Top Sexy Girl Group

Chapter 152 - The Cat Pose

Chapter 152: Chapter 152: The Cat Pose

I presented the staff with the fish. By then, it was dinnertime.

“Time to eat.”

“But didn’t we just eat?” Byung-hoon asked. His face was all, ‘Did you just come here to eat?’ Yes, I did. These exotic places have a lot of good food to eat. Food I can’t eat anywhere else.

“Hey, Mr. Yoo,” I said, turning away from Byung-hoon.


“You remember the prize?”

“Oh, right.”

Lobster Head slapped himself on the forehead as he remembered. Remember? His name is Yeonmin Yoo.

“What prize?”

“I’ll tell you. The prize is an all-in dinner.”

“All-in dinner?”

“Yes. The loser has to give all their food they found to the winning team.”


I gave Lobster Head a thumbs up. He flashed me a smile in return. That’s rather harsh though, if I think about it. Then again, it seemed like Lobster Head wasn’t too fond of the other team either. All Areum does is diss the cast and the staff. Saying that it’s just a picnic.

“Then call them. It’s already dinnertime.”


Lobster head quickly dialed the other producer that was with the other team, and then, they began to chat. A moment later, he hung up.

“They’re coming over.”


I told the rest of the team, who all cheered soon after. Especially Miyeon.

“My stomach is growing,” Miyeon said, poking at her belly. Her lower belly was a lot bigger. She looked pregnant, but it was so cute. I wanted to squish it to be honest.

“It’s cute.”


“Yeah. Absolutely.”

I gave her a poke in the stomach. I’m not being perverted. It’s just two girls teasing each other, but touching it made me think of perverted thoughts, so I quickly withdrew my hand.

‘This sucks.’

I might as well be a monk at this point. Those around me will have no idea how bad it is right now. No human should have to go through this much self-control. These girls just hang all over me with no care. I especially hate it when Jia whines at night, saying that she wants to sleep with me. It’s so cute and it drives me nuts. And when we shower together as well. How many other men can stand still while girls strip in front of them? And not just any girls – young and beautiful girls…You’d think that after a while, I’d get used to it, but no. Never. In fact, it gets harder as time goes by. The hardest is when I’m with Christine. She’s a lesbian. Which means she keeps making advances towards me and I have to do all I can to stop her. Why? I’m asking myself that same question, especially since I’m attracted to her myself. But after that day when I saved her, she’s been even clingier than usual. I told her that I’m not the Shero who saved her, but Christine is so sure that it’s me. Well, anyways…look at me. Miyeon is giving me this beautiful smile, and I just wanted to kiss her at this point.


I let out a deep breath as I tried to clear my mind. Yeah, that’s it…just let it go…

“Sian,” Miyeon cut in.


“Can we be friends?”



“I’m older than you, right? So it’s okay if I act friendly towards you, right?”


Even if I told her to keep her distance, she’d do it anyway. So, I decided to let her.

“Thanks, Sian.”


Miyeon is 27. I’m 21. Of course, mentally, I’m 30.

“Do you want to learn yoga?” she asked.

“No,” I answered. I don’t need yoga. Besides, the other team is bringing their food right now. Who has time for yoga?

“Hmph. But I wanted to show you though.”


Of course. She’d want to show off her skills while she’s here.

“Let’s do it later. With everyone, that is.”


Miyeon wrapped her arms around mine, beaming. As she did, she pressed her chest to my arm. It felt bigger than I initially thought it was.

A few minutes later, the other team showed up with their food. Areum’s face did not look happy.

“Here,” he said, placing the food in front of Byung-hoon. There was a lot more than we had expected. Fire chicken, snake, and more fish.

“When did you catch all these?” Byung-hoon asked. He was obviously impressed.

“We worked so hard to catch these and now we have to give them to you? How is that fair?” Areum snapped at Lobster Head. But wasn’t he the one who told the producer to come up with the prize?

“Then you shouldn’t have lost,” I said with a smile. Areum glared at me, but I just shrugged back. Areum took a deep breath.

“Sigh…fine. We did lose. Enjoy yourselves and see you tomorrow. You know we have more missions tomorrow, right? I’d get ready if I were you.”

With that, Areum spun around and stomped away.

“He’s so rude,” I said.

“He is,” Byung-hoon agreed.

Anyways, we all dug in. Fire chicken and snake. It was a lot of food. We made another fire to cook our second dinner and soon, they were roasted nicely. Its smell wafted throughout the whole area.

