Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 371 - Maddening Twelfth Official Livestream! (5)

Chapter 371: Maddening Twelfth Official Livestream! (5)

Chapter 371 – Maddening Twelfth Official Livestream! (5)

From the audience’s perspective, it looked as if the grayish-white wormhole had enveloped half of the universe.

Meanwhile, when the wormhole stopped expanding, a faint, blue light gradually burst out from within the wormhole like a budding flower.

“This is…”

Chen Yu couldn’t help but gape in shock by the sight before him.

The light continuously expanded.

It began from one dot before instantly expanding into a line. The light then spread out to cover a significant portion of the wormhole.

The next moment, a blue fireball of gargantuan size revealed one-millionth of itself to the livestream’s 800 million audiences.

However, despite revealing only one-millionth of its true body, everyone among the audience already understood the blue fireball’s true identity…

[A star!]

[What the heck! It’s a whole star!]

[It’s even a blue giant.]

[It’s really a star…]

[No wonder why the host needed to move 10 light-years away. If another star appears within close proximity of the solar system, the solar system would instantly disintegrate.]

[This is maddening!]

[Is this how youngsters have fun nowadays?]

[You’re telling me this is a blue giant? That wormhole spans 620 million kilometers, and you dare say it is just a blue giant?!]

[A blue supergiant…]

[I’ll go drink some dichlorvos to calm down.]

[I’ll drink some as well.]

[After seeing this thing, I can finally walk out of my basement with confidence. I’ll head to the rooftop now. It shouldn’t be too crowded yet…]

“A star…” Chen Yu muttered dazedly to himself as he hovered in space. A moment later, though, his consciousness returned to reality. He then hurriedly pulled out a phone and typed a message.

[Chen Yu: “Get out here right this instant!”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “It seems you received the product. Are you satisfied with it, Mr. Chen?”]

[Chen Yu: “You call this thing a product?!”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “That’s right. Is there a problem?”]

[Chen Yu: “That’s a star, OK? You actually sent a star to me?! Are you even human?!”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Strictly speaking…probably not.”]

Chen Yu: “…”

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Mr. Chen, I understand what you wish to say. However, this star is no ordinary star. It is considered a type of technology. You can conduct a wonderful review with it.”]

Chen Yu’s spirit shuddered at this message.

[Chen Yu: “It’s not an ordinary star? You’re saying it’s artificially-made?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Yes. To be precise, it is artificially-modified.”]

“I see!” Realization dawned upon Chen Yu. He then turned back to get a better look at the “rising” blue supergiant. The more he looked at it, the more he found it to be strange.

[Chen Yu: “I think I guessed it. Is it a weapon?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “How did you know? (surprised face)”]

[Chen Yu: “This is the wisdom of the wise.”]

Putting away his phone, Chen Yu calmed down and adjusted the camera angle. He then said in a bright tone. “As everyone can see, the protagonist for today’s livestream is this object in front of us—a blue supergiant!

“Currently, not even one-ten thousandth of its body has manifested. Once it fully manifests, it can easily devour close to half of the solar system.

“Then, before its ‘successful delivery,’ I will use this time to explain to everyone what a blue supergiant is, why it is so big, and how much bigger it is compared to the sun.”

After saying so, Chen Yu raised three fingers before the camera. “Firstly, as we all know, stars are celestial bodies composed of large clusters of molecular clouds. According to their masses, they are mainly divided into three types: brown dwarfs, low-mass stars, and high-mass stars. Our sun belongs to the second category.

“Aside from brown dwarfs, both low- and high-mass stars will expand violently when they enter old age due to the exhaustion of hydrogen. You can think of them as balloons that are being inflated. They will grow to hundreds or thousands of times their original and eventually become supergiant stars. Meanwhile, red stars are called red supergiants, while blue stars are called blue supergiants.

“When an old supergiant exhausts its last trace of fuel, the energy that breaks loose from it will no longer be sufficient to support its heavy outer shell. As a result, the shell will collapse inward towards the core.

