To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 329

Chapter 329

“I see.” In the silence, Samigina stood up from his seat. “You are the future that child talked about.”

Chi-Woo had no idea what Samigina was on about, but Samigina talked as if he had just come upon a great realization that perked his interest.

“I don’t put blind faith in prophecies. I just think one should simply take note of it.”

It was then Chi-Woo realized who the ‘child’ that Samigina was talking about was. It was the seventh-rank great demon, the princess of the Demon Empire, Shersha. It appeared that it was Shersha who had visited Samigina recently.

“That’s why I wasn’t too keen on listening to her plea.”

“A plea?” Chi-Woo asked. He became curious after hearing that Shersha had personally come to visit Samigina and talk.

“In the upcoming future, the place that drives the light away among the four nests will be met with great calamity and crumble,” Samigina said calmly, like he was repeating the words as they were spoken to him, “Yet the total number of nests will not change, as a new nest would form where the light shines.”

Chi-Woo was slightly surprised. Shersha’s prophecies were protected with utmost secrecy even inside the Demon Empire, yet Samigina was passing on such important information to Chi-Woo easily.

“I’m thanking you for allowing a conversation to take place while we were in the middle of trying to kill each other.” Samigina smiled brightly and continued, “Anyways, the prophecy was quite straightforward for a prophecy, and that child had to lie down for quite some time after revealing it.”

Considering Liber’s current situation, Chi-Woo could guess what the prophecy meant. There were four main factions on Liber right now: the Sernitas, the Abyss, the Demon Empire, and the Cassiubia League. If the prophecy had stated ‘a place where light doesn’t shine’, he would’ve thought it was talking about the Abyss. Yet there was only one place that actively resisted the light and spread darkness.

“I won’t jump to conclusions, but the calamity must be something that surpasses the capabilities of the Demon Empire. Otherwise, there’s no way that they would be able to penetrate through the natural fortress that protects the center of the Demon Empire, the Nakhaide Volcano.”

A nest signified home. For the Cassiubia League, it was their Cassiubia Mountain Range, while for humanity, it was Shalyh City. If a place like that crumbled, it would mean the faction that called it home had fallen to ruins even if its members weren't completely wiped out of existence.

“Currently, the majority of those in the Demon Empire think that they should get rid of the root of the calamity before it comes to them. But I’m curious. What is the calamity that the Demon Empire wouldn’t be able to fend off?”

As Samigina walked, his eyes lingered on Chi-Woo for a bit, and he continued, “It seems like that child is having a difficult time proposing a different countermeasure, seeing that she even went out of her way to visit me…”

Chi-Woo’s eyes narrowed. It sounded like the majority of the great demons had a different opinion from Shersha, and she was in the minority. Chi-Woo contemplated for a bit. If he were a great demon, how would he have interpreted this prophecy? The most alarming thing would be the calamity that would destroy the Demon Empire. And when thinking about what this calamity could be, it was most likely humanity; and even among the humans, it was probably Chi-Woo who would bring about this calamity.

The Demon Empire had suffered many losses ever since Chi-Woo entered Liber. The number of great demons had dwindled from 66 to 40-50. And even now, Chi-Woo was facing a single-digit ranking great demon, Samigina, and winning. Usually, Samigina would have the overwhelming advantage against humans and would have easily taken care of several heroes with just a couple flick of his hands, yet he couldn’t do that because of one hero: Chi-Woo.

Chi-Woo was already this strong at gold rank. What if he grew stronger after taking out more great demons? What would happen in the future then? At his peak, perhaps, he would be able to fight the Demon Empire on his own. Considering that, it was understandable why the majority of the great demons disagreed with Shersha. Unlike the others, Shersha was seeing many perspectives and far into the future.

Meanwhile, while Samigina and Chi-Woo were talking, the rest of the rescue team looked blankly at one another. It sounded like the two were talking about something important, but they didn’t understand what it meant.

“What…are they saying…!” Yunael groaned and raised their head. “What are you going on about…yapping like that…why…are you scared…?” Yunael then raised their body with the support of their spear and heaved. “Are you…surrendering…after all that…?”

