Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 140 Extracting Information!

Those seemingly useless measures that Chu Yang had put in place were now proving to be extremely useful. Not only did all the rumors and misinformation placed Iron Cloud in a daze, it also made the King level master of Golden Horse Riders Department extremely confused…

Yin Wu Fa was so angry that he was about to explode! He looked fiercely at the four people who sat in front of him and took deep breaths in order to calm the killing aura which was rising up within him. He was concerned that he would be unable to restrain himself and end up turning these four people into mush!

You call this information? Are you guys joking with me?

"Do all of you really believe that these documents refer to the same one person?" Yin Wu Fa tried his hardest to hold back his temper and spoke in as gentle a voice as he could.

At this point, the four of them were soaked in perspiration and too afraid to sit. They stood up with their heads looking at their feet in fear. The appeared as though they were convicted criminals all lined up in a row ready to receive their punishment.

"Do you feel that I am stupid enough that you could just pass me a bunch of documents filled with conflicting facts and call it intelligence?" Yin Wu Fa's voice grew as cold as wind which blew from hell.

"Martial Warrior, a disciple of Beyond the Heavens Sect; frail Hong He Scholar; Martial Great Master, a disciple of Emperor level expert; godson of famed general; young master of Chu clan…"Yin Wu Fa tightened his fist, "Do you really think that King of Hell Chu is all of these things?"

The four of these people dropped their heads even lower after they hear this!

"Lift your heads!" Yin Wu Fa roared.

The four of them instinctively looked up and all of a sudden, a shadow flashed before their eyes. "Blop blop blop blop…" These sounds rang out consecutively within a few moments. Yin Wu Fa appeared back in his seat and the four of them had faces which were red and swollen. They all let out a terrifying scream as they swallowed down blood and a few of their teeth which had dislodged from the blows.

In an instant, each of them had been smacked at least ten times!

"Sir… This King of Hell Chu is truly mysterious." The leader of the Iron Horse Riders mustered up some courage and said softly, "There are very few people in Bu Tian Pavilion that know his appearance. These documents… these documents…"

He stammered, "These documents… were carefully screened by us…"

"Shut up!" Yin Wu Fa was furious.

The whole room immediately became silent.

"All of these documents make absolutely no sense! Especially this Beyond the Heavens Sect one…" Yin Wu Fa suddenly displayed his superior wisdom, "What sort of person is King of Hell Chu? Resourceful, cruel, cunning, unscrupulous, and meticulous. How could a person like that fight over a woman, and kill his eldest martial brother?"

Yin Wu Fa shouted in anger, "Are all of you pigs?! You even believe this sort of garbage? Moreover, you even put this right at the top of the pile? Do you think I am as stupid as you are?" Yin Wu Fa grabbed the document which described King of Hell Chu as someone who was from Beyond the Heavens Sect and ripped it to shreds!

The pieces were then rolled into a ball and "bop." He slammed on the forehead of the leader of the Iron Horse Riders. It bounced back and hit another Iron Horse Rider's forehead. The other two also received this ball before it rolled and fell to the floor.

On the foreheads of these four individuals were four tall bumps which made them seem almost like unicorns.

Yin Wu Fa pulled back his energy. Such control was truly terrifying!

"Wise master! Your vision is far and wise, we are no match for you…" The four simultaneously bowed, thinking: That Beyond the Heavens sect document was the only first hand account; it was also the very first document about King of Hell Chu. It was actually the most reliable, that was why we placed it right at the top. It's unbelievable that it was the first one to be rejected. This is…

"Get out!" Yin Wu Fa was enraged, "After I get back, I must find out who placed you here in Iron Cloud! People like you are filled with stupidity and lack even the most basic of common sense, yet you were sent here? Such stupidity is sufficient to cloud the sun and the moon! Why hasn't your stupidity gotten you killed yet? Bah!"

The mouths of the two Revered Martial Artists next to him twitched and appeared to have wanted to tell him something: Sir, their immediate superior is Command Horse Rider Zhou Wen Gang. And Offical Zhou is your dedicated subordinate… If you investigate this, you will actually find out that they are under you…

The four naturally thought the same; their mouths twitched, but in such a situation, who would dare to speak?

"What do you want to say?" Yin Wu Fa was livid, "Who is your immediate superior? What division does he belong to? Speak!"

"Golden Horse Riders Department, third pavilion's Command Horse Rider, second division, ninth group…" The leader of the Iron Horse Riders fearfully let out the whole lot at once.

"Golden Horse Riders Department, third pavilion's Command Horse Rider, second division, ninth group…" Yin Wu Fa angrily said, "When I get back, I will definitely… Huh!?" Half way through, he suddenly realized: Golden Horse Riders Department was divided into four pavilions with four leaders. I am in charge of the third pavilion. These are my subordinates….

"Get out! Out now!" While Yin Wu Fa was no longer young and had undergone years of training which had also thickened his skin, his ego was hurt. His face started to heat up and all of the trouble and shame turned into rage. "Bang! Bang! Bang!" He kicked those bastards right out of the room. He then went back to his seat and started to sulk. After a period of time, he punched the table and grounded his teeth, "Zhou Wen Gang, I am going to skin you!"

