordinary regenerative power of the wood dragon, the heavy attacks and the dragon's breath. The fighting place was also bad. A formation cannot be satisfyingly formed in an area surrounded by trees.

「It's bad. We're starting to get pushed back」

One of the leaders quickly notices that the trend of the war situation is leaning the opposite way.

「Yess! Not only the wide-area boundary but also the movement of the wood dragon can't be contained!!」

「It, It is impossible! Please understand that even if we keep the wood dragon within the boundary, it will be a difficult task!」

One of the knights answers to the commander's difficult task. On the other hand, in the unit composed of rear guards in charge of the wide-area boundary.

「Pour more magic!!」

「I'm doing it! The 4th Company is replacing the 5th Company!」

「The wood dragon is moving!」

「At the end...... it's ready to make a ramming attack on the wide-area boundary!!」

The wood dragon, who fights fiercely with the 500 elite, knocks down every tree on the way towards the wide-area boundary.

「Ba, Battalion leader! The boundary is collapsing!!」

「What are you doing! Quickly repair――」

「Report! The wood dragon broke through the wide-area boundary!! I repeat!! The wood dragon broke through the wide-area boundary!!」

「Wh, What!!」

The wood dragon begins to move south to escape from the Udon Army. At that time, it eats the trees in the forest, knocks them down and many animals and monsters living in the vicinity are scattered in all directions to escape from the wood dragon. Of course, some monsters live in the area, but suddenly thousands to tens of thousands of monsters have rushed away to flee. The confusion in the army causes further chaos, and the monsters begin to run away. The Udon Army will devote much of its troops to protect nearby cities and towns from groups of escaping monsters. Cities and big towns are still fine. Because the Udon army will protect them. The small villages are poor. Unfortunately, the villages that were ahead of the herd of escaping monsters are overrun by the monsters without any effort.

「Why don't you find out where the monsters are heading!」

「I'm afraid that's difficult to grasp as all the monsters scattered in all directions」

「Good excuse! As soon as possible――」

「Where is Param」

「Now that much――this is Grifreed-sama. Excuse me. I am the battalion leader――」

「No problem. Now is an emergency. Stop giving such a formal greeting. Where is Param?」

「Param-sama followed the wood dragon with a 1000-men strong army」

「What an idiot. Defeating the wood dragon with only one thousand soldiers」

「However, if the escaped wood dragon has wounds all over its body, Param-sama will――」

「Have you forgotten that the opponent is a dragon? I'm sure it has already recovered from that kind of injury」

「Th, Then...... Param-sama is」

「It's unavoidable. Now I give priority to the people over Param-sama. Reorganize each unit immediately and head to the towns and villages which are still safe」

「Haa, right away!!」


The information about the failure to subjugate the dragon was transmitted to Comer City far away from Wood Payne.

「Have you heard? It seems that the Udon army failed to subjugate the wood dragon and it was tough」

「Yes, I know. The monsters who escaped from the wood dragon are running away. There are stories of small villages being annihilated without any help」

「That's true. Well, it's natural to prioritize cities and big towns over small villages」

Even in the adventurer's guild of Comer City, the rumor of a group of monsters that had escaped from the wood dragon spread.

「Look at that. He is Agafon the beastman, isn't he?」

「Ah, it seems to be true that this beastman is a member of 『Nameless』, as he is with Yuu」

「Damn it. He is in the same clan as Marifa-san」

「I feel the same. Moreover, it seems that the beastman is the child of a beast and a human. I wonder why such a hybrid was put in 『Nameless』」

Despite being just founded, the clan 『Nameless』 makes a name for themselves in Comer City. The name value is terrific, and many adventurers are eager to join. Yuu never allowed someone to join――until now. A group of beastmen of mixed-species led by Agafon, fallen demons, deprived people and demi-humans and other races joined 『Nameless』. Rumors quickly spread and many adventurers were jealous when confirmed by adventurers who interacted with Nina and others that those rumors are true.

「I will go to the reception for a moment, so look for the next quest」


Yuu says so and goes to the reception.

「Please don't make any fuss in the guild」

「Don't mess around!」

「I understand. Namari, what is it」

Warned by Marifa, Agafon responded unpleasantly to Namari who imitated her.