“As if,” Samigina said with a slight smile. “Didn’t I say it before that child didn’t move my heart?” Samigina had said Shersha’s opinion was in the minority. Thus, she had sought out Samigina to gain one more great demon on her side. Yet in the end, Samigina didn’t act according to her wishes.

“I’m not on either side,” Samigina declared. “I’m neither the minority nor the majority.”

‘Then, what?’ Chi-Woo looked at him.

“If I must say, I am on the neutral side.”

It was then Chi-Woo realized one truth: Samigina had refused Shersha’s request and still didn’t regret this fact. And he didn’t choose any side not because he couldn’t make up his mind, but because he was following his own will. This meant that Samigina had his own very personal reasons that made him act independently like how Chi-Woo entered Liber despite all the objections made against him.

“Because I believe that everything that exists should live according to how they were meant to live,” Samigina said. Every existence was born with an essence and gained temperaments according to the way they were raised in their environment. As the saying went: a human should live like a human, while a beast should live like a beast. A human couldn’t act like a beast while a beast couldn’t be like a human. Likewise, Liber also needed to be like Liber.

“That is why I didn’t follow the majority.” And that was why Samigina didn’t agree with the Demon Empire’s decision to collaborate with the foreign existences, the Sernitas. “But I also couldn’t understand the minority.” Samigina didn’t think humanity and the Demon Empire could coexist in peace as that child said after their long history of conflict. That was something unlike them too. Yet it wasn’t as if Samigina didn’t see the reality.

“It’s truly difficult. No matter how much I think about it, I don’t know what’s right or what’s the truth…” Thus, according to his convictions, Samigina didn’t choose either side. Still, he was curious how Chi-Woo would answer.

“...So, can’t you show me?” After strolling a bit, Samigina stopped in front of the fire pit in the center. “If you are the one that child talked about, you can give me the answer to my questions.” Then Samigina said with a soft smile, “Of course, I’m not asking you to speak up for free. I’m planning to pay the rightful price.”

And before Chi-Woo could reply, Samigina was sucked into the fire pit like water. Chi-Woo realized the price Samigina was willing to pay was his existence. Soon afterward, the fire pit that had been losing its light burned fiercely, and black things poured out. Simultaneously, Chi-Woo’s vision turned dark.


When Chi-Woo opened his eyes again, he realized that he was in a different space. It was completely white, like the place he usually met gods in. Despite the similarity, though, it was not the same. He soon heard a sound coming from somewhere. It was faint; it sounded like someone was crying. Chi-Woo turned in that direction and flinched. He saw a child crouching on the ground with his head bowed while clutching his knees.

“Don’t…” the child whimpered. Chi-Woo stared at the child blankly.

“Stop…” The child lowered his head further and sank into his shoulders even more. It was Chi-Woo when he was young. How long ago was it? The child looked very young. Perhaps it was the time when he realized he saw things that others normally didn’t, and when these mysterious creatures began to torment him. All he could do during this time of suffering was to cry.

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Then the child suddenly stopped crying and raised his head.

“Fuck.” A curse unbefitting of a child burst out of his mouth. The child glared into the space in front of him and cried out, “Why? Why only me?”

The child seemed exhausted and sick of crying then. He seemed enraged at being one-sidedly affected by the things no one else could see. He wondered why he had to go through such a terrible experience out of everyone else in the world. That feeling filled the child with rage and resentment.

“…I’m going to kill them,” the child declared and got up by himself. “I’m going to kill them all.” His eyes looked bloodthirsty and vicious as he stomped forward. Every time he took a step, the child grew up, into a teenager and then an adult. Then everything that happened during his life flowed past him like a panorama. He once cursed the world and strayed to the wrong path, but he was able to regain his senses with his parents and brother’s care. He served under several teachers, came face-to-face with destiny while wandering from here to there, despaired when things continued to fail, and finally met his fateful master. He followed this master until he died, enlisted in the military, and then heard that his brother went missing. It was during that time he met Giant Fist and entered Liber….

—How surprising. I see. That’s what happened.

It was then Chi-Woo heard an old man’s voice from behind.

—You are a liar.