“Looks good,” Lobster head said. The staff were staring at the food as well. And drooling. Well, I hate to say it, but we didn’t have any more to give them. I already caught fish for them. Any more and I might as well let them walk all over me.


We began to chat as we ate our dinner. Just normal stuff, except when they were talking to me.

“So, Sian, how did you catch the terrorists?” Byung-hoon asked me.


What is he talking about?

“You’re the Shero on the news, right?”

“It’s not me,” I snapped. And I will continue to do so until my last breath.

“Oh, really. I thought it was,” Byung-hoon said. Unlike Junho, Byung-hoon seemed to believe me right away.

Just then, Minwoo cut in.

“There’s no way that’s Sian. Look at her. She’s so skinny. There’s no way she’s strong enough,” he said.

Everyone stared at him, clearly wondering whether he’d been living under a rock all this time. Anyways, Minwoo kept going.

“I bet the whole Shero thing is fake. It makes no sense. How could one girl catch all four of those men?”

Everyone slowly nodded at that. That’s true. It doesn’t make sense, but I’m generally someone who doesn’t.

“But there’s no way the news would lie about such a thing,” Byung-hoon said. Everyone nodded at that as well. There’s no way the news station would lie about something that.

“Well, I still say it’s fake,” Minwoo said. Rather rudely as well.

“He’s right. It doesn’t make sense,” I agreed. At that, Minwoo gave me a surprised look. So, I gave him my middle finger. Minwoo’s eyes narrowed.

“Are you dissing me right now?”

“No. I’m complimenting you,” I said, giving him the finger with my other hand. Minwoo bolted up.

“Hey!” he cried out.

Byung-hoon laughed.

“Calm down, Minwoo. She’s not giving you the finger. Didn’t you see our last episode? The Samaran people use that hand gesture to say you’re amazing.”

Miyeon nodded in understanding. Minwoo still looked stubbornly angry.

“Yeah, right! What kind of bullshit is that! She’s giving me the finger! I know she is!” he shouted, holding up the finger himself.

Byung-hoon shook his head, giving Minwoo a look of pity.

“Fine. I’ll change it.”

And I did, to a thumbs up. That finally calmed Minwoo down before he sat down.

“So you don’t fight anymore, Sian?” Junho asked.

“Fighting? No,” I said firmly. Why would I? I’m an idol.

“A lot of fans want you to.”

“Sorry, but there’s no point in waiting. I have no plans to fight anyone.”

It’s bothersome and no fun. It’s a waste of time. At least, to me, it is.

“But didn’t the Japanese fighter Haruto challenge you to a fight?” Miyeon asked.

“Haruto?” I asked. Who’s Haruto? Why would he challenge me?

“Yeah. He’s the MMA champion in Japan. He dissed Eun-soon and made fun of you as well. Saying there’s no way a girl group member can fight. Saying that it’s all a show. I think there’s a video somewhere.”

“Oh, really?”

I had no idea. I don’t go on the internet very often. But if that’s the case, then I accept the challenge. I can’t let people go around dissing me.

“Yeah. It was pretty harsh. You really didn’t know?”

“Then, challenge accepted,” I said.

“I look forward to it!” Junho cried out happily.

We continued to chat and soon, it was time to sleep. Suddenly, Miyeon showed up with her yoga mat. So she got to bring it after all.

“Hey, guys~ Let’s do some yoga~”


It was clear that no one wanted to. Including me.

“Yeah, sure. You brought your mat all the way here,” Byung-hoon finally said. Everyone nodded.

Soon, there were five yoga mats spread on the floor. Miyeon stood in the center while the rest of us stood on either side of her, forming a pyramid.

“Let’s start off easy with a cat pose,” Miyeon said. We all watched her as she got into the said cat pose.



Gulp. Gulp…


That is the sound of men swallowing their drool. The thing is…well…the cat pose…is, um…a little…it’s a…it’s not weird, but…a little…scandalous…


I’m going to lose my mind here…The way her ass was poking out…wow…since when was yoga this sexy…the men couldn’t take their eyes off of Miyeon’s butt. Even the cameramen. Miyeon continued with a smile on her face, having no idea.

“The cat pose helps with your S line while increasing elasticity and flexibility in the spine. It also makes your shoulders flexible and helps with digestion,” Miyeon said, turning back to look at us.

We all tore our eyes off her butt real quick.

“Are you guys paying attention?”

“Yes!” everyone replied, but all the men were just staring at Miyeon’s ass. Including me.

“I’ll help you guys with your poses.”

With that, Miyeon stood up and everyone sighed…with disappointment. For a second, Miyeon looked confused. But soon, she began to fix our cat poses.

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