“In astronomy, this process is called a supernova explosion. It is the most terrifying explosion in the universe. The ionizing radiation that erupts from the explosion can illuminate an entire galaxy within a short period! The gamma-ray bursts will also destroy everything at close range! It doesn’t matter if you’re Naruto, Goku, or Ultraman. Everyone that comes into contact with these gamma-ray bursts will die without question. You won’t be safe even if you’re several hundred light-years away!

“After the explosion ends, if the supergiant in question is on the small side of the scale, it will collapse into a neutron star. If it is a large supergiant, it will directly shrink into a black hole and devour all matter around it.”

Pausing slightly, Chen Yu gave his audience some time to think. He then pointed at the blue supergiant ahead and said, “Meanwhile, the product we’re going to review today is a blue supergiant. Based on its mass, once it dies, it will most likely become a black hole.”

During Chen Yu’s narration, the blue supergiant had also squeezed out of the space-time wormhole completely and revealed itself before everyone’s eyes.

Upon laying eyes on the blue supergiant, only one word came to everyone’s minds.




It was unimaginably and indescribably big.

Let alone Earth, even the sun would look no different than a grain of rice in front of this blue supergiant.

[I think I’m losing my mind…]

[Compared to this thing, humans can’t even be considered viruses. Yet, despite being insignificantly small, humans can transport it around as if it was a basketball.]

[I have a question. How much energy does it cost to teleport a star?]

[I only care whether its gravity will affect the solar system.((╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻)]

[It’s 10 light-years away. The impact should be minimal.]

[Aren’t stars celestial bodies? They’re not high-tech products, so what’s there to review?]

After returning to the spacecraft, Chen Yu had the spacecraft fly toward the blue supergiant at full speed. He also collected data on the supergiant and introduced it to everyone.

“According to the spacecraft’s scan, this supergiant has a surface temperature of 11,078°C, a mass of 3.580×10*31 kg, and a diameter of more than 600 million kilometers. If used to replace the sun, it will engulf the orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. As for Jupiter, it will just be a stone’s throw away.

“It is truly a terrifying behemoth!

“At this point, I’m sure many among the audience must be wondering whether a star can also be considered a technological product, right?

“Of course not.” Shrugging, Chen Yu said, “However, this star isn’t an ordinary star. It is an artificially-modified star that is filled with the science and technology of the future human civilization. Everyone, can you guess what this product’s true identity is?”

[A power plant?]

[A gravitational accelerator?]

[It should be a trash disposal site, right?]

[Maybe it’s a decoration.]

“That’s right!” After looking at the unreadable wall of text on his watch’s screen, Chen Yu nodded, opened his arms, and exclaimed, “Using a supergiant as its hull and high temperature and high pressure as weapons, it is a stellar battleship capable of destroying even planets and stars!”


[Crap! Awesome!]

[Wow! That’s awesome.]

[Awesome, awesome…]


At this time, Chen Yu’s phone vibrated, interrupting his following words.

Frowning, Chen Yu pulled out his phone and entered WeChat, finding a message from the Transdimensional Marketing Company’s staff.

[Transdimensional Marketing: “You made a mistake. What do you mean by stellar battleship? There is no such thing.”]

[Chen Yu: “What the fak? Didn’t you say it’s a weapon?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “It is a weapon, but it isn’t a stellar battleship…”]

[Chen Yu: “Don’t these things frequently appear in sci-fi films?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “That’s a Neutron Star Warship. You’ve mixed them up…”]

Raising his head, Chen Yu looked at the approaching supergiant and felt a little dissatisfied.

[Chen Yu: “What is it, then?”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Through artificial modification, the proportion of internal elements has been adjusted, and the density of heavy elements has been compressed, allowing it to become a one-time strategic weapon that reaches the supernova-level.”]

[Chen Yu: “You mean…”]

[Transdimensional Marketing: “Yes. This is a galaxy-level super bomb.”]

Chen Yu’s complexion instantly paled.

[Transdimensional Marketing: “The kind that is about to explode.”]


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