"Sir… what should we do?" One of the Revered Martial Artists cautiously asked.

These two were Yin Wu Fa's hardworking subordinates. Although they were not high level experts, they had been by Yin Wu Fa's side for many years. Therefore because of their close relationship, they were able to talk more freely with Yin Wu Fa.

Moreover, they were all part of the third pavilion and were essentially part of the same household…

"I do not believe that King of Hell Chu is really that mysterious! Is there no one in Bu Tian Pavilion who knows what their Minister looks like?" Yin Wu Fa immediately calmed down, "Tomorrow, I will go out, catch people myself and questioning. After that, we will finally be able to find out where this King of Hell Chu is from!"


"Let's rest a little!" Yin Wu Fa was looking solemn when he suddenly laughed, "I can't believe that after all this investigating, it all comes back to me… This is hilarious!"

The two Revered Martial Artists smiled and said, "Sir, you have been concentrating on your cultivation. All of these little things have always been delegated to your subordinates. Such flaws are to be expected. After all, other leaders also do not oversee every single thing that happens under their jurisdiction. Moreover, our Golden Horse Riders Department has been increasing in number every day. If you were to know what every single one of your subordinates were doing, I am afraid you would not have time to do anything else in this lifetime. You don't need to be bothered by it, sir."

"Haha, that's right! When I was only an assassin leader, I used to only have five or six people under me. However, now I have a few thousand… I really am too busy for this." Yin Wu Fa laughed mockingly at himself and said, "You two should go and rest! You must be exhausted from the long, arduous journey."

The two simultaneously bowed and left the room.

One uneventful night.

The very next day, Yin Wu Fa left the inn early and stared intensely at the big entrance of Bu Tian Pavilion in the distance. He thought to himself: The moment a masked person comes out, I shall make my move without a moment of hesitation. I don't care if it is the wrong person, it's better to get the wrong one than let the right one go.

Little did he know that he would wait all morning but to no avail. While the entrance of Bu Tian Pavilion was bustling with activity and many people entered and left, none of them wore a mask.

Moreover, all of these people coming out looked extremely disciplined. Close by were two barracks which were responsible for guarding the Bu Tian Pavilion.

Yin Wu Fa could not look at that distant place without feeling helpless, like a mouse trying to drag a turtle.

Although he was a King level master, he could only do so much. Even though he was powerful, it was difficult for him to single-handedly deal with an entire army. Moreover, it was clear that if he were to make a move, they would call out for backup immediately. Within moments, thousands would have surrounded him!

Thus, even if he was a King level master, if he fell into their snares, he would die!

Yin Wu Fa looked at Bu Tian Pavilion indecisively. From the looks of it, he could sense trouble. He thought about going back to the inn and making his move at night. However, before leaving for Bu Tian Pavilion, he had been boasting with his two subordinates. It would be "too shameful to sheathe one's saber." How could he face them without any results?

Moreover, those two were currently busy investigating the layout of Bu Tian Pavilion in preparation for the assassination of King of Hell Chu…

At that moment, Yin Wu Fa was filled with conflicting feelings before his eyes suddenly brightened. From within the great entrance of Bu Tian Pavilion, two people walked out. One was empty-handed and the other was holding a gift box. They walked hurriedly in his direction and seemed to be headed out of the citadel…

Further in front was a young master in black. He had sword brows and bright eyes; thin and tall, his appearance seemed to show that he came from a somewhat privileged background. While he looked young, he was definitely some big official…

Yes, a person like that must hold some important position in Bu Tian Pavilion. I should capture him… wouldn't everything then be solved?

Yin Wu Fa's eyes shined! This was really a great windfall…

Chu Yang had brought a subordinate with him from Iron Blood Hall. They were preparing to visit the people of Hei Mo clan. While on his way there, Chu Yang was busy contemplating about many different things. Moreover, the impression he had left on that King level master Hei Mo leader was not too bad… Now that he was paying them a visit, he wondered if there would be any side benefits.

Apart from the fact that they hurt Mo Qing Wu, he would definitely make them pay. But for now, it would not be too bad to gain some sort of benefit from them.

With these intentions, Chu Yang had his own plans. How to deal with them, what to do… Chu Yang already knew. Haha, I only need to do this… Then I could do this… haha…

With his wishful thinking, Chu Yang could no longer wait and started to walk a little faster. However, what he was unaware of was that there was a King level master eyeing on him, waiting for the chance to capture him and extract information about the King of Hell Chu…

Moreover, what Yin Wu Fa did not expect was that this youth who looked like a frail scholar was the target that made him travel thousands of mile to Iron Cloud Citadel, the King of Hell Chu. All Yin Wu Fa had to do was to kill him and his mission would have been completed!

On the contrary, he was extremely elated. Although he did not know the youth walking towards him was the King of Hell Chu and that he was about to kidnap him in order to extract information about himself. However, he had decided that after he was done with him, he would kill him in order to keep his mouth shut…

Closer, and closer…

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