「Hello, Collet-san」

「Yuu-san, Hello!」

「Collet-oneechan, I'm also here!」

「Ahaa. Namari-chan, Hello」


Marifa who is standing behind Yuu greets Collet with a light bow. Momo who straddled Namari's head also imitated her and lowered her head to Collet. Collet rushes and bows in the same way, and Yuu smiles slightly.

「Ah, Yuu-san. Did you smile just now?」

「I'm sorry. Unintentionally, I thought that Collet-san who is hard-working wouldn't change」

While Collet became embarrassed when staring at Yuu, she was teased by Namari with a red face.

「Can you give this bottle to the guild leader?」

「Can I just give it?」

「Yes. If you give it to him, he'll know right away」

「It's a strangely colored liquid. Is this liquid a potion or something?」

「It's more important than life for the guild leader」

Collet stares at the liquid in the bottle and is surprised at Yuu's words.

「It's a joke」

「Mo, Mou. Yuu-san, don't surprise me」

「By the way, Adele-san, is she sick? It looks like she isn't feeling well」

Adele, who is working away from the reception desk, seemed to be somewhat unwell as Yuu said and her eyes were depressed.

「That is....... Yuu-san, do you know that a wood dragon appeared?」

「Yeah, it seemed to be rampant at Wood Payne. Now, it appears that the flocks of monsters which are running away, afraid of the wood dragon are more of a problem than the wood dragon」

「That's right. One group of monsters seems to have been driven by the wood dragon, and they seem to be heading to Adele-san's hometown village」

Yuu stares at Collet for a while. Collet, who can't understand why Yuu stares at her, looks awkwardly.

「Yu, Yuu-san, what´s wrong?」

「Why don't you ask me? Protecting Adele-san's hometown village from the group of monsters and the wood dragon」

Collet has a painful expression in response to Yuu's question but immediately smiles.

「I can't ask Yuu for such a dangerous thing. The army who fought with the wood dragon has a lot of war deeds, and the adventurer's guild was also informed. The Udon Kingdom has also petitioned the Adventurers Guild for the cooperation of adventurers on the quest, but the amount of money they can pay for a small village is also negligible. I can't mediate a dangerous quest with an adventurer without paying for it. And I think the reason Adele-san doesn't come near Yuu-san is because she'll rely on you if you talk to her」

In fact, for Adele, Collet, who would like to ask Yuu immediately, still fulfills her role as adventurer guild receptionist. Yuu stares at her appearance somewhat dazzled.

「Okay, I understand. I remembered that I have a small task, so I 'm sorry for leaving now」

Leaving Collet, Yuu speaks to Agafon watching the quest board.

「Agafon, let's go」

「I haven't decided on a quest yet」

「You don't have to take one. Gather everyone as quickly as possible」

「Where are we going?」

「Ah, we´re going on a road trip away from Comer city」

Agafon grinned as if he had understood something.

「What. It's not what you think」

「I know. You want to run away from that dwarf called Tropi, right?」


Yuu didn't deny. Agafon looked at Marifa once and spoke quietly in Yuu's ear.

「I've always thought Marifa-san was the scariest, but there's a rise above. No way, there was a greater pervert than Marifa-san」

「What do you mean by Marifa being a pervert?」

「Eh, don't you know? I've seen it. Last time when Marifa-san was hanging out the laundry, she was rubbing leader's underwear against her cheek. After seeing that, I tried not to go against Marifa-san alone, but that dwarf called Tropi surpasses her'」

As Agafon says, Tropi was a genuine pervert. Her appearance and obsession with young boys are on a level comparable to Fifi. It has already been more than a week since Yuu first met Tropi at the orphanage, but Tropi was chasing Yuu every day. Going through the obstructions of Marifa and the maids trying to stop her. For the first time, Yuu learned that there are many kinds of fear.


When Yuu thinks about Tropi, Marifa puts her hand on Agafon's shoulder.

「What is it?」

「My long ears aren't just for show. Do you know that I can hear very well?」

Blood draws from Agafon´s face. He thought it was okay because he was talking in the bustle of the adventurer's guild and into Yuu's ear. However, it seemed that Marifa had heard it.

「Master, I will have a little talk with Agafon, so may I have some time?」

「N, No! Le, Leader, help――hyaa」

Agafon became violent, but his body didn't move as expected. The insects manipulated by Marifa had already deprived his body of freedom. No one responded to the call for help of the tragic Agafon, as if a bear is crying.

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