Chi-Woo flinched and looked back.

—Why? Are you going to say that you aren’t?

Samigina asked.

“—We won’t stop you from turning back.”

Before he could reply, Chi-Woo winced while looking at the progressing panorama.

“Now, those who wish to enter despite all the risks, please move to the portal on the stage.”

There was Laguel standing on the stage, and hearing her announcement, many heroes—the seventh recruits moved.

“And the rest of you, please exit through the portal at the end of the stairs.” As soon as she finished, everyone in the hall began moving at the same time as if they had all planned it beforehand. Every single hero, without fail, moved towards the portal at the center of the stage. It was just as Chi-Woo remembered.

—There are true heroes.

Then he heard Samigina’s voice again.

—They don’t turn away from sacrificing themselves for a cause and are willing to give up their lives for a planet they have no connection with. But you are different.

Samigina’s whispery voice grew closer to him.

—You wouldn’t have been interested in going if it weren’t for your brother. No, would you have even known about Liber without him? In the first place, didn’t you come to Liber for a very personal reason? Like how it is right now?

Every line that Samigina said seemed to pierce Chi-Woo’s heart. These were all truths that he couldn’t deny except for one thing.

“Is that really true?” Chi-Woo was about to say something when he heard a familiar voice. Under the panoramic night sky, he saw Ru Amuh. He was kneeling on one leg toward not the Chi-Woo from the panorama, but Chi-Woo inside the space. And he said in disbelief, “Were you really an ordinary person instead of a hero, Teacher?”

“Then why…?” Before he could finish speaking, Ru Amuh morphed into Ru Hiana. “You didn’t know anything?” Ru Hiana eventually changed to Eshnunna. She asked, baffled, “Why would an ordinary person come here?”

Then she changed to Evelyn. “Ha, for a reason like that…?”

To Zelit. “If I had known that…” Then Emmanuel continued to display the same deep disappointment and disbelief.

—Of course, I’m sure you have a lot of things to say too.

Meanwhile, Samigina continued to whisper into Chi-Woo’s ears.

—I am not denying all the accomplishments you’ve made until now.

—Yes, you are special. No one can deny that. That’s why it’s even more contradictory. Honestly, don’t you know too?

Samigina paused.

—That right now, Liber needs a hero more than at any other time. And not just any hero, but a very special hero who can surpass even the legend. This isn’t a place that an ordinary person could do anything about.

The panorama changed again and showed Chi-Woo glaring at a wall with a stream of blood dripping down his forehead.

—It seems that you realized it a bit there.

Bam! Bam! The Chi-Woo inside the panorama struck his head hard against the wall. It was when Chi-Woo was inside the cave under the Evalaya Volcano. He had been prepared to die then.

—But you didn’t change dramatically. What changed was simply your way of fulfilling your goal.

“…So what?” Chi-Woo finally opened his mouth after keeping it tightly sealed. “What exactly are you saying? After putting your existence on the line, all you are attempting to do is…”

Samigina had jumped into the fire pit, ready to be extinguished, yet he didn’t seem injured, and Chi-Woo didn’t feel any murderous intent from him. If Chi-Woo wanted it, he could crack through this mental space even if it took a bit of time. Thus, he was even more confused about Samigina’s goal.

—When I see you, it’s as if I’m looking at myself. You are wearing a mask on the outside, but at the core, you can’t let go of yourself from your ordinary days.

—It can’t be helped. Even a great demon like me, who has lived centuries, is swept away by the flow of this world. Yet that’s not the case for you.

There was more force in Samigina’s voice now.

—You can distort the flow, turn it around, and even create a new one. In other words, you can become even greater and more special than now. But to do that, you must ‘decide’ whether you would remain under the false disguise of a hero, fooling everyone; or you could meet everyone’s expectations and bring back order to this chaotic Liber and become a true hero who will save this galaxy’s future.

Chi-Woo saw Samigina’s wrinkled forefinger point in one direction.

—It is now time for you to decide.

Chi-Woo looked in the direction and frowned slightly. Beyond the three lines that seemed to signify that he must not trespass, there were sturdy walls surrounding the space as if they were hiding a secret.

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